479 research outputs found

    Seeking Asylum in a Hostile System: The Seventh Circuit Reverses to Confront a Broken Process

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    The adjudication of asylum applications is of vital importance to refugees seeking safe haven within the United States and is often a matter of life or death. However, in its current term, the Seventh Circuit reversed the asylum decisions of immigration judges and the Board of Immigration Appeals in approximately two-thirds of its published opinions. Many of these reversals can be traced to unsupported subjective assessments performed by immigration judges. Blame may also lie with the Board of Immigration Appeals, the Department of Justice, and the Department of Homeland Security. Although the Seventh Circuit identified several noticeable and repetitive problems, it is left with few options other than reversal. Congress, on the other hand, recently expanded the scope of subjective immigration judge decisions that can act as the solitary basis for asylum denials. This article examines whether this legislation may compound the problems identified by the Seventh Circuit

    Seeking Asylum in a Hostile System: The Seventh Circuit Reverses to Confront a Broken Process

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    The adjudication of asylum applications is of vital importance to refugees seeking safe haven within the United States and is often a matter of life or death. However, in its current term, the Seventh Circuit reversed the asylum decisions of immigration judges and the Board of Immigration Appeals in approximately two-thirds of its published opinions. Many of these reversals can be traced to unsupported subjective assessments performed by immigration judges. Blame may also lie with the Board of Immigration Appeals, the Department of Justice, and the Department of Homeland Security. Although the Seventh Circuit identified several noticeable and repetitive problems, it is left with few options other than reversal. Congress, on the other hand, recently expanded the scope of subjective immigration judge decisions that can act as the solitary basis for asylum denials. This article examines whether this legislation may compound the problems identified by the Seventh Circuit

    Avaliação de linhagens promissoras de aveia para produção de grãos e forragem em São Carlos, SP, Brasil.

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    Foram testadas 13 linhagens de aveias provenientes da Universidade de Passo Fundo, RS, foram testadas quanto a sua capacidade de produção de forragem e grãos, pela EMBRAPA-UEPAE, São Carlos, SP.bitstream/item/120269/1/digitalizar0018.pdfPesquisa em Andamento

    Avaliação preliminar de germoplasma de aveia.

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    Foram avaliados pela EMBRAPA-UEPAE, São Carlos, SP, 50 genotipos, com o objetivo de selecionar germoplasma para o desenvolvimento de novas linhagens de aveia.bitstream/item/120275/1/digitalizar0021.pdfPesquisa em Andamento

    The Origin of Presolar Silica Grains in AGB Stars

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    We have found two presolar silica grains in ALH A77307, which exhibit excesses in 17O but are normal in 18O. Silicon-oxide grains probably form during rapid cooling under non-equilibrium conditions in O-rich AGB stars with low Mg/Si ratios.This work was supported by NASA grants NNX07AU8OH, NNX08AI13G and NNXO7AI82G

    Ensaio nacional de aveias forrageiras, 1997: análise conjunta.

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    Com o objetivo de avaliar genotipos de aveias (brancas e pretas), nos diferentes ambientes do Sul do Brasil, para aptidao forrageira, conduziu-se um ensaio em rede em 13 locais (4 no Rio Grande do Sul, 3 em Santa Catarina, 5 no Parana e 1 em Sao Paulo)