214 research outputs found

    Sygepleje til ældre LGBT-personer

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    Artiklen ønsker at skabe et sygeplejefagligt fokus på ældre LGBT-personer. I Danmark skønnes der at være 68.000 LGBT-personer over 65 år. Flere internationale studier viser, at ældre LGBT-personer specifikt oplever: – Større ulighed i levevilkår sammenholdt med den øvrige befolkning – Er i øget risiko for social isolation og ensomhed – Oplever barrierer for adgang til pleje og ydelser på ældre- og sundhedsområdet Dèt der er helt særlig ved de ældre LGBT-personer er, at de har været vidne til et samfund, hvor dét at være homoseksuel var forbundet med kriminalisering og forfølgelse. Frygten for stigmatisering og afvisning kan føre til, at ældre LGBT-personer ikke fortæller sundhedsprofessionelle om deres seksualitet. Ved at sygeplejersker undervises i LGBT-kompetencer, vil de være endnu bedre rustet til at kommunikere med mennesker med forskellige seksuel orientering, og forstå sundheds- og undervisningssektoren som et rum med seksuelt og kønslig mangfoldighed. En mere samlet viden om vilkårene for et værdigt liv hos ældre LGBT-personer i de nordiske lande savnes. Der savnes specifikt langt mere forskning om, hvordan sundhedsprofessionelle i Norden kan gøre det lettere for ældre LGBT-personer at være åbne omkring deres liv, seksualitet og kønsidentitet. Ved at blive undervist i LGBT-kompetencer kan sygeplejersker i de nordiske lande få mulighed for at blive endnu mere inkluderende over for alle seksuelle og kønslige minoriteter og på denne måde bedre undgå, at der er særlige grupper af befolkningen, der udsættes for en ubevidst diskrimination

    Long-term viability and function of transplanted islets macroencapsulated at high density are achieved by enhanced oxygen supply

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    Transplantation of encapsulated islets can cure diabetes without immunosuppression, but oxygen supply limitations can cause failure. We investigated a retrievable macroencapsulation device wherein islets are encapsulated in a planar alginate slab and supplied with exogenous oxygen from a replenishable gas chamber. Translation to clinically-useful devices entails reduction of device size by increasing islet surface density, which requires increased gas chamber pO Here we show that islet surface density can be substantially increased safely by increasing gas chamber pO to a supraphysiological level that maintains all islets viable and functional. These levels were determined from measurements of pO profiles in islet-alginate slabs. Encapsulated islets implanted with surface density as high as 4,800 islet equivalents/cm in diabetic rats maintained normoglycemia for more than 7 months and provided near-normal intravenous glucose tolerance tests. Nearly 90% of the original viable tissue was recovered after device explantation. Damaged islets failed after progressively shorter times. The required values of gas chamber pO were predictable from a mathematical model of oxygen consumption and diffusion in the device. These results demonstrate feasibility of developing retrievable macroencapsulated devices small enough for clinical use and provide a firm basis for design of devices for testing in large animals and humans

    Gene promoter hypermethylation in ductal lavage fluid from healthy BRCA gene mutation carriers and mutation-negative controls

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    INTRODUCTION: Female germline BRCA gene mutation carriers are at increased risk for developing breast cancer. The purpose of our study was to establish whether healthy BRCA mutation carriers demonstrate an increased frequency of aberrant gene promoter hypermethylation in ductal lavage (DL) fluid, compared with predictive genetic test negative controls, that might serve as a surrogate marker of BRCA1/2 mutation status and/or breast cancer risk. METHODS: The pattern of CpG island hypermethylation within the promoter region of a panel of four genes (RAR-β, HIN-1, Twist and Cyclin D2) was assessed by methylation-specific polymerase chain reaction using free DNA extracted from DL fluid. RESULTS: Fifty-one DL samples from 24 healthy women of known BRCA mutation status (7 BRCA1 mutation carriers, 12 BRCA2 mutation carriers and 5 controls) were available for methylation analysis. Eight of 19 (42.1%) BRCA mutation carriers were found to have at least one hypermethylated gene in the four-gene panel. Two BRCA mutation carriers, in whom aberrant methylation was found, also had duct epithelial cell atypia identified. No hypermethylation was found in DL samples from 5 negative controls(p = 0.13). CONCLUSION: We found substantial levels of aberrant methylation, with the use of a four-gene panel, in the fluid from the breasts of healthy BRCA mutation carriers compared with controls. Methylation analysis of free DNA in DL fluid may offer a useful surrogate marker for BRCA1/2 mutation status and/or breast cancer risk. Further studies are required for the evaluation of the specificity and predictive value of aberrant methylation in DL fluid for future breast cancer development in BRCA1/2 mutation carriers

    Oxidized LDL Receptor 1 (OLR1) as a Possible Link between Obesity, Dyslipidemia and Cancer

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    Recent studies have linked expression of lectin-like ox-LDL receptor 1 (OLR1) to tumorigenesis. We analyzed microarray data from Olr1 knockout (KO) and wild type (WT) mice for genes involved in cellular transformation and evaluated effects of OLR1 over-expression in normal mammary epithelial cells (MCF10A) and breast cancer cells (HCC1143) in terms of gene expression, migration, adhesion and transendothelial migration. Twenty-six out of 238 genes were inhibited in tissues of OLR1 KO mice; the vast majority of OLR1 sensitive genes contained NF-κB binding sites in their promoters. Further studies revealed broad inhibition of NF-kB target genes outside of the transformation-associated gene pool, with enrichment themes of defense response, immune response, apoptosis, proliferation, and wound healing. Transcriptome of Olr1 KO mice also revealed inhibition of de novo lipogenesis, rate-limiting enzymes fatty acid synthase (Fasn), stearoyl-CoA desaturase (Scd1) and ELOVL family member 6 (Elovl6), as well as lipolytic phospholipase A2 group IVB (Pla2g4b). In studies comparing MCF10A and HCC1143, the latter displayed 60% higher OLR1 expression. Forced over-expression of OLR1 resulted in upregulation of NF-κB (p65) and its target pro-oncogenes involved in inhibition of apoptosis (BCL2, BCL2A1, TNFAIP3) and regulation of cell cycle (CCND2) in both cell lines. Basal expression of FASN, SCD1 and PLA2G4B, as well as lipogenesis transcription factors PPARA, SREBF2 and CREM, was higher in HCC1143 cells. Over-expression of OLR1 in HCC1143 cells also enhanced cell migration, without affecting their adherence to TNFα-activated endothelium or transendothelial migration. On the other hand, OLR1 neutralizing antibody inhibited both adhesion and transmigration of untreated HCC1143 cells. We conclude that OLR1 may act as an oncogene by activation of NF-kB target genes responsible for proliferation, migration and inhibition of apoptosis and de novo lipogenesis genes

    The Fourth International Symposium on the Intraductal Approach to Breast Cancer, Santa Barbara, California, 10–13 March 2005

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    Intraductal approaches encompass procedures and technologies that are designed to access and interrogate the ductal–alveolar systems of the human breast, and include nipple aspiration, ductal lavage, random periareolar fine needle aspiration, and ductoscopy. These approaches are being used to collect and analyze fluids and cells to develop methods for breast cancer detection and risk assessment; to introduce imaging technologies to explore the mammary tree for abnormalities; to administer therapeutic and/or preventive agents directly to the breast tissue; and to explore the biology of the normal mammary gland. The latest research findings in these areas, presented at The 4th International Symposium on the Intraductal Approach to Breast Cancer in 2005, are summarized in this report

    Remifentanil patient controlled analgesia versus epidural analgesia in labour. A multicentre randomized controlled trial

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    Contains fulltext : 109349.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Pain relief during labour is a topic of major interest in the Netherlands. Epidural analgesia is considered to be the most effective method of pain relief and recommended as first choice. However its uptake by pregnant women is limited compared to other western countries, partly as a result of non-availability due to logistic problems. Remifentanil, a synthetic opioid, is very suitable for patient controlled analgesia. Recent studies show that epidural analgesia is superior to remifentanil patient controlled analgesia in terms of pain intensity score; however there was no difference in satisfaction with pain relief between both treatments. METHODS/DESIGN: The proposed study is a multicentre randomized controlled study that assesses the cost-effectiveness of remifentanil patient controlled analgesia compared to epidural analgesia. We hypothesize that remifentanil patient controlled analgesia is as effective in improving pain appreciation scores as epidural analgesia, with lower costs and easier achievement of 24 hours availability of pain relief for women in labour and efficient pain relief for those with a contraindication for epidural analgesia.Eligible women will be informed about the study and randomized before active labour has started. Women will be randomly allocated to a strategy based on epidural analgesia or on remifentanil patient controlled analgesia when they request pain relief during labour. Primary outcome is the pain appreciation score, i.e. satisfaction with pain relief.Secondary outcome parameters are costs, patient satisfaction, pain scores (pain-intensity), mode of delivery and maternal and neonatal side effects.The economic analysis will be performed from a short-term healthcare perspective. For both strategies the cost of perinatal care for mother and child, starting at the onset of labour and ending ten days after delivery, will be registered and compared. DISCUSSION: This study, considering cost effectiveness of remifentanil as first choice analgesia versus epidural analgesia, could strongly improve the care for 180.000 women, giving birth in the Netherlands yearly by giving them access to pain relief during labour, 24 hours a day. TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER: Dutch Trial Register NTR2551, http://www.trialregister.nl

    Correlation of expression of BP1, a homeobox gene, with estrogen receptor status in breast cancer

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    BACKGROUND: BP1 is a novel homeobox gene cloned in our laboratory. Our previous studies in leukemia demonstrated that BP1 has oncogenic properties, including as a modulator of cell survival. Here BP1 expression was examined in breast cancer, and the relationship between BP1 expression and clinicopathological data was determined. METHODS: Total RNA was isolated from cell lines, tumors, and matched normal adjacent tissue or tissue from autopsy. Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction was performed to evaluate BP1 expression. Statistical analysis was accomplished with SAS. RESULTS: Analysis of 46 invasive ductal breast tumors demonstrated BP1 expression in 80% of them, compared with a lack of expression in six normal breast tissues and low-level expression in one normal breast tissue. Remarkably, 100% of tumors that were negative for the estrogen receptor (ER) were BP1-positive, whereas 73% of ER-positive tumors expressed BP1 (P = 0.03). BP1 expression was also associated with race: 89% of the tumors of African American women were BP1-positive, whereas 57% of those from Caucasian women expressed BP1 (P = 0.04). However, there was no significant difference in BP1 expression between grades I, II, and III tumors. Interestingly, BP1 mRNA expression was correlated with the ability of malignant cell lines to cause breast cancer in mice. CONCLUSION: Because BP1 is expressed abnormally in breast tumors, it could provide a useful target for therapy, particularly in patients with ER-negative tumors. The frequent expression of BP1 in all tumor grades suggests that activation of BP1 is an early event

    DNA methylation patterns in bladder cancer and washing cell sediments: a perspective for tumor recurrence detection

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Epigenetic alterations are a hallmark of human cancer. In this study, we aimed to investigate whether aberrant DNA methylation of cancer-associated genes is related to urinary bladder cancer recurrence.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A set of 4 genes, including <it>CDH1 </it>(E-cadherin), <it>SFN </it>(stratifin), <it>RARB </it>(retinoic acid receptor, beta) and <it>RASSF1A </it>(Ras association (RalGDS/AF-6) domain family 1), had their methylation patterns evaluated by MSP (Methylation-Specific Polymerase Chain Reaction) analysis in 49 fresh urinary bladder carcinoma tissues (including 14 cases paired with adjacent normal bladder epithelium, 3 squamous cell carcinomas and 2 adenocarcinomas) and 24 cell sediment samples from bladder washings of patients classified as cancer-free by cytological analysis (control group). A third set of samples included 39 archived tumor fragments and 23 matched washouts from 20 urinary bladder cancer patients in post-surgical monitoring. After genomic DNA isolation and sodium bisulfite modification, methylation patterns were determined and correlated with standard clinic-histopathological parameters.</p> <p>Results</p> <p><it>CDH1 </it>and <it>SFN </it>genes were methylated at high frequencies in bladder cancer as well as in paired normal adjacent tissue and exfoliated cells from cancer-free patients. Although no statistically significant differences were found between <it>RARB </it>and <it>RASSF1A </it>methylation and the clinical and histopathological parameters in bladder cancer, a sensitivity of 95% and a specificity of 71% were observed for <it>RARB </it>methylation (Fisher's Exact test (p < 0.0001; OR = 48.89) and, 58% and 17% (p < 0.05; OR = 0.29) for <it>RASSF1A </it>gene, respectively, in relation to the control group.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Indistinct DNA hypermethylation of <it>CDH1 </it>and <it>SFN </it>genes between tumoral and normal urinary bladder samples suggests that these epigenetic features are not suitable biomarkers for urinary bladder cancer. However, <it>RARB </it>and <it>RASSF1A </it>gene methylation appears to be an initial event in urinary bladder carcinogenesis and should be considered as defining a panel of differentially methylated genes in this neoplasia in order to maximize the diagnostic coverage of epigenetic markers, especially in studies aiming at early recurrence detection.</p

    Post-traumatic anxiety associates with failure of the innate immune receptor TLR9 to evade the pro-inflammatory NFκB pathway

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    Post-traumatic anxiety notably involves inflammation, but its causes and functional significance are yet unclear. Here, we report that failure of the innate immune system Toll-like receptor 9 (TLR9) to limit inflammation is causally involved with anxiety-associated inflammation and that peripheral administration of specific oligonucleotide activators of TLR9 may prevent post-traumatic consequences in stressed mice. Suggesting involvement of NFκB-mediated enhancement of inflammatory reactions in the post-traumatic phenotype, we found association of serum interleukin-1β increases with symptoms severity and volumetric brain changes in post-traumatic stress disorder patients. In predator scent-stressed mice, the moderate NFκB-activating oligonucleotides mEN101 and its human ortholog BL-7040, but not the canonic NFκB activator oligonucleotide ODN1826, induced anxiolytic effects. In stressed mice, peripherally administered mEN101 prevented delayed stress-inducible serum interleukin-1β increases while limiting stress-characteristic hippocampal transcript modifications and the anxiety-induced EGR1-mediated neuronal activation. Attesting to the TLR9 specificity of this response, BL-7040 suppressed NFκB-mediated luciferase in transfected cells co-expressing TLR9, but not other TLRs. Furthermore, TLR9−/− mice were mEN101 and BL-7040 resistant and presented unprovoked anxiety-like behavior and anxiety-characteristic hippocampal transcripts. Our findings demonstrate functional relevance of TLR9 in protecting stressed mammals from overreacting to traumatic experiences and suggest using oligonucleotide-mediated peripheral TLR9 activation to potentiate the innate immune system and prevent post-traumatic inflammation and anxiety