41 research outputs found

    SISTEM PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CONTROL PADA MESIN BUBUT BJ-1640GD (Studi Kasus Di Laboratorium Teknik Mesin Fakultas Teknik Universitas Bangka Belitung)

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    Penelitian mengenai sistem preventive maintenance control (PMC) pada mesin bubut BJ-1640GD (Studi kasus di Laboratorium Teknik Mesin Fakultas Teknik Universitas Bangka Belitung) bertujuan untuk membuat jadwal PMC dan mengetahui sistem PMC di Laboratorium Teknik Mesin Universitas Bangka Belitung. Perawatan mesin bubut BJ-1640GD di Laboratorium Teknik Mesin Universitas Bangka Belitung dilakukan secara breakdown maintenance, yaitu perawatan dilakukan apabila terjadi kerusakan yang disebabkan tidak digunakannya peralatan tersebut karena faktor lingkungan dan mesin sudah melewati umur mesin (kadaluarsa) sehingga harus dilakukan perawatan. PMC merupakan perawatan pencegahan sebelum terjadinya kerusakan besar, dengan membuat jadwal perawatan. Tahapan dalam membuat jadwal perawatan yaitu menentukan lokasi mesin, mendata jenis mesin, komponen utama, komponen part, tindakan perawatan, durasi perawatan dan kebutuhan perawatan. Sehingga dari penelitian ini dapat diperoleh hasil bahwa sistem PMC belum bisa diterapkan pada laboratorium dikarenakan terdapat hambatan dalam menentukan durasi perawatan yang belum jelas untuk menjadi acuan dalam melakukan perawatan

    Pengaruh Pengawasan Melekat, Pengawasan Fungsional, Pengawasan Preventif, Pengawasan Detektif Dan Penganggaran Berbasis Kinerja Terhadap Efektivitas Pengendalian Anggaran (Studi Empiris Pada Skpd Provinsi Riau)

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    This research was conducted on employees SKPD Riau Province. This research was included in the quantitative research. The type of data used in this research is the primary data by source. And then, in data collections sampling was conducted with a purposive sampling method (Sugiyono,2012: 392) with respondents as many as 81 employees who working in SKPD Riau Province. Data were analyzed using multiple regression with SPSS version 20.This research aimed to know the influence of the Attached Supervision, Functional Supervision, Preventive Supervision, Detective Supervision and Performance-baced Budgeting to the Effectiveness of budget control. The main problem that researcher descriptions are as follows: to see how many significant relationship between the dependent variable to the independent variable.The results of this research showed that Attached Supervision influence to the Effectiveness of budget control, Functional Supervision does not affect to the Effectiveness of budget control, Preventive Supervision does not affect to the Effectiveness of budget control, Detective Supervision does not affect to the Effectiveness of budget control and Performance-baced Budgeting does not affect to the Effectiveness of budget control

    Indoor Positioning System Berdasarkan Fingerprinting Received Signal Strength (Rss) Wifi dengan Algoritma K-nearest Neighbor (K-nn)

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    Wireless networks other than communication media can be used to find out the existence of an object. Positioning technology that is commonly used is Global Positioning System (GPS). GPS can receive location information accurately in outdoor, this situation is contradictory in indoor environment, GPS signal is interrupted by signal attenuation caused by building materials and types of physical barriers. This study aims as an alternative solution for indoor positioning using RSS (Received Signal Strength) WiFi. Fingerprinting technique is used to collect RSS data on 5 access points in 3 test locations, RSS data collected is 243 data. This study uses Euclidean Distance and K-Nearest Neighbor (K-NN) method. The accuracy of the system is tested using the 10-Fold Cross Validation method based on the results of the test shows that the system is able to determine the location with an accuracy rate of 96.71%

    Program Pelatihan Lulusan SMA SMK Siap Kerja "Calon Pengusaha Muda Mandiri"

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    Vocational high school graduates who are increasingly unemployed because there is no money to continue their studies to college and the difficulty of competing to be accepted to work in companies. Various efforts from the government to provide skills to high school graduates to be ready to work need to get support from all universities as producer for the nation's next generation. ISB Atma Luhur has a program "Prospective Young Entrepreneurs Independent" as a realization of providing skills in economics and computers for high school and vocational high school graduates who are still unemployed. This program is carried out for 5 week for entrepreneurship training, and 5 week for computer training every Saturday and Sunday from March 6, 2021 to April 3, 2021. Activities carried out include providing entrepreneurship and computer materials, training on assembling computers, discussing current problems, assembling computers, training in installing windows and computer programs, and discussing common operating system problems. The end result of this service program is that the ability of 15 entrepreneurship training participants and 15 computer training participants is increasing and all training participants are given competency certificates from the Atma Luhur training institution to be used when applying for jobs. Participants also became more confident to open their own business

    Ecological challenges for the buffer zone management of protected areas of forest-savannah mosaic in West Africa

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    In sub-Saharan Africa, the management of buffer zones around protected areas does not often take into serious account the needs of resource exploitation by the local populations or the conservation needs of these areas. We described the ecological characteristics and management issues affecting the buffer zone around the Fazao-Malfakassa National Park; a 192,000-ha protected area in central-western Togo of utmost conservation importance within the Dahomey Gap region. Within the buffer zone (10 km radius, 334,800 ha), we focussed on four high conservation value areas totalling 65,594 ha (20% of the total buffer zone area). Using 2015 sentinel-2 images we analyzed land cover patterns and described existing ecological zones. We complemented these with field surveys and interviews with 300 people living in 22 villages within the buffer zone to describe the conditions affecting the resident human population. Although over 60% of the total buffer zone area is degraded, we identified four areas of high conservation value (total area = 65,594 ha). Interviewees recognized that slash-and-burn was the most common form of land use, followed by agroforestry practices. Agriculture, charcoal, and firewood production were the main drivers affecting habitats, and land conflicts were recurrent due to the rise in human population. The decline in agriculture, reported by interviewees in some sectors, was attributable to ravages of crops by elephants. Three independent diversity indices showed that, in preserved zones, a greater diversity of animals (with similar utilization frequencies) were hunted than in degraded sites (where grasscutters were the dominant hunted species). There were also significant differences between degraded and preserved zones in terms of plants used for charcoal production and for non-timber forest products. We advocate the development of community-controlled hunting areas to enhance the conservation value of the four well-preserved zones. Instead, promoting sustainable agricultural production systems in the degraded areas can help to further stabilize the agricultural front and reduce land pressure on the park


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    This report revealed the results of assesing the effect of diameter of pine trees, ages and dosages of stimulants (i.e. socepas agent). and harvesting period on the productivity of their exudates. The growing sites of the harvested pine trees were situated at three different blocks (i.e. I, II. and III). These blocks could represent the ages of the standing pine trees (i.e. 15. 18. 24 years old). Ages of trees in block III were the oldest, followed by that of blocks I and II, as consecutively, the youngest and second youngest. The three blocks further were each divided administratively into their own regional areas, called a stripes. For block I. the averages of exudate production varies in the range of 44.63 - 120.25 gram/ tree/period. Different dosages of socepas agent effected significantly the exudates productivity, i.e. the highest at 15 percent socepas agent (i.e. 80.08 gram/tree/period),followed in decreasing order at 20 percent socepas agent (76. 76 gram/tree/period). and at 10 percent socepas agent (61. 79 gram/tree/period). and finally at zero percent stimulant or control (47.81 gram/tree/period). Different harvesting periods. however. did not affect the exudates productivity significantly. Conversely, the diameter of pine trees affected significantly the productivity with a positive linear trend. This trend applied to whatever stripes in which the harvested trees were situated. For block II, harvesting period brought about significant effect on productivity where the highest was obtained at the second period (62.89 gram/tree). followed by decreasing order at the third period (56.31 gram/tree). and at the first period (47. 71 gram/tree), respectively. The variation of exudate productivity was around 39.21 - 81.97 gram/tree/period. This productivity was significantly affected by dosages of socepas. where the highest was at 20 percent dosage (68.08 gram/tree/period). followed at 10 percent (54. 04 gram/tree/period).at 15 percent (52.15 gram/tree/period), and finally at zero percent stimulant or control (48.35 gram/tree/period).Similar in block I. there was positive linear trend between tree diameter and exudates productivity of the pine trees, regardless of their locations in stripes. For block III. harvesting periods also affected the productivity, where the highest was from the third period (50. 71 gram/tree), subsequently from second (49.89 gram/tree). and at last from the first period (43.56 gram/tree). The productivity indicated some variation in the range of 36.06 - 68.34 gram/tree/period.Socepas stimulant affected significantly the exudates production. i.e. the highest at 20 percent socepas (54. 71 gram/tree/period). followed consecutively at 15 percent socepas (51.05 gram/tree/period). at 10 percent (44.28 gram/tree/period). and ultimately at zero percent socepas (42.17 gram/tree/ period). Similar also in blocks I and II. positive linear trend occurred between exudates production and diameters of trees, despite being in different stripes. Ages of the pine trees. as represented by the different blocks, affected production. in that the older the ages the lower the exudates productivity. The average productivities from the trees in block I (as the youngest i.e. 15 years old) and in block II (as the second youngest i.e. 18 years old) were 71.46 gram/tree and 46.07 gram/tree, respectively. Meanwhile, the productivity from block III (as the oldest i.e. 24 years old) was 41.17 gram/tree

    Pengaruh Diameter Pohon, Umur dan Kadar Stimulan terhadap Produktivitas Getah

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    This report revealed the results of assesing the effect of diameter of pine trees, ages and dosages of stimulants (i.e. socepas agent). and harvesting period on the productivity of their exudates. The growing sites of the harvested pine trees were situated at three different blocks (i.e. I, II. and III). These blocks could represent the ages of the standing pine trees (i.e. 15. 18. 24 years old). Ages of trees in block III were the oldest, followed by that of blocks I and II, as consecutively, the youngest and second youngest. The three blocks further were each divided administratively into their own regional areas, called a stripes.For block I. the averages of exudate production varies in the range of 44.63 - 120.25 gram/ tree/period. Different dosages of socepas agent effected significantly the exudates productivity, i.e. the highest at 15 percent socepas agent (i.e. 80.08 gram/tree/period),followed in decreasing order at 20 percent socepas agent (76. 76 gram/tree/period). and at 10 percent socepas agent (61. 79 gram/tree/period). and finally at zero percent stimulant or control (47.81 gram/tree/period). Different harvesting periods. however. did not affect the exudates productivity significantly. Conversely, the diameter of pine trees affected significantly the productivity with a positive linear trend. This trend applied to whatever stripes in which the harvested trees were situated.For block II, harvesting period brought about significant effect on productivity where the highest was obtained at the second period (62.89 gram/tree). followed by decreasing order at the third period (56.31 gram/tree). and at the first period (47. 71 gram/tree), respectively. The variation of exudate productivity was around 39.21 - 81.97 gram/tree/period. This productivity was significantly affected by dosages of socepas. where the highest was at 20 percent dosage (68.08 gram/tree/period). followed at 10 percent (54. 04 gram/tree/period).at 15 percent (52.15 gram/tree/period), and finally at zero percent stimulant or control (48.35 gram/tree/period).Similar in block I. there was positive linear trend between tree diameter and exudates productivity of the pine trees, regardless of their locations in stripes.For block III. harvesting periods also affected the productivity, where the highest was from the third period (50. 71 gram/tree), subsequently from second (49.89 gram/tree). and at last from the first period (43.56 gram/tree). The productivity indicated some variation in the range of 36.06 - 68.34 gram/tree/period.Socepas stimulant affected significantly the exudates production. i.e. the highest at 20 percent socepas (54. 71 gram/tree/period). followed consecutively at 15 percent socepas (51.05 gram/tree/period). at 10 percent (44.28 gram/tree/period). and ultimately at zero percent socepas (42.17 gram/tree/ period). Similar also in blocks I and II. positive linear trend occurred between exudates production and diameters of trees, despite being in different stripes.Ages of the pine trees. as represented by the different blocks, affected production. in that the older the ages the lower the exudates productivity. The average productivities from the trees in block I (as the youngest i.e. 15 years old) and in block II (as the second youngest i.e. 18 years old) were 71.46 gram/tree and 46.07 gram/tree, respectively. Meanwhile, the productivity from block III (as the oldest i.e. 24 years old) was 41.17 gram/tree