20 research outputs found

    Modulation of B-cell exosome proteins by gamma herpesvirus infection

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    Exosomes are released from tumor cells at high levels, and multiple studies have determined that the secreted exosomes enter recipient cells and can affect their biologic and biochemical properties. In this study, the specific effects of the oncogenic herpesviruses, EBV and Kaposi sarcoma-associated virus, on the proteomes of B-cell exosomes were determined using global quantitative proteomics. The data indicate that the viruses greatly impact the protein content of exosomes with common and distinct changes induced by both viruses. It is likely that these alterations in exosome content modulate the tumor environment, potentially to enhance viral infection and promote tumorigenesis

    Isoelectric Charge of Recombinant Human Follicle-Stimulating-Hormone Isoforms Determines Receptor Affinity and Invitro Bioactivity

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    Recombinant human FSH (rhFSH) was obtained by expressing the human FSH alpha- and beta-subunit complementary DNAs in the chinese hamster ovary cell line. Isoforms of rhFSH were resolved into specific isoelectric (pI) fractions by chromatofocusing. rhFSH isoforms ranged from pI 3.0-5.5 with a modal value of pI 4.2. Analysis of the biological activity of specific pI isoforms of rhFSH was undertaken using both the rat granulosa cell aromatase (in vitro) bioassay and a RRA. More acidic isoforms (e.g. pI 3.5) showed significantly lower affinity (P < 0.05) for rat testicular FSH receptors than did the less acidic isoforms (e.g. pI 4.8). Consistent with the receptor binding affinity data, the more acidic fractions resulted in significantly less activation (P < 0.05) of rat granulosa cell aromatase activity, as measured by estrogen production, than did the less acidic isoforms. The observed bioactivities and their correlation with the pI values of the rhFSH isoforms are consistent with observations of differing bioactivities seen in both pituitary and urinary FSH isoforms. These results demonstrate that rhFSH, made in the chinese hamster ovary cell line, is both biologically active and has isoform profiles, and presumably carbohydrate structures, that closely resemble those seen in natural hFSH

    Modulation of B-cell exosome proteins by gamma herpesvirus infection

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    The human gamma herpesviruses, Kaposi sarcoma-associated virus (KSHV) and EBV, are associated with multiple cancers. Recent evidence suggests that EBV and possibly other viruses can manipulate the tumor microenvironment through the secretion of specific viral and cellular components into exosomes, small endocytically derived vesicles that are released from cells. Exosomes produced by EBV-infected nasopharyngeal carcinoma cells contain high levels of the viral oncogene latent membrane protein 1 and viral microRNAs that activate critical signaling pathways in recipient cells. In this study, to determine the effects of EBV and KSHV on exosome content, quantitative proteomics techniques were performed on exosomes purified from 11 B-cell lines that are uninfected, infected with EBV or with KSHV, or infected with both viruses. Using mass spectrometry, 871 proteins were identified, of which ∼360 were unique to the viral exosomes. Analysis by 2D difference gel electrophoresis and spectral counting identified multiple significant changes compared with the uninfected control cells and between viral groups. These data predict that both EBV and KSHV exosomes likely modulate cell death and survival, ribosome function, protein synthesis, and mammalian target of rapamycin signaling. Distinct viral-specific effects on exosomes suggest that KSHV exosomes would affect cellular metabolism, whereas EBV exosomes would activate cellular signaling mediated through integrins, actin, IFN, and NFκB. The changes in exosome content identified in this study suggest ways that these oncogenic viruses modulate the tumor microenvironment and may provide diagnostic markers specific for EBV and KSHV associated malignancies

    Differential modulation of diet-induced obesity and adipocyte functionality by human apolipoprotein E3 and E4 in mice

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    OBJECTIVE: Apolipoprotein E (apoE), a key protein in lipid metabolism, is highly expressed in adipose tissues. Studies have shown that human APOE*4 is associated with a lower body mass index but with a greater risk of coronary heart disease compared with other APOE alleles. To define the isoform-specific role of apoE in regulating the expandability and functionality of adipose tissues, we investigated the effects of diet-induced obesity in mice whose endogenous Apoe gene has been replaced by either the human APOE*3 or APOE*4 allele. RESULTS: After 8 weeks on a Western-type high-fat diet, male APOE4 mice displayed impaired tolerance to glucose and fat overload compared with APOE3 mice. Subcutaneous fat tissues in APOE4 and APOE3 mice after high fat feeding were not different. In contrast, although epididymal fat tissues in APOE4 mice gained 30% less weight during the high fat feeding than in APOE3 mice, they showed impaired insulin-stimulated glucose uptake ex vivo. Epididymal APOE4 adipocytes were larger in size than APOE3 adipocytes, and expressed reduced levels of mRNA for peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ2 and adiponectin, important markers of adipocyte functionality. Adenoviral expression of apoE3 in apoE-null culture adipocytes induced adiponectin mRNA in a dose-dependent manner, but the induction was significantly blunted in cells overexpressing apoE4. However, in contrast to the apoE3-expressing cells, Glut1, but not Glut4, expression levels were positively correlated with increased apoE4 mRNA, suggesting that apoE4 expression in adipocyte interferes in insulin-sensing pathways. CONCLUSION: Dysfunctional epididymal adipose tissues contribute to the accelerated impairment of glucose tolerance in APOE4 mice fed a Western-type diet. Our results underscore the importance of functionality of individual fat depots rather than total fat mass as a determinant for metabolic disturbance during diet-induced obesity