1,775 research outputs found

    Identifying Partnership Opportunities at Air Force Installations: A Geographic Information Systems Approach

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    The excess capacity found in the Department of Defense real property portfolio creates challenges for leaders to provide resilient installations. Combining this fact with current funding trends makes decisions on how to properly maintain infrastructure even more challenging. The Air Force Partnership Initiative provides tools for installations to leverage community capabilities and resources to achieve savings and improve quality on Air Force installations and can reduce the real property footprint. This research proposes a method for assessing the viability of a partnership between Air Force installations and their nearby communities.This research effort created a tool capable of investigating off-base communities and discovering partnership opportunities worthy of exploration by nearby Air Force installations. The scope of this research will be limited to exploring library partnership opportunities at Air Force installations located in the Continental United States. This research investigates the facilitators, or environmental factors, to identify where greater opportunities for creating partnerships may exist. The result of this research is a tool which produces a relative measure for each off-base community, where higher values indicate a greater potential for partnerships. This relative measure utilizes inverse distance weighting between an installation and each service location in the surrounding community

    Phase space spinor amplitudes for spin 1/2 systems

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    The concept of phase space amplitudes for systems with continuous degrees of freedom is generalized to finite-dimensional spin systems. Complex amplitudes are obtained on both a sphere and a finite lattice, in each case enabling a more fundamental description of pure spin states than that previously given by Wigner functions. In each case the Wigner function can be expressed as the star product of the amplitude and its conjugate, so providing a generalized Born interpretation of amplitudes that emphasizes their more fundamental status. The ordinary product of the amplitude and its conjugate produces a (generalized) spin Husimi function. The case of spin-\half is treated in detail, and it is shown that phase space amplitudes on the sphere transform correctly as spinors under under rotations, despite their expression in terms of spherical harmonics. Spin amplitudes on a lattice are also found to transform as spinors. Applications are given to the phase space description of state superposition, and to the evolution in phase space of the state of a spin-\half magnetic dipole in a time-dependent magnetic field.Comment: 19 pages, added new results, fixed typo

    Evidence for strong evolution in galaxy environmental quenching efficiency between z = 1.6 and z = 0.9

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    Indexación: Web of Science; Scopus.We analyse the evolution of environmental quenching efficiency, the fraction of quenched cluster galaxies which would be star forming if they were in the field, as a function of redshift in 14 spectroscopically confirmed galaxy clusters with 0.87 < z < 1.63 from the Spitzer Adaptation of the Red-Sequence Cluster Survey. The clusters are the richest in the survey at each redshift. Passive fractions rise from 42-13 +10 per cent at z ~ 1.6 to 80-9 +12 per cent at z ~ 1.3 and 88-3 +4 per cent at z < 1.1, outpacing the change in passive fraction in the field. Environmental quenching efficiency rises dramatically from 16-19 +15 per cent at z ~ 1.6 to 62-15 +21 per cent at z~1.3 and 73-7 +8 per cent at z ≲ 1.1. This work is the first to show direct observational evidence for a rapid increase in the strength of environmental quenching in galaxy clusters at z ~ 1.5, where simulations show cluster-mass haloes undergo non-linear collapse and virialization.https://academic.oup.com/mnrasl/article/465/1/L104/241728

    A systematic study of non-ideal contacts in integer quantum Hall systems

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    In the present article we investigate the influence of the contact region on the distribution of the chemical potential in integer quantum Hall samples, as well as the longitudinal and Hall resistance as a function of the magnetic field. First we use a standard quantum Hall sample geometry and analyse the influence of the length of the leads where current enters/leaves the sample and the ratio of the contact width to the width of these leads. Furthermore we investigate potential barriers in the current injecting leads and the measurement arms in order to simulate non-ideal contacts. Second we simulate nonlocal quantum Hall samples with applied gating voltage at the metallic contacts. For such samples it has been found experimentally that both the longitudinal and Hall resistance as a function of the magnetic field can change significantly. Using the nonequilibrium network model we are able to reproduce most qualitative features of the experiments.Comment: 29 pages, 16 Figure

    Stellar mass function of cluster galaxies at z ~ 1.5: evidence for reduced quenching efficiency at high redshift

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    Indexación: Web of ScienceWe present the stellar mass functions (SMFs) of passive and star-forming galaxies with a limiting mass of 10(10.1) M-circle dot in four spectroscopically confirmed Spitzer Adaptation of the Red-sequence Cluster Survey (SpARCS) galaxy clusters at 1 : 37 < z < 1 : 63. The clusters have 113 spectroscopically confirmed members combined, with 8-45 confirmed members each. We construct Ks-bandselected photometric catalogs for each cluster with an average of 11 photometric bands ranging from u to 8 mu m. We compare our cluster galaxies to a field sample derived from a similar Ks-band-selected catalog in the UltraVISTA / COSMOS field. The SMFs resemble those of the field, but with signs of environmental quenching. We find that 30 +/- 20% of galaxies that would normally be forming stars in the field are quenched in the clusters. The environmental quenching e ffi ciency shows little dependence on projected cluster-centric distance out to similar to 4 Mpc, providing tentative evidence of pre-processing and/or galactic conformity in this redshift range. We also compile the available data on environmental quenching efficiencies from the literature, and find that the quenching e ffi ciency in clusters and in groups appears to decline with increasing redshift in a manner consistent with previous results and expectations based on halo mass growth.http://www.aanda.org/articles/aa/abs/2016/08/aa28663-16/aa28663-16.htm

    Derivatives of spin dynamics simulations

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    We report analytical equations for the derivatives of spin dynamics simulations with respect to pulse sequence and spin system parameters. The methods described are significantly faster, more accurate and more reliable than the finite difference approximations typically employed. The resulting derivatives may be used in fitting, optimization, performance evaluation and stability analysis of spin dynamics simulations and experiments. Keywords: NMR, EPR, simulation, analytical derivatives, optimal control, spin chemistry, radical pair.Comment: Accepted by The Journal of Chemical Physic

    Minority Becomes Majority in Social Networks

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    It is often observed that agents tend to imitate the behavior of their neighbors in a social network. This imitating behavior might lead to the strategic decision of adopting a public behavior that differs from what the agent believes is the right one and this can subvert the behavior of the population as a whole. In this paper, we consider the case in which agents express preferences over two alternatives and model social pressure with the majority dynamics: at each step an agent is selected and its preference is replaced by the majority of the preferences of her neighbors. In case of a tie, the agent does not change her current preference. A profile of the agents' preferences is stable if the preference of each agent coincides with the preference of at least half of the neighbors (thus, the system is in equilibrium). We ask whether there are network topologies that are robust to social pressure. That is, we ask if there are graphs in which the majority of preferences in an initial profile always coincides with the majority of the preference in all stable profiles reachable from that profile. We completely characterize the graphs with this robustness property by showing that this is possible only if the graph has no edge or is a clique or very close to a clique. In other words, except for this handful of graphs, every graph admits at least one initial profile of preferences in which the majority dynamics can subvert the initial majority. We also show that deciding whether a graph admits a minority that becomes majority is NP-hard when the minority size is at most 1/4-th of the social network size.Comment: To appear in WINE 201

    Adaptive query-based sampling of distributed collections

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    As part of a Distributed Information Retrieval system a de-scription of each remote information resource, archive or repository is usually stored centrally in order to facilitate resource selection. The ac-quisition ofprecise resourcedescriptionsistherefore animportantphase in Distributed Information Retrieval, as the quality of such represen-tations will impact on selection accuracy, and ultimately retrieval per-formance. While Query-Based Sampling is currently used for content discovery of uncooperative resources, the application of this technique is dependent upon heuristic guidelines to determine when a sufficiently accurate representation of each remote resource has been obtained. In this paper we address this shortcoming by using the Predictive Likelihood to provide both an indication of thequality of an acquired resource description estimate, and when a sufficiently good representation of a resource hasbeen obtained during Query-Based Sampling

    Molecular and mass spectroscopic analysis of isotopically labeled organic residues

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    Experimental studies aimed at understanding the evolution of complex organic molecules on interstellar grains were performed. The photolysis of frozen gas mixtures of various compositions containing H2O, CO, NH3, and CH4 was studied. These species were chosen because of their astrophysical importance as deducted from observational as well as theoretical studies of ice mantles on interstellar grains. These ultraviolet photolyzed ices were warmed up in order to produce refractory organic molecules like the ones formed in molecular clouds when the icy mantles are being irradiated and warmed up either by a nearby stellar source or impulsive heating. The laboratory studies give estimates of the efficiency of production of such organic material under interstellar conditions. It is shown that the gradual carbonization of organic mantles in the diffuse cloud phase leads to higher and higher visual absorptivity - yellow residues become brown in the laboratory. The obtained results can be applied to explaining the organic components of comets and their relevance to the origin of life