1,374 research outputs found

    Efeito da adubação e níveis de água na produção individual das plantas da Banana cv. D?Angola com duas plantas por touceira.

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    O adensamento de plantio tem sido visto como uma estratégia para aumentar a produtividade, pois conduz normalmente, a um melhor aproveitamento do solo, mão-de-obra e insumos. O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar o rendimento individual da bananeira cv. D?angola com duas plantas por cova, sob duas lâminas de irrigação e três níveis de adubação na região dos tabuleiros costeiros. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados com quatro repetições, em esquema de parcelas subsubdivididas. As parcelas compreenderam os níveis de adubação (1,0; 1,25 e 1,5 da dose recomendado). As sub-parcelas compreenderam as lâminas de irrigação (60% e 100% da evapotranspiração da cultura) e as sub-subparcela as plantas 1 e 2 da touceira. Avaliou - se número de folhas vivas na colheita, massa de pencas por cacho, massa do engaço, massa do cacho, número de pencas por cacho, número de frutos por cacho, comprimento e diâmetro médio do fruto. Verificou - se mediante analise de variância (teste F), que não ocorreu efeito significativo para as variáveis estudas

    Subtractive phage display selection from canine visceral leishmaniasis identifies novel epitopes that mimic leishmania infantum antigens with potential serodiagnosis applications

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    Visceral leishmaniasis (VL) is a zoonotic disease that is endemic to Brazil, where dogs are the main domestic parasite reservoirs, and the percentages of infected dogs living in regions where canine VL (CVL) is endemic have ranged from 10% to 62%. Despite technological advances, some problems have been reported with CVL serodiagnosis. The present study describes a sequential subtractive selection through phage display technology from polyclonal antibodies of negative and positive sera that resulted in the identification of potential bacteriophage-fused peptides that were highly sensitive and specific to antibodies of CVL. A negative selection was performed in which phage clones were adhered to purified IgGs from healthy and Trypanosoma cruzi-infected dogs to eliminate cross-reactive phages. The remaining supernatant nonadhered phages were submitted to positive selection against IgG from the blood serum of dogs that were infected with Leishmania infantum. Phage clones that adhered to purified IgGs from the CVL-infected serum samples were selected. Eighteen clones were identified and their reactivities tested by a phage enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (phage-ELISA) against the serum samples from infected dogs (n 31) compared to those from vaccinated dogs (n 21), experimentally infected dogs with cross-reactive parasites (n 23), and healthy controls (n 17). Eight clones presented sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values of 100%, and they showed no crossreactivity with T. cruzi- or Ehrlichia canis-infected dogs or with dogs vaccinated with two different commercial CVL vaccines in Brazil. Our study identified eight mimotopes of L. infantum antigens with 100% accuracy for CVL serodiagnosis. The use of these mimotopes by phage-ELISA proved to be an excellent assay that was reproducible, simple, fast, and inexpensive, and it can be applied in CVL-monitoring programsThis work was supported by grants from the Pró-Reitoria de Pesquisa of UFMG (supported 03/2013), the Instituto Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia em Nano-Biofarmacêutica (INCT Nano-Biofar), Rede Nanobiotec/Brasil-UFU (CAPES), PRONEX-FAPEMIG (APQ-01019- 09), FAPEMIG (APQ-00496-11 and APQ-00819-12), and CNPq (APQ- 472090/2011-9 and APQ-482976/2012-8). E.A.F.C. and L.R.G. are recipients of grants from CNPq. M.A.C.-F. is the recipient of a grant from FAPEMIG/CAPE

    Geographic patterns of tree dispersal modes in Amazonia and their ecological correlates

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    Indaga sobre los patrones geográficos y los correlatos ecológicos en la distribución geográfica de los modos de dispersión arbórea más comunes en la Amazonia (endozoocoria, sinzoocoria, anemoocoria e hidrocoria). Se examina si la abundancia proporcional de estos modos de dispersión podría explicarse por la disponibilidad de agentes dispersores (hipótesis de disponibilidad de dispersores) y/o la disponibilidad de recursos para la poducción de frutos zoocorios (hipótesis de disponibilidad de recursos). Para ello se usaron parcelas de inventario de árboles establecidas entre 1934 y 2019, con un diámetro a la altura del pecho (DAP) ≥ 9,55 cm. Ubicados en las selvas tropicales de tierras bajas de la cuenca del río Amazonas y el Escudo Guayanés. Se asignaron modos de dispersión a un total de 5433 especies y morfoespecies en 1877 parcelas de inventario de árboles en bosques de abeto, inundados estacionalmente y permanentemente inundados. Se investigaron los patrones geográficos en la abundancia proporcional de los modos de dispersión. Se realizó una prueba de distancia media entre pares ponderada por abundancia (MPD) y ajustamos modelos lineales generalizados (GLM) para explicar la distribución geográfica de los modos de dispersión. La anemocoria se asoció significativa y positivamente con la velocidad media anual del viento, y la hidrocoria fue significativamente mayor en los bosques inundados. Los modos de dispersión no mostraron consistentemente asociaciones significativas con la disponibilidad de recursos para la construcción de frutos zoochorous. Una menor disimilitud en los modos de dispersión, resultante de una mayor dominancia de la endozoocoria, se produjo en los bosques de abeto (excluyendo los podzoles) en comparación con los bosques inundados. La hipótesis dispersor-disponibilidad fue bien apoyada para los modos de dispersión abióticos (anemochoria e hidrochoria). La disponibilidad de recursos para la construcción de frutos zoocorios parece una explicación poco probable para la distribución de los modos de dispersión en la Amazonia. La asociación entre los frugívoros y la abundancia proporcional de zoocoría requiere más investigación, ya que el reclutamiento de árboles no sólo depende de los vectores de dispersión, sino también de las condiciones que favorecen o limitan el reclutamiento de plántulas en los distintos tipos de bosque.Revisión por pares

    Duration of temporary catheter use for hemodialysis: an observational, prospective evaluation of renal units in Brazil

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>For chronic hemodialysis, the ideal permanent vascular access is the arteriovenous fistula (AVF). Temporary catheters should be reserved for acute dialysis needs. The AVF is associated with lower infection rates, better clinical results, and a higher quality of life and survival when compared to temporary catheters. In Brazil, the proportion of patients with temporary catheters for more than 3 months from the beginning of therapy is used as an evaluation of the quality of renal units. The aim of this study is to evaluate factors associated with the time between the beginning of hemodialysis with temporary catheters and the placement of the first arteriovenous fistula in Brazil.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>This is an observational, prospective non-concurrent study using national administrative registries of all patients financed by the public health system who began renal replacement therapy (RRT) between 2000 and 2004 in Brazil. Incident patients were eligible who had hemodialysis for the first time. Patients were excluded who: had hemodialysis reportedly started after the date of death (inconsistent database); were younger than 18 years old; had HIV; had no record of the first dialysis unit; and were dialyzed in units with less than twenty patients. To evaluate individual and renal unit factors associated with the event of interest, the frailty model was used (N = 55,589).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Among the 23,824 patients (42.9%) who underwent fistula placement in the period of the study, 18.2% maintained the temporary catheter for more than three months until the fistula creation. The analysis identified five statistically significant factors associated with longer time until first fistula: higher age (Hazard-risk - HR 0.99, 95% CI 0.99-1.00); having hypertension and cardiovascular diseases (HR 0.94, 95% CI 0.9-0.98) as the cause of chronic renal disease; residing in capitals cities (HR 0.92, 95% CI 0.9-0.95) and certain regions in Brazil - South (HR 0.83, 95% CI 0.8-0.87), Midwest (HR 0.88, 95% CI 0.83-0.94), Northeast (HR 0.91, 95% CI 0.88-0.94), or North (HR 0.88, 95% CI 0.83-0.94) and the type of renal unit (public or private).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Monitoring the provision of arteriovenous fistulas in renal units could improve the care given to patients with end stage renal disease.</p

    Serological Studies of Neurologic Helminthic Infections in Rural Areas of Southwest Cameroon: Toxocariasis, Cysticercosis and Paragonimiasis

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    A total of 188 people (168 and 20 with and without symptoms confirmed by clinicians, respectively, 84.6% under 20 years old) were selected on a voluntary basis in Cameroon. Soil transmitted helminthic infections were prevalent among persons surveyed as is common in developing countries, since eggs of Ascaris lumbricoides, Trichuris trichiura and hookworms were found from 56 (33.3%), 72 (42.8%) and 19 (11.3%) persons, respectively. Serological analyses revealed that 61 (36.3%), 25 (14.9%) and 2 (1.2%) persons were positive to the diagnostic antigens specific for toxocariasis, paragonimiasis and cysticercosis, respectively. Among 14 people with epilepsy, 5 persons were seropositive to the antigen of Toxocara and one of them was simultaneously positive to the antigens of Paragonimus. Serological confirmation of cysticercosis in two children is very important, and we suggest that further serologic surveys of cysticercosis be carried out in both children and adults in this area for the promotion of a better quality of life including control and early treatment