24 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Kemudahan Penggunaan Dan Kemanfaatan Terhadap Sikap Pengguna Sistem Informasi Akademik Mahasiswa (Studi Pada Mahasiswa Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Jurusan Administrasi Bisnis Universitas Brawijaya)

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    This research aims to know the influence of convenience and expediency of the user\u27s Stance Against SIAM (study on Student,Faculty of administration of the Department of business administration University of Brawijaya) The type of research used in this research is quantitative research.The population in this research are undergraduate students majoring in Business Administration Faculty of Administration University of Brawijaya,this sampling technique using simple random sampling The results of this research with the results of significance value t 0.003<pronounced regression coefficient 0.05 partially benefit have significant effects against the attitude of the users,with the results of significance value t 2.913>1.991 regression coefficient values 0.371,analysis results obtained from value 26.05>3.12 and values the significance probability value 0.000<0.05.Based on the results of the analysis of the obtained values test t partial result while 3.115 ease benefit 2.913 In conclusion the ease of use are partial positive and significant effect against the attitude of the users,the benefit of partially positive and significant effect against the attitude of the user.Ease of use coupled with the expediency of USAge in SIAM in the Faculty of Administration University of Brawijaya together gave significant effects simultaneousl

    Heat Exchanger Design for Producing ZnO Nanoparticles using Pomegranate Fruit Peels Extract

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    The purpose of this study is to design a shell and tube-type heat exchanger for application in producing ZnO nanoparticles using pomegranate fruit peel extract on an industrial scale. The designed heat exchanger has specifications for a shell length of 4,2672 m, a shell diameter of 0,2690 m, an outer tube diameter of 0,0317 m, and a thickness of 0,0021 m. The Microsoft Excel application is used for manual calculations. The results show that the designed shell and tube-type heat exchanger has an effectiveness value of 81,1944%. This value indicates that the heat exchanger designed to produce these ZnO nanoparticles has a good performance. Hopefully, this research can be used as a reference in designing heat exchangers to be more effective, economical, and highly reliable in production activities.


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    Tujuan peneIitian ini adaIah menguji dan menganaIisa pengaruh dari Current Ratio (CR), Return On Equity (ROE), TotaI Asset Turnover (TATO), ukuran perusahaan, dan pertumbuhan penjuaIan terhadap struktur modaI. Objek yang dipakai di peneIitian ini yaitu perusahaan farmasi yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia seIama 8 tahun periode 2013-2020. PopuIasi daIam peneIitian ini berjumIah 48 perusahaan dan dengan teknik purposive sampIing diambiI 6 perusahaan yang memenuhi kriteria. PeneIitian ini diambiI dengan statistik deskriptif dengan regresi Iinier berganda untuk menguji hipotesis. HasiI dari peneIitian ini menunjukan bahwa Return On Equity (ROE), TotaI Asset Turnover (TATO), ukuran perusahaan, dan pertumbuhan penjuaIan tidak berpengaruh terhadap struktur modaI, Namun untuk variabeI Current Ratio (CR) berpengaruh terhadap struktur modaI

    Intervensi Good Agricutural Practices (Gap) terhadap Preferensi Petani Tomat (Solanum Lycopersicum) di Kecamatan Cikajang Kabupaten Garut

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui gambaran keadaan preferensi petani mengenai GAP, mengetahui faktor-faktor apa saja yang berpengaruh terhadap intervensi GAP sebagai upaya peningkatan preferensi petani dan untuk menetapkan strategi penyuluhan di Desa Margamulya. Data penelitian ini diperoleh dari instrumen kuesioner dan wawancara. Penentuan jumlah sampel dilakukan dengan menggunakan rumus Slovin sehingga didapat responden sebanyak 48 orang, untuk teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah Purposive Sampling. Teknik pengolahan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis deskriptif, analisis regresi linier berganda dan analisis Kendall's W. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat di tarik kesimpulan bahwa intervensi GAP pada petani tomat di Desa Margamulya berada dalam kategori kurang baik. Sedangkan untuk preferensi petani tomat terhadap GAP masuk dalam kategori tinggi. Faktor internal, faktor eksternal, dan intervensi GAP menunjukkan memiliki pengaruh yang kuat dan bernilai positif terhadap preferensi petani secara simultan dan umur, pendidikan formal, pendidikan nonformal, ketersediaan sarana produksi dan kemudahan akses informasi beperngaruh secara simultan. Strategi yang dapat dilakukan untuk meningkatkan preferensi petani khususnya dalam implementasi dan men-difusikan GAP pada budidaya tomat adalah dengan cara memberikan penyuluhan daring dengan membagikan video dan materi mengenai GAP serta dengan memberikan gambaran melalui petak percontohan dengan penerapan prinsip GAP. Adapun beberapa upaya yang dapat dilakukan adalah bagi BPP Kecamatan Cikajang dilaksanakannya kegiatan pembinaan dan penyuluhan yang lebih efektif, setelah pandemi ini berakhir dapat melakukan penyuluhan secara tatap muka dan lebih intensif tentang teknologi GAP dan melibatkan beberapa stakeholder

    Test of Antibacterial Effectiveness of Cat's Whisker Leaf Extract (Orthosiphon Stamineus) Against Streptococcus Bacteria Mutans

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    Introduction; Streptococcus mutans is a pathogenic bacteria and the main cause of dental caries. Swe needs a preventive measure for dental caries with natural antibacterial ingredients with cat whiskers. Aim; determine the effect of antibacterial effectiveness of cat whiskers leaf extract against streptococcus mutans bacteria. Method; The study used a laboratory experimental design with posttest only control group in vitro. The data was collected by measuring the diameter of the zone of inhibition using a shear caliper. Then, the data were analyzed using one-way ANOVA and posthoc LSD statistical tests. Result; that the average diameter of the inhibition zone of cat whiskers leaf extract (Orthosiphon stamineus) antibacterial with a concentration of 50%, 25%, 12.5%, 6.25%, 3.125% against Streptococcus mutans. bacteria were 11.50 ± 0.38 mm, 10.78 ± 0.22 mm, 9.90 ± 0.13 mm, 9.10 ± 0.08 mm and 8.25 ± 0.25 mm, while the control was negative. In this study, DMSO does not have an inhibitory diameter (0 mm). Conclusion; that there is antibacterial effectiveness of cat whiskers leaf extract against Streptococcus mutans bacteri

    Growth performance, morphometric of the small intestine, lymphoid organ, and ovary of laying hens supplemented with Dates (Phoenix dactylifera L.) extract in drinking water

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    Background and Aim: Antibiotic, improves the growth performance of laying hens when used as a feed additive; however, it has been banned in Europe. Furthermore, secondary metabolites used as a substitute for antibiotics are compounds produced by plants. Therefore, this aims to determine the effect of dates water extract (DWE) on the performance of laying hens. This study used dates containing secondary metabolites as a feed additive and substitute for antibiotics. Materials and Methods: A completely randomized design was used, dividing 400 Lohmann brown day old chick into five groups (each group has five replications and each replication consisted of 16 laying hens). Furthermore, there were two control groups such as mineral water control group and antibiotic growth promoters (basal feed+50 mg/kg of bacitracin), and three DWE groups such as 5% DWE (50 mg/mL), 10% DWE (100 mg/mL), and 20% DWE (200 mg/mL). Dates extract treatment was administered through drinking water for 54 days, whereby three laying hens from each replication were taken randomly and decapitated on the neck. Afterwards, a necropsy was performed for histological preparations of the small intestine, ovary, and lymphoid organs. The structure and morphology of the small intestine, and ovaries were observed through histological preparations, while lymphoid organs were observed through histological preparation and morphometry, and body morphometry, body weight, feed intake and weight gain were observed by measurements and weighing. Results: Small intestine morphology, ovarian follicle, and growth performance of the DWE2 group increased significantly compared to the control group, but the lymphoid organs index was influenced by DWE1. Conclusion: The administration of 10% dates extract (100 mg/mL) in drinking water improves the morphology of the small intestine, ovarian follicles, lymphoid organs, and growth performance

    Peningkatan Pengetahuan Masyarakat Tentang Covid-19 melalui Sosialisasi Faktor Risiko, Komorbid, dan Skrining Covid-19

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    Pandemi Covid-19 menimbulkan duka mendalam dan trauma bagi sebagian masyarakat, terlebih yang terkonfirmasi positif Covid-19. Untuk itu upaya pengenalan faktor risiko, penyakit yang menjadi komorbid yang kemungkinan lebih rentan tertular Covid-19, dan pelaksanaan deteksi dini atau skrining Covid-19 perlu diketahui masyarakat. Dengan demikian upaya pencegahan tertular Covid-19, sekaligus memberikan rasa tenang pada masyarakat akan meningkat. Tujuan pengabdian untuk memberikan informasi apa saja yang menjadi faktor risiko, penyakit apa saja yang menjadi komorbid yang menyebabkan lebih rentan tertular Covid-19, sekaligus melakukan pemeriksaan deteksi dini atau skrining Covid-19 pada masyarakat. Pelaksanaan pengabdian berupa pretes, penyampaian materi penyuluhan, pengisian kuesioner dan pelaksanaan skrining, dan postes. Kegiatan pengabdian dihadiri oleh 29 peserta, 28 peserta mengikuti kegiatan dengan lengkap, 1 peserta hanya mengisi daftar hadir tanpa mengikuti kegiatan. Peningkatan softskill nilai postes 100% dari nilai pretes 70% menunjukkan perhatian peserta pengabdian terhadap materi yang disimak dengan baik oleh seluruh peserta pengabdian. Dari peserta yang mengikuti kegiatan pengabdian dengan lengkap, seratus persen peserta tidak mempunyai faktor risiko Covid-19, juga tidak mempunyai faktor risiko komorbid Covid-19, dan hasil skrining 100% peserta tidak menunjukkan gejala menderita Covid-19. Seluruh kegiatan pengabdian dirasakan sangat bermanfaat bagi peserta pengabdian di masa pandemi ini