327 research outputs found

    AYNEC: All you need for evaluating completion techniques in knowledge graphs

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    The popularity of knowledge graphs has led to the development of techniques to refine them and increase their quality. One of the main refinement tasks is completion (also known as link prediction for knowledge graphs), which seeks to add missing triples to the graph, usually by classifying potential ones as true or false. While there is a wide variety of graph completion techniques, there is no standard evaluation setup, so each proposal is evaluated using different datasets and metrics. In this paper we present AYNEC, a suite for the evaluation of knowledge graph completion techniques that covers the entire evaluation workflow. It includes a customisable tool for the generation of datasets with multiple variation points related to the preprocessing of graphs, the splitting into training and testing examples, and the generation of negative examples. AYNEC also provides a visual summary of the graph and the optional exportation of the datasets in an open format for their visualisation. We use AYNEC to generate a library of datasets ready to use for evaluation purposes based on several popular knowledge graphs. Finally, it includes a tool that computes relevant metrics and uses significance tests to compare each pair of techniques. These open source tools, along with the datasets, are freely available to the research community and will be maintained.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2016-75394-

    Chain Homotopies for Object Topological Representations

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    This paper presents a set of tools to compute topological information of simplicial complexes, tools that are applicable to extract topological information from digital pictures. A simplicial complex is encoded in a (non-unique) algebraic-topological format called AM-model. An AM-model for a given object K is determined by a concrete chain homotopy and it provides, in particular, integer (co)homology generators of K and representative (co)cycles of these generators. An algorithm for computing an AM-model and the cohomological invariant HB1 (derived from the rank of the cohomology ring) with integer coefficients for a finite simplicial complex in any dimension is designed here. A concept of generators which are "nicely" representative cycles is also presented. Moreover, we extend the definition of AM-models to 3D binary digital images and we design algorithms to update the AM-model information after voxel set operations (union, intersection, difference and inverse)

    Reusing integer homology information of binary digital images

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    In this paper, algorithms for computing integer (co)homology of a simplicial complex of any dimension are designed, extending the work done in [1,2,3]. For doing this, the homology of the object is encoded in an algebraic-topological format (that we call AM-model). Moreover, in the case of 3D binary digital images, having as input AM-models for the images I and J, we design fast algorithms for computing the integer homology of I ∪J, I ∩J and I ∖J

    Towards digital cohomology

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    We propose a method for computing the Z 2–cohomology ring of a simplicial complex uniquely associated with a three–dimensional digital binary–valued picture I. Binary digital pictures are represented on the standard grid Z 3, in which all grid points have integer coordinates. Considering a particular 14–neighbourhood system on this grid, we construct a unique simplicial complex K(I) topologically representing (up to isomorphisms of pictures) the picture I. We then compute the cohomology ring on I via the simplicial complex K(I). The usefulness of a simplicial description of the digital Z 2–cohomology ring of binary digital pictures is tested by means of a small program visualizing the different steps of our method. Some examples concerning topological thinning, the visualization of representative generators of cohomology classes and the computation of the cup product on the cohomology of simple 3D digital pictures are showed

    "Análisis con Google Trends y Our World in Data sobre la salud mental mundial en el contexto de la pandemia por covid-19"

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    "Introducción: Durante la pandemia de la covid-19 los servicios de salud mental no pudieron darse abasto debido a la gran demanda, por lo cual, muchas personas optaron por buscar información por Internet que las pudiera ayudar a sobrellevar el proceso psicológico que estaban experimentando en ese momento. Objetivo: Caracterizar la tendencia mundial de búsqueda del término «psiquiatría» en el contexto de covid-19 mediante Google Trends y Our World in Data. Métodos: Estudio descriptivo-transversal sobre las tendencias mundiales de búsquedas de información sobre psiquiatría en el contexto de la covid-19 bajo los términos «psiquiatría», «depresión», «ansiedad», «estrés», «insomnio» y «suicidio» en la categoría de salud en el periodo del 2020-2021. Se generaron gráficos temporales. Resultados: El término «psiquiatría» se mantuvo con un volumen relativo de búsqueda elevado y constante (entre 60 y 90), con una búsqueda importante y paulatina en el mes de abril. El volumen relativo de búsquedas de «depresión», «ansiedad» y «estrés» se mantuvieron constantes con ciertas fluctuaciones no significativas a lo largo del periodo 2020-2021. El término «insomnio» tuvo una predominancia entre enero y junio del 2020, fue decayendo poco a poco desde abril y se mantuvo constante hasta octubre del 2021. Finalmente, el término «suicidio» obtuvo un VRB fluctuante entre 60 y 100 durante este periodo. Conclusiones: Durante el periodo de estudio los temas relacionados con la salud mental y la especialidad de psiquiatría se mantuvieron constantes, con algunas variaciones fluctuantes pero no llamativas.

    An outbreak of <i>Bordetella bronchiseptica</i> in a Long Evans rat colony

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    Bordetella brohisseptica es un germen patógeno, el cual debe estar ausente de las colonias de ratas y cobayos de experimentación, ya que puede interferir en los resultados finales cuando se utilizan estos animales para realizar pruebas de diagnóstico, investigación y/o control de calidad. El presente trabajo describe un brote severo de esta enfermedad en una colonia convencional de ratas long Evans. Se estudiaron 18 animales de los cuales 5 presentaban sintomatología respiratoria. Para realizar el diagnóstico se tomaron muestras de tráquea y pulmón y se cultivaron en agar Bordet Gengou, agar sangre agar DHL y caldo PPLO. Se realizó coloración de Gram, pruebas bioquímicas y pruebas serológicas (microaglutinación y aglutinación). Los resultados fueron positivos para Bordetella bronchiseptica. Se concluyó que dada la magnitud de las pérdidas e inconvenientes que produce esta infección en colonias de ratas y cobayos es aconsejable el establecimiento de medidas sanitarias y de controles microbiológicos estrictos en los bioterios.Bordetella bronchiseptica is a pathogen which must be absent in experimental rats and guinea pigs colonies, since it produces interference in the results. This study describes a severe outbreak of this disease in a Long Evans rat colony. Eighteen animals, five of which showed symptoms were studied. For diagnosis, after necropsy, samples of trachea and lungs were cultured in Bordet Gengou Agar, Blood Agar, DHL agar and PPLO broth. Gram stained, biochemical tests and microagglutination and agglutination tests were performed. The results showed a contamination with Bordetella bronchiseptica. This study demonstrates the importance of establishing sanitary procedures and an appropriate quality control program of experimental animals in conventional facilities.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    An outbreak of <i>Bordetella bronchiseptica</i> in a Long Evans rat colony

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    Bordetella brohisseptica es un germen patógeno, el cual debe estar ausente de las colonias de ratas y cobayos de experimentación, ya que puede interferir en los resultados finales cuando se utilizan estos animales para realizar pruebas de diagnóstico, investigación y/o control de calidad. El presente trabajo describe un brote severo de esta enfermedad en una colonia convencional de ratas long Evans. Se estudiaron 18 animales de los cuales 5 presentaban sintomatología respiratoria. Para realizar el diagnóstico se tomaron muestras de tráquea y pulmón y se cultivaron en agar Bordet Gengou, agar sangre agar DHL y caldo PPLO. Se realizó coloración de Gram, pruebas bioquímicas y pruebas serológicas (microaglutinación y aglutinación). Los resultados fueron positivos para Bordetella bronchiseptica. Se concluyó que dada la magnitud de las pérdidas e inconvenientes que produce esta infección en colonias de ratas y cobayos es aconsejable el establecimiento de medidas sanitarias y de controles microbiológicos estrictos en los bioterios.Bordetella bronchiseptica is a pathogen which must be absent in experimental rats and guinea pigs colonies, since it produces interference in the results. This study describes a severe outbreak of this disease in a Long Evans rat colony. Eighteen animals, five of which showed symptoms were studied. For diagnosis, after necropsy, samples of trachea and lungs were cultured in Bordet Gengou Agar, Blood Agar, DHL agar and PPLO broth. Gram stained, biochemical tests and microagglutination and agglutination tests were performed. The results showed a contamination with Bordetella bronchiseptica. This study demonstrates the importance of establishing sanitary procedures and an appropriate quality control program of experimental animals in conventional facilities.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    Chagas disease in Latin American migrants: a Spanish challenge

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    AbstractChagas’ disease affects millions in Latin America and is the leading cause of cardiomyopathy and death due to cardiovascular disease in patients aged 30–50 years. As a consequence of immigration it has settled in several European countries, where besides imported cases, autochthonous infections arise through vertical transmission and blood/organ donation. All Latin American immigrants who attended our Unit were screened for T. cruzi infection (ELISA and IFAT ± PCR). An ECG and echocardiogram were requested for all positive patients, and oesophageal manometry, barium swallow and barium enema were requested according to patient symptoms. All patients under 50 years without severe cardiac involvement and who had not received correct treatment previously were treated with benznidazole 5 mg/kg/day for 60 days. Patients were followed-up with serology and PCR 1 month after treatment ended and every 6 months thereafter. A total of 1146 Latin Americans were screened for T. cruzi (357 positive serology results). The typical patient profile was a Bolivian female, of rural origin, in her fourth decade of life, without evidence of visceral involvement. Treatment tolerance was poor, with 29.7% discontinuing treatment due to adverse reactions. Among those with adverse reactions (52%), the most frequent were cutaneous hypersensitivity (68.7%), gastrointestinal upset (20%) and nervous system disturbances (16.2%). T. cruzi infection is no longer limited to Latin America. Poor treatment tolerance can limit current treatment options. More epidemiological data are necessary to estimate the magnitude of a problem of great relevance for public health and health resource planning