2,250 research outputs found

    Conformação frigorífica à desmama de bezerros cruzados filhos de touros Aberdeen Angus, Bosmara e Canchim com vacas Aberdeen Angus X Nelore e Simental X Nelore.

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    O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar causas de variação que influenciam a conformação frigorífica à desmama de 425 bezerros cruzados filhos de 24 touros Aberdeen Angus (AX), 15 touros Bonsmara (BX) e 14 touros Canchim (CX) com vacas Aberdeen Angus x Nelore (228 partos) e Simental x Ne10re (197 partos). Os bezerros foram produzidos por meio de inseminação artificial, nasceram nos meses de setembro a dezembro de 2005 a 2007 e foram desmamados com média de idade de 240 dias. A conformação frigorífica foi avaliada por meio de notas na escala de 1 (pior) a 6 (melhor), de forma relativa dentro de cada grupo contemporâneo. Os dados foram analisados pelo método dos quadrados mínimos por meio de um modelo estatístico incluindo efeitos de ano (2005, 2006, 2007) e mês de nascimento (setembro, outubro, novembro, dezembro), de grupo genético do bezerro (AX, BX, CX), de sexo do bezerro (macho, fêmea), de grupo genético da mãe (Aberdeen Angus x Nelore, Simental x Nelore), de touro dentro de grupo genético do bezerro (termo usado para testar o efeito de grupo genético do bezerro), da interação grupo genético x sexo do bezerro e do efeito linear da idade do bezerro à desmama. Observou-se efeito significativo apenas de grupo genético do bezerro na conformação frigorífica à desmama. Mesmo tendo maior proporção de raças adaptadas em sua composição genética, os bezerros cruzados BX (5,11) e CX (4,97) apresentaram melhor conformação frigorífica à desmama do que os bezerros cruzados AX (4,49)

    Analytical results for a Bessel function times Legendre polynomials class integrals

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    When treating problems of vector diffraction in electromagnetic theory, the evaluation of the integral involving Bessel and associated Legendre functions is necessary. Here we present the analytical result for this integral that will make unnecessary numerical quadrature techniques or localized approximations. The solution is presented using the properties of the Bessel and associated Legendre functions.Comment: 4 page

    Cervical spondylodiscitis in an infant

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    An Esp Pediatr. 2000 Apr;52(4):398-400. [Cervical spondylodiscitis in an infant] [Article in Spanish] Oliveira T, Barbosa C, Neves E, Guimarães A, Sexto C, Cruz R. Servicio de Pediatría, Hospital Maria Pia, Porto, Portugal. Abstract Spondylitis in childhood is rare, presenting a great variety of symptoms that are related to the child s age and to the site of the inflammatory process. We present the case of a nine-month-old infant, who presented to the emergency department with a torticollis of six weeks evolution. The diagnosis of spondylitis (C6-C7) was confirmed by MRI. Intravenous antibiotic therapy was administered. The patient showed complete regression of symptoms and imaging tests were normal. The rarity of this disease in patients in this age group, as well as the site and form of presentation are emphasised as is the importance of diagnosing this disease to prevent permanent neurological injuries or bone deformities. PMID: 11003937 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE

    Desempenho de bezerros cruzados do nascimento à desmama.

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    O objetivo foi avaliar o peso ao nascimento e o peso e a altura à desmama de bezerros filhos de remeas cruzadas Angus X Nelore (AN) e Simental X Nelore (SN) inseminadas com sêmen de touros das raças Angus, Bonsmara e Canchim. Os dados foram analisados pelo método dos quadrados mínimos cujo modelo estatístico incluiu os efeitos de mês e ano de nascimento, sexo, idade da vaca ao parto, idade à desmama, raça do touro (RT), touro dentro de RT, grupo genético da mãe (GM) e RT x GM. Não foi encontrada diferença entre os grupos genéticos para o peso ao nascimento. Para o peso à desmama, os animais filhos de touros Angus e Bonsmara foram mais pesados que os filhos de touros Canchim. O peso e a altura à desmama dos filhos de vacas SN foram maiores que os dos filhos de vacas AN

    Inflammatory Mediators Release in Urine from Mice Injected with Crotalus durissus terrificus Venom

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    In this study, we investigated in groups of female BALB/c mice injected with Crotalus durissus terrificus venom (Cdt) the renal function based on creatinine clearance, percentage of fractional excretion cytokines and histological examination of renal tissue. Cdt caused renal alterations that induced proteinuria during the initial hours post-venom and reduced creatinine clearance 15 min. up to 2 hours post-venom administration. In urine from mice injected with Cdt induced a decrease in IL-4 levels. More pronounced increments of IL-5, IL-6 and IFN-γ were observed after 15 and 30 min, respectively. The highest levels of TNF and IL-10 were observed at 1 and 4 hs, respectively. The ratios of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines in animals injected with Cdt, which may be manifested in the inflammatory status during the envenoming. In groups of animals treated with Cdt were observed a decreasing in creatinine clearance and its effect on glomerular filtration rate was accompanied by decreased fractional excretion of cytokines and morphologic disturbances. This loss of change selectively in envenomation could thus explain why the relatively excretion of cytokines is reduced while of total proteins increases. In conclusion the fractional excretion of cytokines is significantly reduced in mice injected with Cdt, despite proteinuria

    Studying O2 pathways in [NiFe]- and [NiFeSe]-hydrogenases

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    Hydrogenases are efficient biocatalysts for H2 production and oxidation with various potential biotechnological applications.[NiFe]-class hydrogenases are highly active in both production and oxidation processes—albeit primarily biased to the latter—but suffer from being sensitive to O2.[NiFeSe] hydrogenases are a subclass of [NiFe] hydrogenases with, usually, an increased insensitivity to aerobic environments. In this study we aim to understand the structural causes of the low sensitivity of a [NiFeSe]-hydrogenase, when compared with a [NiFe] class enzyme, by studying the diffusion of O2. To unravel the differences between the two enzymes, we used computational methods comprising Molecular Dynamics simulations with explicit O2 and Implicit Ligand Sampling methodologies. With the latter, we were able to map the free energy landscapes for O2 permeation in both enzymes. We derived pathways from these energy landscapes and selected the kinetically more relevant ones with reactive flux analysis using transition path theory. These studies evidence the existence of quite different pathways in both enzymes and predict a lower permeation efficiency for O2 in the case of the [NiFeSe]-hydrogenase when compared with the [NiFe] enzyme. These differences can explain the experimentally observed lower inhibition by O2 on [NiFeSe]-hydrogenases, when compared with [NiFe]-hydrogenases. A comprehensive map of the residues lining the most important O2 pathways in both enzymes is also presented.publishersversionpublishe

    Dissociable Effects of Psychopathic Traits on Executive Functioning: Insights From the Triarchic Model

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    The relationship between executive functioning and psychopathy lacks consistent findings. The heterogeneity of the psychopathic personality structure may contribute to the mixed data that emerged from clinical-categorical approaches. Considering the link between antisocial behavior and executive dysfunction from the perspective of the Triarchic Model of Psychopathy, it is suggested that executive impairments in psychopathy are specifically explained by meanness and disinhibition traits, reflecting externalizing vulnerability. In turn, boldness is conceptualized as an adaptive trait. The current study assessed updating (N-back), inhibition (Stroop), and shifting (Trail Making Test) in a forensic (n = 56) and non-forensic sample (n = 48) that completed the Triarchic Psychopathy Measure. A positive association between boldness and inhibition was found, while meanness accounted for the lack of inhibitory control. In addition, disinhibition explained updating dysfunction. These findings provide empirical evidence for dissociable effects of psychopathic traits on executive functioning, in light of the Triarchic Model of Psychopathy