1,459 research outputs found

    Mindfulness for the Reduction of Anxiety, Stress, and Depression in the Preservice Teacher Community

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    Teachers and students alike suffer from anxiety, stress, and depression. Mindfulness-based strategies have been indicated to help teachers and students deal with stress, anxiety, and depression. Teachers often report not wishing to add more learning strategies to their packed schedules and workload. Education in mindfulness is not easily accessible due to the time constraints of this overworked population. The criteria for participation in the study required the college students in preservice education classes to be over 18 years old, enrolled in the teacher education program, and not have participated in any mindfulness in the last six months. The study is a quantitative pretest posttest design and included 10 participants who completed the pretest, intervention, and posttest. The data was collected via the website Mindful Teacher and included a link to the intervention, Palouse Mindfulness. Palouse Mindfulness is a mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) program. The data was collected, screened, and then analyzed using a paired sample t-test and noted, after analysis using SPSS, a reduction in the posttest scores on the depression, anxiety, and stress scales (DASS-21) after using the MBSR intervention. The factors of anxiety, stress, and depression have been associated as being significant factors in burnout as well as overall teacher health. Hopefully, MBSR could be a valuable technique for better mental health in teachers and those entering the profession

    Ecology and life history of an Amazon floodplain cichlid: the discus fish Symphysodon (Perciformes: Cichlidae)

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    The discus fishes of the genus Symphysodon are popular ornamental cichlids that occur in floodplain lakes and flooded forests of the lowland Amazon Basin. These habitats are characterized by extreme seasonal fluctuations in the availability of food, shelter and dissolved oxygen, and also the densities of predators and parasites. Most aspects of discus biology are influenced by these fluctuating conditions. This paper reports an autoecological study of the western Amazonian discus S. haraldi (until recently classified as S. aequifasciatus). This species feeds predominantly on algal periphyton, fine organic detritus, plant matter, and small aquatic invertebrates. At high water it forages alone or in small groups in flooded forests. At low water it forms large aggregations in fallen tree crowns along lake margins. Breeding occurs at the beginning of the flood season, ensuring that the progeny are well grown before the next low water period. Symphysodon haraldi is an iteroparous partial spawner, reaches reproductive maturity within a year, and undertakes parental care of its eggs and larvae. The timing of spawning events, and/or the rate of brood survival, may be influenced by fluctuations in the flood level, resulting in a non-unimodal distribution of size classes for the subsequent 1+ cohort

    Introduction to the Special Issue

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    We are pleased to bring you the first of two special issues of Educational Considerations comprised of papers presented at the 2012 National Education Finance Conference in San Antonio, Texas

    Introduction to the Special Issue

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    This special issue of Educational Considerations presents a selection of papers from the inaugural National Education Finance Conference held in 2011

    Introduction to the Special Issue

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    We are pleased to bring you the second of two special issues of Educational Considerations comprised of papers presented at the 2012 National Education Finance Conference in San Antonio, Texas

    Hubble Space Telescope imaging of the CFRS and LDSS redshift surveys - IV. Influence of mergers in the evolution of faint field galaxies from z~1

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    HST images of a sample of 285 galaxies with measured z from the CFRS and Autofib-LDSS redshift surveys are analysed to derive the evolution of the merger fraction out to z~1. We have performed visual and machine-based merger identifications, as well as counts of bright pairs of galaxies with magnitude differences less than 1.5 mag. We find that the pair fraction increases with z, with up to ~20% of the galaxies being in physical pairs at z~0.75-1. We derive a merger fraction varying with z as (1+z)^{3.2 +/- 0.6}, after correction for line-of-sight contamination, in excellent agreement with the merger fraction derived from the visual classification of mergers for which m = 3.4 +/- 0.6. After correcting for seeing effects on the ground-based selection of survey galaxies, we conclude that the pair fraction evolves as (1+z)^{2.7 +/- 0.6}. This implies that an average L* galaxy will have undergone 0.8 to 1.8 merger events from z=1 to 0, with 0.5 to 1.2 merger events occuring in a 2 Gyr time span at z~0.9. This result is consistent with predictions from semi-analytical models of galaxy formation. From the simple co-addition of the observed luminosities of the galaxies in pairs, physical mergers are computed to lead to a brightening of 0.5 mag for each pair on average, and a boost in star formation rate of a factor of 2, as derived from the average [O II] equivalent widths. Mergers of galaxies are therefore contributing significantly to the evolution of both the luminosity function and luminosity density of the Universe out to z~1.Comment: 14 pages, 6 PS figures included. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Infrared spectroscopic studies of hydrogen bonding in substituted nitrophenols: substituent and solvent effects

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    A detailed infrared spectroscopic study of the substituted phenols 2-cyano-4,6-dinitrophenol and 4-cyano-2,6-dinitrophenol has been carried out (in several different solvents) in order to investigate the substituent and solvent effects on their intra- and inter-molecular hydrogen bonding properties. In benzene or dichloromethane it is found that both isomers form strong intramolecular hydrogen bonds with the 2-cyano (2CN) isomer having a stronger intramolecular interaction (in accordance with the higher pKa). The 4-cyano (4CN) isomer shows two distinct NO2 groups and exchange between the two possible hydrogen bonding sites is probably slow on the infrared time-scale. In protic solvents such as methanol the intramolecular hydrogen bonds are broken (more easily for the 4CN isomer) by intermolecular hydrogen bonding to the solvent. The differential “reactivity” towards methanol may be associated with steric congestion in the 4CN isomer leading to the forcing of at least one of the NO2 groups out of the aromatic plane. The use of mixed solvents (benzene-methanol) has established that the two hydrogen bonded species are observed together and that a high concentration of methanol is required to drive the equilibrium towards the intermolecular hydrogen bonded species. In dimethyl sulphoxide the behaviour of the two isomers is even more interesting. The 4CN isomer is ionised to produce the corresponding phenolate. However the 2CN isomer remains neutral (but highly solvated). We attribute this difference to the requirement for the 4CN isomer to allow the 2- and 6-NO2 groups to recover planarity with the aromatic ring. The energy compensation involved in this process is clearly sufficient to break a stronger intramolecular hydrogen bond.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio