17 research outputs found

    emm gene diversity, superantigen gene profiles and presence of SlaA among clinical isolates of group A, C and G streptococci from western Norway

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    In order to investigate molecular characteristics of beta-hemolytic streptococcal isolates from western Norway, we analysed the entire emm gene sequences, obtained superantigen gene profiles and determined the prevalence of the gene encoding streptococcal phospholipase A2 (SlaA) of 165 non-invasive and 34 contemporary invasive group A, C and G streptococci (GAS, GCS and GGS). Among the 25 GAS and 26 GCS/GGS emm subtypes identified, only emm3.1 was significantly associated with invasive disease. M protein size variation within GAS and GCS/GGS emm types was frequently identified. Two non-invasive and one invasive GGS possessed emm genes that translated to truncated M proteins as a result of frameshift mutations. Results suggestive of recombinations between emm or emm-like gene segments were found in isolates of emm4 and stG485 types. One non-invasive GGS possessed speC, speG, speH, speI and smeZ, and another non-invasive GGS harboured SlaA. speA and SlaA were over-represented among invasive GAS, probably because they were associated with emm3. speGdys was identified in 83% of invasive and 63% of non-invasive GCS/GGS and correlated with certain emm subtypes. Our results indicate the invasive potential of isolates belonging to emm3, and show substantial emm gene diversity and possible lateral gene transfers in our streptococcal population

    Signatures of Environmental Genetic Adaptation Pinpoint Pathogens as the Main Selective Pressure through Human Evolution

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    Previous genome-wide scans of positive natural selection in humans have identified a number of non-neutrally evolving genes that play important roles in skin pigmentation, metabolism, or immune function. Recent studies have also shown that a genome-wide pattern of local adaptation can be detected by identifying correlations between patterns of allele frequencies and environmental variables. Despite these observations, the degree to which natural selection is primarily driven by adaptation to local environments, and the role of pathogens or other ecological factors as selective agents, is still under debate. To address this issue, we correlated the spatial allele frequency distribution of a large sample of SNPs from 55 distinct human populations to a set of environmental factors that describe local geographical features such as climate, diet regimes, and pathogen loads. In concordance with previous studies, we detected a significant enrichment of genic SNPs, and particularly non-synonymous SNPs associated with local adaptation. Furthermore, we show that the diversity of the local pathogenic environment is the predominant driver of local adaptation, and that climate, at least as measured here, only plays a relatively minor role. While background demography by far makes the strongest contribution in explaining the genetic variance among populations, we detected about 100 genes which show an unexpectedly strong correlation between allele frequencies and pathogenic environment, after correcting for demography. Conversely, for diet regimes and climatic conditions, no genes show a similar correlation between the environmental factor and allele frequencies. This result is validated using low-coverage sequencing data for multiple populations. Among the loci targeted by pathogen-driven selection, we found an enrichment of genes associated to autoimmune diseases, such as celiac disease, type 1 diabetes, and multiples sclerosis, which lends credence to the hypothesis that some susceptibility alleles for autoimmune diseases may be maintained in human population due to past selective processes

    Targeting Enterococcus faecalis Biofilms with Phage Therapy.

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    Phage therapy has been proven to be more effective, in some cases, than conventional antibiotics, especially regarding multidrug-resistant biofilm infections. The objective here was to isolate an anti-Enterococcus faecalis bacteriophage and to evaluate its efficacy against planktonic and biofilm cultures. E. faecalis is an important pathogen found in many infections, including endocarditis and persistent infections associated with root canal treatment failure. The difficulty in E. faecalis treatment has been attributed to the lack of anti-infective strategies to eradicate its biofilm and to the frequent emergence of multidrug-resistant strains. To this end, an anti-E. faecalis and E. faecium phage, termed EFDG1, was isolated from sewage effluents. The phage was visualized by electron microscopy. EFDG1 coding sequences and phylogeny were determined by whole genome sequencing (GenBank accession number KP339049), revealing it belongs to the Spounavirinae subfamily of the Myoviridae phages, which includes promising candidates for therapy against Gram-positive pathogens. This analysis also showed that the EFDG1 genome does not contain apparent harmful genes. EFDG1 antibacterial efficacy was evaluated in vitro against planktonic and biofilm cultures, showing effective lytic activity against various E. faecalis and E. faecium isolates, regardless of their antibiotic resistance profile. In addition, EFDG1 efficiently prevented ex vivo E. faecalis root canal infection. These findings suggest that phage therapy using EFDG1 might be efficacious to prevent E. faecalis infection after root canal treatment

    Virulence profiling of Streptococcus dysgalactiae subspecies equisimilis isolated from infected humans reveals 2 distinct genetic lineages that do not segregate with their phenotypes or propensity to cause diseases

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    Background. In spite of the emerging importance of Streptococcus dysgalactiae subspecies equisimilis (human group C streptococci [GCS] and group G streptococci [GGS]) in human health, its molecular makeup remains largely undefined. Apart from sharing a phylogenetic relationship with the human pathogen group A streptococci (GAS), GCS/GGS and GAS colonize the same ecological niche and exhibit considerable overlap in their disease profiles. Such similarities imply that the virulence factors associated with diseases may also be similar. Methods. In this study, we used a targeted microarray containing 216 GAS virulence genes to profile the virulence gene repertoires of 58 S. dysgalactiae subspecies equisimilis isolates recovered during human infections. We performed comparative analyses to investigate the relationship between GAS virulence genes in and the invasive potential of GCS/GGS. Results. Up to one-half of the GAS virulence genes represented in the microarray were identified in GCS/GGS. No statistical differences were observed between isolates harboring the group C versus group G carbohydrates; however, clustering algorithms revealed 2 genetically distinct clusters of S. dysgalactiae subspecies equisimilis isolates. No relationship was observed between the virulence profile of GCS/GGS and the propensity for disease or the tissue site of isolation. Conclusions. This is, to our knowledge, the first comprehensive analysis of the virulence profile of S. dysgalactiae subspecies equisimilis, and it enables novel insights into the pathogen's genetic basis of disease propensity shared with GAS. Human group C and group G streptococci may not be considered to be separate species; in fact, they may constitute 2 distinct lineages. Additional incongruent relationships were observed between virulence profiles and GCS/GGS disease propensity