47 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Pengaturan Suhu Penggorengan Vacum Terhadap Sifat-Sifat Kimia Keripik Salak (Salaca edulis Reinw)

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    Snake fruit (Salaca edulis Reinw) has a taste of sweet and sour, with a strong astringent edge. Snake fruit can be processed into chips in order to prolong its shelf life. Fruit chips processed with vacuum frying technology does not compromise the form, taste, colour, and aroma of the native fruits. However, in an effort to obtain crisp and tasteful snake fruit chips, the temperature of the vacuum frying process should be adjusted accordingly. Results showed the frying temperature of 70°C resulted in the chips which had Vitamin C, total acidity, and moisture contents of 0.11 mg, 16.05%, and 12.74%, respectively. When chips were fried with 80°C, the resulting product had a Vitamin C of 0.12 mg, total acidity of 16.14%, and moisture of 14.02%. Whereas chips with lower Vitamin C, total acidity, and moisture contents of 0.09 mg, 8,54%, and 6.01%, subsequently resulted from frying with 90°C. Keywords: chips, snake fruits, vacuum fryin

    Analisis Usaha Pengolahan Ampas Ubi Kayu (Gepe) di Desa Waai Kecamatan Salahutu Kabupaten Maluku Tengah

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    The purposes of this study were to find out the characteristics of cassava dregs (gepe) agroindustry and to analyze the feasibility of cassava dregs (gepe) agroindustry in Waai Village. The method used was case study method towards cassava dregs (gepe) agroindustry businessmen as many as 50 respondents. Data collected in this study were primary data and secondary data. Data obtained then were analyzed by using qualitative and quantitative analysis. Descriptive analysis was used to answer the first objective about the characteristics of cassava dregs (gepe) agroindustry. The B/C analysis was used to answer the second objective about the feasibility of cassava dregs (gepe) agroindustry. The results showed that the characteristics of cassava dregs (gepe) agroindustry were: 1) the raw materials for gepe agroindustry in Waai village was cassavas. Cassavas used as raw materials in Waai village were edible cassavas and poisonous cassavas with high HCN content; 2) The processing of gepe in Waai Village used semi-mechanical technologies such as jack and grated machine; 3) Production cost for the processing of gepe was an average of Rp. 3,181,066 per month; 4) The production of gepe in Waai Village was an average 41.06 kg per month; and 5) The marketing of gepe was through two distribution channels, that respondents sold to village wholesalers in Waai village with the selling price ranging from Rp. 4,735/kg to Rp. 4,912/kg and sold directly to consumers in Batu Merah Traditional Market with the selling price of Rp. 5,263/kg. The cassava dregs agroindustry in Waai Village was feasible because the B/C ratio is 2.50 which is greater than 1


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    The current research aimed to analyze the relative efficiency level of enbal (sago starch) agro-industries. The relative efficiency analysis on 32 DMUs of enbal agro-industries showed that 40,63% of the industries were efficient and 59.38% were inefficient. Every efficient DMU became the reference for the inefficient DMUs based on the suggested quality. Each DMU of the enbal agro-industries has not reached a good efficiency level, which was indicated by the average relative efficiency scale of 0.886. This was a relatively low value, and improvements on the use of production input were needed. The analysis result on the DMUs of the enbal agro-industries which were on constant return to scale position were 40,62%. This showed that enbal agro-industries actors have applied production input efficiently, for the production increase was equal to the use of input. In other words, the use of input was more proportional. The DMUs of enbal agro-industries which were on decreasing return to scale position were 15,63%. This showed that the use of production input had been unsuitable so that the output decreases and the production cost increased. Meanwhile, the DMUs that were on increasing return to scale position were 43,75%. This showed that the industry actors who used certain production input would create efficient DMUs. On the other hand, the input excess would possibly decrease the output. As a result, the industry actors should be concerned about the use of production input in order to establish business efficiency

    Randomized clinical trial on the survival of lithium disilicate posterior partial restorations bonded using immediate or delayed dentin sealing after 3 years of function

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    Objectives: The survival and success rate and the quality of survival of partial ceramic restorations bonded employing Immediate (IDS) or Delayed Dentin Sealing (DDS) in vital molar teeth were evaluated in a randomized clinical trial with within-subject comparison study.Materials and methods: 30 patients received two lithium disilicate ceramic (IPS-e.max press, Ivoclar Vivadent) partial restorations on vital first or second molar teeth (N = 60). The two teeth randomly received either IDS (test group, n = 30) or DDS (control group, n = 30). Partial ceramic restorations were luted (Variolink Ultra, Ivoclar Vivadent) two weeks after preparation. Evaluations were performed at 1 week, 12 months and 36 months post-operatively, using qualitative (FDI) criteria. Representative failures were evaluated microscopically (SEM) and by means of simplified qualitative fractography analysis.Results: One absolute failure occurred in the DDS group due to (secondary) caries. The overall survival rate according to Kaplan-Meier after 3 years was 98.3% (FDI criteria score 1-4, n = 59) and the overall success rate was 85% (FDI criteria score 1-3, n = 51), with no significant difference between restorations in the IDS and DDS group (p = 0.32; Kaplan-Meier, Log Rank (Mantel-Cox), CI = 95%). For the quality of the survival, no statistically significant differences were found between IDS and DDS (p = 0.7; Kaplan-Meier, Log Rank (Mantel-Cox), CI = 95%) restorations on any follow-up timepoints for any of the FDI criteria (Wilcoxon, McNemar, p &gt; 0.05).Conclusion: Adhesively luted partial ceramic restorations in vital molar teeth have a good prognosis, however IDS did not show any differences in success and survival rates after 3 years of function.</p


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    Tanaman sagu mampu menghasilkan 20–40-ton pati kering per hektar per tahun. Artinya, 1 juta hektar tanaman sagu sudah cukup untuk memenuhi kebutuhan karbohidrat seluruh rakyat Indonesia. Peningkatan produksi dan diversifikasi produk olahan sagu dapat membuka peluang usaha baru dan meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat. Desa Waesamu di Kecamatan Kairatu Barat, Kabupaten Seram Bagian Barat, merupakan salah satu desa yang aktif dalam mengolah sagu. Namun dalam pengolahannya belum optimal, karena hasil olahan dalam bentuk bahan setenga jadi yaitu sagu basah. Oleh sebab itu perlu dilakukan pengolahan produk-produk turunan dari sagu yang memiliki nilai tambah dan nilai jual. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat berlangsung di Desa Waesamu melalui tahapan sosialisasi, pelatihan dan pendampingan kepada ibu-ibu PKK Desa Waesamu. Hasil kegiatan pengabdian yaitu tepung sagu diolah menjadi berbagai produk turunan, seperti kukis sagu keju, kukis sagu kismis, brownies sagu, dan mie sagu. Setiap kelompok mengolah salah satu produk dan mempresentasikan hasilnya kepada seluruh peserta pelatihan. Hasilnya sangat baik dan para peserta bersemangat untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan untuk pengolahan produk sagu menjadi peluang usaha untuk penambahan pendapatan keluarga

    internationalization strategies and policies in second tier higher education institutions

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    This study addresses the major objectives and challenges in the internationalization processes of second-tier higher education institutions. We use the examples of universities of applied sciences in the Netherlands, academic colleges in Israel, and community colleges in Canada to offer a global perspective regarding the internationalization efforts in these types of institutions. Through comprehensive comparative analysis of secondary sources, we identify the trends taking place within these types of higher education institutions in these countries. We find that second-tier institutions tend not to have solidified for themselves tailored internationalization approaches and strategies that are uniquely fitting to their own missions, aims and student populations. This oversight creates a situation whereby such institutions, despite their culturally diverse student populations and the promise they hold to create a unique niche within internationalization discourse, fail to utilize the potential inherent in targeted internationalization strategies