319 research outputs found

    Composición en ácidos grasos de fosfolípidos y triacilgliceroles de la carne del salmonete gris de labios gruesos (Chelon labrosus) que vive en agua geotérmica y agua de mar tunecina: un estudio comparativo

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    This study was conducted to elucidate the effects of rearing conditions on the composition of different phospholipid (PLs) classes and triacylglycerols (TAG) of the thick-lipped grey mullet (Chelon labrosus), a muscle originating from seawater and geothermal water. The major fatty acids in the examined lipid classes of the two fish groups were palmitic acid (C16:0), stearic acid (C18:0), oleic acid (C18:1n-9), linoleic acid (C18:2n-6), arachidonic acid (C20:4n-6), eicosapentaenoic acid (C20:5n-3), and docosahexaenoic acid (C22:6n-3). The analyses demonstrated that the fatty acid profiles of the PL classes in the seawater fish group were characterized by the predominance of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA). By contrast, in geothermal fish, the distribution of PUFA series proportions differed between the phospholipid fractions. It was found PUFA n-3 was particularly abundant in PS and PI, while the n-6 series dominated the PC and PE PUFA group. Nonetheless, it was found that neutral lipid fatty acids were characterized by saturated fatty acids (SFA) followed by monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) in the seawater fish and by PUFA in the geothermal fish. The results presented here give useful information on the role of lipid classes in the physiological adaptation of C. labrosus which can serve for the optiminzation of these aquaculture systems.Este estudio se llevó a cabo para dilucidar los efectos de las condiciones de cría sobre la composición de diferentes clases de fosfolípidos (PL) y triacilgliceroles (TAG) del músculo de salmonetes de labios gruesos (Chelon labrosus) procedentes de agua de mar y de agua geotérmica. Los principales ácidos grasos en las clases de lípidos examinados de los dos grupos de peces fueron, palmítico (C16:0), esteárico (C18:0), oleico (C18:1n-9), linoleico (C18:2n-6), araquidónico (C20:4n-6), eicosapentaenoico (C20:5n-3) y ácido docosahexaenoico (C22:6n-3). Las determinaciones mostraron que los perfiles de ácidos grasos de los PL, en el grupo de peces de agua de mar, se caracterizaron por el predominio de ácidos grasos poliinsaturados n-3 (PUFA). Por el contrario, en los peces geotérmicos, la distribución de las proporciones de las series de PUFA difirió entre las fracciones de fosfolípidos. Se encontró que los PUFA n-3 eran particularmente abundantes en PS y PI, mientras que la serie n-6 dominaba el grupo de PUFA PC y PE. No obstante, se encontró que en lipidos neutros, los mayoritarios son los ácidos grasos saturados (SFA) seguidos de los ácidos grasos monoinsaturados (MUFA) en el pescado de agua de mar y los PUFA en el pescado geotérmico. Los resultados actuales brindan información útil sobre el papel de las clases de lípidos en la adaptación fisiológica de C. labrosus que puede servir para la optimización de estos sistemas de acuicultura

    A cross-cultural validation of tourism web acceptance model: A comparison of Tunisia and China

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    Internet use has intensified worldwide. However, this evolution masks cultural differences in booking behaviors. This study investigates the effects of culture on the online booking practices of consumers from Tunisia and China. Differences in the structural patterns across the Tunisian (Arabic) and Chinese (Asian) cultural contexts are analyzed. We find that the model of technology acceptance for tourism online booking (tourism web acceptance model) holds for both countries. The effects of perceived risk or subjective norms, which are highly significant in the Tunisian context, attest to the important influence of culture on the online booking behaviors of consumers. Two cognitive constructs, namely, perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use, produce a greater effect on the online booking behaviors of those from Tunisia

    Chemical properties of 11 date cultivars and their corresponding fiber extracts

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    Date palm fruit from 11 Tunisian cultivars (Phoenix dactylifera L.) were analyzed for their main chemical composition. Results showed that date fruits were rich in sugar (79.93 - 88.02 g/100 g dry matter), fiber(8.09 - 20.25 g/100 g dry matter) and ash (1.73 - 2.59 g/100 g dry matter). Mineral fraction was dominated by potassium and sugar fraction was dominated by reducing sugar (glucose, fructose) except for Deglet Nour, Kentichi and Bajo which are rich in sucrose. Date fiber concentrates (DFC) were extracted and analyzed for their proximate content (moisture, fiber, protein, lipid and ash) and some functional properties such as water holding capacity (WHC) and oil holding capacity (OHC). DFC presented high dietary fiber content (90.71 - 93.92 g/100g dry matter). Protein and lipid contents (dry matter basis) ranged between 3.66 and 6.06 g/100 g and between 0.35 and 1.08 g/100 g, respectively. DFC presentedhigh WHC (6.20 g water/g dry fiber) and high OHC (1.80 g oil/g dry fiber). Results showed that dates could be a valuable source of highly techno-functional fibers that could be used in food formulations

    Tuberculose de la glande thyroide : a propos d’un cas

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    La tuberculose thyroïdienne est une entité rare. La symptomatologie clinique est non spécifique faite par un tableau de goitre ou de thyroïdite avec une évolution subaigüe ou chronique. nous rapportons le cas d’une tuberculose thyroïdienne chez une patiente âgée de 56 ans présentant un goitre thyroïdien sans manifestations générales. Le diagnostic a été confirmé par l’examen anatomopathologique de la pièce opératoire. Un traitement antituberculeux a été instauré pendant neuf mois avec une bonne évolution.Mots clés : glande thyroïde ; tuberculose.Thyroid is a rare localization of tuberculosis. The clinical course of the disease may resemble toxic goiter or acute thyroiditis or may follow a subacute or chronic pattern without specific symptomatology. We report the case of 56 years-old woman referred to the hospital with a diagnosis of goiter without clinical signs of tuberculosis. The diagnosis was established after total thyroidectomy and histological exam. nine-month treatment with antituberculous drugs was administered with a good outcome.Keywords: thyroid gland; tuberculosis

    Social welfare and profit maximization from revealed preferences

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    Consider the seller's problem of finding optimal prices for her nn (divisible) goods when faced with a set of mm consumers, given that she can only observe their purchased bundles at posted prices, i.e., revealed preferences. We study both social welfare and profit maximization with revealed preferences. Although social welfare maximization is a seemingly non-convex optimization problem in prices, we show that (i) it can be reduced to a dual convex optimization problem in prices, and (ii) the revealed preferences can be interpreted as supergradients of the concave conjugate of valuation, with which subgradients of the dual function can be computed. We thereby obtain a simple subgradient-based algorithm for strongly concave valuations and convex cost, with query complexity O(m2/ϵ2)O(m^2/\epsilon^2), where ϵ\epsilon is the additive difference between the social welfare induced by our algorithm and the optimum social welfare. We also study social welfare maximization under the online setting, specifically the random permutation model, where consumers arrive one-by-one in a random order. For the case where consumer valuations can be arbitrary continuous functions, we propose a price posting mechanism that achieves an expected social welfare up to an additive factor of O(mn)O(\sqrt{mn}) from the maximum social welfare. Finally, for profit maximization (which may be non-convex in simple cases), we give nearly matching upper and lower bounds on the query complexity for separable valuations and cost (i.e., each good can be treated independently)

    Improved synthesis and reaction of dimethyl a-(bromomethyl) fumarate with primary amines

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    La dysplasie fibreuse du rocher

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    La dysplasie fibreuse est une affection bénigne rare dont l’étiologie est inconnue. Elle représente une anomalie dans le développement normal de l’os. L’os temporal est rarement atteint, donnant des complications telles qu’une surdité et une paralysie faciale périphérique. L’imagerie, principalement la tomodensitométrie est capitale pour le diagnostic positif. On rapporte un cas de dysplasie fibreuse retrouvé chez une femme de 43 ans présentant une surdité brutale.Mots clés : os temporal, dysplasie, scanner.Fibrous dysplasia is an uncommon benign disorder of unknown etiology. It most likely represents a disorder of bone normal development. The temporal bone is rarely involved, giving complications such as hearing loss and facial nerve palsy. The imaging, mainly performed with computerized tomography, plays a major role in positive diagnosis. We report a case of fibrous dysplasia found on a 43 year-old women presenting an acute sensorineural hearing loss.Key words: temporal bone, dysplasia, CT

    Les ostéomes sinusiens

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    Introduction: Osteoma of the paranasal sinus is a rare and benign tumor that develops slowly when therapy becomes mandotory, it is necessarily surgical. Results: We report 38 cases of osteoma, operated by external approach in 36 cases and endonasal approach in 2 cases. The osteoma involved the frontal sinus in 27 cases, ethmoid in 5 cases and the junctional zone in 6 patients. The follow up patients was correctly done in 36 cases. The functional results were satisfying without recurrence in 34 of them (follow-up: 18 months). In the other 2 patients a recurrence was diagnosed. Conclusion: sinus osteoma is a benign tumor. Symptomatic form does been treated by a surgery. The approach depends on the location of osteoma and CT-Scan may guide the choice   Key words: Osteoma, sinus, external approach, endonasal approach.

    Les carcinomes adénoïdes kystiques de la parotide a propos de 3 cas

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    Les carcinomes adénoïdes kystiques (CAK) représentent 2 à 4% des tumeurs de la parotide et 12% des tumeurs malignes. Ce sont des tumeurs à croissance lente qui sont caractérisées par leur capacité à infiltrer les gaines nerveuses. Les auteurs rapportent trois cas de CAK de la glande parotide diagnostiqués et traités entre l’année 2000 et 2007. Il s’agissait de 2 hommes et une femme qui ont consulté devant l’apparition d’une tuméfaction de la loge parotidienne associée à une paralysie faciale dans un cas. Les aires ganglionnaires étaient libres. Tous les patients ont bénéficié d’une exploration comportant une échographie, une TDM dans un cas et une IRM chez un patient. Le traitement a consisté en une parotidectomie totale associée à un curage ganglionnaire dans tous les cas et à une radiothérapie complémentaire. L’évolution a été favorable dans deux cas. Le carcinome adénoïde kystique de la parotide est une tumeur rare, caractérisée par une évolution très lente, une agressivité locale, un caractère fortement récidivant localement et un haut pouvoir métastatique à distance.Mots-clés : Carcinome adénoïde kystique, glande parotide, chirurgie, radiothérapie

    Le syndrome de pourfour du petit : une manifestation rare des cellulites cervico-mediastinales

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    Le syndrome de Pourfour du Petit (SPdP) relève de diverses étiologies. Nous rapportons le premier cas de SPdP secondaire à une cellulite cervico-médiastinale, a travers lequel nous décrivons l’étiopathogénie, la présentation clinique et les aspects évolutifs de cette entité clinique rare. un homme de 37 ans a été hospitalisé pour cellulite cervico-médiatinale. Outre le blindage inflammatoire cervical, l’examen a objectivé une mydriase gauche associée à une exophtalmie et un élargissement de la fente palpébrale d’installation récente. Le reste de l’examen neurologique et ORL a été sans particularité. Nous avons retenu le diagnostic du SPdP d’origine infectieuse. Le patient a été mis sous antibiothérapie et a eu un drainage et nettoyage de toute la loge viscérale cervicale et du médiastin supérieur. L’évolution a été favorable avec régression partielle des signes ophtalmiques. Le syndrome de Pourfour du Petit est une entité rare. Sa connaissance offre au clinicien des pistes diagnostiques notamment dans les pathologies mettant en jeu le pronostic vital.Mots clés : syndrome de Pourfour du Petit, système nerveux sympathique cervical, mydriase.The Pourfour de Petit syndrome (PdPS) is of various etiologies. We report the first case of SPdP secondary to cervicomediastinal cellulitis through which we describe the etiopathogeny, clinical presentation and evolution aspects of this rare clinical entity. A 37 years old male was hospitalized for cervico-mediastinal cellulitis. Besides the cervical inflammation, examination objectified a recent left mydriasis, exophthalmia and a widening of the palpebral fissure. The rest of the neurological examination was unremarkable. We retained the diagnostic of PdPS of an infectious origin. Beside antibiotherapy, the patient had drainage and cleaning of the visceral lodge and upper mediastinum. The evolution was favorable with partial regression of ophthalmic signs. The PdPS is a rare entity. its knowledge provides the clinician with diagnostic tracks including diseases involving lifethreatening.Key words : Pourfour du Petit syndrome, cervical sympathetic system, mydriasi