219 research outputs found

    Six Sigma: A novel approach to pharmaceutical industry

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    The statistical concept, six sigma is used to define problems systematically, provides tools to measure and influential factors and identifies the improvements that can be implemented easily. It is quality management tool which can be considered as a vision, a philosophy, a symbol, a metric, a goal, a methodology. It simply means a measure of quality that struggle for near perfection. It is a highly disciplined process that focuses on developing and deliveringNear perfect product and services It is based on three element Process improvement, Process. Design/re-design and Process management. When we use this technique for a process then process variation reduced to 3.4 DPMO (Defects per million Opportunities).Six sigma is divided in two sub methods DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control) is improvement system for existing processes that doesnt meet specification. DMADV (Define, Measure, Analyze, Design, Verify) is used to develop new processes at six sigma level

    Review: common trouble shooting problems in RP-HPLC

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    High performance liquid chromatography is one the powerful analytical tool regularly employed for the analysis of the drugs in the pharmaceutical formulations. Day by day advancement in instrumentation is increasing but still the problems have been encountered while performing analysis. Here in this review article different troubleshooting has been described with their causative and preventive parameters during performing the method development for separation and identification by RP-HPLC

    Utility of Coronoid Bone Graft in Residual Deformity of Zygomaticomaxillary Complex and Associated Orbital Fractures: In Central India Population

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    This article reports 20 cases elaborating the role of mandibular coronoid process as a graft in reconstruction of small continuity defects of residual or old zygomaticomaxillary complex (ZMC) fractures or the orbital floor fractures associated ZMC fractures. Though different other various autogenous and alloplastic materials are available, coronoid has its own advantages. The most important advantage of using coronoid graft is autogenous bone of intramembranous origin harvested through the same surgical site. Various authors for small continuity defects have documented its use as a graft. All the cases in this report showed acceptable results. Thus, we recommend the use of coronoid process of the mandible as a source for autogenous bone graft as it can provide sufficient bone in quantity and quality for selected maxillofacial reconstructions

    Prevalence and risk factors of Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) in livestock and companion animal in high-risk areas in Malaysia

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    Japanese encephalitis (JE) is vector-borne zoonotic disease which causes encephalitis in humans and horses. Clinical signs for Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) infection are not clearly evident in the majority of affected animals. In Malaysia, information on the prevalence of JEV infection has not been established. Thus, a cross-sectional study was conducted during two periods, December 2015 to January 2016 and March to August in 2016, to determine the prevalence and risk factors in JEV infections among animals and birds in Peninsular Malaysia. Serum samples were harvested from the 416 samples which were collected from the dogs, cats, water birds, village chicken, jungle fowls, long-tailed macaques, domestic pigs, and cattle in the states of Selangor, Perak, Perlis, Kelantan, and Pahang. The serum samples were screened for JEV antibodies by commercial IgG ELISA kits. A questionnaire was also distributed to obtain information on the animals, birds, and the environmental factors of sampling areas. The results showed that dogs had the highest seropositive rate of 80% (95% CI: ± 11.69) followed by pigs at 44.4% (95% CI: ± 1.715), cattle at 32.2% (95% CI: ± 1.058), birds at 28.9% (95% CI: ± 5.757), cats at 15.6% (95% CI: ± 7.38), and monkeys at 14.3% (95% CI: ± 1.882). The study also showed that JEV seropositivity was high in young animals and in areas where mosquito vectors and migrating birds were prevalent

    The catfish resources of south west coast of India - prospects and management problems

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    The marine catfishes of the genus Tachysurus form an important resource along Kerala-Karnataka coast. Till early seventies this resource was mainly exploited by indigenous gears and to a lesser extent by trawlers. The sudden introduction of large number of purse seines brought in a boost in the production of catfishes along Karnataka coast. This increase In the production was achieved exclusively by exploiting shoe's of brooders which frequent the coastal waters for spawning in the monsoon and post monsoon months. The exploitation of the brooders year after year has led to the decline in production, probably due to poor recruitment. The steady yield of catfishes along Kerala showed a decreasing trend after the massive purse seine operations in Karnataka. The possible extent and effects of this decline are discussed in detail. The yield trends of various species of catfishes by different gears at the important fishing centres in Kerala and Karnataka have been studied in the light of declining production, and destruction of brooders. This account is an attempt to establish the degree of destruction of brooders, spawners and eggs'larvae along the entire coastal stretch, especially during September-October period. An attempt has been made to suggest suitable managerial measures to overcome this situation, so that the maximum sustainable yield can be achieved without affecting the spawning population and thereby the stock

    Detection of enteric viral and bacterial pathogens associated with paediatric diarrhoea in Goroka, Papua New Guinea

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    Objectives: The aim of this study was to investigate the viral and bacterial causes of acute watery diarrhoea in hospitalized children in Papua New Guinea. Methods: A retrospective analysis was conducted on stool samples collected from 199 children (age < 5 years) admitted to the paediatric ward of Goroka General Hospital from August 2009 through November 2010. A large range of viral and bacterial enteric pathogens were targeted using real-time PCR/RT-PCR assays. Results: Young children were much more likely to be admitted with acute gastroenteritis, with 62.8% of patients aged <1 year and 88.4% aged <2 years. An enteric pathogen was detected in 69.8% (n = 138) of patients. The most commonly detected pathogens were Shigella spp (26.6%), rotavirus (25.6%), adenovirus types 40/41 (11.6%), enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (11.1%), enteropathogenic E. coli (8.5%), norovirus G2 (6.0%), and Campylobacter spp (4.0%). Norovirus G1, sapovirus, and Salmonella spp were also detected, but below our statistical limit of detection. Vibrio cholerae and astrovirus were not detected in any patients. Mixed infections were detected in 22.1% of patients, with Shigella and rotavirus most commonly detected in co-infections with other pathogens. Conclusions: This study demonstrates that Shigella and rotavirus are the major pathogens associated with acute paediatric gastroenteritis in this setting

    Combined first principles statistical mechanics approach to sulfur structure in organic cathode hosts for polymer based lithium sulfur Li S batteries

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    Polymer based batteries that utilize organic electrode materials are considered viable candidates to overcome the common drawbacks of lithium sulfur Li S batteries. A promising cathode can be developed using a conductive, flexible, and free standing polymer, poly 4 thiophen 3 yl benzenethiol PTBT , as the sulfur host material. By a vulcanization process, sulfur is embedded into this polymer. Here, we present a combination of electronic structure theory and statistical mechanics to characterize the structure of the initial state of the charged cathode on an atomic level. We perform a stability analysis of differently sulfurized TBT dimers as the basic polymer unit calculated within density functional theory DFT and combine this with a statistical binding model for the binding probability distributions of the vulcanization process. From this, we deduce sulfur chain length rank distributions and calculate the average sulfur rank depending on the sulfur concentration and temperature. This multi scale approach allows us to bridge the gap between the local description of the covalent bonding process and the derivation of the macroscopic properties of the cathode. Our calculations show that the main reaction of the vulcanization process leads to high probability states of sulfur chains cross linking TBT units belonging to different polymer backbones, with a dominant rank around n 5. In contrast, the connection of adjacent TBT units of the same polymer backbone by a sulfur chain is the side reaction. These results are experimentally supported by Raman spectroscop

    Marine Fish Calendar. 4 Cochin

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    The article provides details about the marine fish landing at Cochin fisheries harbour, Kerala during the period 1981-1985. It was found that the majority of the landing was contributed by purse seine followed by trawlers, drift gill nets, boat seines, hooks and lines etc