67 research outputs found

    Analisis Pendapatan Asli Daerah Melalui Kontribusi Pajak Bumi Dan Bangunan Dalam Meninjau Peraturan Daerah Kabupaten Pamekasan

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    Rural and urban land and building tax or PBB-P2 is a regional tax as a source of original regional income. The aim of this research is to determine the contribution of Regional Tax and Land and Building Tax to local original income in accordance with Pamekasan Regency regional regulations. This research uses quantitative descriptive methods. This research looks at the contribution of regional taxes and land and building taxes to Original Regional Income (PAD) from 2016-2020. The results of this research show that regional taxes and land and building taxes make a very good contribution to PAD. Therefore, the role of regional taxes and PBB (P2) is needed in increasing PAD which is realized in regional regulations. Regional tax collection officers provide services by increasing the means of paying regional taxes so that the potential for regional tax revenues increases. The revenue department maintains a good relationship with collection officers so that they can supervise local tax collection to avoid fraud during collection


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    The purpose of this study was to determine the level of financial capability in Pamekasan in order to support the implementation of regional autonomy. This study took place in the Finance and Asset Management Agency Pamekasan regency. While the data used in this study is the financial data in the budget Finance and Asset Management Agency Regions 2011-2015 fiscal year. The data collection techniques is to study literature and documentationThis research method is descriptive quantitative, using financial ratios, ie the ratio of local financial independence, the ratio of the degree of decentralization, local financial dependency ratios. The results of the analysis conducted of data obtained as follows: Based on the ratio of local financial independence shown by the average ratios are 36.53%% remained between 25% - 50% are categorized as instructive meaningful relationship patterns Pamekasan government's ability to meet funding needed to perform the duties of Government, Development and Social Services community is still relatively low despite the years has increased and decreased. The degree of decentralization ratio only has an average of 6.4%. this means that the level of financial independence still low Pamekasan in implementing autonomy. Based on the area of financial dependency ratios averaging 19% are in scale interval, 10.01 to 20.00% this means that This means revenue (PAD) has a dependency large enough to cover immediate expenses and Pamekasan government still depends on the source financial receipts from central government and provincial transfers

    Effect of Work Ecosystem on Employee Performance at the Pamekasan Regency Agency

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    The purpose of this research is to examine the paradigm change of governance implementation. The governance is the implementation of Regional Autonomy which refers to Law No. 32 of 2004 about the performance improvement of autonomous government agencies. It puts the vision, mission, and strategy into actions that confirm the success or failure levels when carrying out activities following the specified programs and policies. There are variables applied to assess the civil servants’ performance achievement. This research focused on the variables that affect the work environment, organizational culture, job satisfaction, and work motivation. The respondents of this research are officials of Echelon III and IV at 14 Autonomous Regional Agencies in the Pamekasan Regency. The number of samples in this study comprised 120 Echelon III and IV officials. Structural Equation Method (SEM) was applied to test the causal relationship between work environment variables, organizational culture, work motivation, job satisfaction, and performance with the aid of the AMOS 20.0 program. The findings indicated (1) the work environment has a significant effect on job satisfaction and performance but has no significant effect on work motivation; (2) organizational culture has a significant impact on job satisfaction and performance but has no significant effect on work motivation; (3) job satisfaction has a significant effect on performance but has no significant effect on work motivation; (4) work motivation has a significant impact on performance but it has no significant effect on work motivation

    Forecasting Money Flow in East Java Using The Generalized Space-Time Autoregressive With Exogenous Variable Method

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    The forecast is more accurate when involving an exogen, for example, the generalized spatio temporal autoregressive (GSTAR) model with exogenous variables (GSTARX). This study aims to obtain appropriate statistical values to identify autoregressive orders for time dependencies and order effects with exogenous variables such as Eid al-Fitr and the consumer price index (CPI) in the GSTARX model. Additionally, this study seeks to obtain a GSTARX model suitable for forecasting. The case study is the inflows and outflows in four locations in East Java. The simulation results show that the statistical values for identifying VAR order for time dependencies use the matrix partial cross-correlation function (MPCCF). Meanwhile, effect orders from exogenous variables in the two-level GSTARX model show CCF at level one. In addition, GLS (general least squares) produces a more efficient estimator than the OLS (ordinary least squares). The results of the case study show that the two-level GSTAR model forming inflow and outflow data are GSTARX (31) and GSTARX ([1,3]1) respectively. In addition, the comparison of forecast accuracy shows that, in general, the smallest root mean square error (RMSE) value in the two-level GSTARX model is the inverse distance weight

    Praktik Negara-Negara atas Konsepsi Negara Kepulauan

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    Since the succesful adoption of archipelagic state principle in the UNCLOS that was basically sponsored by states whose territory mostly consists of island or group of islands surrounding by sea, there are only nineteen countries out of twenty-four countries that can be considered as archipelagic state, that have enacted their domestic regulations governing their policy toward their sea territory. It can be said further that Indonesia is the only one of nineteen countries who has its domestic regulation in purpose to honor the obligations under Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982 (UNCLOS) and to build strong relationship with international organizations. Based on those facts, it seems that the successful of adopting the regime archipelagic state in international law arena has not been well followed by the support of domestic regulations beacuse of some kind of barriers in each country. Indonesia has to be patient for waiting other countries to handle out their problems and then implement their obligations like Indonesia does


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    The massive earthquake of the sea-bed on December 26, 2004, has triggered tsunami in the Indian Ocean and caused large-scale death and destruction in many countries. This disaster has stimulated the international comunity to carry out significant relief efforts. The unparalleled magnitude of this disaster raises questions on whether there is a role of international law, particularly with respect to preparing for, detecting, and responding to natural disasters. This article tries to consider on whether international law has been used in the management of such natural disaster, or whether international law in this area should be more actively been pursued

    Analisis Kepatuhan Wajib Pajak Bumi dan Bangunan Berdasarkan Realisasi Penerimaan Pajak Bumi dan Bangunan (PBB) pada Dinas Pendapatan Daerah Kabupaten Pamekasan

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    Land and Building Tax (PBB) is a Local Tax as one of the important local revenue sources to finance the implementation of the local government to establish a broad regional autonomy, real and responsible. Therefore we need taxpayer compliance in meeting the obligations it is important in the collection of taxes. Tax compliance can be seen from the revenue target and Building Tax (PBB) that have been realized. This research was conducted in the Office of Regional Revenue in Pamekasan, which in this study the authors examined the Taxpayer Compliance Analysis Based Revenues and Building Tax. The purpose of this study is to determine how large the percentage level of tax compliance Land and Building (PBB) Revenues by land and building tax (PBB). The analytical method used is descriptive method in which the data obtained from the Department of Revenue Pamekasan processed by looking at the percentage of realization of revenue from land and building tax (PBB). The author can conclude that the level of compliance in 2014 is 68.52% (Less Comply) and 2015 is 79.60% (Less Comply) and 2016 ie 81.83 % (obedient enough), so it can be said that the taxpayer on land and buildings (UN ) sufficient to adhere to their obligation to pay taxes

    Peran Pola Pengasuhan Orangtua Terhadap Kepuasan Hidup Dan Sikap Nasionalisme Pada Remaja

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    Nationalism as a love of the homeland, or attitude to love the nation and its own country. Nationalism must be developed from the beginning through the role of parenting parenting of children in the family. In addition, nationalism also grows in the life of adolescents who have life satisfaction. On the other hand, parenting also plays an important role in meeting the satisfaction of the lives of teenagers in the family. This research intends to know the role of parenting to the satisfaction of life and the attitude of teen nationalism. Data collection with the questionnaire is parenting parenting, life satisfaction and nationalism. Retrieved data of 220 adolescents. Analytical technique using anova and regression. The results of this study can be summarized as follows: there is no difference in nationalism attitude in terms of parental parenting; there are differences in life satisfaction in terms of parental parenting, and there is a role of life satisfaction with the attitude of nationalism in adolescents. Furthermore, the results can be seen in the discussio

    Perancangan Sistem Monitoring Pengambilan Keputusan Pemakaian Bahan Bakar Pada Kapal Berbasis Logika Fuzzy

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    Banyaknya kecurangan-kecurangan yang dilakukan oleh pihak manajemen kapal dengan melakukan pencurian dan penjualan bahan bakar pada saat kapal melakukan pelayaran membuat pihak manajemen kapal banyak mengalami kerugian tidak hanya itu belum adanya sistem monitoring pemakaian bahan bakar pada kapal secara langsung yang bisa diakses oleh pihak manajemen kapal. Sistem pengambilan keputusan yang dirancang menggunakan logika fuzzy dengan tipe mamdani dengan 5 variabel masukan yaitu Engine (Rpm), Load (Ton), laju aliran rata-rata (kg/h), SFOC (Specific Fuel Oil Consumption) (gram/kWh) dan jarak pelayaran (miles) dan variabel keluaran yaitu Fuel Oil Consumption. Keakuratan hasil sistem pengambilan keputusan dibandingkan dengan data aktual mencapai 96.38% dan sistem logika fuzzy yang dikembangkan dapat diaplikasikan dalam sistem monitoring konsumsi bahan bakar di kapal.Dari sistem monitoring yang dikembangkan bukan hanya berada pada pihak ABK (Anak Buah Kapal) tetapi juga berada di pihak manajemen pusat yang dapat memonitor pemakaian bahan bakar dan bisa mengambil langkah-langkah yang diperlukan untuk meningkatkan efisiensi pemakaian bahan bakar
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