521 research outputs found

    Temperament and welfare. Effect on production of cattle meat

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    Los bovinos con temperamento indócil ganan menos peso, producen carne mas dura, y presentan pérdidas por hematomas y abscesos en distintas áreas musculares, adquiridas durante el manejo y el transporte que deben eliminarse para comercializar. Las perdidas en argentina se estiman en 0,89 usporanimalfaenadosiendode28y47doˊlaresparaEstadosUnidos,aumentandolapreocupacioˊnporelbienestardelosanimales.Eltemperamentosedefinecomoelconjuntodecomportamientosdelosanimalesrelacionadosconelhombreatribuidoalmiedo.Lostestquemidentemperamentoevaluˊanelmiedo,imitandocondicionespeligrosasconlasqueseencuentranlosanimalesensuambientedeproduccioˊn,paraestandarizarlareactividadentreindividuos.Algunostestrestringenfıˊsicamentealosanimalesparaevaluarsucomportamiento,otrosobservanlosanimalesenaˊreasgrandesincluyendointeraccioˊnconeloperador.Existenindiciosdequeesposiblemodificarlaintensidaddelasreaccionesemocionalespormanejoyseleccioˊn,amansandolosanimalesmedianteprocesosdehabituacioˊnydeaprendizajeasociativo.Lasmedidasdeltemperamentotuvieronmoderadaaaltaheredabilidad(h2=0,54)cuandolostestserealizaronaldesteteybaja(h2=0,26)cuandoseevaluaronnuevamentealos18mesesdeedad.Siendoeltemperamentouncaraˊcterheredablequeimpactasobreelbienestaranimalylaproduccioˊnbovina,elmismopuedeutilizarsecomocriteriodeseleccioˊn.Laseleccioˊnportemperamentorequeriraˊestablecerunsistemadeevaluacioˊnestandarizadoeimplementarbuenaspraˊcticasdemanejoparareducirlasperdidaseconoˊmicas.Thebovineoneswhichhaveunrulytemperamentgainlessweightproducefirmmeat,andpresentlossesforbruisesandabscessesindifferentmuscularareasacquiredduringthemanagingandthetransportthatmustbeeliminatedtocommercialize.ThelossesinArgentineareestimatedin0,89us por animal faenado siendo de 28 y 47 dólares para Estados Unidos, aumentando la preocupación por el bienestar de los animales. El temperamento se define como el conjunto de comportamientos de los animales relacionados con el hombre atribuido al miedo. Los test que miden temperamento evalúan el miedo, imitando condiciones peligrosas con las que se encuentran los animales en su ambiente de producción, para estandarizar la reactividad entre individuos. Algunos test restringen físicamente a los animales para evaluar su comportamiento, otros observan los animales en áreas grandes incluyendo interacción con el operador. Existen indicios de que es posible modificar la intensidad de las reacciones emocionales por manejo y selección, amansando los animales mediante procesos de habituación y de aprendizaje asociativo. Las medidas del temperamento tuvieron moderada a alta heredabilidad (h2= 0,54) cuando los test se realizaron al destete y baja (h2= 0,26) cuando se evaluaron nuevamente a los 18 meses de edad. Siendo el temperamento un carácter heredable que impacta sobre el bienestar animal y la producción bovina, el mismo puede utilizarse como criterio de selección. La selección por temperamento requerirá establecer un sistema de evaluación estandarizado e implementar buenas prácticas de manejo para reducir las perdidas económicas.The bovine ones which have unruly temperament gain less weight produce firm meat, and present losses for bruises and abscesses in different muscular areas acquired during the managing and the transport that must be eliminated to commercialize. The losses in Argentine are estimated in 0,89 us by slaughtered animal being 28 and 47 dollars for The United States, increasing the worry for the welfare of the animals. The temperament is defined as the set of behaviors of the animals related to the man attributed to fear. The tests that measure temperament evaluate fear, imitating hazardous conditions which find the animals in their production environment, to standardize the reactivity among individuals. Some tests restrict animals physically; others observe the animals in big areas including interaction with the operator. There are evidences which indicate that it is possible to modify the intensity of the emotional reactions for managing and selection, taming the animals by means of processes of habituation and of associative learning. Temperament measures were moderate heritability (h2 = 0,54) when the test carried out to the weaning and fell (h2 = 0,26) when they were evaluated again at 18 months of age. Being the temperament a character inheritable that strikes on the animal well-being and the bovine production, it can be used as criterion of selection. The selection for temperament will need to establish a standardized evaluation system and to implement good managing practices to reduce economic losses.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    The pressure-volume-temperature relationship of cellulose

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    Pressure–volume–temperature (PVT) mea- surements of a-cellulose with different water contents, were performed at temperatures from 25 to 180 °C and pressures from 19.6 to 196 MPa. PVT measurements allowed observation of the combined effects of pressure and temperature on the specific volume during cellulose thermo-compression. All isobars showed a decrease in cellulose specific volume with temperature. This densification is associated with a transition process of the cellulose, occurring at a temperature defined by the inflection point Tt of the isobar curve. Tt decreases from 110 to 40 °C with pressure and is lower as moisture content increases. For isobars obtained at high pressures and high moisture contents, after attaining a minimum, an increase in volume is observed with temperature that may be related to free water evaporation. PVT a-cellulose experimental data was compared with predicted values from a regression analysis of the Tait equations of state, usually applied to synthetic polymers. Good correla- tions were observed at low temperatures and low pressures. The densification observed from the PVT experimental data, at a temperature that decreases with pressure, could result from a sintering phenomenon, but more research is needed to actually understand the cohesion mechanism under these conditions

    Polynomial Heuristic Algorithms for Inconsistency Characterization in Firewall Rule Sets

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    Firewalls provide the first line of defence of nearly all networked institutions today. However, Firewall ACLs could have inconsistencies, allowing traffic that should be denied or vice versa. In this paper, we analyze the inconsistency characterization problem as a separate problem of the diagnosis one, and propose formal definitions in order to characterize one-to-many inconsistencies. We identify the combinatorial part of the problem that generates exponential complexities in combined diagnosis and characterization algorithms proposed by other authors. Then we propose a decomposition of the combinatorial problem in several smaller combinatorial ones, which can effectively reduce the complexity of the problem. Finally, we propose an approximate heuristic and algorithms to solve the problem in worst case polynomial time. Although many algorithms have been proposed to address this problem, all of them are combinatorial. The presented algorithms are an heuristic way to solve the problem with polynomial complexity. There are no constraints on how rule field ranges are expressed

    Functional Selectivity and Antinociceptive Effects of a Novel KOPr Agonist

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    Kappa opioid receptor (KOPr) agonists represent alternative analgesics for their low abuse potential, although relevant adverse effects have limited their clinical use. Functionally selective KOPr agonists may activate, in a pathway-specific manner, G protein-mediated signaling, that produces antinociception, over \u3b2-arrestin 2-dependent induction of p38MAPK, which preferentially contributes to adverse effects. Thus, functionally selective KOPr agonists biased toward G protein-coupled intracellular signaling over \u3b2-arrestin-2-mediated pathways may be considered candidate therapeutics possibly devoid of many of the typical adverse effects elicited by classic KOPr agonists. Nonetheless, the potential utility of functionally selective agonists at opioid receptors is still highly debated; therefore, further studies are necessary to fully understand whether it will be possible to develop more effective and safer analgesics by exploiting functional selectivity at KOPr. In the present study we investigated in vitro functional selectivity and in vivo antinociceptive effects of LOR17, a novel KOPr selective peptidic agonist that we synthesized. LOR17-mediated effects on adenylyl cyclase inhibition, ERK1/2, p38MAPK phosphorylation, and astrocyte cell proliferation were studied in HEK-293 cells expressing hKOPr, U87-MG glioblastoma cells, and primary human astrocytes; biased agonism was investigated via cAMP ELISA and \u3b2-arrestin 2 recruitment assays. Antinociception and antihypersensitivity were assessed in mice via warm-water tail-withdrawal test, intraperitoneal acid-induced writhing, and a model of oxaliplatin-induced neuropathic cold hypersensitivity. Effects of LOR17 on locomotor activity, exploratory activity, and forced-swim behavior were also assayed. We found that LOR17 is a selective, G protein biased KOPr agonist that inhibits adenylyl cyclase and activates early-phase ERK1/2 phosphorylation. Conversely to classic KOPr agonists as U50,488, LOR17 neither induces p38MAPK phosphorylation nor increases KOPr-dependent, p38MAPK-mediated cell proliferation in astrocytes. Moreover, LOR17 counteracts, in a concentration-dependent manner, U50,488-induced p38MAPK phosphorylation and astrocyte cell proliferation. Both U50,488 and LOR17 display potent antinociception in models of acute nociception, whereas LOR17 counteracts oxaliplatin-induced thermal hypersensitivity better than U50,488, and it is effective after single or repeated s.c. administration. LOR17 administered at a dose that fully alleviated oxaliplatin-induced thermal hypersensitivity did not alter motor coordination, locomotor and exploratory activities nor induced pro-depressant-like behavior. LOR17, therefore, may emerge as a novel KOPr agonist displaying functional selectivity toward G protein signaling and eliciting antinociceptive/antihypersensitivity effects in different animal models, including oxaliplatin-induced neuropathy

    A Single Dose of Oral BCG Moreau Fails to Boost Systemic IFN-γ Responses to Tuberculin in Children in the Rural Tropics: Evidence for a Barrier to Mucosal Immunization

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    Immune responses to oral vaccines are impaired in populations living in conditions of poverty in developing countries, and there is evidence that concurrent geohelminth infections may contribute to this effect. We vaccinated 48 children living in rural communities in Ecuador with a single oral dose of 100 mg of BCG Moreau RDJ and measured the frequencies of tuberculin-stimulated peripheral blood mononuclear cells expressing IFN-γ before and after vaccination. Vaccinated children had active ascariasis (n = 20) or had been infected but received short- (n = 13) or long-term (n = 15) repeated treatments with albendazole prior to vaccination to treat ascariasis. All children had a BCG scar from neonatal vaccination. There was no evidence of a boosting of postvaccination IFN-γ responses in any of the 3 study groups. Our data provide support for the presence of a barrier to oral vaccination among children from the rural tropics that appeared to be independent of concurrent ascariasis

    SK channels contribution to ventricular electrophysiology in heart failure patients

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    Heart failure (HF) is characterized by deterioration of the electrical and contractile function of the heart due to structural and functional remodelling, leading to development of arrhythmias and increased sudden cardiac death risk. SK channels are a type of calcium-activated potassium channels that do not play a relevant role in normal ventricular electrophysiology. However, it has been hypothesized that these channels become more relevant in pathologies such as HF. Nontheless, their role in human ventricular electrophysiology is not fully characterized

    Carbon dioxide uptake from natural gas by binary ionic liquid water mixtures

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    [EN] Carbon dioxide solubility in a set of carboxylate ionic liquids formulated with stoicheiometric amounts of water is found to be significantly higher than for other ionic liquids previously reported. This is due to synergistic chemical and physical absorption. The formulated ionic liquid/water mixtures show greatly enhanced carbon dioxide solubility relative to both anhydrous ionic liquids and aqueous ionic liquid solutions, and are competitive with commercial chemical absorbers, such as activated N-methyldiethanolamine or monoethanolamine.The authors would like to acknowledge PETRONAS for financial support of this research, and Cytec (especially Dr Al Robertson) for supplying some of the phosphonium ionic liquids used.Anderson, K.; Atkins, MP.; Estager, J.; Kuah, Y.; Ng, S.; Oliferenko, AA.; Plechkova, NV.... (2015). Carbon dioxide uptake from natural gas by binary ionic liquid water mixtures. 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