149 research outputs found

    Five-dimensional non-Lorentzian conformal field theories and their relation to six-dimensions

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    We study correlation functions in five-dimensional non-Lorentzian theories with an SU(1, 3) conformal symmetry. Examples of such theories have recently been obtained as Ω-deformed Yang-Mills Lagrangians arising from a null reduction of six-dimensional superconformal field theories on a conformally compactified Minkowski space. The correlators exhibit a rich structure with many novel properties compared to conventional correlators in Lorentzian conformal field theories. Moreover, identifying the instanton number with the Fourier mode number of the dimensional reduction offers a hope to formulate six-dimensional conformal field theories in terms of five-dimensional Lagrangian theories. To this end we show that the Fourier decompositions of six-dimensional correlation functions solve the Ward identities of the SU(1, 3) symmetry, although more general solutions are possible. Conversely we illustrate how one can reconstruct six-dimensional correlation functions from those of a five-dimensional theory, and do so explicitly at 2- and 3-points. We also show that, in a suitable decompactification limit Ω → 0, the correlation functions become those of the DLCQ description

    On the Fermionic Frequencies of Circular Strings

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    We revisit the semiclassical computation of the fluctuation spectrum around different circular string solutions in AdS_5xS^5 and AdS_4xCP^3, starting from the Green-Schwarz action. It has been known that the results for these frequencies obtained from the algebraic curve and from the worldsheet computations sometimes do not agree. In particular, different methods give different results for the half-integer shifts in the mode numbers of the frequencies. We find that these discrepancies can be removed if one carefully takes into account the transition matrices in the spin bundle over the target space.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figur

    On the structure of k-Lie algebras

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    We show that the structure constants of kk-Lie algebras, k>3k>3, with a positive definite metric are the sum of the volume forms of orthogonal kk-planes. This generalizes the result for k=3k=3 in arXiv:0804.2662 and arXiv:0804.3078, and confirms a conjecture in math/0211170.Comment: 4 pages, minor changes and a reference adde

    Tree-Level Formalism

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    We review two novel techniques used to calculate tree-level scattering amplitudes efficiently: MHV diagrams, and on-shell recursion relations. For the MHV diagrams, we consider applications to tree-level amplitudes and focus in particular on the N=4 supersymmetric formulation. We also briefly describe the derivation of loop amplitudes using MHV diagrams. For the recursion relations, after presenting their general proof, we discuss several applications to massless theories with and without supersymmetry, to theories with massive particles, and to graviton amplitudes in General Relativity. This article is an invited review for a special issue of Journal of Physics A devoted to "Scattering Amplitudes in Gauge Theories".Comment: 40 pages, 8 figures, invited review for a special issue of Journal of Physics A devoted to "Scattering Amplitudes in Gauge Theories", R. Roiban(ed), M. Spradlin(ed), A. Volovich(ed); v2: minor corrections, references adde

    Generic multiloop methods and application to N=4 super-Yang-Mills

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    We review some recent additions to the tool-chest of techniques for finding compact integrand representations of multiloop gauge-theory amplitudes - including non-planar contributions - applicable for N=4 super-Yang-Mills in four and higher dimensions, as well as for theories with less supersymmetry. We discuss a general organization of amplitudes in terms of purely cubic graphs, review the method of maximal cuts, as well as some special D-dimensional recursive cuts, and conclude by describing the efficient organization of amplitudes resulting from the conjectured duality between color and kinematic structures on constituent graphs.Comment: 42 pages, 18 figures, invited review for a special issue of Journal of Physics A devoted to "Scattering Amplitudes in Gauge Theories", v2 minor corrections, v3 added reference
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