65 research outputs found
Preferowane cechy nauczyciela akademickiego kierunku pedagogika w opinii studentów Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego i Uniwersytetu Palackiego w Ołomuńcu
The aim of this paper is to answer the following question: what kind of features of the academic lecturers from the University of Rzeszów (Poland) and Palacký University in Olomouc (the Czech Republic) are preferred by the students of the Faculty of Education from both universities. The research was carried out with the participation of 355 full-time students (N=355). The answers of the students were sorted and statistically analyzed. On the basis of students’ opinions from both universities there was created a ranking of the academic lecturers’ features preferred by them. The preliminary conclusions were presented on the basis of statistics.Niniejszy artykuł przedstawia wstępne wyniki badań, które na podstawie opinii studentów I i II stopnia kierunku pedagogika Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego i Uniwersytetu Palackiego w Ołomuńcu (Czechy) pozwoliły określić pożądane cechy nauczyciela akademickiego na kierunkach pedagogicznych obu uczelni. Wyniki diagnozy mają charakter rozeznania badawczego i są częścią szerszych badań komparatystycznych, które prowadzone były na wspomnianych uniwersytetach. Badaniem objęto łącznie 355 studentów trybu stacjonarnego. Wyniki ankiety zostały posortowane, poddano je analizie statystycznej. Pozwoliło to na ustalenie ogólnego rankingu poziomu istotności poszczególnych cech nauczycieli akademickich kierunku pedagogika na obu uczelniach. Na podstawiestatystyk podano wstępne wnioski
Education scholars from Eastern Europe in the digital environment: A comparative study of selected universities from Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, and Serbia
One of the most common methods for creating a presence in the scientific virtual space is the e-profile as a “digital representation” of a researcher. The aim of this study was to compare the e-visibility of academics, to examine the correlation between researchers’ visibility and their productivity, as well as to identify the main predictors of the e-visibility of the academics affiliated with selected universities/institutes in Poland, Slovakia, Hungary and Serbia. Five platforms most often used for the digital representation were selected for the study: Web of Science, Scopus, Google Scholar Citation, ResearchGate and Academia.edu. The research included qualitative and quantitative analysis of collected data available on relevant websites. The results showed that academics from Eastern Europe do have e-profiles on scholarly platforms. However, differences were evident, especially concerning the WoS and Scopus databases. A positive correlation was confirmed between visibility and productivity, indicating that scholars with more e-profiles and publications, especially in a foreign language were the most effective and were cited most often. Linear regression analysis showed that the most important predictors for the scholarly visibility were publications in English language posted in e-profiles, and papers indexed in the prestigious bibliographic databases WoS and Scopus
Creating a simplified worm wheel profile leads to approximating it through the use of sections. The worm gear notch created through approximation is inaccurate and does not ensure proper meshing. However, this method is commonly exploited because of economic reasons such as the use of universal milling machines and tools. In summary, machining worm wheel teeth with a simplified tooth profile is less complex thus less time consuming
Analiza bibliometryczna jako narzędzie badania efektywności nauczycieli akademickich na przykładzie Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego
The main aim of this article was to describe the academic teachers’ scientific efficiency at the University of Rzeszów (UR), including: (1) the qualification of the fields of science where the academic teachers are in the world scientific environment as well as (2) to identify those of them who are functioning in the world scientific environment – they are the most often quoted by others scientists. The analyses were taken on three bases of the ISI Web of Science. The authors analysed articles published between 2005 and 2009 year by academic teachers from the University of Rzeszów
The Inclusion of other-sex peers in peer networks and sense of peer integration in early adolescence : a two-wave longitudinal study
The main goal of the analysis presented in this paper is to examine the dynamics of including other-sex peers in the peer networks of early adolescents, aged 11 (at T1) and 13 (at T2), and the relationship between sex heterophily and changes in the sense of peer integration. The analysis was conducted using the Latent Difference Score (LDS) model with data from a representative nationwide longitudinal study in Poland (n = 5748). With reference to the dynamics related to the heterophilic process, the research confirmed that at the beginning of grade 5 of primary school, heterophily is still relatively rare, yet towards the end of early adolescence, there is a gradual shift, more strongly in girls, towards breaking through the strictly same-sex segregation and embarking on heterophilic relationships. Importantly, the LDS model-even when controlling for different measures of peer network—showed significant and positive (among both girls and boys) relations between establishing cross-sex relationships and the sense of peer integration. The results indicate that the appearance of the opposite sex in the peer network between grades 5 and 6 will improve the sense of peer integration. The findings are discussed in relation to results from other studies in the field
Dosimetric characterization of a microDiamond detector in clinical scanned carbon ion beams
Purpose: To investigate for the first time the dosimetric properties of a new commercial synthetic diamond detector (PTW microDiamond) in high-energy scanned clinical carbon ion beams generated by a synchrotron at the CNAO facility. Methods: The detector response was evaluated in a water phantom with actively scanned carbon ion beams ranging from 115 to 380 MeV/u (30-250 mm Bragg peak depth in water). Homogeneous square fields of 3×3 and 6×6 cm2 were used. Short- and medium-term (2 months) detector response stability, dependence on beam energy as well as ion type (carbon ions and protons), linearity with dose, and directional and dose-rate dependence were investigated. The depth dose curve of a 280 MeV/u carbon ion beam, scanned over a 3×3 cm<sup>2</sup> area, was measured with the microDiamond detector and compared to that measured using a PTW Advanced Markus ionization chamber, and also simulated using FLUKA Monte Carlo code. The detector response in two spread-out-Bragg-peaks (SOBPs), respectively, centered at 9 and 21 cm depths in water and calculated using the treatment planning system (TPS) used at CNAO, was measured. Results: A negligible drift of detector sensitivity within the experimental session was seen, indicating that no detector preirradiation was needed. Short-term response reproducibility around 1% (1 standard deviation) was found. Only 2% maximum variation of microDiamond sensitivity was observed among all the evaluated proton and carbon ion beam energies. The detector response showed a good linear behavior. Detector sensitivity was found to be dose-rate independent, with a variation below 1.3% in the evaluated dose-rate range. A very good agreement between measured and simulated Bragg curves with both microDiamond and Advanced Markus chamber was found, showing a negligible LET dependence of the tested detector. A depth dose curve was also measured by positioning the microDiamond with its main axis oriented orthogonally to the beam direction. A strong distortion in Bragg peak measurement was observed, confirming manufacturer recommendation on avoiding such configuration. Very good results were obtained for SOBP measurements, with a difference below 1% between measured and TPS-calculated doses. The stability of detector sensitivity in the observation period was within the experimental uncertainty. Conclusions: Dosimetric characterization of a PTW microDiamond detector in high-energy scanned carbon ion beams was performed. The results of the present study showed that this detector is suitable for dosimetry of clinical carbon ion beams, with a negligible LET and dose-rate dependence
Loneliness and Internet Addiction among Adolescents
Autorzy niniejszego artykułu postawili sobie za cel zweryfikowanie hipotezy uwzględniającej istnienie statystycznego związku (korelacji) pomiędzy poczuciem samotności a uzależnieniem od internetu wśród adolescentów. Do przeprowadzenia badań wykorzystano kwestionariusz ankiety zawierający polskie adaptacje dwóch narzędzi: Skali Poczucia Samotności de Jong Gierveld oraz Testu Problematycznego Używania Internetu. Wyniki badań własnych potwierdziły występowanie statystycznie istotnej dwustronnej dodatniej zależności pomiędzy zmiennymi, tzn. im poziom uzależnienia od internetu jest wyższy wśród respondentów, tym częściej i mocniej pojawiało się u nich poczucie samotności, i na odwrót.The aim of this study is to review the hypothesis that there is a statistical correlation between loneliness and Internet addition among adolescents. The authors conducted their research using a questionnaire involving the Polish adaptation of two scales: the De Jong Gierveld Loneliness Scale and K. Young’s Internet Addiction Test. Our results confirm the presence of a statistically significant positive two-way relationship between the variables, i.e., the higher the level of Internet addiction among the respondents, the more frequent and stronger is the feeling of loneliness they experience and vice versa
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