136 research outputs found

    OptiRica: Towards an Efficient Optimizing Horn Solver

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    This paper describes an ongoing effort to develop an optimizing version of the Eldarica Horn solver. The work starts from the observation that many kinds of optimization problems, and in particular the MaxSAT/SMT problem, can be seen as search problems on lattices. The paper presents a Scala library providing a domain-specific language (DSL) to uniformly model optimization problems of this kind, by defining, manipulating, and systematically exploring lattices with associated objective functions. The framework can be instantiated to obtain an optimizing Horn solver. As an illustration, the application of an optimizing solver for repairing software-defined networks is described.Comment: In Proceedings HCVS/VPT 2022, arXiv:2211.1067

    Probabilistic Bisimulation for Parameterized Systems (Technical Report)

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    Probabilistic bisimulation is a fundamental notion of process equivalence for probabilistic systems. Among others, it has important applications including formalizing the anonymity property of several communication protocols. There is a lot of work on verifying probabilistic bisimulation for finite systems. This is however not the case for parameterized systems, where the problem is in general undecidable. In this paper we provide a generic framework for reasoning about probabilistic bisimulation for parameterized systems. Our approach is in the spirit of software verification, wherein we encode proof rules for probabilistic bisimulation and use a decidable first-order theory to specify systems and candidate bisimulation relations, which can then be checked automatically against the proof rules. As a case study, we show that our framework is sufficiently expressive for proving the anonymity property of the parameterized dining cryptographers protocol and the parameterized grades protocol, when supplied with a candidate regular bisimulation relation. Both of these protocols hitherto could not be verified by existing automatic methods. Moreover, with the help of standard automata learning algorithms, we show that the candidate relations can be synthesized fully automatically, making the verification fully automated
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