30 research outputs found

    «Wer sich nicht bewegt, spürt seine Fesseln nicht.»: Die Stadt Zürich und ihre unruhige Jugend

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    Da kein Abstract des Artikels vorhanden ist, finden Sie hier den Beginn des Artikels: Am Abend des 10. September 2011 kommt es beim Bellevue, einem Verkehrsknotenpunkt in der Innenstadt von Zürich, zu Auseinandersetzungen zwischen der Polizei und Jugendlichen. Die Bilder von ausgebrannten Abfallcontainern und zertrümmerten Fensterscheiben ähneln denjenigen des Opernhauskrawalls vom 30. Mai 1980, welcher den Beginn der 80er Jugendunruhen markierte. Diese Parallelität wirft die Frage auf, warum es in Zürich, obgleich die Stadt über Auszeichnungen einer hohen Lebensqualität verfügt, immer wieder zu heftigen Jugendprotesten kommt. Dieser Artikel geht der Frage nach, ob es zwischen den Jugendunruhen der 80er-Jahre und den aktuellen Ereignissen eine Verbindung gibt oder, ob es sich um eine zyklische Wiederholung handelt. Sind die Ausschreitungen lediglich Ausdruck jugendlicher Selbstfindung oder besteht ein struktureller Zusammenhang in den Rahmenbedingungen der Stadt? Wird den Jugendlichen in Zürich seit Jahren systematisch das Recht, jung zu sein, vorenthalten

    Use of coronary calcium score scans from stand-alone multislice computed tomography for attenuation correction of myocardial perfusion SPECT

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    Purpose: To evaluate the use of CT attenuation maps, generated from coronary calcium scoring (CCS) scans at in- and expiration with a 64-slice CT scanner, for attenuation correction (AC) of myocardial perfusion SPECT images. Methods: Thirty-two consecutive patients underwent 99mTc-tetrofosmin gated adenosine stress/rest SPECT scan on an Infinia Hawkeye SPECT-CT device (GE Medical Systems) followed by CCS and CT angiography on a 64-slice CT. AC of the iteratively reconstructed images was performed with AC maps obtained: (a) from the "Hawkeye” low-resolution X-ray CT facility attached to the Infinia camera (IRAC); (b) from the CCS scan acquired on a 64-slice CT scanner during maximal inspiration (ACINSP) and (c) during normal expiration (ACEXP). Automatically determined uptake values of stress scans (QPS, Cedars Medical Sinai) from ACINSP and ACEXP were compared with IRAC. Agatston score (AS) values using ACINSPversus ACEXP were also compared. Results: ACINSP and ACEXP resulted in identical findings versus IRAC by visual analysis. A good correlation for uptake values between IRAC and ACINSP was found (apex, r=0.92; anterior, r=0.85; septal, r=0.91; lateral, r=0.86; inferior, r=0.90; all p<0.0001). The correlation was even closer between IRAC and ACEXP (apex, r=0.97; anterior, r=0.91; septal, r=0.94; lateral, r=0.92; inferior, r=0.97; all p<0.0001). The mean AS during inspiration (319±737) and expiration(317±778) was comparable (p=NS). Conclusion: Attenuation maps from CCS allow accurate AC of SPECT MPI images. ACEXP proved superior to ACINSP, suggesting that in hybrid scans CCS may be performed during normal expiration to allow its additional use for AC of SPECT MP

    Designing Inter- and Transdisciplinary Research on Mountains: What Place for the Unexpected?

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    In recent decades, research on mountains has become more inter- and transdisciplinary, but a greater effort is needed if such research is to contribute to a societal transformation toward sustainability. Mountain research centers are a crucial actor in this endeavor. Yet, the literature has not paid sufficient attention to how these centers should (re-)design inter- and transdisciplinary research. In this study, we explored this question with a self-reflexive approach. We analyzed the first 15 months of the Interdisciplinary Centre for Mountain Research (CIRM) of the University of Lausanne (Switzerland) through qualitative data collected via interviews and observation. We used a simple model of inter- and transdisciplinarity at the organizational level of a research center. Special attention was devoted to the individual and collective ability to exploit the unexpected (serendipity). Our results indicate an interdependency between the coconstruction of research objects and the creation of integrative partnerships. They also shed light on the types of institutional resources and integrative methodologies that enhance inter- and transdisciplinary research, as well as their challenges. Our experience shows that implementing inter- and transdisciplinarity requires deep changes in research evaluation procedures, research funding policies, and researchers themselves. Serendipity is in turn shown to play an important role in inter- and transdisciplinarity due to its potential to change the research process in creative ways. We speculate that serendipity offers unique opportunities to capitalize on hidden resources that can catalyze a radical transformation of mountain researchers, research organizations, and society in the face of unprecedented global change

    Type I interferon/IRF7 axis instigates chemotherapy-induced immunological dormancy in breast cancer

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    Neoadjuvant and adjuvant chemotherapies provide survival benefits to breast cancer patients, in particular in estrogen receptor negative (ER-) cancers, by reducing rates of recurrences. It is assumed that the benefits of (neo)adjuvant chemotherapy are due to the killing of disseminated, residual cancer cells, however, there is no formal evidence for it. Here, we provide experimental evidence that ER- breast cancer cells that survived high-dose Doxorubicin and Methotrexate based chemotherapies elicit a state of immunological dormancy. Hallmark of this dormant phenotype is the sustained activation of the IRF7/IFN-beta/IFNAR axis subsisting beyond chemotherapy treatment. Upregulation of IRF7 in treated cancer cells promoted resistance to chemotherapy, reduced cell growth and induced switching of the response from a myeloid derived suppressor cell-dominated immune response to a CD4(+)/CD8(+) T cell-dependent anti-tumor response. IRF7 silencing in tumor cells or systemic blocking of IFNAR reversed the state of dormancy, while spontaneous escape from dormancy was associated with loss of IFN-beta production. Presence of IFN-beta in the circulation of ER- breast cancer patients treated with neoadjuvant Epirubicin chemotherapy correlated with a significantly longer distant metastasis-free survival. These findings establish chemotherapy-induced immunological dormancy in ER- breast cancer as a novel concept for (neo)adjuvant chemotherapy activity, and implicate sustained activation of the IRF7/IFN-beta/IFNAR pathway in this effect. Further, IFN-beta emerges as a potential predictive biomarker and therapeutic molecule to improve outcome of ER- breast cancer patients treated with (neo)adjuvant chemotherapy.Peer reviewe

    Targeting Vascular NADPH Oxidase 1 Blocks Tumor Angiogenesis through a PPARα Mediated Mechanism

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    Reactive oxygen species, ROS, are regulators of endothelial cell migration, proliferation and survival, events critically involved in angiogenesis. Different isoforms of ROS-generating NOX enzymes are expressed in the vasculature and provide distinct signaling cues through differential localization and activation. We show that mice deficient in NOX1, but not NOX2 or NOX4, have impaired angiogenesis. NOX1 expression and activity is increased in primary mouse and human endothelial cells upon angiogenic stimulation. NOX1 silencing decreases endothelial cell migration and tube-like structure formation, through the inhibition of PPARα, a regulator of NF-κB. Administration of a novel NOX-specific inhibitor reduced angiogenesis and tumor growth in vivo in a PPARα dependent manner. In conclusion, vascular NOX1 is a critical mediator of angiogenesis and an attractive target for anti-angiogenic therapies

    Jo1-antisynthetase syndrome and severe interstitial lung disease with organising pneumonia on histopathology with favourable outcome on early combined treatment with corticosteroids, mycophenolate mofetil and rituximab

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    Antisynthetase syndrome is a rare autoimmune disease and represents a distinct entity within the idiopathic inflammatory myopathies. Its variable systemic manifestations are composed of myositis, interstitial lung disease, non-erosive arthritis, fever, Raynaud's phenomenon, hyperkeratotic skin changes and the presence of antibodies against aminoacyl-transfer-RNA-synthetases. Interstitial lung disease is the major determinant of morbidity and mortality. The role of lung biopsy remains controversial but it might be considered on an individual basis and may provide information regarding prognosis and treatment response. An integrated clinical, radiological and pathological approach to interstitial lung disease has to be emphasised. Due to the rarity of the disease, no standardised treatment guidelines for antisynthetase syndrome exist. We discuss a patient with anti-Jo1-autoantibody antisynthetase syndrome with proximal myositis and severe, rapid onset, interstitial lung disease with a histopathological pattern of organising pneumonia on surgical lung biopsy and good response to early combined immunosuppressive treatment with corticosteroids, mycophenolate mofetil and rituximab