15 research outputs found

    By-products of camu-camu [Myrciaria dubia (Kunth) McVaugh] as promising sources of bioactive high added-value food ingredients: functionalization of yogurts

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    Camu-camu (Myrciaria dubia (Kunth) McVaugh) is a fruit economically relevant to the Amazon region, mostly consumed in the form of processed pulp. Our aim was to perform an unprecedented comparative study on the chemical composition and bioactivities of the camu-camu pulp and industrial bio-residues (peel and seed), and then the most promising fruit part was further explored as a functionalized ingredient in yogurt. A total of twenty-three phenolic compounds were identified, with myricetin-O-pentoside and cyanindin-3-O-glucoside being the main compounds in peels, followed by p-coumaroyl hexoside in the pulp, and ellagic acid in the seeds. The peel displayed the richest phenolic profile among samples, as well as the most significant antibacterial (MICs = 0.625–10 mg/mL) and anti-proliferative (GI50 = 180 g/mL against HeLa cells) activities. For this reason, it was selected to be introduced in a food system (yogurt). Taken together, our results suggest the possibility of using the camu-camu peel as a source of food additives.Part of this work was supported by the Instituto Federal do Rondônia (IFRO) (Grant nº 81/PROPESP/IFRO). The authors are grateful to FCT—Portugal and FEDER, under Programme PT2020, for financial support to CIMO (UID/AGR/00690/2019) and B. Albuquerque research grant (SFRH/BD/136370/2018); national funding by FCT, P.I., through the institutional scientific employment program-contract for L. Barros and R.C. Calhelha contracts; C. Pereira contract though the celebration of program-contract foreseen in No. 4, 5, and 6 of article 23º of Decree-Law No. 57/2016, of 29 August, amended by Law No. 57/2017, of 19 July; to FEDER-Interreg España-Portugal for financial support through the projects 0377_Iberphenol_6_E and 0612_TRANS_CO_LAB_2_P; FEDER through the Regional Operational Program North 2020: project Mobilizador Norte-01-0247-FEDER-024479 (ValorNatural®).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    Doenças cardiovasculares (DCV) fazem parte das doenças crônicas não transmissíveis (DCNTs), as quais são responsáveis por 17 milhões de mortes ao ano. Estas são predispostas por fatores de risco relacionados a maus hábitos de vida. O artigo objetivou descrever a realização de um projeto de extensão universitária de educação em saúde e prevenção de DCVs com um público adolescente de escolas públicas do Paraná. Ao todo, 243 alunos do ensino médio participaram de uma intervenção (conversa e jogo de tabuleiro) sobre prevenção de DCVs. O questionário CARRF-KL foi utilizado como instrumento de avaliação pré e pós-intervenção. A análise dos dados constatou que maior parte dos alunos apresentou aumento de respostas corretas depois da intervenção. As respostas objetivas e subjetivas colhidas pelo estudo constataram o importante papel da intervenção na conscientização estudantil, fazendo com que a abordagem preventiva seja positiva para a saúde dos adolescentes

    Telessaúde Covid: caracterização sociodemográfica, clínico-epidemiológica e indicadores do telemonitoramento em Viçosa-MG

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    Em 2020, a Universidade Federal de Viçosa e a Gestão Municipal implementaram o projeto de extensão Telessaúde Covid para o enfrentamento da pandemia. O objetivo é fazer uma análise descritiva dos quatorze meses de atuação do projeto. Realizou-se análise descritiva da caracterização sociodemográfica, clínico-epidemiológica e indicadores do serviço. Foram atendidos 6.898 pacientes, predominando o gênero feminino e adultos jovens. Os sinais e sintomas mais frequentes foram cefaleia, tosse, coriza, dor de garganta, dor muscular e febre. O RT-PCR foi o teste realizado pela maioria e 31,6% dos pacientes foram positivos. O serviço concluiu o encerramento de 91,5% dos atendimentos. O Telessaúde Covid foi relevante para o contingenciamento da Covid-19, com número expressivo de atendimentos, e contemplou a missão social da universidade pública, transformando o modelo assistencial e reorientando o processo de formação e ação profissional de estudantes e profissionais de saúde

    Educomunicação em Tempos de Pandemia:

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    Os textos que compõem esta obra são oriundos do VIII Colóquio Ibero-americano de Educomunicação (VIII CIEducom) e IX Colóquio Catarinense de Educomunicação (IX CCEducom), realizados em março de 2021. Em um ano no qual o vírus SARS-CoV-2 e variantes circularam por diversos territórios, Educomunicação em tempos de pandemia: práticas e desafios foi o tema discutido nos eventos. Este livro colocado à disposição do público é um modo de compartilhar caminhos e convidar pessoas curiosas a percorrerem, por meio das palavras e recursos gráficos, desafios identificados e estratégias para o enfrentamento deste inesperado período de pandemia

    Chilled boneless beef international trade : a cluster analysis

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    The objective of this study was to measure and classify the international beef trade. For this, data related to the international chilled boneless beef (CBB) trade, the major and most important market, were analyzed. Producing countries were classified into groups according to their trade relations, and the main factors that influenced one country to prefer to import CBB from a specific exporting country were analyzed. The results revealed four markets related to client demands with regard to the sanitation and traceability of beef products. Furthermore, extrinsic characteristics of the product are discussed, such as a productive system that aims to minimize environmental impacts and to value animal welfare and respect for social demands. The markets that pay highest prices require sanitary quality of suppliers, demanding traceable and process-certified products. Brazil does not access these markets because it does not meet these requirements. To change this scenario it is necessary to eradicate FMD across the Brazilian territory, acquiring a status of a zone with minimal BSE risk, aligning the intrinsic value of the CBB with expectations of consumers and implementing a traceability program that is both feasible and acceptable for clients

    Chilled boneless beef international trade : a cluster analysis

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    The objective of this study was to measure and classify the international beef trade. For this, data related to the international chilled boneless beef (CBB) trade, the major and most important market, were analyzed. Producing countries were classified into groups according to their trade relations, and the main factors that influenced one country to prefer to import CBB from a specific exporting country were analyzed. The results revealed four markets related to client demands with regard to the sanitation and traceability of beef products. Furthermore, extrinsic characteristics of the product are discussed, such as a productive system that aims to minimize environmental impacts and to value animal welfare and respect for social demands. The markets that pay highest prices require sanitary quality of suppliers, demanding traceable and process-certified products. Brazil does not access these markets because it does not meet these requirements. To change this scenario it is necessary to eradicate FMD across the Brazilian territory, acquiring a status of a zone with minimal BSE risk, aligning the intrinsic value of the CBB with expectations of consumers and implementing a traceability program that is both feasible and acceptable for clients