18 research outputs found

    Diagnostics of lateral support syndrome of the patellofemoral joint

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    The lateral support syndrome of the patella and thigh joint is classified as a kind of dysplasia of this joint. The causes may be a muscular balance disorder, congenital abnormalities in the locomotor system or posture defects. Lateral support syndrome is most easily diagnosed through physical and subjective examination of the patient, while imaging is the best method to determine the exact type and scale of the abnormality

    Positive influence of hippotherapy on the process of improvement of children with cerebral palsy in children

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    Cerebral palsy is one of the most common neurological diseases in children. An important aspect of improvement is the development of motor functions, self-service, communication and social skills. Therefore, rehabilitation, in all forms one of them is hippotherapy, must be focused on motor education, as well as on improving the child's psyche. The beneficial effect of a horse is that it controls muscle tension, strengthens flaccid muscles and relaxes shortened muscles, which prevents contractures. Therapeutic riding improves the quality of life of such children, allows them to open up to the world, thus activating them and creating interaction between the child and the horse, and this improves their physical and mental condition. Hippotherapy is one of the most effective complementary therapeutic methods used to improve children with cerebral palsy

    Preventing and treatment of post-dural Puncture Headache

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    Post-dural Puncture Head (PDPH) is a common undesired side effect of lumbar puncture (LP). It is connected with the leakage of Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) at the puncture site outside of spinal cord – in to the dura mater. The intracranial pressure sensitive structures in the brain react with the lowered intracranial pressure triggering pain and other PDPH-related symptoms. Conservative PDPH-preventing therapy includes prolonged bed rest and increased fluids intake – those guidelines were invented as long ago as LP itself and even though modern day research show no connection between following those guidelines and PDPH occurrence yet it is still performed in medical practice. Research shows that crucial for the likelihood of PDPH occurrence is the type of used needle gauge whether it is traumatic or atraumatic and the needle size (its’ diameter). As for the treatment of prolonged PDPH the most beneficial from the pharmacotherapy is the usage of caffeine (used in treatment of different-based headaches as well) combined with other pain-easing medicines. As for the more invasive method of treatment epidural patch is being used. It works as a patch, made of patients’ blood that covers the hole in the dura mater preventing more CSF from leaking outside. It is the most efficient way of treating PDPH

    Psychomotor hyperactivity in children

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    Psychomotor hyperactivity syndrome with attention deficit disorders is a neurodevelopmental disorder, which is manifested by excessive mobility and impulsivity preventing normal functioning in society. This leads to deconcentration during the basic activities of everyday life. The first symptoms of the disease may appear in the early pre-school period of childhood, but they may not be sufficiently noticeable yet. The severity of symptoms may depend on the situation and may evolve with the age of the child. The etiology of the disease is not clear, which makes it elusive to identify the cause. However, we know that ADHD affects three times more boys than girls. There is a concept that statistics on increased male morbidity may be due to inheritance, as the female sex is the carrier of the gene responsible for the occurrence of hyperactivity. The aim of this paper is to describe the characteristics of hyperkinetic disorder, including symptoms, etiology and some forms of treatment

    Tai Chi as a rehabilitation method for patients with Parkinson’s disease

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    Parkinson's disease is the second most common neurodegenerative disease. It belongs to the group of extrapyramidal system diseases. Nowadays it is an incurable disease, not yet examined in its entirety. With the current state of knowledge it is not possible to fully cure this disease, but it is possible to reduce the severity of the symptoms of this disease. Pharmacological treatment, surgical treatment and broadly understood physiotherapy, including Tai Chi, are the methods of treatment used in the fight against Parkinson's disease. Thanks to these methods, there is a chance to significantly reduce the severity of the symptoms characteristic of this disease, i.e. muscle tension, balance and coordination disorders. The incidence of this disease increases with age, and it is most common for people over the age of sixty. It affects men twice as often. The essence of the disease is a disorder in the number of neurons in which dopamine is produced, more precisely in the compact part of the black creature. This causes disturbances in the transmission of information in the central nervous system, which results in three basic symptoms: hypertonia, akinesis and tremor. In the treatment of these symptoms an important role is played by rehabilitation, one of the elements of which is Tai Chi. In the latest scientific reports there are many studies evaluating the influence of Tai Chi on the reduction of symptoms in Parkinson's patients

    Non-pharmacological methods of treatment and prevention of vasovagal syncope

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    Fainting is a transient loss of consciousness resulting from a momentary ischemia of the central nervous system. One type of syncope is vasovagal syncope, otherwise known as reflex or neurogenic syncope. The consequence of fainting may be a fallen injury. It is therefore important that the doctor intervene quickly after such an episode to determine the cause of the fainting. An interview, which is one of the most important parts of diagnosis, provides a lot of valuable information. Once the correct diagnosis has been made, it is important to start the treatment procedure. In the case of vasovagal syncope, the first step is to educate the patient and his family about how to deal with the condition, which causes such a reaction of the body. The patient must know the manoeuvres that will interrupt the fainting. Next, the patient is recommended to be physically active, e.g. moderate exercise, tilt training. If the non-pharmacological methods do not produce results, pharmacology is introduced, and if it also fails, the use of stimulators is recommended. Non-pharmacological methods, which are the first to be used in a given case, as well as non-pharmacological methods are the subject of research of many scientists. This article describes methods of non-pharmacological management of vasovagal syncope, which can be used by anyone suffering from this condition as non-invasive

    Wpływ wieloletniego nawożenia azotem i obornikiem na zmiany wybranych właściwości materii organicznej gleby lekkiej

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    The aim of the research was to assess the effect of long-term application of different doses of nitrogen fertilizers with or without manure to changes in the total organic carbon content, total nitrogen content, evaluation of dissolved organic carbon content and the value of absorbance coefficient (A4/6) in sandy loam soil. The base of research was the long-term field experiment, established in 1979 at the Wierzchucinek Experimental Station close to Bydgoszcz city - Poland. The experiment was carried out in the three-course crop rotation, potato, rye, rye in randomized split-plot design. The experimental treatments were four levels of N fertilizers in 0, 47, 93, and 140 kg∙ha-1∙yr-1 (N0, N1, N2, N3) as a 1st factor of experiment, and the same doses of N fertilizers with farmyard manure application (30 t∙ha-1) as a 2nd factor. After 36 years of experiment the content of total organic carbon was 26% lower and the content of total nitrogen 13% higher compared to the values determined before the experiment foundation (1979). The consequence of changes in the content of organic carbon and total nitrogen, are changes in the ratio of organic carbon content and total nitrogen content. It was noticed that the use of manure and different nitrogen doses resulted in a decrease of organic carbon content and total nitrogen content value. After application of different nitrogen doses, organic carbon content ranged from 122.4 to 152.2 mg∙kg-1. The same nitrogen doses applied simultaneously with farmyard manure increased the organic carbon content, which ranged from 133.5 to 166.7 mg∙kg-1. The changes of the organic carbon content did not effect on percentage of this fraction in the total organic carbon. Percentage of organic carbon content in total organic carbon content was on averaged 1.6%. After the application of different nitrogen doses, humic acids of analyzed soils were characterized by lower average value of A4/6 (5.4). However, the application of nitrogen doses with manure brought a higher - 6.3 - A4/6 value. Farmyard manure application caused the formation of humic acids of lower molecular weight and a low humification degree.Celem pracy było zbadanie wpływu długookresowego nawożenia zróżnicowanymi dawkami azotu stosowanymi z obornikiem lub bez tego nawozu na zmiany zawartości ogólnego węgla organicznego (OWO), azotu ogółem (Nog), rozpuszczalnego węgla organicznego (RWO) w glebie oraz określenie wartości absorbancji (A4/6). Podstawą badań było statyczne wieloletnie doświadczenie polowe, założona w 1979 roku w Stacji Badawczej w Wierzchucinku koło Bydgoszczy. Prowadzono je w trzyletnim, uproszczonym zmianowaniu: ziemniak – żyto ozime – żyto ozime. Pierwszym czynnikiem doświadczenia było zróżnicowane nawożenie azotem, dawki w kg∙ha-1 ∙r -1 wynosiły: N0, N47, N93, N140, drugim zastosowane dawki azotu na tle obornika (30 t∙ha-1). Po 36 latach stosowanego nawożenia średnie zawartości węgla oznaczone w próbkach glebowych były średnio niższe o 26%, natomiast zawartości azotu ogółem w glebie były wyższe o 13% w porównaniu do zawartości określonych w glebie przed założeniem doświadczenia (1979). Konsekwencją zmian zawartości węgla organicznego i azotu ogółem, są zmiany wartości stosunku zawartości węgla do azotu ogółem. Stosowanie łącznie obornika i zróżnicowanych dawek azotu spowodowało zawężenie wartości stosunku zawartości węgla do azotu ogółem. Stwierdzono, że zawartości węgla organicznego w glebie po zastosowaniu zróżnicowanych dawek azotu, wahały się w zakresie od 122.4 mg∙kg-1 do 152.2 mg∙kg-1 natomiast aplikacja azotu na tle obornika spowodowała, że zawartości te mieściły się w zakresie od 133.5 mg∙kg-1 do 166.7 mg∙kg-1 . Zawartości węgla organicznego nie przełożyły się na procentowy udział tej frakcji w całkowitej zawartości węgla organicznego. Udział ten średnio wynosił 1.6%. Zauważono również, że po aplikacji badanych dawek azotu, kwasy huminowe analizowanych gleb charakteryzowały się średnio niższymi wartościami współczynnika A4/6, który wynosił 5.4. Natomiast po zastosowaniu zróżnicowanych dawek azotu łącznie z obornikiem wynosił 6.3. Nawożenie obornikiem generowało powstawanie kwasów huminowych o mniejszej masie cząsteczkowej i o niskim stopniu humifikacji

    Wpływ siarki i nawozu wieloskładnikowego na zawartość Cu, Zn and Mn w różnych typach gleb spod kukurydzy

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    The aim of the study was to determine the influence of the soil type and differential sulphur rates used with or without Basfoliar 36 Extra on the soil pH as well as the amount of available forms of copper, zinc and manganese based on the micro plots field experiment. Moreover, the relationship between the studied microelements was examined. The experiment was performed in two-factor design; the first-order factor was the soil type (Typic Hapludolls, Typic Hapludalfs, Typic Haplorthods, Typic Endoaquolls), while the second-order factor - fertilization with sulphur and compound fertilizer - Basfoliar 36 Extra. The plant tested was Rota cultivar maize. The use of sulphur and sulphur combined with Basfoliar 36 Extra changed the classification of the soils in terms of their pH. In the soils under study, as a result of the 10-years application of sulphur and/or foliar fertiliser with NPK fertilization as well as growing maize in monoculture showing a high uptake of macro- and micro-nutrients, there was reported a clear decrease in the content of zinc, copper and manganese, as compared with the initial content. With that in mind, one shall assume that growing maize in a 10-year monoculture is connected with an intensive use of soils, which can result in a clear deficit of the elements studied in soil.Celem badań było określenie wpływu typu gleby i zróżnicowanych dawek siarki stosowanych bez/lub z Basfoliarem 36 Extra na wartość pH gleby oraz zawartości dostępnych formy miedzi, cynku i manganu, w oparciu o doświadczenia mikropoletkowe. Ponadto określono zależności pomiędzy badanymi mikroelementami. Eksperyment przeprowadzono jako dwuczynnikowy: gdzie pierwszym czynnikiem był typ gleby (n = 4, czarnoziem, gleba płowa, gleba bielicowa, czarna ziemia), natomiast drugim - nawożenie siarką (S1, S2) bez/lub z Basfoliarem 36 Extra (n = 5) oraz obiekt kontrolny. Rośliną testową była kukurydza odmiany Rota. Stosowanie siarki oraz siarki w połączeniu z Basfoliarem 36 Extra wpłynęło na zmiany klasyfikacji gleb pod względem ich odczynu. W wyniku 10-letniego stosowania siarki bez/lub z Basfoliarem 36 Extra na tle nawożenia NPK oraz uprawy kukurydzy w monokulturze charakteryzującej się dużym pobraniem makro i mikroskładników stwierdzono wyraźne obniżenie zawartości cynku, miedzi oraz manganu w stosunku do zawartości wyjściowej. W związku z powyższym należy przypuszczać, iż uprawa kukurydzy w 10-letniej monokulturze wiąże się z intensywnym użytkowaniem gleb, co powodować może wyraźny niedobór badanych pierwiastków glebie