17 research outputs found

    Modelo predictivo de quiebra en empresas constructoras inscritas en el Minvu de Valparaíso”

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    Financial management is one of the most important functions in the existence of an entity. According to Merton & Bodie (2003) they help to organize the way to allocate resources, as well as a set of quantitative models that help in the evaluation of alternatives, decision making and the implementation of them. There are companies that fail to perform this function effectively, which causes serious solvency problems in the short and long term, that is why Altman E. (2000) makes a model for the purpose of predicting bankruptcies, which is to analyze financial reasons that reveal the real situation of an entity. The purpose of this investigation is to verify the effectiveness of the bankruptcy predictive model, this by contextualizing the vulnerability of companies builders, and the objective of the investigation is the application of the bankruptcy predictive model, which allows companies to measure the probability of failure and anticipate the consequences, associating it to the construction sector, mainly National Registry of Contractors of the MINVU of the Region of Valparaíso. Concluding, that although this model helps to observe the state of a company in the market, is not necessarily the only way to assess risk.La administración financiera es una de las funciones más importantes en la existencia de una entidad. Según Merton & Bodie (2003) esto ayuda a organizar la forma de asignar recursos, como también de un conjunto de modelos cuantitativos que ayuden en la evaluación de alternativas, toma de decisiones y la puesta en práctica de ellas. Hay empresas que no logran realizar esta función con efectividad, lo que provoca graves problemas de solvencia a corto y largo plazo; es por esto que Altman E. (2000) realiza un modelo con la finalidad de predecir quiebras, consiste en analizar razones financieras que permitan revelar la real situación de una entidad. El propósito de esta investigación es la comprobación de la efectividad del modelo predictivo de quiebra, esto mediante la contextualización de la vulnerabilidad de las empresas constructoras, siendo así entonces, la aplicación del modelo predictivo de quiebra, que permite a las empresas medir la probabilidad de fracaso y anticiparse a las consecuencias, asociándola al sector de la construcción, principalmente Registro nacional de Contratistas del MINVU de la Región de Valparaíso. Concluyendo que si bien este modelo ayuda a observar el estado de una empresa en el mercado, no es necesariamente la única forma de evaluar el riesg

    Measuring met and unmet assistive technology needs at the national level: Comparing national database collection tools across eight case countries

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    The development and implementation of assistive technology policy that meets the needs of citizens is dependent on accurate data collection and reporting of assistive technology use and unmet needs on a national level. This study reviews the methodology from instruments intended to capture national statistics on assistive technology use across eight case countries from varying regions and income levels. Recommendations are provided, which highlight the need for mandatory, census level data collection according to international standards for data collection in the areas of disability and assistive technology

    Prevención, diagnóstico y tratamiento de la sepsis neonatal: Guía de práctica clínica basada en evidencias del Instituto Nacional Materno Perinatal del Perú

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    Introduction. Neonatal sepsis is a set of clinical signs and symptoms caused by a systemic infection, associated with maternal, neonatal or hospital risk factors. Objective. Provide informed recommendations for the best available evidence for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of neonatal sepsis. Methods an Evidence-based Clinical Practice Guide (CPG) was developed through an adaptation process, in charge of a team of methodologists and neonatologists who are experts in the clinical management of neonatal sepsis. The search and pre-selection of CPGs that respond to the scope and objectives set were carried out, using the AGREE-II instrument, the methodological quality of the guides was evaluated and their adaptation decided. To identify the evidence that answers the questions in the guideline, a systematic search was carried out in multiple databases: Medline / PubMed, Embase / Ovid, Cochrane Library and LILACS. These were selected and critically analyzed by clinical and methodological peers, the recommendations were elaborated using the GRADE approach. Results. 16 clinical questions and recommendations based on evidence were formulated, which were reached, through a deliberative dialogue of clinical experts from different reference hospitals for the management of neonatal sepsis in Peru. The recommendations address the identification of risk factors, the use of confirmatory methods and antibiotic treatment as prophylaxis and during disease management. Conclusions. The CPG allows standardizing the clinical management of neonatal sepsis, as well as the identification of research needs to be carried out in the Peruvian context.Introducción. La sepsis neonatal es un conjunto de signos y síntomas clínicos causados por una infección sistémica, asociada a factores de riesgo de tipo materno, neonatal u hospitalario. Objetivo. Brindar recomendaciones informadas por la mejor evidencia disponible para la prevención, diagnóstico y tratamiento de la sepsis neonatal. Métodos. Se desarrolló una guía de práctica clínica (GPC) basada en evidencias, mediante un proceso de adaptación, a cargo de un equipo de metodólogos y médicos neonatólogos expertos en el manejo clínico de la sepsis neonatal. Se realizó la búsqueda y preselección de GPC que respondan al alcance y objetivos planteados, utilizando el instrumento AGREE-II se evalúo la calidad metodológica de las guías para decidir su adaptación. Se realizó una búsqueda sistemática en múltiples bases de datos: Medline/PubMed, Embase/Ovid, Cochrane Library y LILACS, para identificar la evidencia que responda a las preguntas de la guía. Estas fueron seleccionadas y analizadas críticamente por pares clínicos y metodológicos, las recomendaciones fueron elaboradas usando el enfoque GRADE. Resultados. Se formularon 16 preguntas clínicas y recomendaciones basadas en evidencia a las que se llegó, mediante un diálogo deliberativo de expertos clínicos de diferentes hospitales de referencia para el manejo de la sepsis neonatal en el Perú. Las recomendaciones abordan la identificación de factores de riesgo, el uso de métodos confirmatorios y el tratamiento antibiótico como profilaxis y durante manejo de la enfermedad. Conclusiones: La GPC permite estandarizar el manejo clínico de la sepsis neonatal, así como la identificación de necesidades de investigación a realizarse en el contexto peruano

    Temporal abundance of Aedes aegypti in Manaus, Brazil, measured by two trap types for adult mosquitoes

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    A longitudinal study was conducted in Manaus, Brazil, to monitor changes of adult Aedes aegypti (L.) abundance. The objectives were to compare mosquito collections of two trap types, to characterise temporal changes of the mosquito population, to investigate the influence of meteorological variables on mosquito collections and to analyse the association between mosquito collections and dengue incidence. Mosquito monitoring was performed fortnightly using MosquiTRAPs (MQT) and BG-Sentinel (BGS) traps between December 2008-June 2010. The two traps revealed opposing temporal infestation patterns, with highest mosquito collections of MQTs during the dry season and highest collections of BGS during the rainy seasons. Several meteorological variables were significant predictors of mosquito collections in the BGS. The best predictor was the relative humidity, lagged two weeks (in a positive relationship). For MQT, only the number of rainy days in the previous week was significant (in a negative relationship). The correlation between monthly dengue incidence and mosquito abundance in BGS and MQT was moderately positive and negative, respectively. Catches of BGS traps reflected better the dynamic of dengue incidence. The findings help to understand the effects of meteorological variables on mosquito infestation indices of two different traps for adult dengue vectors in Manaus

    “factores que favorecen desarrollo profesional de contadores auditores egresados/titulados, períodos 2009-2012, caso universidad pública”

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    Currently, Chile has faced diverse changes in the labor scope, originated by the globalization and the advance of information technologies, a very recent case is the adoption of the International Norms of Financial Information (NIIF/IFRS). Because of it, nowadays auditor accountants functions are more and more standardized and demanding at national and international level, such changes demand that these professionals have a suitable professional development to be agreed with the evolution that the organizations have had today. Although the institution in study has made some investigations related to its graduated students´ employability, it is still necessary to deepen more in relation to the professional development and to make sure if the abilities that were reached during their academic trajectory are enough to face the labor field successfully. The intention was to make an analysis of those factors that favor or work against the professional development of the graduated students of the organization in study, once they are inserted in the labor world, specifically during their first three labor years for cohorts 2005- 2008, titled since period 2009-2012. The approach of this study was qualitative, with a sintetization reach, semistructured interviews were elaborated in depth for graduated/titled, academic and employers, besides, institutional data bases of the public university were reviewed. The gotten results indicate that the factors that favor the labor performance of the professionals interviewed, at personal level are, the self-esteem, the leadership, the adaptation to changes and motivation, and what it works against this are the insecurity and the lack of character. At labor level they favor the knowledge, incentives, promotions, and others, and those that prevent this are low pays, pressure, inexperience, and others.Chile en la actualidad se ha enfrentado a diversos cambios en el ámbito laboral, originados por la globalización y el avance de las tecnologías de la información, caso muy reciente es la adopción de las Normas Internacionales de Información Financiera (NIIF/IFRS). Es por esto que hoy en día las funciones de los contadores auditores son cada vez más estandarizadas y exigentes a nivel nacional e internacional, tales cambios exigen que estos profesionales tengan un adecuado desarrollo profesional, para estar acorde con la evolución que han tenido las organizaciones en las últimas décadas. Si bien la institución en estudio ha realizado algunas investigaciones relacionadas con la empleabilidad de sus egresados, aún falta por ahondar más en relación al desarrollo profesional y si las habilidades que fueron alcanzadas durante su trayectoria académica son suficientes para enfrentar en forma eficaz el campo laboral. El propósito fue realizar un análisis de aquellos factores que favorecen o desfavorecen el desarrollo profesional de los egresados de la organización en estudio, una vez que se insertan en el mundo laboral, específicamente durante sus primeros tres años laborales para las cohortes 2005-2008, titulados período 2009-2012. El enfoque de este estudio fue de carácter cualitativo, con un alcance de sintetización, se elaboraron entrevistas semiestructuradas en profundidad para egresados/titulados, académicos y empleadores y se revisaron las bases de datos institucionales de la universidad pública. Los resultados obtenidos indican que los factores que favorecen el desempeño laboral de los profesionales entrevistados, a nivel personal son, la autoestima, el liderazgo, la adaptación al cambio y motivación, y lo que desfavorece son la inseguridad y la falta de carácter. A nivel laboral favorecen el conocimiento, incentivos, ascensos, entre otros, y los que obstaculizan bajos sueldos, presión, inexperiencia, entre otros

    Political Constitution of Peru

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    Presenta la Constitución Política del Perú en una versión sumillada, concordada y anotada artículo por artículo, con los precedentes y jurisprudencia vinculante del Tribunal Constitucional

    Measuring met and unmet assistive technology needs at the national level: Comparing national database collection tools across eight case countries

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    The development and implementation of assistive technology policy that meets the needs of citizens is dependent on accurate data collection and reporting of assistive technology use and unmet needs on a national level. This study reviews the methodology from instruments intended to capture national statistics on assistive technology use across eight case countries from varying regions and income levels. Recommendations are provided, which highlight the need for mandatory, census level data collection according to international standards for data collection in the areas of disability and assistive technology

    Measuring met and unmet assistive technology needs at the national level: Comparing national database collection tools across eight case countries

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    The development and implementation of assistive technology policy that meets the needs of citizens is dependent on accurate data collection and reporting of assistive technology use and unmet needs on a national level. This study reviews the methodology from instruments intended to capture national statistics on assistive technology use across eight case countries from varying regions and income levels. Recommendations are provided, which highlight the need for mandatory, census level data collection according to international standards for data collection in the areas of disability and assistive technology

    Prevención, diagnóstico y tratamiento de la sepsis neonatal:: Guía de práctica clínica basada en evidencias del Instituto Nacional Materno Perinatal del Perú

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    Introduction. Neonatal sepsis is a set of clinical signs and symptoms caused by a systemic infection, associated with maternal, neonatal or hospital risk factors. Objective. Provide informed recommendations for the best available evidence for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of neonatal sepsis. Methods an Evidence-based Clinical Practice Guide (CPG) was developed through an adaptation process, in charge of a team of methodologists and neonatologists who are experts in the clinical management of neonatal sepsis. The search and pre-selection of CPGs that respond to the scope and objectives set were carried out, using the AGREE-II instrument, the methodological quality of the guides was evaluated and their adaptation decided. To identify the evidence that answers the questions in the guideline, a systematic search was carried out in multiple databases: Medline / PubMed, Embase / Ovid, Cochrane Library and LILACS. These were selected and critically analyzed by clinical and methodological peers, the recommendations were elaborated using the GRADE approach. Results.16 clinical questions and recommendations based on evidence were formulated, which were reached, through a deliberative dialogue of clinical experts from different reference hospitals for the management of neonatal sepsis in Peru. The recommendations address the identification of risk factors, the use of confirmatory methods and antibiotic treatment as prophylaxis and during disease management. Conclusions. The CPG allows standardizing the clinical management of neonatal sepsis, as well as the identification of research needs to be carried out in the Peruvian context.Introducción. La sepsis neonatal es un conjunto de signos y síntomas clínicos causados por una infección sistémica, asociada a factores de riesgo de tipo materno, neonatal u hospitalario. Objetivo. Brindar recomendaciones informadas por la mejor evidencia disponible para la prevención, diagnóstico y tratamiento de la sepsis neonatal. Métodos. Se desarrolló una guía de práctica clínica (GPC) basada en evidencias, mediante un proceso de adaptación, a cargo de un equipo de metodólogos y médicos neonatólogos expertos en el manejo clínico de la sepsis neonatal. Se realizó la búsqueda y preselección de GPC que respondan al alcance y objetivos planteados, utilizando el instrumento AGREE-II se evalúo la calidad metodológica de las guías para decidir su adaptación. Se realizó una búsqueda sistemática en múltiples bases de datos: Medline/PubMed, Embase/Ovid, Cochrane Library y LILACS, para identificar la evidencia que responda a las preguntas de la guía. Estas fueron seleccionadas y analizadas críticamente por pares clínicos y metodológicos, las recomendaciones fueron elaboradas usando el enfoque GRADE. Resultados. Se formularon 16 preguntas clínicas y recomendaciones basadas en evidencia a las que se llegó, mediante un diálogo deliberativo de expertos clínicos de diferentes hospitales de referencia para el manejo de la sepsis neonatal en el Perú. Las recomendaciones abordan la identificación de factores de riesgo, el uso de métodos confirmatorios y el tratamiento antibiótico como profilaxis y durante manejo de la enfermedad. Conclusiones: La GPC permite estandarizar el manejo clínico de la sepsis neonatal, así como la identificación de necesidades de investigación a realizarse en el contexto peruan