3 research outputs found

    Prevalencia, incidencia y factores de riesgo de los trastornos de la conducta alimentaria en la Comunidad de Cantabria.

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    RESUMEN: Los trastornos de la conducta alimentaria (TCA) se manifiestan como una alteración en la salud mental, que se asocia a un patrón irregular en la ingesta de alimentos con el consecuente deterioro de la salud física y psicológica. En los últimos años estas patologías han suscitados gran interés social debido en parte al número creciente de pacientes y a la población afectada, en su mayoría mujeres jóvenes. Por otro lado, desde el punto de vista médico se consideran trastornos que implican una importante morbilidad física y psicosocial, cuyas complicaciones clínicas conllevan una elevada tasa de cronicidad. El origen de estas enfermedades no está claramente elucidado y se consideran el resultado de la interacción de múltiples factores. La identificación de estos marcadores de riesgo ha permitido desarrollar programas de detección e intervención precoz mejorando los resultados terapéuticos y minimizando los costes personales y sanitarios. En este artículo se revisan los estudios realizados hasta la fecha en distintas localizaciones del mundo y en concreto en la Comunidad Autónoma de Cantabria, con el objetivo de conocer las cifras de prevalencia e incidencia que realmente esconden estas patologías y los factores de riesgo implicados en su desarrollo.ABSTRACT: Eating disorders manifest as a disturbance of the mental health associated with an irregular pattern in food intake, with a detriment in physic and psychological health as consequence. In the latest years, these pathologies have aroused growing interest in the society because of the increasing incidence and the subtype affected population, young women mostly. On the other hand, from the medical point of view eating disorders are considered disturbances that imply a significant physic and psychosocial morbidity, and whose clinical complications lead to a high chronicity rate. The etiology of these diseases is not clear, and is considered as multifactorial. The detection of risk markers has allowed the development of early identification and treatment programs, improving therapeutic outcomes and personal and healthcare costs. This article reviews the studies carried out among the world, specifically in the Spanish autonomous community of Cantabria. The aim is to know the actually hidden incidence and prevalence of these disorders and the risk factors that are implied in their development

    Fungal literature records database of the sub Antarctic Region of Aysén, Chile

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    To this day, merely 8% of all estimated fungi species are documented and, in certain regions, its biodiversity is practically unknown. Inside the Fungi Kingdom, macrofungi and lichens assume a critical part in the ecosystem functionality and have a historical connection to mankind's social, clinical and nutritious uses. Despite their importance, the diversity of these groups has been widely overlooked in the sub-Antarctic Region of Chile, a crucial area in the study of climate change due to its extraordinary biodiversity and its proximity to Antarctica. Few studies regarding both groups have been conducted in this sub-Antarctic Region and the data are still scarce and inaccessible, as these are only published in specialised journals, unreachable to local communities.Chile's Innovation for Competitiveness Fund (FIC) provided funding for both SIB-Aysén (BIP 30346481-0) and the Open Laboratory for Sub-Antarctic Sciences (BIP 40000521-0) initiatives.Peer reviewe

    Periodic gastroenterology and hepatology meetings with primary care: reasons for consultation

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    Introduction: care overload, aging of population, and increased chronic diseases lead to increased referrals from primary care, which may sometimes overload the health system. Thus, different interventions have been carried out attempting to improve these aspects. Objectives: to assess the most frequent causes of consultation of general physicians, both in joint consultations and clinical sessions held jointly with specialist consultant in primary care, in the urban and rural setting, and the influence on referrals to first consultations of gastroenterology. Material and methods: a mainly training type of intervention was carried out, consisting of regular meetings in both urban and rural primary care center, to perform joint consultations and clinical sessions on patients and topics related to the specialty of gastroenterology. The intervention period (divided in two subperiods) was compared with a control period. Results: most reasons for consultation were those corresponding to lower gastrointestinal tract, followed by liver disease and upper gastrointestinal tract. Significant differences were only found in distribution of diagnoses between the two centers in joint consultations. There was a relative (percent) decrease in referrals at the global level in both subperiods, only significant in the first (51.45%), as well as in rural setting (45.24%). Conclusion: common consultations motifs were similar in urban and rural settings, with some relevance of lower gastrointestinal tract disease. Most of them can be solved at primary care, with the help of consultant specialist. There is impact on referrals to the outpatient first consultations of gastroenterology, mainly in rural setting