89 research outputs found

    Seasonal dynamics of an aquatic macroinvertebrate assembly (Hydrobiological case study of Lake Balaton No. 2)

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    In 2002, 2003 and 2004, we took macoinvertebrate samples on a total of 36 occasions at the Badacsony bay of Lake Balaton. Our sampling site was characterised by areas of open water (in 2003 and 2004 full of reed-grass) as well as by areas covered by common reed (Phragmites australis) and narrowleaf cattail (Typha angustifolia). Samples were taken both from water body and benthic ooze by use of a stiff hand net. We have gained our data from processing 208 individual samples. We took samples frequently from early spring until late autumn for a deeper understanding of the processes of seasonal dynamics. The main seasonal patterns and temporal changes of diversity were described. We constructed a weather-dependent simulation model of the processes of seasonal dynamics in the interest of a possible further utilization of our data in climate change research. We described the total number of individuals, biovolume and diversity of all macroinvertebrate species with a single index and used the temporal trends of this index for simulation modelling. Our discrete deterministic model includes only the impact of temperature, other interactions might only appear concealed. Running the model for different climate change scenarios it became possible to estimate conditions for the 2070-2100 period. The results, however, should be treated very prudently not only because our model is very simple but also because the scenarios are the results of different models

    Delivery Methods to Target RNAs in the Kidney

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    Harmonikus analízis és additív kombinatorika = Harmonic analysis and additive combinatorics

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    A jelen pályázatban több cikkünkben kutatást folytattunk különböző struktúrákban összeg- és különbséghalmazok elemszámára vonatkozóan. Általánosítottuk nem kommutatív struktúrákban Plünnecke-tételét. Eredményeket értünk el kommutatív csoportokban a Freiman tétel általánosítására. Ritka halmazok összeghalmazában található számtani sorozatok hosszára adtunk becslést. Az ismert legerősebb formában igazoljuk a Balog-Szemerédi tételt. Hilbert kockákat vizsgáltunk véletlen halmazokban és extremális szempontból. Eredményeink eléréséhez kombinatorikus, valószínűségszámítási módszereket, valamint exponenciális összegeket használtunk. | We have several new publications in which we study the size of sum and/or difference sets in various structures. For example, the generalization of Plünnecke's Theorem to non-commutative groups is provided. Furthermore we have partial results towards the generalization of Freiman's Theorem in commutative groups. We have found new bounds for the length of the longest arithmetic progressions in the sumset of sparse sets. We have proved the Balog-Szemerédi's Theorem in the strongest form at present. We have studied Hilbert's cubes in random sets, we have done it from extremal point of view as well. To derive the above results we have used combinatorial and probabilistic methods frequently with a combination of the method of trigonometric sums and Fourier-analysis

    Cold Saline Perfusion before Ischemia-Reperfusion Is Harmful to the Kidney and Is Associated with the Loss of Ezrin, a Cytoskeletal Protein, in Rats

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    Background: Organ protection for transplantation is perfusion with ice-cold preservation solutions, although saline is also used in animal experiments and living donor transplantations. However, ice-cold perfusion can contribute to initial graft injury. Our aim was to test if cytoskeletal damage of parenchymal cells is caused by saline itself or by the ice-cold solution. Methods: F344 rat kidneys were flushed with cold (4 °C) saline, ischemic and sham kidneys were not perfused. In a separate set, F344 kidneys were flushed with saline or preservation solution at 4 or 15 °C. Ischemia time was 30 min. Results: Renal injury was significantly more severe following cold ischemia (CI) than after ischemia-reperfusion without flushing (ischemia/reperfusion (I/R)). Functional and morphologic damage was accompanied by severe loss of ezrin from glomerular and tubular epithelial cells after CI. Moreover, saline caused serious injury independently from its temperature, while the perfusion solution was more beneficial, especially at 4 °C. Conclusions: Flushing the kidney with ice-cold saline can cause more severe injury than ischemia-reperfusion at body temperature even during a short (30 min) ischemia. Saline perfusion can prolong recovery from ischemia in kidney transplantation, which can be prevented by using preservation solutions

    Cold Saline Perfusion before Ischemia-Reperfusion Is Harmful to the Kidney and Is Associated with the Loss of Ezrin, a Cytoskeletal Protein, in Rats

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    Background: Organ protection for transplantation is perfusion with ice-cold preservation solutions, although saline is also used in animal experiments and living donor transplantations. However, ice-cold perfusion can contribute to initial graft injury. Our aim was to test if cytoskeletal damage of parenchymal cells is caused by saline itself or by the ice-cold solution. Methods: F344 rat kidneys were flushed with cold (4 °C) saline, ischemic and sham kidneys were not perfused. In a separate set, F344 kidneys were flushed with saline or preservation solution at 4 or 15 °C. Ischemia time was 30 min. Results: Renal injury was significantly more severe following cold ischemia (CI) than after ischemia-reperfusion without flushing (ischemia/reperfusion (I/R)). Functional and morphologic damage was accompanied by severe loss of ezrin from glomerular and tubular epithelial cells after CI. Moreover, saline caused serious injury independently from its temperature, while the perfusion solution was more beneficial, especially at 4 °C. Conclusions: Flushing the kidney with ice-cold saline can cause more severe injury than ischemia-reperfusion at body temperature even during a short (30 min) ischemia. Saline perfusion can prolong recovery from ischemia in kidney transplantation, which can be prevented by using preservation solutions

    Áttétes vesedaganatos betegek everolimusterápiájával szerzett hazai tapasztalatok

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    Everolimus is indicated for the therapy of adults with advanced renal cell carcinoma after failure of treatment with vascular endothelial growth factor receptor (VEGFR) tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI). The aim of the study was a multicenter evaluation of efficiency and toxicity of everolimus in patients with metastatic renal carcinoma who received one line of VEGFR-TKI therapy. Data of one hundred and one patients were analyzed retrospectively. Patients received everolimus therapy between January 2010 and July 2013. Data were collected in 7 different oncology institutes in Hungary. Starting daily dose of everolimus was 10 mg in 28-day cycles. Physical and laboratory examinations were done monthly. Imaging tests were performed every 3 months. Tumor response and toxicity were evaluated according to RECIST 1.0 and NCI CTCAE 3.0, respectively. Statistical analysis was performed with SPPS version 20.0 for Windows. Currently 26 (27%) patients are being treated, 52 (54.1%) patients are alive. Median progression-free survival (PFS) was 5.7 months (95% CI 4.07-7.33). Partial remission, stable disease and progression occurred in 6 (6%), 71 (74%) and 19 (20%) patients, respectively. Median overall survival (OS) was 14.3 months (95% CI 6.99-19.81). PFS and OS results were more favorable in patients with ECOG 0-1. Survival was poorer in case of anemia, while better if PFS was longer than 12 months. In anemic patients with ECOG 0-1 and ECOG 2-3 OS was 30.9 and 7.7 months, respectively (p=0.031). Dose reduction and treatment delay happened in 8 (7.9%) and 12 (11.9%) cases, respectively. The most common side effects were the following: exanthema, edema, stomatitis, pneumonitis, anemia and abnormal kidney-, liver functions, blood sugar and cholesterol levels. According to the Hungarian experience, everolimus can safely be administered. PFS and OS results representing the centers' everyday practice, are similar to the results of the respective subgroups in the registration study

    A közösségi anyagcsere vizsgálata anaerob deklorináció során = Investigations on the community metabolism in anaerobe dechlorination

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    A rövidszénláncú alifás klórozott szénhidrogének gyakori talajvízszennyezők hazánkban. A perklóretén, triklóretén biológiai bontása hatékony folyamat, mégis nagy sebességkülönbségek jellemzők különböző szennyezett területeken. A reduktív deklorinációban a klórozott vegyületek elektronakceptorok, elektrondonor a hidrogén, vagy kis molekulatömegű szerves vegyületek. A folyamat elindulásához a deklorináló baktériumoknak felül kell kerekedniük a kompetítor mikrobákon, amelyek szintén hidrogént és szerves vegyületeket hasznosítanak. Szennyezett területekről származó mikrobaközösségek szerkezetét, tagjainak szerepét laboratóriumi körülmények között polifázikus módszerekkel vizsgáltuk, új molekuláris technikákat vezettünk be a mikrobák közötti anyagcsere-kapcsolatok megértésére. Megállapítottuk, hogy sikeres deklorináló közösségben jellemző a Dehalococcoides ethenogenes dominanciája; a mikrobiális diverzitás csökkenése. A lebontás folyamatát fermentáló szervezetek jelenléte lassítja, akárcsak a kometabolikus partnerek gátlása. Hatékony bontás során biofilm kialakulása jellmező és elengedhetetlen kellő mennyiségű hozzáférhető szerves anyag jelenléte. Négy új módszert (MDA, SNuPE, SEM és FISH) optimáltunk a deklorináló mikroba közösség vizsgálatára. Megállapítottuk, hogy a valós aktivitással jobban korreláló RNS alapú vizsgálatok szükségesek a deklorinációban résztvevő mikrobiális kapcsolatok feltárásához. | Chlorinated short chain aliphatic hydrocarbons are common groundwater pollutants in Hungary. Biological decomposition of perchloroethene and trichloroethene is effective process, though speed of decomposition extremely differ in different sites. At reductive dechlorination chlorinated hydrocarbons serve as electron acceptors, H2 or small organic compounds act as donors. At startup of degradation dechlorinating microbes have to outcompete compeptitor microbes utilising similarly H2 and organic compounds. Microbial communities originating from different polluted sites and the role of their members in the community dechlorinating metabolism were investigated under controlled laboratory microcosm experiments using polyphasic approach, and by introducing new techniques. It could be determined that effective dechlorinating communities are characterised by the dominance of Dehalococcoides ethenogenes, and a simplification of the original diversity. The presence of fermenting microbes retards the speed of degradation; the inhibition of co-metabolic partners acts similarly. Effective degradation is characterised by Dehalococcoides spp. biofilm formation, and presence of adequte available organic compounds is indispensable. Four novel methods (MDA, SNuPE, SEM and FISH) were optimised for the investigation of dechlorinating communities. RNA based investigations better correlate real activities thus their use is indispensable in the investigation of microbial metabolic interactions

    Kristályos gyógyszer-alapanyagok amorfizálásának tanulmányozása = Study of amorphisation of crystalline drug substances

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    Protokollokat dolgoztunk ki kristályos anyagok amorfizálására. Amorfizálásra javasoljuk az oldószeres eljárást, az olvadéktechnológia alkalmazását és az őrlés műveletét. Az amorf forma emeltebb energia szintet jelent mint a kristályos állapot. Ebből adódóan, a termodinamikai szabályai szerint, az amorf forma rekrisztallizációra hajlamos. Ezért a kristályosodás megelőzésére kristályosodást gátló segédanyagokat alkalmazunk. Kristályosodást gátlóként kristályos szerkezetű (mannit), szemi-kristályos (cukorészterek, biopolimerek) és amorf anyagokat (PVP) alkalmazhatunk eredményesen. Megállapítottuk, hogy az amorfizált hatóanyagok jellemző (kritikus) paraméterei az üvegesedési hőmérséklet (Tg), a felületi szabadenergia, a nedvesedési peremszög, a víz adszorpció, és a specifikus felület. A megnövekedett felület miatt célszerű a maradék oldószertartalom meghatározást is végezni. A termékek stabilitásvizsgálatát a kristályos frakcióra is ki kell terjeszteni. A por-röntgen vizsgálatok mellett javasolható a NIR és az ssNMR alkalmazása is. | We introduced protocols for amorphizationof crystalline material. The protocols involve three possible routes: solvent methods, hot-melt technologies and milling procedures. The amorphous form involves a higher energy level than that of the equivalent crystalline form. For this reason, in compliance with thermodynamic rules, an amorphous substance alone recrystallizes after some time. To enhance the stability, we use the prevention of crystallization with auxiliary ingredients (crystallization inhibitors). Inhibitor agents may be crystalline material (mannit), semi-crystalline agents (sugaraesters, biopolymer) and amorphous excipients (PVP). The amorphized materials can be characterized by glas transition (Tg) value, surface free energy, contact angel, water adsorption capacity, specific surface area. It can be suggested the determination of rest solvent contant and the investigation of a crystalline phase by X-ray, NIR and ssNMR methods

    Analitikus módszerek a számelméletben = Analytic methods in number theory

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    Kutatócsoportunk az analitikus számelmélet, a kombinatorikus számelmélet és a pszeudovéletlen sorozatok elméletében folytatott igen eredményes kutatásokat, amelyek összesen 76 megjelent, vagy közlésre elfogadott publikációt eredményeztek, kb. 80%-ban neves külföldi szaklapokban, többek közt az Annals of Math.-ben es a svéd Acta Mathematicaban. Külön kiemelendő a témavezető Goldstonnal es Yildirimmel közös eredménye, amely szerint a prímszámok sorozatában liminf( p_(n+1)-p_n)/logp_n=0. Az eredménynek széleskörű nemzetközi visszhangja volt. A Discover Magazine világviszonylatban a 2005-ös év legfontosabb matematikai felfedezéseként értékelte. Az AMS 2006 januári San Antonioban több ezer résztvevővel tartott éves konferenciáján az elmúlt év 4 legfontosabb matematikai eredményének ismertetésébe ez mint az egyetlen elméleti matematikai eredmény került bele. A Bourbaki szemináriumon is ismertetetésre került, míg a neves American Institute of Mathematics (az USA 7, NSF által támogatott matematikai intézete közül az egyik) külön 1 hetes konferenciát szentelt neki , az évi 3 hasonló találkozóból egyet. Az eredményt napokon belül ismertette a Science, a brit Guardian, később az American Scholar, a Wall Street Journal, továbbá több amerikai, brit, indiai, magyar (Népszabadság, Magyar Tudomány, Interpressz Magazin), taiwani és török napilap és folyóirat, az amerikai PBS televízió. Azóta 7 neves külföldi egyetem tananyagába került bele; az MIT 2006-ban külön kurzust szentelt neki. | Our group executed very successful investigations in analytic and combinatoric number theory and in the theory of pseudo-random sequences. This research resulted in 76 papers, appeared or accepted in 80% in important international journals in abroad, among them in Annals of Math. and in Acta Math. (Djursholm). In the work of the Principal Investigator, Goldston and Yildirim the relation liminf( p_(n+1)-p_n)/logp_n=0 is proved for the sequence of primes. The result attracted a wide international recognition. Discover magazine characterized it as the most important mathematical discovery of the year. The annual meeting of AMS in 2006 which attracted several thousands of participants choose it as the subject of the "Current Events" session as one of the 4 most important mathematical results, the only one from theoretical mathematics. It was the subject of a Bourbaki seminar; the American Institute of Mathematics (one of the 7 mathematical institutes in USA supported by NSF) devoted a one week meeting to it , one of the 3 annual meetings of such type. The result was reported within a few days in Science, the Guardian, later in the American Scholar, the Wall Street Journal, further in American, British, Hungarian (Népszabadság, Magyar Tudomány, Interpressz), Indian, Turkish and Taiwanese newspapers and journals, further in the American PBS television. Seven well-known foreign universities included the result into their courses; MIT devoted a separate course to it