73 research outputs found

    Isolation and characterization of 8 microsatellite loci for the ‘‘killer shrimp’’, an invasive Ponto-Caspian amphipod Dikerogammarus villosus (Crustacea: Amphipoda)

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    Dikerogammarus villosus is a freshwater amphipod of the Ponto-Caspian origin recognized as one of the 100 worst alien species in Europe, having negative impact on biodiversity and functioning of the invaded aquatic ecosystems. The species has a wide ecophysiological tolerance and during the last 20 years it has rapidly spread throughout European inland waters. In consequence, it presents a major conservation management problem. We describe eight polymorphic microsatellite loci developed for D. villosus by combining a biotin-enrichment protocol and new generation 454GS-FLX Titanium pyrosequencing technology. When genotyped in 64 individuals from two locations, the loci exhibited a mean diversity of 4.87 alleles per locus (2–13). The mean observed and expected heterozygosities were, respectively, 0.439 (0.091–0.844) and 0.468 (0.089–0.843). Gametic disequilibrium was not detected for any pair of loci. The microsatellite markers will be a valuable tool in assessing the demographic processes associated with invasion of the killer shrimp from a genetic point of view

    Hooking the scientific community on thorny-headed worms: interesting and exciting facts, knowledge gaps and perspectives for research directions on Acanthocephala

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    Although interest in Acanthocephala seems to have reached only a small community of researchers worldwide, we show in this opinion article that this group of parasites is composed of excellent model organisms for studying key questions in parasite molecular biology and cytogenetics, evolutionary ecology, and ecotoxicology. Their shared ancestry with free-living rotifers makes them an ideal group to explore the origins of the parasitic lifestyle and evolutionary drivers of host shifts and environmental transitions. They also provide useful features in the quest to decipher the proximate mechanisms of parasite-induced phenotypic alterations and better understand the evolution of behavioral manipulation. From an applied perspective, acanthocephalans’ ability to accumulate contaminants offers useful opportunities to monitor the impacts – and evaluate the possible mitigation – of anthropogenic pollutants on aquatic fauna and develop the environmental parasitology framework. However, exploring these exciting research avenues will require connecting fragmentary knowledge by enlarging the taxonomic coverage of molecular and phenotypic data. In this opinion paper, we highlight the needs and opportunities of research on Acanthocephala in three main directions: (i) integrative taxonomy (including non-molecular tools) and phylogeny-based comparative analysis; (ii) ecology and evolution of life cycles, transmission strategies and host ranges; and (iii) environmental issues related to global changes, including ecotoxicology. In each section, the most promising ideas and developments are presented based on selected case studies, with the goal that the present and future generations of parasitologists further explore and increase knowledge of Acanthocephala

    Dikerogammarus villosus (Sowinsky, 1894) (Crustacea, Amphipoda) colonizes next alpine lake – Lac du Bourget, France.

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    4 pagesDikerogammarus villosus has been recorded for the first time in the alpine lake – Lac du Bourget, French Alps. Low abundance of the alien species in gathered samples suggests that the colonization is just in its initial stage. Two native gammarid species: Gammarus fossarum (Koch, 1835) and G. pulex (Linnaeus, 1758) are still present in the lake. The invader has most probably reached the lake through the Canal de Saviùres joining the lake to the Rhone River in which it has been already present since late 1990s

    A co-invasive microsporidian parasite that reduces the predatory behaviour of its host Dikerogammarus villosus (Crustacea, Amphipoda).

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    5 pagesInternational audienceParasites are known to affect the predatory behaviour or diet of their hosts. In relation to biological invasions, parasites may significantly influence the invasiveness of the host population and/or mediate the relationships between the invader and the invaded community. Dikerogammarus villosus, a recently introduced species, has had a major impact in European rivers. Notably, its high position in trophic web and high predatory behaviour, have both facilitated its invasive success, and affected other macroinvertebrate taxa in colonized habitats. The intracellular parasite Cucumispora dikerogammari, specific to D. villosus, has successfully dispersed together with this amphipod. Data presented here have shown that D. villosus infected by this parasite have a reduced predatory behaviour compared with healthy individuals, and are much more active suggesting that the co-invasive parasite may diminish the predatory pressure of D. villosus on newly colonized communities

    Parasitism may alter functional response comparisons: a case study on the killer shrimp Dikerogammarus villosus and two non-invasive gammarids

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    The Ponto-Caspian freshwater amphipod Dikerogammarus villosus has colonized most of the water bodies of continental Europe where it causes strong structural alterations in recipient communities that can lead to changes in ecosystem-level processes, mainly because of a strong predatory behaviour. Most of the D. villosus populations from the invaded range have been found infected with the co-introduced microsporidian parasite Cucumispora dikerogammari, known to decrease the predation rate of its host. Infection might thus mitigate the ecological impact of D. villosus and we wanted to test this assumption using the comparative functional response approach. We compared the relationship between resource use and resource availability (i.e. the functional response, FR) of D. villosus, either with infected individuals or not, to that of two non-invasive gammarids: Gammarus pulex and Echinogammarus berilloni. With infected individuals included, D. villosus displayed a higher FR than the two non-invasive gammarids. Although this effect was not significant, C. dikerogammari infection tended to alter the FR of D. villosus with a slight decrease in attack rate and handling time, resulting in a less steep initial slope and a higher asymptote, respectively. Removing infected D. villosus from the dataset did not affect the FR comparison with G. pulex but suppressed the difference in FR with E. berilloni. Although we cannot exclude the role of sample size reduction in this effect, this suggests that C. dikerogammari infection might increase the predation pressure on local prey populations in case of species replacement between D. villosus and E. berilloni. From a more general perspective, our study illustrates how parasites may alter our capacity to predict invasive species impacts from FR comparisons

    Is the host or the parasite the most locally adapted in an amphipod-acanthocephalan relationship? A case study in a biological invasion context.

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    8 pagesInternational audienceManipulative endoparasites with complex life cycles can alter their intermediate host immunity and behaviour in ways that increase survival probability within the host body cavity and enhance successful transmission to the definitive host. These parasitic manipulations are variable among and within parasite species and may result from co-evolutionary processes, in which the parasite is constrained for adaptation to the local intermediate host. Hence, arrival of a new host species in a local host population may promote local parasite maladaptation. This study tested the occurrence of local adaptation in two distantly located populations of the acanthocephalan parasite Pomphorhynchus laevis and its effect on the immunity and behaviour of its gammarid intermediate host Gammarus roeseli. This was done in France (an area for which G. roeseli is a recent invader) and Hungary (an area from which G. roeseli was believed to be native). As expected, we found no alteration in G. roeseli's immune defence and behaviour associated with infection by P. laevis in localities, where the gammarid is invasive. Unexpectedly, we found similar results in Hungarian populations, where the parasite was even more exposed to the host immune response. Whilst these results suggest maladaptation of the parasite to the gammarid in both countries, they also suggest that the gammarid host might be locally adapted to the parasite. Genetic analyses were performed on both the parasite and the host and the results suggest that the two subsets of populations we studied harbour rather isolated host-parasite systems, both probably deriving from a common ancestral population. We propose that G. roeseli is also of recent acquisition in Hungary, and that a recent co-evolutionary history between P. laevis and G. roeseli in association with a long generation time in the parasite has constrained parasite adaptations in Europe or even favoured host adaptation to the parasite

    The legacy of a vanished sea: a high level of diversification within a European freshwater amphipod species complex driven by 15 My of Paratethys regression.

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    16 pagesInternational audienceThe formation of continental Europe in the Neogene was due to the regression of the Tethys Ocean and of the Paratethys Sea. The dynamic geology of the area and repetitious transitions between marine and freshwater conditions presented opportunities for the colonization of newly emerging hydrological networks and diversification of aquatic biota. Implementing mitochondrial and nuclear markers in conjunction with a large-scale sampling strategy, we investigated the impact of this spatiotemporal framework on the evolutionary history of a freshwater crustacean morphospecies. The Gammarus balcanicus species complex is widely distributed in the area previously occupied by the Paratethys Sea. Our results revealed its high diversification and polyphyly in relation to a number of other morphospecies. The distribution of the studied amphipod is generally characterized by very high local endemism and divergence. The Bayesian time-calibrated reconstruction of phylogeny and geographical distribution of ancestral nodes indicates that this species complex started to diversify in the Early Miocene in the central Balkans, partially in the shallow epicontinental sea. It is possible that there were several episodes of inland water colonization by local brackish water lineages. Subsequent diversification within clades and spread to new areas could have been induced by Alpine orogeny in the Miocene/Pliocene and, finally, by Pleistocene glaciations. The present distribution of clades, in many cases, still reflects Miocene palaeogeography of the area. Our results point out that investigations of the historical aspect of cryptic diversity in other taxa may help in a general understanding of the origins of freshwater invertebrate fauna of Europe
