38 research outputs found

    Polarizability Expressions for Predicting Resonances in Plasmonic and Mie Scatterers

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    Polarizability expressions are commonly used in optics and photonics to model the light scattering by small particles. Models based on Taylor series of the scattering coefficients of the particles fail to predict the morphologic resonances hosted by dielectric particles. Here, we propose to use the factorization of the special functions appearing in the expression of the Mie scattering coefficients to derive point-like models. These models can be applied to reproduce both Mie resonances of dielectric particles and plasmonic resonances of metallic particles. They provide simple but robust tools to predict accurately the electric and magnetic Mie resonances in dielectric particles.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure

    Modal Expansion of the Scattered Field: Causality, Non-Divergence and Non-Resonant Contribution

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    Modal analysis based on the quasi-normal modes (QNM), also called resonant states, has emerged as a promising way for modeling the resonant interaction of light with open optical cavities. However, the fields associated with QNM in open photonic cavities diverge far away from the scatterer and the possibility of expanding the scattered field with resonant contributions only has not been established. Here, we address these two issues while restricting our study to the case of a dispersionless spherical scatterer. First, we derive the rigorous pole expansion of the TT-matrix coefficients that link the scattered to the incident fields associated with an optical resonator. This expansion evinces the existence of a non-resonant term. Second, in the time domain, the causality principle allows us to solve the problem of divergence and to derive a modal expansion of the scattered field that does not diverge far from the scatterer

    Enhanced Purcell factor for nanoantennas supporting interfering resonances

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    We study the effect of coupled resonances and quasi-bound states in the continuum (quasi-BICs) on the Purcell factor in dielectric resonant nanoantennas. We analyze numerically interfering resonances in a nanodisk with and without a substrate when the modes are coupled to an emitter localized inside the nanodisk, and we quantify the modal contributions to the Purcell factor also reconstructing the radiation patterns of the resonant system. It is revealed that the Purcell effect can be boosted substantially for a strong coupling of resonances in the quasi-BIC regime

    Poles and zeros in non-Hermitian systems: Application to photonics

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    Resonances are essential for understanding the interactions between light and matter in photonic systems. The real frequency response of the non-Hermitian systems depends on the complex-valued resonance frequencies, which are the poles of electromagnetic response functions. The zeros of the response functions are often used for designing devices, since the zeros can be located close to the real axis, where they have significant impact on scattering properties. While methods are available to determine the locations of the poles, there is a lack of appropriate approaches to find the zeros in photonic systems. We present an approach to compute poles and zeros based on contour integration of electromagnetic quantities. This also allows to extract sensitivities with respect to geometrical or other parameters enabling efficient device design. The approach is applied to a topical example in nanophotonics, an illuminated metasurface, where the emergence of reflection zeros due to the underlying resonance poles is explored using residue-based modal expansions. The generality and simplicity of the theory allows straightforward transfer to other areas of physics. We expect that easy access to zeros will enable new computer-aided design methods in photonics and other fields

    Multiple-Order Singularity Expansion Method

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    Physical systems and signals are often characterized by complex functions of frequency in the harmonic-domain. The extension of such functions to the complex frequency plane has been a topic of growing interest as it was shown that specific complex frequencies could be used to describe both ordinary and exceptional physical properties. In particular, expansions and factorized forms of the harmonic-domain functions in terms of their poles and zeros under multiple physical considerations have been used. In this work, we start from a general property of continuity and differentiability of the complex functions to derive the multiple-order singularity expansion method. We rigorously derive the common singularity and zero expansion and factorization expressions, and generalize them to the case of singularities of arbitrary order, whilst deducing the behaviour of these complex frequencies from the simple hypothesis that we are dealing with physically realistic signals.Comment: Main manuscript: 13 pages, 5 figures. Supporting information: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Optimal interactions of light with magnetic and electric resonant particles

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    This work studies the limits of far and near-field electromagnetic response of sub-wavelength scatterers, like the unitary limit and of lossless scatterers, and the ideal absorption limit of lossy particles. These limit behaviors are described in terms of analytic formulas that approximate finite size effects while rigorously including radiative corrections. This analysis predicts the electric and/or magnetic limit responses of both metallic and dielectric nanoparticles while quantitatively describing near-field enhancements.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures, 2 table

    Type-3 Secretion System-induced pyroptosis protects Pseudomonas against cell-autonomous immunity

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    Inflammasome-induced pyroptosis comprises a key cell-autonomous immune process against intracellular bacteria, namely the generation of dying cell structures. These so-called pore-induced intracellular traps (PITs) entrap and weaken intracellular microbes. However, the immune importance of pyroptosis against extracellular pathogens remains unclear. Here, we report that Type-3 secretion system (T3SS)-expressing Pseudomonas aeruginosa ( P. aeruginosa ) escaped PIT immunity by inducing a NLRC4 inflammasome-dependent macrophage pyroptosis response in the extracellular environment. To the contrary, phagocytosis of Salmonella Typhimurium promoted NLRC4-dependent PIT formation and the subsequent bacterial caging. Remarkably, T3SS-deficient Pseudomonas were efficiently sequestered within PIT-dependent caging, which favored exposure to neutrophils. Conversely, both NLRC4 and caspase-11 deficient mice presented increased susceptibility to T3SS-deficient P. aeruginosa challenge, but not to T3SS-expressing P. aeruginosa. Overall, our results uncovered that P. aeruginosa uses its T3SS to overcome inflammasome-triggered pyroptosis, which is primarily effective against intracellular invaders. Importance Although innate immune components confer host protection against infections, the opportunistic bacterial pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa ( P. aeruginosa ) exploits the inflammatory reaction to thrive. Specifically the NLRC4 inflammasome, a crucial immune complex, triggers an Interleukin (IL)-1β and -18 deleterious host response to P. aeruginosa . Here, we provide evidence that, in addition to IL-1 cytokines, P. aeruginosa also exploits the NLRC4 inflammasome-induced pro-inflammatory cell death, namely pyroptosis, to avoid efficient uptake and killing by macrophages. Therefore, our study reveals that pyroptosis-driven immune effectiveness mainly depends on P. aeruginosa localization. This paves the way toward our comprehension of the mechanistic requirements for pyroptosis effectiveness upon microbial infections and may initiate targeted approaches in order to ameliorate the innate immune functions to infections. Graphical abstract Macrophages infected with T3SS-expressing P. aeruginosa die in a NLRC4-dependent manner, which allows bacterial escape from PIT-mediated cell-autonomous immunity and neutrophil efferocytosis. However, T3SS-deficient P. aeruginosa is detected by both NLRC4 and caspase-11 inflammasomes, which promotes bacterial trapping and subsequent efferocytosis of P. aeruginosa -containing-PITs by neutrophils

    Roadmap on photonic metasurfaces

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    Funding: C.R. and U.L. acknowledge support through the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) under Germany’s Excellence Strategy via the Excellence Cluster 3D Matter Made to Order (EXC-2082/1, Grant No. 390761711). A.B.E. acknowledges support through the Cluster of Excellence PhoenixD (EXC 2122, Project ID No. 390833453). I.F.-C. and C.R. acknowledge support through the CRC Waves: Analysis and Numerics (SFB 1173, Grant No. 258734477. K.A. acknowledges funding from the Swiss National Science Foundation (Project No. PZ00P2_193221).Here we present a roadmap on Photonic metasurfaces. This document consists of a number of perspective articles on different applications, challenge areas or technologies underlying photonic metasurfaces. Each perspective will introduce the topic, present a state of the art as well as give an insight into the future direction of the subfield.Peer reviewe