8 research outputs found

    Multiple-criteria stem bucking (Picea abies L. Karst.) for maximizing monetary value of timber trade

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    In this study, timber trade scenarios are considered in a wood procurement region of Finland. This multiple objective decision-making situation includes the timber purchase from forest owners and the lumber sales from sawmill to abroad. The situation is further complicated by a number of stem bucking instructions of sawmill during different periods. In practice, this decision problem has been solved by applying single-objective stem bucking instructions in harvesters. Due to the complex nature of the problem, single-objective solution can’t be directly used to support the timber trade in a manner that it is techno-economically relevant to the forest owners and industries. In this study, stand parameters and timber trade attributes were measured in local wood procurement conditions to improving the bucking instructions. Three scenarios of how the simulation system works based on the real stem diameters and optional monetary value of logs are investigated in the timber-trade process. The Finnish timber trade market is subjected to agreements regarding stem bucking regulations. These agreements could be made on the basis of the three criteria suggested in this study accounting for the effects of stand classification on the timber sales of forest owners and the lumber sales of export companies

    Metsätuhojen kokonaisvaltainen arviointi : METKOKA-hankkeen loppuraportti

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    Metsätuhojen kokonaisvaltaiset kustannukset eli METKOKA-hankkeen aikana arvioitiin Suomen metsien tärkeimpien tuhonaiheuttajien aiheuttamat taloudelliset tappiot hyödyntäen saatavilla olevia tietoja metsistä ja tuhoista, sekä Luonnonvarakeskuksessa kehitettyä Motti-metsikkösimulaattoria, jonka avulla ennustettiin puuston kehitystä eri tilanteissa metsikkötasolla, josta ne skaalattiin edelleen laajemmille alueille. Tutkimuksen aikana kuitenkin ilmeni, että lähes kaikkien tarkasteltujen tuhonaiheuttajien (juurikäävät, tervasroso, kirjanpainaja, tukkimiehentäi, mäntypistiäiset, ytimennävertäjät, myyrät, hirvieläimet sekä tuuli- ja lumituhot) osalta tiedot olivat enemmän tai vähemmän puutteellisia. Tässä tarkastelussa taloudellisesti merkittävimmiksi suomalaisten metsien tuhonaiheuttajiksi osoittautuivat kuusenjuurikääpä, hirvieläimet, tuuli ja kirjanpainaja, mutta myös lähes kaikkien muiden tarkasteltujen tuhonaiheuttajien aiheuttamat tappiot olivat merkittäviä. Kaikkien metsätuhojen keskimääräiseksi kokonaiskustannukseksi saatiin noin 100 miljoonaa euroa vuodessa eli viisi prosenttia kantorahatuloista, mutta arviossa on huomattavaa vuosien välistä vaihtelua. Sitä on pidettävä suuruusluokaltaan oikeansuuntaisena, mutta laskennan lähtötietojen puutteellisuuden takia kuitenkin selkeänä aliarviona metsätuhojen aiheuttamista todellisista kokonaiskustannuksista metsänomistajille. Siksi nyt ilmenneet tiedonpuutteet olisi hyvä täydentää uudella tutkimustiedolla sekä tuhotietojen entistä systemaattisemmalla keräämisellä. Lisäksi kansataloudellisen päätöksenteon kannalta tulisi analyysiin sisällyttää tuhojen aiheuttamat metsäsektorin arvonlisäys- ja työllisyysvaikutukset sekä kerrannaisvaikutukset muilla toimialoilla. METKOKA hankkeen aikana päivitettiin myös vuodelta 2014 olevaa Maa- ja metsätalousministeriön varautumissuunnitelmaa metsätuhoihin. Työssä hyödynnetään METKOKA-hankkeen tuloksia ja varautumissuunnitelma julkaistaan erillisenä Maa- ja metsätalousministeriön julkaisusarjassa

    Detection of volatile organic compounds by temperature-programmed desorption combined with mass spectrometry and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy

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    Abstract A temperature-programmed desorption (TPD) device connected to a mass spectrometer was used to detect volatile organic compounds from air samples. The main aim was to develop an analytical method, by which both non-polar and polar organic components can be detected in the same run. In TPD, the adsorbed compounds are desorbed from the resin more slowly than in the conventional trapping techniques, such as purge-and-trap technique, in which the resin is flash-heated and the compounds are desorbed at the same time to a cryogenic trap or an analytical column. In TPD, the adsorbent resin acts also as an analytical column. In this way it is possible to obtain more rapid analysis, and also a more simple instrumentation, which can be used on-line and on-site. In this work, a new version of TPD device, which uses a resistor for heating and a Peltier element for rapid cooling, was designed and constructed. Various adsorbent resins were tested for their adsorption and desorption properties of both polar and non-polar compounds. When using a mixture of adsorbent resins, Tenax TA and HayeSep D, it was possible to analyze both polar, low-molecular weight compounds, such as methanol and ethanol, and non-polar volatile organic compounds, such as benzene and toluene, in the same run within 15 min including sampling. The same TPD principle was also tested using a Fourier transform infrared spectrometer as an analytical instrument, and the results showed that it was possible to obtain a separation of similar compounds, such as hexane and heptane, and still retaining the same sensitivity as the original on-line FTIR instrument

    Detection of volatile organic compounds by temperature-programmed desorption combined with mass spectrometry and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy

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    Abstract A temperature-programmed desorption (TPD) device connected to a mass spectrometer was used to detect volatile organic compounds from air samples. The main aim was to develop an analytical method, by which both non-polar and polar organic components can be detected in the same run. In TPD, the adsorbed compounds are desorbed from the resin more slowly than in the conventional trapping techniques, such as purge-and-trap technique, in which the resin is flash-heated and the compounds are desorbed at the same time to a cryogenic trap or an analytical column. In TPD, the adsorbent resin acts also as an analytical column. In this way it is possible to obtain more rapid analysis, and also a more simple instrumentation, which can be used on-line and on-site. In this work, a new version of TPD device, which uses a resistor for heating and a Peltier element for rapid cooling, was designed and constructed. Various adsorbent resins were tested for their adsorption and desorption properties of both polar and non-polar compounds. When using a mixture of adsorbent resins, Tenax TA and HayeSep D, it was possible to analyze both polar, low-molecular weight compounds, such as methanol and ethanol, and non-polar volatile organic compounds, such as benzene and toluene, in the same run within 15 min including sampling. The same TPD principle was also tested using a Fourier transform infrared spectrometer as an analytical instrument, and the results showed that it was possible to obtain a separation of similar compounds, such as hexane and heptane, and still retaining the same sensitivity as the original on-line FTIR instrument