18 research outputs found

    Liderazgos y legitimación: la organización y la congregación israelitas (2001-2014)

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    Investiga el proceso de cambio de liderazgo por el que atraviesa la Asociación Evangélica de la Misión Israelita del Nuevo Pacto Universal (AEMINPU) y cómo se manifiestan las desavenencias dentro de dicho proceso. Busca identificar el contexto en el que se desarrolla la AEMINPU (factores sociales, históricos, culturales), diferenciándolo del período en el que se encontraba bajo el liderazgo de Ezequiel Ataucusi. Describe la situación del Frente Popular Agrícola FIA del Perú (FREPAP) en este proceso, para comprender el alcance del conflicto y su repercusión en las culturas políticas. Reconoce las acciones implementadas por parte de la dirigencia para justificar su posición con respecto a la congregación. Analiza las reacciones de la comunidad israelita ante dichas acciones. Comprende y explica los conflictos sucedidos dentro de la AEMINPU tras la muerte de Ezequiel Ataucusi en el año 2000.Tesi

    Bidens pilosa chemoprotective effect on induced breast cancer in rats

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    Introducción: Bidens pilosa L es una planta perteneciente a la familia Asteraceae, conocida en Perú como amor seco y cadillo. Se le atribuye efectos antiinflamatorio, diurético y hepatoprotector. Objetivos: Determinar el efecto quimioprotector de los compuestos fenólicos y flavonoides extraídos de la planta entera de Bidens pilosa sobre el cáncer de mama inducido en ratas con 7,12-dimetilbenz antraceno (DMBA). Protección medida en base a detención del desarrollo de adenocarcinoma y disminución de marcadores de estrés oxidativo. Diseño: Experimental. Institución: Laboratorio de Farmacología, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Material biológico: Planta entera de Bidens pilosa L recolectada en La Libertad, Perú, y ratas hembras Holtzmann. Intervenciones: Se obtuvo los compuestos fenólicos y flavonoides por cromatografía en columna rápida, con solventes de polaridad creciente. Mediante cromatografía en capa fina y reactivos de desplazamiento, se aisló cuatro compuestos fenólicos. Los tumores de mama fueron inducidos con DMBA administrado oralmente. Se formó cuatro grupos de seis ratas cada uno: grupo control, grupo con tóxico inductor (TI) DMBA del cáncer, grupos con TI más tratamiento de extracto etanólico 300 mg/kg, y grupo con TI más tratamiento de extracto metanólica 300 mg/kg. Principales medidas de resultados: Disminución del desarrollo de adenocarcinoma mamario. Resultados: Se logró disminución significativa del desarrollo de adenocarcinoma mamario con los tratamientos de extracto metanólico y etanólico, siendo mejor con la fracción metanólica; el marcador de estrés oxidativo disminuyó en los grupos que recibieron tratamiento con la planta, siendo significativo con la fracción metanólica; hubo menor número de micronúcleos (genotoxicidad) en los animales que recibieron tratamiento. Conclusiones: En condiciones experimentales, el extracto y fracción metanólica de Bidens pilosa detuvieron la progresión del cáncer mamario inducido en ratas y disminuyeron el estrés oxidativo.Introduction: Bidens pilosa species belonging to the Asteraceae family, known in Peru as love dry bur, is credited with anti-inflammatory, diuretic, hepatoprotective effects. Objectives: To determine the protective effect of phenolic compounds and flavonoids extracted from Bidens pilosa L whole plant on breast cancer induced in rats by 7,12-dimethylbenz (A) anthracene (DMBA). Design: Experimental. Setting: Laboratory of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Peru. Biological material: Bidens pilosa L whole plant collected in Santiago de Cao, Ascope, La Libertad, and female rats. Interventions: Phenolic compounds and flavonoids were obtained by rapid column chromatography with solvents of increasing polarity; by thin layer chromatography on a preparative scale four phenolic compounds were isolated and elucidated by UV-Visible spectroscopy with shift reagents. Breast tumors were induced with DMBA administered orally to four groups of rats: normal control group, group with toxic inductor (TI) of cancer, group with TI and ethanolic extract, and group with TI and methanol fraction in doses of 300 mg/kg. Main outcome measures: Induced breast cancer protection. Results: Development of mammary adenocarcinoma tends to slow with treatments, more with the methanol fraction; the oxidative stress marker decreased in the groups treated with the plant, better with the methanol fraction; there were fewer micronuclei (genotoxicity) in animals receiving treatment. Conclusions: Under experimental conditions both Bidens pilosa methanol extracts and fractions halted induced breast cancer progression in rats


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    Se reporta 16 casos de pénfigo foliáceo endémico (PFE) ocurridos en el Departamento de Ucayali, la mayoría procedente de la provincia de Coronel Portillo (94%) y la mitad del Distrito de Campo Verde. El 80% de los pacientes pertenecía a un área rural, 56% del sexo femenino y afectó a la población pediátrica en 43% (7 casos). El compromiso de las lesiones cutáneas fue generalizado en todos los casos, sin compromiso de mucosas. El signo de Nikolsky estuvo presente en 50%. En todos los casos se encontró acantólisis subcorneal por estudios anatomo-patológicos y sólo 40% tuvo inmunofluorescencia positiva para pénfigo.We report 16 cases of Pemphigus foliaceus occurred at Ucayali, department of Peru. Most of them came from Coronel Portillo, Ucayali’s province (94%), and half of them from Campo Verde district. Eighty per cent belonged to rural areas, 56% were females and 7 children were affected (43%). All patients had generalized skin involvement without mucous membranes compromise. Nikolsky sign was present in 50%. In all cases skin biopsy showed subcorneal acantholysis and only 40% presented pemphigus positive immunofluorescence

    The Risks and Benefits of Genetically Modified Crops: A Multidisciplinary Perspective

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    Worldwide, the area planted in genetically modified (GM) crops has increased dramatically in recent years. Between 1996 and 1999, it rose from 1.6 X 106 ha to more than 35 X 106 ha (James 1998, May 1999). This rapid increase has provoked an explosion of concern, particularly in Europe, over the health and environmental impacts of these crops. Despite claims of safety and warnings against popular panic, public concern over GM crops has resulted in changes in their marketing, labeling, planting, and trade. These changes have fueled an increasingly heated debate among environmental advocates, critics of industrial agriculture, seed companies, governments, and scientists. This debate has been characterized by exaggerations of both the safety and danger of GM crops, and by attempts to suppress and avoid public discussion. This paper is the product of a discussion among an international, interdisciplinary group of scientists. Our discussion was based on the Forum articles in this issue of Conservation Ecology. These articles summarize the nature of the debate over biotechnology, describe ways to cope with potential ecological impacts of GM crops, provide insights into the cause and validity of public concern, and make suggestions on where to go from here. Our own dialogue, which was informed by these and other articles, attempts to broaden the debate and develop strategies for coping with and directing the development of biotechnology. As an interdisciplinary group, we do not try to assess the details of particular GM crops, but rather to connect the ecological, economic, and political issues that surround them. As noted by Conway (2000), Pimentel (2000), and others, the balance of evidence suggests that GM organisms have the potential to both degrade and improve the functioning of agroecosystems. Depending on which GM crops are developed and how they are used, GM crops could lead to either increases or decreases in pesticide use, the enhancement or degradation of the ecological services provided by agroecosystems, or the loss or conservation of biodiversity. However, as Conway argues, the current character of GM crop development provides cause for concern

    Ethanolic flower extract from Laccopetalum giganteum (pacra-pacra) increases fertility in rats

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    Objetivos: Determinar si la administración por vía oral del extracto etanólico de flores de Laccopetalum giganteum (Pacra-pacra) en ratas normales aumenta la fertilidad. Diseño: Estudio experimental. Lugar: Facultad de Medicina y Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquímica, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Material biológico: Ratas. Intervenciones: Cuarentiocho animales fueron divididos aleatoriamente en 2 grandes grupos, de 24 cada uno. El primero fue control, con solución salina fisiológica (SSF) 5mL/kg y el segundo con extracto vía oral, 300 mg/kg, durante 15 días. Cada grupo consideró 6 hembras y 6 machos juntos, y 6 hembras y 6 machos separados. Los animales que estuvieron juntos fueron sacrificados, para observar la presencia de fetos en el útero; y a los animales que estuvieron separados, se les extrajo muestra de sangre, para conocer el nivel de testosterona en machos y LH, FSH, estrógenos y progesterona en hembras, expresándose en ug/dL; el dosaje hormonal se realizó por el método de electroquimioluminiscencia. Asimismo, se determinó GOT, GPT, urea y creatinina, según las técnicas utilizadas en el laboratorio clínico. Principales medidas de resultados: Gravidez, FSH, LH, estrógenos y progesterona en ratas hembras; testosterona en ratas machos. Resultados: Los flavonoides, compuestos fenólicos y taninos estuvieron en mayor cantidad en el extracto etanólico. El 100% de ratas que recibió el extracto etanólico de la planta y estuvo junto a los machos resultó grávida; y, las separadas que recibieron el mismo extracto, presentaron incremento de FSH en las hembras y testosterona en los machos, comparativamente a los controles respectivos. Los niveles de GOT, GPT, urea y creatinina se encontraron dentro de los límites aceptados. Conclusiones: En condiciones experimentales, el extracto etanólico de las flores de Laccopetalum giganteum (pacra-pacra) incrementó la fertilidad en ratas normales.Objective: To determine whether oral administration of the ethanolic flower extract from Laccopetalum giganteum (pacra-pacra) increases fertility in normal rats. Design: Experimental study. Setting: Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Biologic material: Rats. Interventions: Forty-eight rats were randomly distributed into 2 groups of 24 rats each. The first control group received solución salina fisiológica (SSF) 5 mL/kg and the second group 300 mg/kg of the extract, orally, for 15 days. Each group had 6 female rats and 6 male rats living together and 6 female rats and 6 male rats lived separate. The animals living together were sacrificed in order to observe the fetuses in the uterus. The animals that lived separate had blood samples taken in order to determine testosterone levels in male rats and LH, FSH, estrogen and progesterone levels in female rats using electro chemiluminescence. At the same time, liver function tests, urea and creatinine tests were done. Main outcome measures: Pregnancy, FSH, LH, estrogens and progesterone in female rats; testosterone in male rats. Results: Flavonoids, tannins and phenolic compounds were found in higher quantities in the ethanolic extract. All female rats receiving the plant extract and living together with the male rats got pregnant and the ones that lived separate had increased levels of FSH. Male rats had increased levels of testosterone as compared to the control group. Liver function tests, urea and creatinine were within acceptable limits. Conclusions: The ethanolic flower extract from Laccopetalum giganteum (pacra-pacra) increased fertility in normal rats

    Complex innovations in agriculture, environment, and health – the perceptions of rice farmers in the Jequetepeque Valley, Peru

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    The increased use of water in irrigated rice monocultures in the Jequetepeque Valley, on the northern coast of Peru, has exacerbated environmental, socioeconomic and health problems. The Alternate Wetting and Drying (AWD) irrigation technique aims to increase water management efficiency in rice cultivation. The objective of the present article is to understand farmers’ perceptions about the benefits and risks of implementing AWD. Data from interviews with 319 farmers showed that they recognise nine interactions between AWD's economic, environmental and health aspects but prioritise economic factors when assessing its benefits. We also identified the main channels and spaces of communication and debate on issues related to agriculture and health that are likely to be effective in promoting the diffusion of AWD. The study demonstrated the relevance of integrated actions to encourage the adoption of agricultural innovations which consider the interactions between environmental sustainability, health issues, and producers' economic priorities.The increased use of water in irrigated rice monocultures in the Jequetepeque Valley, on the northern coast of Peru, has exacerbated environmental, socioeconomic and health problems. The Alternate Wetting and Drying (AWD) irrigation technique aims to increase water management efficiency in rice cultivation. The objective of the present article is to understand farmers’ perceptions about the benefits and risks of implementing AWD. Data from interviews with 319 farmers showed that they recognise nine interactions between AWD's economic, environmental and health aspects but prioritise economic factors when assessing its benefits. We also identified the main channels and spaces of communication and debate on issues related to agriculture and health that are likely to be effective in promoting the diffusion of AWD. The study demonstrated the relevance of integrated actions to encourage the adoption of agricultural innovations which consider the interactions between environmental sustainability, health issues, and producers' economic priorities.The increased use of water in irrigated rice monocultures in the Jequetepeque Valley, on the northern coast of Peru, has exacerbated environmental, socioeconomic and health problems. The Alternate Wetting and Drying (AWD) irrigation technique aims to increase water management efficiency in rice cultivation. The objective of the present article is to understand farmers’ perceptions about the benefits and risks of implementing AWD. Data from interviews with 319 farmers showed that they recognise nine interactions between AWD's economic, environmental and health aspects but prioritise economic factors when assessing its benefits. We also identified the main channels and spaces of communication and debate on issues related to agriculture and health that are likely to be effective in promoting the diffusion of AWD. The study demonstrated the relevance of integrated actions to encourage the adoption of agricultural innovations which consider the interactions between environmental sustainability, health issues, and producers' economic priorities.The increased use of water in irrigated rice monocultures in the Jequetepeque Valley, on the northern coast of Peru, has exacerbated environmental, socioeconomic and health problems. The Alternate Wetting and Drying (AWD) irrigation technique aims to increase water management efficiency in rice cultivation. The objective of the present article is to understand farmers’ perceptions about the benefits and risks of implementing AWD. Data from interviews with 319 farmers showed that they recognise nine interactions between AWD's economic, environmental and health aspects but prioritise economic factors when assessing its benefits. We also identified the main channels and spaces of communication and debate on issues related to agriculture and health that are likely to be effective in promoting the diffusion of AWD. The study demonstrated the relevance of integrated actions to encourage the adoption of agricultural innovations which consider the interactions between environmental sustainability, health issues, and producers' economic priorities

    Effect of the ethanolic extract of Bidens pilosa L. on colon cancer induced in rats

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    Objetivos: Determinar la histología vegetal y la influencia del extracto etanólico de la planta entera de Bidens pilosa L. sobre el cáncer de colón inducido en ratas. Diseño: Estudio experimental. Lugar: Facultades de Medicina, de Farmacia y Bioquímica y de Ciencias Biológicas, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Perú. Material biológico: Ratas Holzmann. Intervenciones: Se agrupó 48 ratas Holtzmann, de 2 meses de edad, con pesos 100 g a 130 g, en seis grupos de ocho cada uno, y se indujo cáncer de colon con 1,2-dimetilhidrazina. Los grupos estuvieron constituidos por control normal, grupo con patología y grupos con patología y tratamientos. Principales medidas de resultados: Nivel de óxido nítrico, estrés oxidativo y cambios en el patrón celular del colon. Resultados: Se encontró incremento de los niveles de óxido nítrico y lipoperoxidación en los animales con 1,2-dimetilhidracina (DMH) y disminución en los que recibieron el tóxico más extracto de la planta. Al estudio histopatológico, con la DMH se evidenció desorganización celular, adenocarcinoma indiferenciado e invasivo; en tanto que, con los tratamientos se observó citoprotección, no dependiente de la dosis, siendo mayor a 50 mg/kg. Los hallazgos probablemente se expliquen porque los flavonoides y los compuestos fenólicos presentes en el extracto cumplen un rol importante en la inhibición del estrés oxidativo y también como anticancerígenos, inhibiendo el crecimiento de tumores. Se encontró detalles histológicos que servirían como caracteres diagnósticos, ayudando a verificar la identidad de la especie vegetal en polvo. Conclusiones: En condiciones experimentales, el extracto etanólico de la planta entera de Bidens pilosa L. presentó efecto quimioprotector sobre el cáncer de colon.Objectives: To determine the influence of Bidens pilosa L. whole plant ethanolic extract on colon cancer induced in rats. Design: Experimental study. Setting: Faculties of Medicine, Pharmacy and Biochemistry and Biologic Sciences, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Peru. Biologic material: Holzmann rats. Interventions: Fortyeight 2 months 100 g to 130 g Holtzmann rats were separated in six groups of eight each and 1,2-dimethylhidrazine induction of colon cancer was performed. Groups were normal control, group with pathology and groups with pathology and treatments. Main outcome measures: Nitric oxide levels, oxidative stress markers and colon cellular pattern modifications. Results: There was increment of nitric oxide levels and lipoperoxidation in the 1,2-dimethylhidrazine (DMH) animals, and decrease in those receiving both the toxic and the plant extract. Histopathology revealed cellular disorganization, undifferentiated and invasive adenocarcinoma with DMH; non-dose dependent cytoprotection was evident with treatments, especially with 50 mg/kg. Findings may be due to whole extract flavonoids and phenolic compounds contained in the whole extract that may play an important role in both oxidative stress and anticarcinogenic tumor growth inhibition. Histology details could be diagnostic characteristics useful to verify the vegetable powdered species identity. Conclusions: Under experimental conditions the ethanolic extract of Bidens pilosa L. whole plant presented chemoprotective effect on colon cancer

    Phenolic compounds from Bidens pilosa methanolic fraction on induced gastric neoplasia in rats

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    Objetivo: Determinar la influencia del extracto etanólico y la fracción metanólica conteniendo compuestos fenólicos y flavonoides de la planta entera de Bidens pilosa L sobre la neoplasia gástrica inducida en ratas con N-nitroso-N-metilurea (NMU). Diseño: Experimental. Lugar: Instituto de Investigaciones Clínicas-Bioterio Facultad de Medicina UNMSM. Material biológico: Ratas albinas cepa Holtzmann machos. Intervenciones: Según Ferraz de Souza y col., 2002, se dispuso de un grupo control normal, un grupo con NMU y grupos de NMU más tratamientos de extracto etanólico y fracción metanólica, a dosis de 300 mg/kg. Para la significancia estadística se consideró la p<0,05. Principales medidas de resultados: Progresión de la neoplasia gástrica inducida en ratas. Resultados: Indican displasia y estadios iniciales de carcinoma en los estómagos de las ratas, lo que fue menos evidente en los animales con tratamiento, siendo mejor el grupo que recibió fracción metanólica. El marcador de estrés oxidativo disminuyó en los grupos que recibieron tratamiento con la planta, resultando mejor la fracción metabólica. Se observó menor cantidad de micronúcleos (genotoxicidad) en los animales que recibieron tratamiento. Conclusiones: El extracto etanólico y la fracción metanólica de Bidens pilosa L en las condiciones experimentales han detenido la progresión de la neoplasia gástrica inducida en ratas.Objective: To determine the influence of both the ethanolic extract and the methanolic fraction containing phenolic and flavonoids compounds of Bidens pilosa L whole plant on gastric cancer induced in rats with N-nitroso-N-methylurea (NMU). Design: Experimental. Setting: Instituto de Investigaciones ClínicasBioterio, Facultad de Medicina UNMSM. Biologic material: Holtzmann male albino rats. Interventions: Following Ferraz de Souza et al., 2002, we had a normal control group, a group with NMU and NMU groups plus treatments with ethanolic extract and methanolic fraction at 300 mg/kg doses. For statistical significance we considered p<0,05. Main outcome measures: Progresion of gastric neoplasia induced in rats. Results: Indicate dysplasia and initial stages of carcinoma in the rats stomachs, which was less evident in the animals with treatment, being better the group that received the methanolic fraction. The marker of oxidative stress decreased in the groups that received treatment with the plant, being better the methanolic fraction. We observed less amount of micronuclei (genotoxicity) in the animals that received treatment. Conclusions: In experimental conditions the ethanolic extract and methanolic fraction delayed the advance of gastric cancer induced in rats


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    The aim of the study was to evaluate the antioxidant and antiphotoaging effects of extracts of brown alga Macrocystis integrifolia Bory and develop a dermocosmetic form. From this extracts, was designed the dermocosmetic form in concentrations of 1, 3 and 5%, on a base made of lard with incorporation of beeswax and sesame oil to a pH of 6,5. The antioxidant activity was determined by in vitro methods as CDP and ABTS. The evaluation of antiphotoaging effect in vivo was performed using 25 albino female mice of Mus musculus specie, strain Bald / C53, who were divided into five groups of five mice each; except the group that served as blank, control and intervention groups were depilated hair back and subjected to UVB irradiation for 7 days, morning and night. The in vitro antioxidant activity assay showed that between extracts from stem, foliage and bulb of this alga, there are differences in antioxidant capacity against free radical ABTS, stating that the lower IC50 value (173,21 µg/mL) frond abstract presents higher total antioxidant capacity than the IC50 (3,23 µg/mL) value of Trolox, reference substance. In the trial CDP an IC50 value (669,7 µg/mL) was above the standard of ascorbic acid IC50 (33 µg/mL). Antiphotoaging analysis showed, at macro and microscopic levels, favorable notable differences in the intervention groups. Was conclude that brown seaweed extracts studied have antioxidant effect in vitro and antiphotoaging in vivo.El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar el efecto antioxidante y antifotoenvejecimiento de extractos de la alga parda Macrocystis integrifolia Bory y elaborar una forma dermocosmética. Obtenidos los extractos, se diseñó una forma dermocosmética en concentraciones de 1, 3 y 5%, elaboradas sobre una base de manteca de cerdo con incorporación de cera de abejas y aceite de sésamo a un pH de 6,5. La actividad antioxidante in vitro se determinó por lo métodos CDP y ABTS. La evaluación del efecto antifotoenvejecimiento in vivo se realizó empleando 25 ratones albinos hembra de la especie Mus musculus, cepa Bald/C53, que fueron distribuidos en cinco grupos de cinco ratones cada uno; a excepción del grupo que sirvió de blanco, el grupo control y los grupos de intervención fueron depilados en el lomo y se sometieron a la irradiación UVB durante 7 días, mañana y noche. El ensayo in vitro de la actividad antioxidante mostró que entre los extractos de estípite, fronda y bulbo de esta alga, existen diferencias en la capacidad antioxidante frente al radical libre ABTS, evidenciándose que el menor valor de IC50 (173,21 µg/mL) del extracto de fronda presenta mayor capacidad antioxidante total que el valor IC50 (3,23 µg/mL) de Trólox, sustancia de referencia. En el ensayo CDP se tuvo un valor de IC50 (669,7 µg/mL) por encima del estándar del ácido ascórbico IC50 (33 µg/mL). En el análisis antifotoenvejecimiento se observó, a niveles macro y microscópicos, notables diferencias favorables en los grupos de intervención. Se concluye que los extractos del alga parda estudiada tienen efecto antioxidante in vitro y antifotoenvejecimiento in vivo