1,428 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Kondisi Ekonomi Orang Tua Terhadap Minat Melanjutkan Pendidikan Perguruan Tinggi Pada Siswa SMA

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kondisi ekonomi orang tua terhadap minat untuk melanjutkan pendidikan ke perguruan tinggi pada siswa kelas XI IPS di SMA Negeri 2 Sungai Ambawang Kabupaten Kubu Raya. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas XI IPS SMA Negeri 2 Sungai Ambawang berjumlah 56 siswa. pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik komunikasi langsung, teknik komunikasi tidak langsung dan teknik studi dokumenter. Sedangkan untuk menganalisis datanya peneliti menggunakan program statistik SPSS versi 18.0. maka didapatlah hasil analisis data yang menyatakan terdapat pengaruh antara kondisi ekonomi orang tua terhadap minat melanjutkan pendidikan ke perguruan tinggi pada siswa kelas XI IPS di sSMA Negeri 2 Sungai Ambawang sebesar 0,280 (R) dengan R Square 0,079 yang dideterminasikan dengan rumus KD = R2 x 100% (KD = 0,079 x 100%) menjadi 7,9%. Penelitian ini terdapat tingkat hubungan rendah. Kata Kunci : Kondisi Ekonomi, Orang Tua, Minat The aims of study is to determine the effect of parent's economic conditions to continue their education to college students of class XI IPS SMAN 2 Sungai Ambawang Kubu Raya. The method is descriptive method. The population were the student's class XI IPS SMAN 2 Sungai Ambawang totaling 56 students.The data collecting is used technique of direct communication, indirect communication techniques and documentary studies. The data analyze is using SPSS version 18.0. Then, data analysis that states there is influence between the economic condition of parents against the interest of continuing education to college students of class XI IPS SMAN 2 Sungai Ambawang amounted to 0.280 (R) with R Square 0.079 determine with formula KD = R2 x 100 % (KD = 0.079 x 100%) to 7.9%. This study was found a low correlation level

    Synchrotron Polarization at High Galactic Latitude

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    We present preliminary results from mapping the high-latitude Galactic polarization with the Effelsberg Telescope at λ\lambda21 cm. Structures on the resulting maps are mostly on the scale of several degrees. The results show detection of polarization over most of the field, at the level of tens of percent of the synchrotron emission. The evidence of more structure in Stokes Q and U rather than in Q2+U2\sqrt{Q^2+U^2} suggests the existence of Faraday rotation.Comment: To be published in the proceedings of "The Cosmic Microwave Background and its Polarization", New Astronomy Reviews, (eds. S. Hanany and K.A. Olive

    Penentu Profitabilitas Perbankan Indonesia: Aplikasi Model Regresi Data Panel

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    : The purpose of this study is to estimate the determinant factors of the profitabilityon Indonesian banking industry. Factors used are bank\u27s internal factors and external factors.Internal factors include the variables inherent in the bank, while external factors includeindustry-specific variables and macroeconomic variables. The data used is the entire bankingin the period 2004-2011. The analytical method used is panel data regression model withpooled least squares method, the fixed effect method and random effect method. The resultsshowed that determinant factors of banking profitability in Indonesian can be explained byfixed effect model, and variable capital, loans, bank size, market structure, and inflationaffect the profitability of banks in Indonesia, but the growth of per capita income has noeffect

    The Importance of Islamic Art in Mosque Interior

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    AbstractMosques, as symbol of Islamic architecture must play an important role in reflecting the superiority of Allah the Almighty. There are many ways in making it successful and one of them is through the high quality of aesthetic value. Aesthetic value in Islamic art and architecture is normally portrayed by the highest degree of motifs and ornamentation. Contemporary mosque designers normally focused on the majestic looks of the exterior part of the mosques and leave the manipulation of the interior space to the users. There are scholars who said that mosques should act as community development centre, some decided on the uniqueness of traditional Malaysian architecture and some believed that mosques must have domes and minarets as symbols of Islamic architecture. This paper realized on the aesthetics and beauty of mosque interior that fulfils the psychological needs of human beings: that is to be inside a beautiful ambience. Ornamentation should be taken as part of mosque components and not as mere decorations done after-thought or filling in the gap. The main objective of the paper is why is it important to focus the ornamentation towards mosque interior so that ornamenting the mosque will not be done uncontrollably and unnecessarily

    Analisis Penentuan Tarif Berdasarkan Biaya Operasional Kendaraan

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    PT. Mayasari Bakti merupakan Perusahaan swasta yang menyediakan transportasi bus kota telah beroperasi sejak 1969 di wilayah Jabodetabek. Salah satu jalur bus Mayasari Bakti adalah Bus PATAS 98A (Pulogadung-Kampung Rambutan) saat ini mengalami ketidak seimbangan antara biaya operasi dengan tarif yang ada dan biaya lainnya yang dikeluarkan operator. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kelayakan ekonomi dan finansial Bus Route 98A dengan cara: BOK (Biaya Operasional Kendaraan) dan pendapatan dari tarif harus diterapkan. Dengan kapasitas 59 orang dan waktu perjalanan bus 1 jam 20 menit, maka faktor beban ideal adalah 70% untuk mencapai produktivitas per bus adalah 3,717 juta seat-km per tahun. Berdasarkan tingkat tarif faktor beban 70%, dapat dihitung angka produktivitas yang diperoleh per tahun, pendapatan kotor tahunan sebesar Rp 929 196 042, - Hasil analisis ekonomi sepanjang 5 tahun pengoperasian bus yang layak dengan tingkat bunga 14% dalam hal IRR dan NPV dalam kondisi normal ditambah kontingensi dan penurunan pendapatan. Agar operasi tetap berjalan, sebaiknya tetap memuat faktor beban dan produktivitas agar tidak terjadi penurunan pendapatan

    Analisis Pertumbuhan Ekonomi dan Penyerapan Tenaga Kerja di Provinsi Jawa Tengah

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    This study aims to determine the pattern of economic growth and employment potential in districts of Central Java Province the period 2005 - 2009, and the causality between economic growth and employment in the province of Central Java. The analysis used in this study is analysis of economic growth, typology, ILOR Klassen (Labour Incremental Output Ratio), and granger causality test. The results of this study indicate that the economic growth that occurred in 2005-2009 with an average value of the highest economic growth> 4.45 in eight districts, or 22.85% of the total districts / cities in Central Java province. Average value of the highest economic growth between 3.08 to 3.35 as much as 15 districts, or 42.85%. While the average value of the lowest economic growth <2.61 only one district or 2.85% of the entire district. Employment in the province of Central Java with a big potential categories found as many as five districts / cities, the category of potentially as many as 26 districts, while the categories are not potentially as many as four counties. From the Granger Causality test result yielded that the relationship between them is one way that employment cause/affect economic growth. Keywords: economic growth, employment absorption, Causality

    Nanostructured mesoporous carbon as electrodes for supercapacitors

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    Symmetrical carbon/carbon double layer capacitors (EDLCs) were fabricated employing nanostructured mesoporous nongraphitized carbon black (NMCB) powders and their EDLC behavior was studied using electrochemical techniques viz., cyclic voltammetry, a.c.-impedance, and constant current cycling. Rectangular shape cyclic characteristics were observed indicating the double layer behavior of the NMCB carbon electrodes. The mechanism of double layer formation and frequency dependent capacitance were deduced from the ac-impedance analysis. Specific capacitance, power density and energy density were derived from constant current charge/discharge measurements. NMCB powders demonstrated a specific capacitance of about ∼39 F g−1 and the power density of 782 W kg−1 at a current density of 32 mA cm−2. Nevertheless, at a low current density (3 mA cm−2), the specific capacitance of ∼44 F g−1 was achieved, which corroborates with the values obtained by means of ac-impedance (40 F g−1) and cyclic voltammetry (41.5 F g−1). The test cells demonstrated the stable cycle performance over several hundreds of cycles


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    The procedure for lower limb surgery is one of the major and long-standing operations. Surgical trauma stimulates the stress response of surgery. The surgical stress response will interfere with stress hormones including insulin. Insulin is an anabolic hormone that is important in the body and has a role in the process of wound healing. Previous studies have shown insulin levels to correlate with increased surgical stress and the type of anesthesia given. This study analyzed differences insulin levels in bupivacaine 0,125% with morphine 3 mg and to compare the analgesia effect of continuous bupivacaine 0,125% with 3 mg morphine epidural in postoperative lower extremity assessed from insulin levels. A retrospective cohort study taken from secondary data from previous studies and their medical records at RSUP Dr. Mohammad Hoesin Palembang. Statistical analysis used STATA 15th edition. Wilcoxon showed that there was a significant difference in 0,125% bupivacaine group on insulin leves after 12th hours postoperative (p0.05). In this study, there was no significant difference between the 0,125% bupivacaine with 3 mg morphine on insulin level