7,791 research outputs found

    On multilinear singular integrals of Calderón-Zygmund type

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    A variety of results regarding multilinear Calderón-Zygmund singular integral operators is systematically presented. Several tools and techniques for the study of such operators are discussed. These include new multilinear endpoint weak type estimates, multilinear interpolation, appropriate discrete decompositions, a multilinear version of Schur's test, and a multilinear version of the T1T1 Theorem suitable for the study of multilinear pseudodifferential and translation invariant operators. A maximal operator associated with multilinear singular integrals is also introduced and employed to obtain weighted norm inequalities

    Ectopic arachnoid granulation involving a rare intracranial venous sinus variant

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    Arachnoid granulations are hypertrophied arachnoid villi, which extend from the subarachnoid space into the venous system and aid in the passive filtration and reabsorption of cerebrospinal fluid. These macroscopic structures have been described in various locations, with the transverse and sigmoid sinuses seen as normal variants on imaging. Here we present the occurrence of an enlarged arachnoid granulation at the foramen rotundum where a variant intracranial venous sinus was identified during routine dissection. Variations, such as the one described herein, should be recognised by those who operate or interpret images of the skull base

    Fat herniation through the canal of Schwalbe

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    The authors report a case of fat herniation through the canal of Schwalbe noted in a female cadaver during abdominopelvic dissection. Perineal hernias are rare hernias, and herniations through the hiatus of Schwalbe represent a rare posterior lateral perineal hernia. While these hernias are extremely rare, anatomists and surgeons should be aware of them, and the clinical significance and manifestations which may occur with these hernias


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    One of the most famous American Surgeons of the early 1800s was Samuel David Gross (1805-1884). His mastery of surgery was immortalized in Thomas Eakins’ 1875 painting of Gross titled The Gross Clinic. Gross was a prolific surgeon and one of his textbooks, a System of Surgery, went through 6 editions. Not known to many is the fact that this book also covered neurosurgical diseases and techniques. Gross was a skilled surgeon and able writer. His textbooks on surgery were well received in his day. Moreover, he should be considered an early pioneer of neurosurgery as his System of Surgery is filled with neurosurgical diagnoses and neurosurgical techniques.Samuel David Gross (1805.–1884.) bio je jedan od najpoznatijih američkih kirurga prvog dijela 19. stoljeća. Njegova kirurška vještina stekla je besmrtnost u Grossovoj slici Thomasa Eakinsa iz 1875. naslovljenoj Grossova klinika (The Gross Clinic). Gross je bio plodan kirurg i jedan je od njegovih udžbenika, Sustav kirurgije (System of Surgery), doživio 6 izdanja. Ono što je malo poznato jest činjenica da je ta knjiga također pokrila neurokirurške bolesti i tehnike. Gross je bio vješt kirurg i sposoban pisac. Njegovi udžbenici o kirurgiji bili su dobro primljeni u njegovo vrijeme. Štoviše, trebao bi se smatrati ranim pionirom neurokirurgije, budući da je njegov Sustav kirurgije ispunjen neurokirurškim dijagnozama i neurokirurškim tehnikama

    A previously undescribed variant of the confluence of sinuses

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    An 8-year-old female with a history of chronic headaches and uncertain papilloedema was found to have a variant of the posterior intracranial dural venous sinuses on magnetic resonance imaging assessment of the brain. Magnetic resonance venography included in the imaging revealed a circular formation of the confluence of sinuses and absent right-sided transverse sinus. The confluence of sinuses is a highly variable structure; however, to the authors’ knowledge, a circular confluence of sinuses variant has not been reported in the literature

    A case of May-Thurner syndrome

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    May-Thurner syndrome is a condition that results from narrowing of the left common iliac vein lumen due to pressure from the right common iliac artery as it crosses anterior to it. We describe a very rare case in which a previously asymptomatic patient presented with May-Thurner syndrome

    External cortical landmarks and measurements for the temporal horn: Anatomic study with application to surgery of the temporal lobe

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    BACKGROUND: The location of the temporal horn is important to neurosurgeons during procedures such as amygdalohippocampectomy and intraventricular electrode placement for temporal lobe seizure monitoring. However, sometimes the temporal horn is difficult to localize, especially without neuronavigation. The authors aimed to better localize this structure using superficial anatomic landmarks. METHODS: Twenty-two brain halves were dissected from the midline, and the fornix identified and followed toward the left and right temporal horns. Once the temporal horn was isolated from a mesial approach, 6-cm long needles were placed into its anterior and posterior walls of the temporal horn and passed laterally from the axial plane to the cortical surface. Pin exit sites were marked externally and measurements taken between the outer temporal lobe cortex and the underlying temporal horn. RESULTS: No statistical differences were noted between left and right sides. The temporal horn was generally directed anteroinferiorly and best marked externally by the inferior temporal sulcus. The mean length of the temporal horn was 4.4 cm. Mean distance from anterior temporal tip to anterior wall of the temporal horn was 3.3 cm. The mean distance from the anterior temporal tip to the posterior wall of the temporal horn was 7 cm. The anterior wall of the temporal horn was a mean of 3 mm superior to the inferior temporal sulcus. The posterior wall was a mean of 1.2 cm superior to the inferior temporal sulcus. CONCLUSIONS: These landmarks and measurements may help neurosurgeons better localize this part of the lateral ventricular system


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    Granville Sharp Pattison was a Scottish anatomist and surgeon who also taught in the United States. This character from the history of anatomy lived a very colourful life. As many are unaware of Pattison, the present review of his life, contributions, and controversies seemed appropriate. Although Pattison was known to be a good anatomist, he will be remembered for his association with a propensity for conflict both in Europe and the United States.Granville Sharp Pattison je škotski anatom i kirurg koji je također podučavao u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama. Ovaj lik iz povijesti anatomije živio je vrlo šaroliki život. Budući da mnogi nisu upoznati s Pattisonom, ovaj pregled njegova života, doprinosa i kontroverzi čini se prikladnim. Iako je Pattison bio poznat kao dobar anatom, on će biti zapamćen po svojoj povezanosti sa sklonošću sukobima i u Europi i u SAD-u