545 research outputs found

    Nurse's Spiritual Care Competencies to Patient with End Stage Breast Cancer

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    Cancer has many side effects on patient's physic and mostly on mental which may affect on their quality of life. Physically most patients feel fatigue, insomnia, anorexia, nausea, and vomit while mentally they feel emotional disturbances such as anxiety, stress, or depression. One of the methods to that appropriate to overcome both of the conditions is spiritual care. Many research found that because spiritual care associated with better wellbeing, less emotional disturbance, less substance abuse, greater social support, better health behaviours, so it has impact to longer survival periods. This research aimed to investigate nurse's spiritual care competencies to patients with end stage cancer. This was descriptive study design employed Spiritual Care Competencies Scale (SCCS) instrument. A total sampling of 24 nurses working in Oncology department in Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo Hospital were recruited. This research found that there are 12 nurses (50 %) that work in oncology department have low competencies of spiritual care. Involving spiritual care is associated with better wellbeing and longer survival periods. Therefore, it is necessary to increase the competence of nurses on spiritual care in meeting the spiritual needs of patients with end stage breast cancer. A training of spiritual care can be an alternative for nurses to improve spiritual care in hospitals

    Dukungan Sosial Hubungannya dengan Kejadian Depresi pada Ibu yang Mempunyai Anak Gangguan Hiperkinetik

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    Beckground: Depression will be occurred in mothers who have children with hyperkinetic disorder with symptoms of inattention, hyperactivity, impulsivity, and also having difficulty to obey the regulation. Depression makes mothers felt into failure in taking care of their children. Having sadness and hopless in a long time leads them will fall into depression. They will need a physic, spiritual, and emotional rehabilitation. Therefore, a social supports is needed to encounter the problem. The social support can be given emotionally (attention or empa- thy), practically, and financial (money). An informative support can also reduce their problem. In contrast, the lack of support will cause them to be depressed.Objective: The objective of this research is to identify the correlation between social support and depression of mothers having children with hyperkinetic disorder in Arogya Mitra Clinic Klaten.Method: The method used in this research is cross-sectional study using descriptive analytic. The research is conducted in Arogya Mitra Clinic Klaten in March - April 2010. The sample is all of the population that the mothers having children with hiperkinetic disorder. The instruments used in the study are private data questionnaire, Sarason\u27s Social Support Questionnaire, and Montgomery-Asberg Depression Rating Scale. The data is ana-lyzed by using linier regression analysis.Result and Conclusions: According too the research frequency of depression of mothers having children with hyperkinetic disorder at Arogya Mitra Clinic is 31%. There are significant correlation between social support and depression of mothers having children with hyperkinetic disorder at Arogya Mitra Clinic (p<0,005) is 0,001

    Strategi Penerapan Konsep Adaptive Re-use pada Bangunan Tua Studi Kasus: Gedung PT P.p.i (Ex. Kantor PT Tjipta Niaga) di Kawasan Kota Tua Jakarta

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    Dewasa ini, pembangunan gedung-gedung baru di Jakarta sangatlah pesat. Hal ini mengakibatkanbeberapa bagian di sudut Jakarta menjadi terlupakan dan seolah-olah dibiarkan lapuk. Pelapukanbangunan ini umumnya terjadi pada bangunan-bangunan tua bersejarah yang sudah tidakdifungsikan lagi sebagaimana mestinya. Maka dari itu diperlukan suatu gerakan pelestariankawasan bersejarah dengan langkah revitalisasi maupun konservasi di suatu kota bersejarahumumnya dan Jakarta khususnya. Karena kawasan bersejarah dapat menjadi identitas sebuah kotayang memiliki peranan penting dalam pertumbuhan kota yang terbentuk oleh suatu peradabanbudaya.Salah satu solusi yang tepat dalam menghidupkan kembali suatu kawasan bersejarah adalah denganlangkah membuat suatu fungsi baru dari fungsi lama pada bangunan-bangunan tersebut. Langkahini dikenal dengan istilah adaptive re-use yang kemudian disandingkan dengan konsep konservasi.Bahkan beberapa negara di dunia, sudah cukup lama menggunakan adaptive re-use sebagai upayamenyelamatkan aset bersejarah dan dapat dikategorikan berhasil. Tetapi tidak selamanya langkahini mudah dilaksanakan, karena pada umumnya akan muncul kendala yang menyebabkanhilangnya nilai-nilai sejarah. Hal ini dapat terjadi jika keaslian dari bentuk bangunan sengajadihilangkan atau mendapatkan respon negatif dari pihak luar

    Gambaran Kompetensi Kognitif Mahasiswa Profesi Dokter di Rumah Sakit Pendidikan FK UNISMA

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    Latar Belakang. Kompetensi kognitif mahasiswa profesi dokter di Indonesia dievaluasi melalui Uji Kompetensi Mahasiswa Program studi Profesi Dokter (UKMPPD) secara nasional yang merupakan exit exam dalam pendidikan kedokteran Indonesia.Tujuan. Penelitian deskriptif ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi kompetensi kognitif mahasiswa program studi profesi dokter FK UNISMA sebagai persiapan untuk menghadapi UKMPPD melalui progress test.Metode. Jenis penelitian deskriptif dengan menampilkan data hasil progress test berdasarkan laboratorium yaitu ilmu penyakit dalam (IPD), bedah, neurologi dan mata dari empat rumah sakit pendidikan yang berbeda. Data ditampilkan dalam mean±SD skor progress test.Hasil. Hasil progress test untuk soal IPD, mahasiswa yang menempuh kepaniteraannya di RS Syamrabu Bangkalan, RS Mardi Waluyo Blitar, RS Kanjuruhan Kepanjen, dan di RS Blambangan Banyuwangi yaitu 57,47±9,31; 53,26±7,77; 50,21±7,85; dan 57,38±6,74. Untuk soal Ilmu Bedah, mahasiswa yang menempuh kepaniteraannya di RS Syamrabu Bangkalan, RS Mardi Waluyo Blitar, RS Kanjuruhan Kepanjen, dan di RS Blambangan Banyuwangi mendapatkan nilai 35,71±11,53; 54,48±8,39; 42,91±8,27; dan 49,63±7,88. Untuk soal Ilmu Neurologi, mahasiswa yang menempuh kepaniteraannya di RS Syamrabu Bangkalan, RS Mardi Waluyo Blitar, RS Kanjuruhan Kepanjen, dan di RS Blambangan Banyuwangi mendapatkan nilai 54,82±8,03; 52,71±9,73; 45,29±7,54; dan 54,51±8,28. Untuk soal Ilmu Kesehatan Mata, mahasiswa yang menempuh kepaniteraannya di RS Syamrabu Bangkalan, RS Mardi Waluyo Blitar, RS Kanjuruhan Kepanjen, dan di RS Blambangan Banyuwangi mendapatkan nilai 52,38±4,76 ; 53,17±11,32 ; 48,72±10,10 dan 57,90±10,79. Rata-rata nilai progress test dari keempat bidang tersebut (IPD, Bedah, Neurologi, dan Mata) di RS Syamrabu Bangkalan, RS Mardi Waluyo Blitar, RS Kanjuruhan Kepanjen, dan di RS Blambangan Banyuwangi didapatkan 50,10 ; 53,41 ; 46,78 ; dan 54,86. Kesimpulan. Hasil progress test mahasiswa program studi profesi dokter FK UNISMA semester gasal. TA 2018-19 untuk soal bidang ilmu penyakit dalam, ilmu bedah, ilmu neurologi dan ilmu kesehatan mata masih belum mencapai nilai batas lulus UKMPP

    Analisis Perencanaan Pengasaman Sumur pada Sumur Jrr-2 dan Jrr-4 Dilapangan Y

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    Kerusakan formasi disini menunjuk pada suatu daerah didekat lubang sumur yang mengalamipenurunan permeabilitas.Biasanya daerah ini hanya beberapa inch dari lubang sumur, tetapikadang-kadang dapat meluas sampai beberapa feet. Dalam penelitian kali ini akan dilakukansebuah metode stimulasi untuk meningkatkan kembali produktivitas maupun permeabilitas darizona tersebut. Stimulasi merupakan pekerjaan ulang menyangkut tentang Perubahan sifatformasi dengan menambahkan unsur-unsur tertentu atau material lain kedalam formasi gunamemperbaiki adanya well damage. Metode stimulasi dapat dibedakan menjadi dua yaitu acidizingdan hydraulic fracturing. Pada penelitian ini pengasaman dilakukan pada batuan karbonat(limestone).Mekanisme pengasaman antara batupasir dengan batu karbonat adalah berbeda.Secara prinsip perbedaannya adalah laju reaksi asam pada batuan karbonat lebih cepatdibandingkan dengan laju reaksi asam dengan mineral batu pasir. Beberapa metoda untukmengevaluasi suatu keberhasilan pengasaman, yaitu dengan adanya kenaikan laju produksiharian (q), perbaikan skin effect (S), perbaikan permeabilitas (K), dan kurva IPR

    The Conflict of a Mother in Her Family as Seen in Marsha Norman's ‘Night Mother

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    The problem in ‘Night, Mother is the external and internal conflict of mother in her family, the reason in choosing this topic is because the fact that drama shows the two sides that the mother has. On one side, the mother has to sacrifice everything in order to keep the family well, she has to show the role model that the kid can see in herself. However, on the other side, the mother also has the weakness, there are lots of burdens, and this can lead to the climax that she has fed up with her life, and she chooses to end it all.The purpose of this writing is the suffering on of modern mothers based on psychological analysis. It was divided into external conflict of disappointment from husband and son, internal conflict of suffering because of disease, and the conflict that leads to her suicide. This analysis uses psychological theory, Daiches said that psychological theory was based on the assumption that literary work always talks about human life events because it concerns about people and their lives, it must contain psychological aspects in the story. Psychology was expected to help us to know the characters well. In the method of research, qualitative method is used because Creswell said that it is attempted to trace the source of information in the form of document which were relevant to the object of the research. In finding in this analysis, this analysis will be focused on the psychological background of the character particularly the main character. First, the external conflict of disappointment from husband and son, Jessie feels lonely after her husband and son leave her. Second, internal conflict of suffering because of disease, the other factor that causes suffering to Jessie character is the disease that has become the trigger for her to commit suicide. Third, the conflict that leads to her suicide, Jessie as the mother is strong, however she needs support from her whole family, without that support, she feels dead inside and finally chooses to commit suicide. The problems faced by modern woman are loneliness, instable family structure, and crisis in emotionality

    Faktor - Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Struktur Modal pada Perusahaan Real Estate And Property yang Go Public di Bursa Efek Indonesia

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    Tujuan utama dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji pengaruh antara profitabilitas, ukuranperusahaan, struktur aktiva, pertumbuhan penjualan, struktur kepemilikan, dan tingkat pajak terhadapstruktur modal. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah Perusahaan Real Estate and Property yangterdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia dari tahun 2004-2008. Sebanyak 26 Perusahaan diambil sebagaisampel dengan menggunakan metode purposive sampling. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakanmodel regresi linear berganda.Dari hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa ukuran Perusahaan, struktur aktiva, pertumbuhanpenjualan, struktur kepemilikan, dan tingkat pajak secara signifikan berpengaruh terhadap strukturmodal. Sementara profitabilitas tidak signifikan mempengaruhi struktur mdal


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    This research aims to formulate internal and external strategy in developing Dodol Salak agroindustry in Pangu One Village. The study was conducted from March to May 2017 from preparation to the preparation of research reports. The data obtained in this research includes primary and secondary data. Primary data collection was done by interview technique to the respondent while secondary data was obtained by searching in the form of documents from related institution, seminar papers, This study used primary data and secondary data, with literature relevant to the research topic. The analysis used in this research is by using SWOT Analysis method. The results of this study indicate that the right strategy for the development of dolcol agroindustry in Pangu Satu Village, Ratahan Sub-district is to apply aggressive strategy, that is by creating creating process sorting of raw materials and better production equipment and utilizing manpower to produce superior product; through the process of sorting out the selection of good raw materials to increase revenue; companies use products that are free from preservatives and dyes to increase public interest in refined products; improve the process of sorting raw materials and the quality of health products to be more able to compete with existing companies; cooperate not only with one supplier (farmer); increase capital through related institutions such as Bank or other agencies; conducting human resource training to improve the company's work processes and increase opportunities for employers to create new jobs and reduce unemployment; increase capital income to prevent piracy of labor and utilize capital for infrastructure activities and transportation facilities
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