43 research outputs found

    Perancangan Strategi Pemasaran Menggunakan Metode SWOT dan QSPM untuk Meningkatkan Penjualan Beras

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    Salah satu komoditas pangan yang merupakan makanan pokok masyarakat Indonesia adalah beras. PT.XYZ merupakan perusahaan yang fokus dalam peningkatan produksi, kualitas serta pemerataan distribusi beras di Indonesia. Banyaknya kompetitor swasta yang tidak terikat dengan pemerintah menjadi sebuah tantangan bagi perusahaan untuk dapat bersaing dalam memasarkan produk berasnya. Penelitian ini mengambil studi kasus pada salah satu cabang perusahaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor internal dan eksternal serta membuat rekomendasi strategi untuk perbaikan pemasaran pada perusahaan dengan metode analisis SWOT dan QSPM. Hasil analisis SWOT menunjukkan perusahaan berposisi pada kuadran III dan disarankan mengubah strategi pe­masa­ran yang telah ada. Berdasarkan matriks weaknesses – opportunity.  Alternatif strategi yang ada dianalisis menggunakan QSPM. Skor TAS tertinggi pada analisis matrix QSPM sebesar 3,75. Strategi yang terpilih adalah membuat strategi promosi yang unik untuk menarik minat masyarakat ditengah harga pasar yang tinggi

    Identifikasi Variabel yang Berpengaruh terhadap Kinerja Pemasaran dan Indikator Kinerja Pemasaran untuk Industri Hotel

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    This article discusses marketing performance by identifying marketing mix variables that influence marketing performance and its indicators in the hotel industry. The purpose of this writing was to find the correlation between marketing mix with marketing performance and signs in the hotel industry. This article was expected to extend the insights and provide valuable suggestions for future researches. The method applied in this article was a literature study. The literature study was used systematically towards 24 research articles in the field of marketing performance that written from 2000 to 2018. Based on the results and discussion, it could conclude that marketing mix variables influence marketing performance that covers product, price promotion, and distribution channel. This research also identifies three selected indicators for marketing performance in the hotel industry. Those indicators include customer mindset, expression of customer preference, and customer behavior. The potential future research, among others, is a research that will employ marketing performance indicators that suitable to other service industries


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    ABSTRAK Pembelajaran Lesson Study dalam meningkatkan mutu pembelajaran PAI pada tingkat SMA oleh MUHAMMAD HASYIM AL QURTUBI Pembelajaran Lesson Study dalam meningkatkan mutu pembelajaran PAI pada tingkat SMA merupakan suatu penelitian yang berusaha mengkaji hubungan yang berkaitan tentang kegiatan pembinaan guru dalam mengembangkan kemampuan guru atau kompetensi guru khususnya guru mata pelajaran PAI dalam usaha- usaha mendidikkan Agama Islam pada tingkat SMA dengan tujuan mendorong para guru untuk dapat meningkatkan profesionalisme guru dalam pengelolaan proses pembelajaran untuk memungkinkan proses pembelajaran dapat terjadi secara efektif dan efisien dan memungkinkan agar terjadi proses belajar pada peserta didik sehingga menghasilkan peserta didik bermutu belajar yang tinggi. adapun tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tahapan-tahapan pembelajaran lesson study dalam proses pembelajaran PAI pada tingkat SMA dengan menggambarkan secara sistematis dan relevansinya dalam meningkatkan mutu pembelajaran PAI dan kompetensi guru. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kajian pustaka (library research) yang bersifat deskriptif yaitu penelitian yang menggambarkan objek sesuai apa adanya. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan metode dokumentasi sebagai alat pengumpulan datanya. teknik analisis datanya menggunakan metode analisis isi (content analysis) ditunjukkan untuk mengerjakan kesimpulan dengan cara mengidentifikasi isi pesan pada suatu buku. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pembelajaran lesson study terdapat tiga tahapan yaitu tahapan perencanaan (plan), pelaksanaan (do) dan refleksi (see). secara keseluruhan pembelajaran Lesson Study memiliki relevansi sebagai salah satu model pembinaan guru dalam meningkatkan mutu pembelajaran PAI, dalam lesson study terdapat sejumlah indikator yang dapat meningkatkan kompetensi guru dan meningkatkan proses pembelajaran, motivasi dan aktivitas peserta didik dalam PBM (proses belajar mengajar). Di antara indikator-indikator tersebut antara lain, pengembangan lesson study dilakukan dan di dasarkan ―sharing‖ pengetahuan profesional para guru yang terlibat dan penekanan yang mendasar pada lesson study adalah agar para peserta didik memiliki mutu belajar yang tinggi. Kata kunci : lesson study, mutu pembelajaran PA

    Designing Business Intelligence Dashboards to Support Decision-Making in a Fishery Business

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    Accurate assessment and thorough analysis of managerial performance are essential in obtaining enhanced business performance. A real-time monitoring system is necessary to support the decision-making process. This study aims to design a business intelligence dashboard containing real-time monitoring of water quality to support the decision-making of the management team of an agribusiness company. Four steps were used in designing the business intelligence (BI) dashboard: (1) scope and plan, (2) analyze and define, (3) architect and design, and (4) build, test, and refine. The study started with determining the scope and plan for developing the BI dashboard to monitor the water pond’s quality in real time. The requirements of system input and output were identified in the analyze and define phase. The data warehouse model and design visualization regarding the BI dashboard were determined in the architect and design step. The system's architecture was analyzed in the final step, build and test. Three months of data collection and interviews with the management team of the fishery company were performed to support each step in BI design. This study’s outcome is a BI dashboard providing real-time monitoring that supports the management team's decision-making process. This study still considers two water quality measures; therefore, future research can be conducted using other measures. Future research can also be performed on another agribusiness company to support the decision-making process and increase competitiveness

    Pendampingan Kelompok Tani Desa Sidomukti Kecamatan Kenduruan Kabupaten Tuban: Kajian Partisipatory Action Research (PAR)

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    The purpose of the research and assistance carried out in Sidomukti Village, Kenduruan Sub-District, Tuban District was to make farmers independent for seed sovereignty, production sovereignty, and market sovereignty. The method used was Participatory Action Research. The results obtained are that agriculture is a very crucial field in the lives of Indonesian people. Therefore, the number of innovations and assistance carried out to build or increase agricultural capacity is absolutely necessary. In addition, collaboration between parties will be very helpful in the process of independence in the agricultural sector, both in the fields of seeds, production, and markets. For further researchers and assistants, it is hoped that they can carry out more in-depth research, this is because the research and assistance carried out is only in a fairly short time, so that the implementation evaluation process cannot be carried out optimally. In addition, collaboration from multi stakeholders continues to provide further assistance, especially in collaboration with government agencies, where one of the missions carried out by the current Regent is to increase the added value of the agricultural sector widely, where one of the work programs is one village. one priority, village cooperation, logistical support, and strengthening food security. So that multi-stakeholder cooperation will be established in Sidomukti Village. &nbsp

    Peningkatan Kemampuan Bercerita Beriman Kepada Rasul-Rasul Allah SWT melalui Metode Role Play pada Siswa XI MIPA 2 SMA Negeri 11 Banjarmasin

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    The school is one of the most important personality development institutions for every student, as part of the personality attitude, self-confidence is very important to develop in an effort to increase human resources, especially in achieving the desired learning outcomes for each individual, especially for students of SMA Negeri 11 Banjarmasin . Based on this, SMA Negeri 11 students need to improve their abilities, one of which is the ability to Tell Faith to Allah's Apostles which is developed through the Role Play Method. This is motivated by the problem that telling stories, especially in front of many people, is a lesson that most students are less interested in. This research was conducted from January to March 2022 at SMA Negeri 11 Banjarmasin. The object of this research is 35 students of class XI MIPA 2. The method used in this study is Classroom Action Research. This research consists of two cycles. The first cycle discussed the material on "Talk of Faith to Allah's Apostles" and in the second cycle improved the activities carried out in the first cycle. The indicators used to measure success in this research are the suitability of the subject matter provided with the Learning Implementation Plan (RPP). The resu”ts of the research in the first cycle the average formative value of 72.7 and in the second cycle the average formative value of 75.4 means that student learning outcomes have increased by 2.7. The percentage of completeness in the first cycle was 80% while in the second cycle it was 91.4%, meaning that these indicators had increased by 11.4%. This study shows that the Role Play method has succeeded in increasing students' ability to tell stories in front of many people

    The correlation of efficiency, effectiveness, differentiation and halal certification towards logistics performance

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    Various of studies on firm’s performance have been performed by reserachers involving many variables as antecedents, logistics performance is one of them. Aside from significantly supporting the firm, it also identifies firm’s performance as standard to keep up in  short and long-term competition. There are several types of criteria in logistics performance, however they are all only classified in three dimensions which are efficiency, effectiveness and differentiation. From the literature review, it was suggested that halal certification could affect logistics performance. This article proposes research model that integrates logistics efficiency, logistics effectiveness, logistics differentiation and halal certification as the dimensions of logistics performance. . It is expected to provide theoretical contribution by explaining causal relationship among variables and provide intact knowledge by considering the firm’s performance that is determined by dimensions of logistics performance. Literature review is applied for this research. Based on the result and discussion, it can be concluded that halal certification potentially could become a new dimension for logistics performance in addition to other existing three dimensions, yet it takes empirical research support strengthen this proposed model

    Jamiu lil ahkamil qurani

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    333 p. ; 30 cm

    Jamiu lil ahkamil qurani

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    333 p. ; 30 cm

    Jamiu lil ahkamil qurani

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    333 p. ; 30 cm