55 research outputs found

    The Interfollicular Epidermis of Adult Mouse Tail Comprises Two Distinct Cell Lineages that Are Differentially Regulated by Wnt, Edaradd, and Lrig1

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    Current models of how mouse tail interfollicular epidermis (IFE) is maintained overlook the coexistence of two distinct terminal differentiation programs: parakeratotic (scale) and orthokeratotic (interscale). Lineage tracing and clonal analysis revealed that scale and interscale are maintained by unipotent cells in the underlying basal layer, with scale progenitors dividing more rapidly than interscale progenitors. Although scales are pigmented and precisely aligned with hair follicles, melanocytes and follicles were not necessary for scale differentiation. Epidermal Wnt signaling was required for scale enlargement during development and for postnatal maintenance of scale-interscale boundaries. Loss of Edaradd inhibited ventral scale formation, whereas loss of Lrig1 led to scale enlargement and fusion. In wild-type skin, Lrig1 was not expressed in IFE but was selectively upregulated in dermal fibroblasts underlying the interscale. We conclude that the different IFE differentiation compartments are maintained by distinct stem cell populations and are regulated by epidermal and dermal signals

    Imaging of Single Antigens, Antibodies, and Specific Immunocomplex Formation by Scanning Force Microscopy

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    The most sensitive analytical techniques available today for detecting immuno assay complexes are radio or enzyme immuno analytical techniques, by which quantities of 107-108 analyte molecules can be detected. With the introduction of scanning force microscopy, a new method for detecting biological processes became available. Here, we examine the feasibility of using scanning force microscopy as a biosensitive tool. We demonstrate that single or multiple rabbit anti-human serum albumin molecules form complexes with preadsorbed single human serum albumin molecules on mica. However, no interaction is observed between human immunoglobulin G molecules and preadsorbed single albumin molecules; only separate antigens and antibodies are observed at random positions on the mica. This shows the ability of scanning force microscopy to act as a biosensor for detection of immunocomplexes, and to act as a very powerful tool to study molecule-surface interactions in general

    Mutant Lef1 controls Gata6 in sebaceous gland development and cancer

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    Mutations in Lef1 occur in human and mouse sebaceous gland (SG) tumors, but their contribution to carcinogenesis remains unclear. Since Gata6 controls lineage identity in SG, we investigated the link between these two transcription factors. Here, we show that Gata6 is a ÎČ-catenin-independent transcriptional target of mutant Lef1. During epidermal development, Gata6 is expressed in a subset of Sox9-positive Lef1-negative hair follicle progenitors that give rise to the upper SG Overexpression of Gata6 by in utero lentiviral injection is sufficient to induce ectopic sebaceous gland elements. In mice overexpressing mutant Lef1, Gata6 ablation increases the total number of skin tumors yet decreases the proportion of SG tumors. The increased tumor burden correlates with impaired DNA mismatch repair and decreased expression of Mlh1 and Msh2 genes, defects frequently observed in human sebaceous neoplasia. Gata6 specifically marks human SG tumors and also defines tumors with elements of sebaceous differentiation, including a subset of basal cell carcinomas. Our findings reveal that Gata6 controls sebaceous gland development and cancer

    Dupilumab but not cyclosporine treatment shifts the microbiome toward a healthy skin flora in patients with moderate‐to‐severe atopic dermatitis

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    Background: Atopic dermatitis (AD) patients display an altered skin microbiome which may not only be an indicator but also a driver of inflammation. We aimed to investigate associations among AD patients' skin microbiome, clinical data, and response to systemic therapy in patients of the TREATgermany registry. Methods: Skin swabs of 157 patients were profiled with 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing before and after 3 months of treatment with dupilumab or cyclosporine. For comparison, 16s microbiome data from 258 population-based healthy controls were used. Disease severity was assessed using established instruments such as the Eczema Area and Severity Index (EASI). Results: We confirmed the previously shown correlation of Staphylococcus aureus abundance and bacterial alpha diversity with AD severity as measured by EASI. Therapy with Dupilumab shifted the bacterial community toward the pattern seen in healthy controls. The relative abundance of Staphylococci and in particular S. aureus significantly decreased on both lesional and non-lesional skin, whereas the abundance of Staphylococcus hominis increased. These changes were largely independent from the degree of clinical improvement and were not observed for cyclosporine. Conclusions: Systemic treatment with dupilumab but not cyclosporine tends to restore a healthy skin microbiome largely independent of the clinical response indicating potential effects of IL-4RA blockade on the microbiome

    A genome-wide screen identifies YAP/WBP2 interplay conferring growth advantage on human epidermal stem cells.

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    Individual human epidermal cells differ in their self-renewal ability. To uncover the molecular basis for this heterogeneity, we performed genome-wide pooled RNA interference screens and identified genes conferring a clonal growth advantage on normal and neoplastic (cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma, cSCC) human epidermal cells. The Hippo effector YAP was amongst the top positive growth regulators in both screens. By integrating the Hippo network interactome with our data sets, we identify WW-binding protein 2 (WBP2) as an important co-factor of YAP that enhances YAP/TEAD-mediated gene transcription. YAP and WPB2 are upregulated in actively proliferating cells of mouse and human epidermis and cSCC, and downregulated during terminal differentiation. WBP2 deletion in mouse skin results in reduced proliferation in neonatal and wounded adult epidermis. In reconstituted epidermis YAP/WBP2 activity is controlled by intercellular adhesion rather than canonical Hippo signalling. We propose that defective intercellular adhesion contributes to uncontrolled cSCC growth by preventing inhibition of YAP/WBP2

    Keep quiet—how stress regulates hair follicle stem cells

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    Structural brain abnormalities are a consistent finding in anorexia nervosa (AN) and proposed as a state biomarker of the disorder. Yet little is known about how regional structural changes affect intrinsic resting-state functional brain connectivity (rsFC). Using a cross-sectional, multimodal imaging approach, we investigated the association between regional cortical thickness abnormalities and rsFC in AN. Twenty-two acute AN patients and twenty-six age- and gender-matched healthy controls underwent a resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging scan and cognitive tests. We performed group comparisons of whole-brain cortical thickness, seed-based rsFC, and network-based statistical (NBS) analyses. AN patients showed cortical thinning in the precuneus and inferior parietal lobules, regions involved in visuospatial memory and imagery. Cortical thickness in the precuneus correlated with nutritional state and cognitive functions in AN, strengthening the evidence for a critical role of this region in the disorder. Cortical thinning was accompanied by functional connectivity reductions in major brain networks, namely default mode, sensorimotor and visual networks. Similar to the seed-based approach, the NBS analysis revealed a single network of reduced functional connectivity in patients, comprising mainly sensorimotor- occipital regions. Our findings provide evidence that structural and functional brain abnormalities in AN are confined to specific regions and networks involved in visuospatial and somatosensory processing. We show that structural changes of the precuneus are linked to nutritional and functional states in AN, and future longitudinal research should assess how precuneus changes might be related to the evolution of the disorder

    Cytokine and Chemokine Recovery Is Increased by Colloid Perfusates during Dermal Microdialysis

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    Cytokines and chemokines play important roles in cell signalling, and microdialysis is a promising tool for monitoring these inflammation markers ex vivo. Therefore, the collecting of these mediators at the highest concentrations possible is crucial. Depending on the size of the mediator of interest, the collection of these high molecular mass molecules has thus far been difficult due to their low recovery, even when using high cut-off (100 kDa) microdialysis membranes. This study aimed to optimize the recovery of various cytokines and chemokines by validating the use of different perfusates in cutaneous microdialysis, and comparing intravenous (i.v.) colloids, crystalloids, and a lipid emulsion formulations that are approved for i.v. applications. Methods: In vitro and in vivo recovery experiments using six recombinant cytokines varying in molecular size (interleukin-2 (15 kDa), interleukin-6 (20.5 kDa), interleukin-8 (8 kDa), interleukin-12p70 (70 kDa), TNF-α (17.5 kDa), and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) (38 kDa)) were performed in the presence of different perfusates for i.v. applications: Ringer’s lactate, dextran 60 kDa, hydroxyethyl starch 70 kDa, and hydroxyethyl starch 200 kDa solutions as well as a lipid emulsion formulation. Recovery was determined through (i) microdialysis of cytokines and chemokines in Ringer’s lactate solution or human serum in vitro, and (ii) retrodialysis of excised porcine and human skin cadavers in vitro and porcine skin in vivo. Furthermore, we used skin trauma (catheter insertion) and Ultraviolet B irradiation of 3 × 3 cm2 skin areas to sample cytokines and chemokines in vivo and compared the amounts that were obtained using crystalloid and colloid perfusates. All the cytokines and chemokines within the dialysates were quantified through a flow cytometry-based bead array assay. Results: Overall, recovery was strongly increased by the colloids, particularly hydroxyethyl starch 70 kDa, in vitro, ex vivo, and in vivo. When compared with the recovery achieved using Ringer’s lactate, this increase was most effective for proteins ranging from 8 to 20.5 kDa. Hydroxyethyl starch 70 kDa significantly increased the recovery of interleukin (IL)-8 in human serum in vitro when compared with Ringer’s lactate. More cytokines and chemokines were recovered using colloids compared with crystalloids. However, the increase in recovery values was lower for IL-12p70 and VEGF. Conclusions: Regarding the dialysate volumes and final dialysate concentrations, colloid perfusates are overall superior to crystalloid perfusates, such as Ringer’s lactate, when sampling cytokines and chemokines, resulting in higher recoveries. However, the sampling of high-molecular-mass cytokines during microdialysis remains challenging, and experimental in vitro data are not completely comparable with data obtained ex vivo or in vivo

    Expression of Potential Dermal Progenitor Cell Markers in the Tumour and Stroma of Skin Adnexal Malignant and Benign Tumours

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    Stem cells are multipotent cells that maintain the skin epidermis including skin appendages such as hair follicle, sebaceous glands, and sweat glands. There is evidence that reciprocal signalling between the epidermis and the dermis plays an important role in skin development, homeostasis, wound repair, and skin cancer. The origin of skin cancer that derive from skin appendages is still controversial, including basal cell carcinoma and even more of rare tumours such as sebaceous carcinomas and whether those tumours originate from resident tissue stem cells. To investigate whether markers reported to label dermal progenitor cells are preserved in the tumour including the tumour stroma of skin adnexal tumours, we tested 45 human basal cell carcinomas, including superficial, nodular, adenoid, infiltrating, and sclerosing types, and further 38 human tumours of skin appendages including 13 sebaceous adenomas and carcinomas, 20 eccrine sweat gland tumours, and 5 pilomatricomas, syringomas, and hair follicle tumours for the expression of the potential dermal and epidermal cell markers CRABP1, Nestin, and Ephrin B2 and compared these findings with healthy, age-related human epidermis. We detected that CRABP1, Nestin, and Ephrin B2 are expressed in the intratumoural stroma as well as the tumour invasive front of skin tumours of appendages and BCCs
