18 research outputs found

    Wildlife Trafficking between the European Union and Mexico

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    Illegal wildlife trade or wildlife trafficking is a global threat to all kinds of species, not just charismatic megafauna or wildlife in Africa and Asia. This paper presents the findings of an investigation of the illegal trade in native and non-native wildlife and wildlife products between the European Union and Mexico. Using literature analysis, secondary trade data and expert interviews, this study explores the nature and extent of wildlife trafficking between these two regions, including the involvement of organised crime within an eco-global criminological framework. This is important for the regions studied and for the global community more generally, as wildlife trafficking is contributing not only to species extinction, but also to instability, violence and unhealthy physical environments for humans

    Tráfico de vida silvestre entre la Unión Europea y México

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    Illegal wildlife trade or wildlife trafficking is a global threat to all kinds of species, not just charismatic megafauna or to wildlife in Africa and Asia. This paper presents the findings of an investigation of the illegal trade in native and non-native wildlife and wildlife products between the European Union and Mexico. Using literature analysis, secondary trade data, and expert interviews, this study explores the nature and extent of wildlife trafficking between these two regions, including the involvement of organised crime within an eco-global criminological framework. This is important for the regions studied and also for the global community, more generally, as wildlife trafficking is contributing not only to species extinction, but also to instability, violence, and unhealthy physical environments for people.El comercio ilegal de vida silvestre o tráfico de vida silvestre es una amenaza global para todo tipo de especies, no solo para la mega fauna carismática o para la vida silvestre en África y Asia. Este documento presenta los resultados de una investigación sobre el comercio ilegal de vida silvestre nativa y no nativa y productos de vida silvestre entre la Unión Europea y México. Utilizando análisis de literatura, datos de comercio secundarios y entrevistas con expertos, este estudio explora la naturaleza y el alcance del tráfico de vida silvestre entre estas dos regiones, incluida la participación del crimen organizado dentro de un marco criminológico eco-global. Esto es importante tanto para las regiones estudiadas y como para la comunidad global, más en general, ya que el tráfico de vida silvestre está contribuyendo no solo a la extinción de las especies, sino también a la inestabilidad, la violencia y los entornos físicos poco saludables para las personas

    Fortalecimiento de estrategias de afrontamiento para disminuir la posibilidad de desarrollar el trastorno de estrés postraumático en el personal administrativo y operativo del ecu 911 de la zona 3 Ambato

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    El presente trabajo de intervención se realizó con el fin de atender una de las necesidades que presenta el personal administrativo y operativo del ECU 911 Ambato. La principal problemática de la población es el estrés postraumático, un trastorno de ansiedad que se puede presentar en cualquier individuo, no obstante, hay personas que son más vulnerables frente a este trastorno, sea por factores como el trabajo que realizan o el ambiente al cual están expuestos. Es así como se planteó un proyecto psicoeducativo denominado Siembra Bienestar, en el cual se utilizaron recursos web y se elaboraron publicaciones y videos para sensibilizar al personal respecto al estrés postraumático, además se les proporcionó información sobre estrategias de afrontamiento que disminuyan el desarrollo de este trastorno de ansiedad, así también se compartieron algunas recomendaciones y técnicas que impulsan el autocuidado y manejo del estrés. Mediante herramientas como encuestas y entrevistas, el personal evaluó la información que le fue proporcionada. El análisis de los datos recolectados permitió la obtención de resultados cualitativos y cuantitativos. De acuerdo con la opinión de los participantes, la mayoría afirmó que el proyecto aportó de manera positiva a su salud mental.The present intervention work was carried out in order to attend to one of the needs presented by the administrative and operational personnel staff of the ECU 911 from Ambato. The main problem of the population is post-traumatic stress which is an anxiety disorder that can occur in any individual, however, there are people who are more vulnerable to this disorder, due to factors such as the work they do or the environment in which they are exposed. Consequently, a psychoeducational project called Siembra Bienestar was proposed, in which web resources were used and publications and videos were produced to sensitize the personnel staff regarding to the post-traumatic stress. In addition, information on coping strategies that reduces the development of this anxiety disorder, was provided to the staff. Moreover, some recommendations and techniques that promote self-care and stress management were also shared to them. Through tools such as surveys and interviews, the staff evaluated the information provided to them. The analysis of the data collected allowed us to obtain qualitative and quantitative results. According to the opinion of the participants, the majority affirmed that the project contributed positively to their mental health

    Finishing the euchromatic sequence of the human genome

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    The sequence of the human genome encodes the genetic instructions for human physiology, as well as rich information about human evolution. In 2001, the International Human Genome Sequencing Consortium reported a draft sequence of the euchromatic portion of the human genome. Since then, the international collaboration has worked to convert this draft into a genome sequence with high accuracy and nearly complete coverage. Here, we report the result of this finishing process. The current genome sequence (Build 35) contains 2.85 billion nucleotides interrupted by only 341 gaps. It covers ∼99% of the euchromatic genome and is accurate to an error rate of ∼1 event per 100,000 bases. Many of the remaining euchromatic gaps are associated with segmental duplications and will require focused work with new methods. The near-complete sequence, the first for a vertebrate, greatly improves the precision of biological analyses of the human genome including studies of gene number, birth and death. Notably, the human enome seems to encode only 20,000-25,000 protein-coding genes. The genome sequence reported here should serve as a firm foundation for biomedical research in the decades ahead

    Le commerce et le trafic d’espèces sauvages entre la France et le Mexique. Une étude des « asymétries criminogènes ». = Wildlife trade and trafficking between France and Mexico. An exploration of criminogenic asymmetries.

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    Le trafic relatif à la faune et à la flore sauvages représente une menace pour de nombreuses espèces à l’échelle mondiale, et non seulement pour les plus emblématiques d’entre elles en Afrique et en Asie. En outre, la consommation d’espèces sauvages, de manière non durable et/ou illégale, n’est pas exceptionnelle et relève même de l’ordinaire. Cet article présente les résultats d’une enquête sur le commerce légal et illégal d’espèces sauvages indigènes et non indigènes, et de produits qui en sont issus, entre la France et le Mexique. En s’appuyant sur une analyse documentaire, des données chiffrées sur le commerce et des entretiens menés auprès d’experts, cette étude explore la nature et l’ampleur du commerce et du trafic d’espèces sauvages entre ces deux pays, en soulignant l’importance d’asymétries (économiques, juridiques, politiques, culturelles) aux conséquences criminogènes. Le sujet est d’importance car la consommation non durable et illégale d’espèces sauvages contribue non seulement à l’extinction des espèces, mais aussi à la maltraitance envers les animaux. = Wildlife trafficking is a global threat to numerous species of both animals and plants, not only to charismatic fauna or in Africa and Asia. Furthermore, consumption of wildlife, unsustainably and/or illegally, is not rare, but can be an everyday occurrence. This paper presents the findings of an investigation of the legal and illegal trades in native and non-native wildlife and wildlife products between France and Mexico. Using literature analysis, secondary trade data, and expert interviews, this study explores the nature and extent of wildlife trade and trafficking between these two countries. In particular, the routine and common consumption of fashion items and ornamental plants, made possible in part by the economic, legal, political and cultural asymmetries between Europe and Mexico, are examined. This is important for not only the countries studied, but also for the global community, as unsustainable, as well as illegal, wildlife consumption is contributing not only to species extinction, but also to animal abuse

    321. Clinical Characteristics of Hospitalized HIV Patients with COVID-19 in Miami

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    Abstract Background HIV is a significant risk factor for acquiring SARS-CoV-2 infection and is associated with increased risk of mortality from COVID-19. Information on the clinical characteristics of persons living with HIV(PLWH) hospitalized due to COVID-19 infection are inconsistent and sparse. As Miami area is currently the epicenter of new HIV infection, an understanding of the clinical characteristics of COVID-19 in hospitalized HIV patients in South Florida is needful. Methods This is a single center retrospective case series analysis of individuals with HIV hospitalized with COVID-19 from March 1, 2020 to March 31, 2021. We analyzed relevant data related to demographics, comorbidities, clinical presentation, HIV viral load and CD4 profiles, serum inflammatory markers, COVID-19 treatment and survival. Results 25 patients were identified. The demographic, socioeconomic and clinical data are described in Table 1. 88% of subjects. were on HIV antiretroviral treatment (ART) but only 60% had CD4 counts > 200cells/mm3. More study results are shown in Figures 1 and 2. The serum ferritin ranged from 29 to 40,577ng/mL while serum creatinine ranged from 0.51 to 2.8mg/dL, mean 1.04± 0.46 mg/dL. The Pearson correlation between serum ferritin and serum creatinine (SCreat) was 0.715, p 200 cells/mm3. Figure 1. Bar chart showing month and year of hospital admission for COVID-19 in HIV infected persons Table 1 Figure 2. Bar chart showing different percentages of the cohort who received the different COVID-19 treatment illustrated Conclusion This first case series of hospitalized COVID-19 patients in PLWH illustrate important demographic and socioeconomic trends with an imbalance towards African Americans. The group mortality rate appear to be higher compared to the overall mortality rate of COVID-19 reported in the general population or other published HIV-COVID-19 coinfection case series. This is not surprising given the fact that only 64% of the cohort had undetected viral load and only 60% had CD4 counts > 200 despite reported 88% ART use. Correlations between lymphopenia and serum ferritin on one hand and serum creatinine on the other hand should be further explored in a larger case series or prospective study. Since COVID-19 mortality is related to HIV severity, improving socioeconomic status and ART compliance could play a big role in positively improving outcome of hospitalized HIV-COVID 19 patients. Disclosures All Authors: No reported disclosure

    Leukocytoclastic vasculitis caused by sulfamethoxazole‐trimethoprim

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    Key Clinical Message Leukocytoclastic vasculitis is a rare, small‐vessel vasculitis that can be caused by sulfamethoxazole‐trimethoprim. Most presentations involve skin rash but serious systemic involvement is possible. The precise mechanism is unclear but genetic and immune‐based tissue damage has been postulated. The rash often resolves with discontinuation of sulfamethoxazole‐trimethoprim with or without steroids

    Sistema familiar y continuidad de las empresas familiares

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    Family businesses, even though they are similar in many ways to other organizations that are not, have differences that come from the explicit nature of the family system in the ownership and control of the business. This research aims to analyze elements of the family system that can affect the continuity of family businesses. The study is documentary-descriptive, based on family business theories developed by authors such as: Ward (2003), Gallo and Amat (2003), Chrisman, et al. (2005), Cabrera, et al. (2005; 2014), Amat, et al. (2008), Belausteguigoitia (2010), among others. The findings obtained indicate that the elements of the family system that contribute to the continuity of the family business are mainly related to the human component, which require skills related to family leadership, culture and the ability to manage businessfamily relationships, instead of business and rational elements. It is concluded that the challenge of the family system to achieve the continuity of these companies is connected with the need to have formal structures of shared power; overcome traditional models of succession and leadership, related to patriarchal control; and improve both communication processes and conflict management.Las empresas familiares, aun cuando son similares en muchos aspectos a otras organizaciones que no lo son, presentan diferencias que provienen de la naturaleza explícita del sistema familiar en la propiedad y el control de la empresa. La presente investigación tiene como objetivo analizar elementos del sistema familiar que pueden afectar la continuidad de las empresas familiares. El estudio es de tipo documental-descriptivo, fundamentado en teorías de empresas familiares desarrolladas por autores como: Ward (2003), Gallo y Amat (2003), Chrisman, et al. (2005), Cabrera, et al. (2005; 2014), Amat, et al. (2008), Belausteguigoitia (2010), entre otros. Los hallazgos obtenidos indican que los elementos del sistema familiar que contribuyen con la continuidad de la empresa familiar se relacionan principalmente con el componente humano, los cuales requieren habilidades relacionadas con el liderazgo familiar, la cultura y la capacidad para gestionar las relaciones empresa-familia, en lugar de elementos empresariales y racionales. Se concluye que el desafío del sistema familiar para lograr la continuidad de estas empresas se conecta con la necesidad de contar con estructuras formales de poder compartido; superar modelos tradicionales de sucesión y liderazgo, relacionados con el control patriarcal; y mejorar tanto los procesos de comunicación como el manejo de conflictos