268 research outputs found

    Studio teorico e sperimentale di un sistema di locomozione per una capsula endoscopica

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    Questo studio teorico-sperimentale mira alla realizzazione di un sistema di locomozione per una microcapsula endoscopica minimamente invasiva. Un dispositivo teleoperato e dotato di locomozione attiva deve essere in grado adattare il proprio gait in funzione del tratto gastro intestinale esaminato, diversificando gli schemi di movimento per ruotare o arrestare la capsula in caso di bisogno. L’approccio che ha guidato il lavoro Ăš stato di tipo biomimetico cosĂŹ da trarre ispirazione dai modelli esistenti in natura. La locomozione su gambe risponde alle esigenze di questa ricerca in termini di efficacia, adattabilitĂ  e destrezza per cui Ăš stato realizzato un robot esapode con postura sprawled, ispirato agli insetti. Sono state quindi studiate le proprietĂ  meccaniche e biotribologiche del tessuto gastrointestinale. E’ stato predisposto il set-up sperimentale per i test in vitro e sono state effettuate prove con differenti gait di locomozione, all’interno di tubi rigidi, in lattice e di tessuto animale: il gait a “vogatore alternato” si Ăš rivelato il piĂč efficace. Il prototipo Ăš in grado di muoversi all’interno di un tubo di lattice alla velocitĂ  di circa 11,3 cm/min.; ulteriori indagini con il tessuto animale saranno svolte a seguire

    I viaggiatori inglesi in Egitto tra la seconda metà del settecento e la prima metà dell’ottocento: diari di viaggio

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    Il presente studio di tesi ha come obiettivo l’analisi di tre diari di viaggi scritti in un periodo storico che va dal 1792 fino al 1863. I tre testi scelti sono: ‘Travels in Africa, Egypt and Syria from the years 1792 to 1798’, scritto da William George Browne, ‘Travels in Egypt, Nubia, Holy Land, Mount Libanon and Cyprus, in the year 1814’ di Henry Light e ‘A winter in Upper and Lower Egypt’ di George Alexander Hoskins. È stato deciso di analizzare questo periodo per mettere in evidenza il motivo per cui l’Egitto era diventato meta di così tanti viaggi, preferito addirittura a Italia e Grecia. È stato dato un largo spazio alle descrizioni degli aspetti sociologici, paesaggistici e soprattutto delle scoperte archeologiche che portarono allo sviluppo dell’egittologia intesa in senso moderno

    "Ad ornatum templorum loci Pere erant" : evacuation of the works of art from the Latin churches of Pera after 1453

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    [Eugeniusz Quirini de SaalbrĂŒck], "Kirkcaldy. Polish Christmas in Scotland in 1940"

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    This text is an edited source material that is a part of the memoirs of Certified Colonel Eugeniusz Quirini de SaalbrĂŒck (1891-1978) from his stay in Scotland in his capacity as a cultural and educational officer in the Polish soldiers camp in Kirkcaldy during World War II. The text is an account of a Christmas celebration organised for Scottish children on 19 December 1940 under the supervision of Col. Quirini in the local Rio cinema. The original text is part of Col. Quirini’s estate that is in the possession of his family

    Aldosterone induces contraction of the resistance arteries in man

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    ƚrodowisko naukowe Uniwersytetu Padewskiego w okresie studiów Klemensa Janickiego

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    The author of this article made a synthetic presentation of the results of the research of Polish and Italian historiography (based on the surveys into the primary sources) regarding the sojourn and study of Klemens Janicki at the University of Padua. Preserved doctoral diploma and poetic laurels bestowed upon the poet at the same time allowed the reconstruction of the course of this ceremony and identification of its participants. Academic atmosphere of Padua was presented in the article, including its prominent representatives: lawyers, philosophers and physicians, as well as the group of Polish students from the first half of the sixteenth century.The author of this article made a synthetic presentation of the results of the research of Polish and Italian historiography (based on the surveys into the primary sources) regarding the sojourn and study of Klemens Janicki at the University of Padua. Preserved doctoral diploma and poetic laurels bestowed upon the poet at the same time allowed the reconstruction of the course of this ceremony and identification of its participants. Academic atmosphere of Padua was presented in the article, including its prominent representatives: lawyers, philosophers and physicians, as well as the group of Polish students from the first half of the sixteenth century

    A flexible design strategy for three-element non-uniform linear arrays

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    This paper illustrates a flexible design strategy for a three-element non-uniform linear array (NULA) aimed at estimating the direction of arrival (DoA) of a source of interest. Thanks to the spatial diversity resulting from non-uniform sensor spacings, satisfactory DoA estimation accuracies can be achieved by employing a very limited number of receiving elements. This makes NULA configurations particularly attractive for low-cost passive location applications. To estimate the DoA of the source of interest, we resort to the maximum likelihood estimator, and the proposed design strategy is obtained by constraining the maximum pairwise error probability to control the errors occurring due to outliers. In fact, it is well known that the accuracy of the maximum likelihood estimator is often degraded by outliers, especially when the signal-to-noise power ratio does not belong to the so-called asymptotic region. The imposed constraint allows for the defining of an admissible region in which the array should be selected. This region can be further modified to incorporate practical design constraints concerning the antenna element size and the positioning accuracy. The best admissible array is then compared to the one obtained with a conventional NULA design approach, where only antenna spacings multiple of λ/2 are considered, showing improved performance, which is also confirmed by the experimental results
