274 research outputs found

    Replication of the densovirus of Casphalia extranea (Lepidoptera Limacodidae) on an established cell line

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    Les larves du LépidoptÚre #Casphalia extranea ravagent périodiquement les plantations de palmier à huile et de cocotier en CÎte d'Ivoire. Le principal agent pathogÚne capable de réguler les populations de ce ravageur est un densovirus (#Parvoviridae). En dehors de son hÎte, ce virus se multiplie dans la lignée cellulaire SPC BM40 de #Bombyx mori$. Le taux de multiplication du virus en culture in vitro est de 10 au bout de 15 jours. C'est la premiÚre fois qu'un densovirus se reproduit en lignée cellulaire. (Résumé d'auteur

    Application of an Enterprise Modelling approach to deploy Systems Engineering processes in large organizations

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    Enterprise Modelling (EM) enables the representation of companies' activities, of their resources along with their roles and responsibilities in order to share the company's knowledge and support performance analysis. For this, EM promotes various concepts, techniques, frameworks, modelling languages and tools today widely used in companies. Currently, even a partial model of an enterprise constitutes a way to communicate, to share advices, to analyse and to make decisions. Therefore, EM appears to be a privileged tool to support any business change management. In a complementary way, Systems Engineering (SE) is a tried and tested methodological approach to design and test new products whatever their complexity or nature. Nowadays SE is considered in industry as a competitive and structured approach enabling a company to manage design activities and more generally to improve its capacity and ability to design complex systems efficiently. SE acts as a model-based engineering approach and promotes to this end a set of standardized collaborative processes, modelling languages and frameworks. Thus, when considering large companies designing complex systems such as a helicopter manufacturer, first it appears critical to be able to adapt processes proposed by SE standardization according to the business specific needs. This tailoring must be guided in order to consider the inherent complexity of the organization, the various human actors' profiles and skills, tools and stakeholders involved in the design of new products. As they all have to communicate and interact efficiently together their abilities and capacities to be interoperable i.e. to really work together should be analysed and improved accordingly before going further. Then, it appears necessary to prepare the company for the required changes, and to deploy in situ the adopted SE processes taking into account not only company's classical constrains and objectives but also the current level of interoperability of its elements. Finally, company managers must become able to control and adjust these processes from the cradle to the grave according to feedbacks from their stakeholders. To support all these activities, Enterprise Modelling (EM) provides several techniques, modelling languages, reference models and interoperability assessment methods which have been adapted and applied in this research work. The purpose of this article is threefold: 1) to provide a state of the art in interoperability, Systems Engineering (SE), and EM to illustrate how these disciplines are interrelated, to identify the needs they imply in the deployment, to discuss lacks in existing works considering these needs and thus to formulate how we aim to meet them, 2) to present an approach based on EM helping companies to lead changes required to apply SE principles and aiming to promote interoperability; and 3) to introduce the modelling environment proposed to support the approach including an ontology, an extension of BPMN 2.0 and software tools

    Interoperability Assessment in the Deployment of Technical Processes in Industry

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    6 pagesInternational audienceIncreasing competition on markets induces a vital need for companies to improve their efficiency and reactivity. For this, a solution is to deploy, improve and manage their processes while paying a special attention on the abilities of the resources involved. Particularly, the interoperability of the latter is considered in this article as a challenge conditioning the success of the deployment. Consequently, this paper presents a mean to assess interoperability of the resources involved in a process during all its life cycle

    Customizable Interoperability Assessment Methodology To Support Technical Processes Deployment In Large Companies

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    International audienceIncreasing competition on markets induces a vital need for companies to improve their efficiency and reactivity. For this, a solution is to deploy, improve and manage their processes while paying a special attention on the abilities of the resources those involve. Particularly, the interoperability of the latter is considered in this article as a challenge conditioning the success of the deployment. Consequently, this paper presents a methodology to assess interoperability of people, material resources and organisation units involved or that could be involved in a process, all along the deployment effort. This methodology is usable for prevention, detection and correction of interoperability problems

    Chlorinated solvents transport and natural attenuation modeling in groundwater

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    International audienceThe purpose of this study is to compare natural attenuation models to predict transport and fate of chlorinated solvents in saturated groundwater Systems. This work was realised within the framework of the research program TRANSPOL. This program was created in order to bring a better and common practice of the use of transport models concerning various pollutants the most encountered. Real case study, Real Case 3, concerns chlorinated solvents fate and transport in groundwater

    Point d'information : la sharka dans le sud de la France

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    * URD, INRA, 2 place Viala, Montpellier Diffusion du document : URD, INRA, 2 place Viala, MontpellierNational audienc
