2,146 research outputs found

    Successful medical management of an epidural abscess in a dog

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    A seven-month-old entire male dobermann presented with acute onset neck pain and left thoracic limb lameness. The dog had a similar episode eight weeks before presentation that responded to meloxicam. A cervical spinal epidural abscess secondary to Staphylococcus pseudintermedius bacteraemia was diagnosed following investigations, including MRI of the cervical vertebral column and blood cultures. Treatment with cephalexin, gabapentin and meloxicam was started. The dog was doing clinically well one month later. A control MRI and radiographs of the cervical vertebral column showed evidence of discospondylitis and resolution of the primary lesion, therefore the treatment course with cephalexin was continued. Three months after initial presentation the clinical signs had resolved, radiographs showed improvement of the discospondylitis and antibiotics were stopped. Seven months later the dog continued doing well with no relapse

    Simulación de un reactor para la producción de p-Xileno basado en el software Aspen HYSYS V.8.8.

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    "En este trabajo se propone el diseño y la validación por simulación de un reactor para una planta de producción de p-Xileno por metilación de tolueno con la ayuda del programa Aspen HYSYS V.8.8. El trabajo parte de una síntesis de datos teóricos y experimentales que permitan valorar y analizar los principales criterios de diseño y parámetros de operación del proceso, complementando un diagrama de flujo de proceso (DFP) estandarizado que permita analizar el proceso como un sistema total, sin embargo el objetivo prioritario establece el sistema de reacción, lo que finalmente será validado, comparado y discutido contra las referencias publicadas con la validación de la propuestas en el software antes mencionado.

    Climate change impacts the economic development of low-income countries

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    Their livelihoods depend strongly on the weather, and relatively weak institutions limit their ability to cope, write David Castells-Quintana, Maria Lopez-Uribe and Tom McDermot

    Darwin y el mar

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    Además de sus conocidos aportes a la geología, la paleontología y la biogeografía de ecosistemas terrestres de la región pampeana y la Patagonia (Argentina), Darwin realizó notables y poco difundidas contribuciones al conocimiento de los ambientes marinos costeros del actual territorio argentino y de los organismos que habitan en ellos. La intimidad de Darwin con el mar se advierte en toda su obra: en el Viaje y en el Origen igual que en numerosos trabajos de investigación realizados y publicados a su regreso a Inglaterra. Entre 1846 y 1854 dio a conocer una extensa obra sobre cirrípedos o cirripedios, que sentó las bases del estudio de esos crustáceos y, aún hoy, es bibliografía obligada de los taxónomos. Su trabajo sobre la estructura y distribución de los arrecifes coralinos de 1842, es considerado un documento fundacional del conocimiento sobre el origen de los atolones. Los moluscos fueron igualmente objeto de publicaciones y cartas entre 1848 y 1871. La difundida imagen de Darwin sentado ante un escritorio escribiendo sus libros lleva a olvidar que pasaba también mucho tiempo con el microscopio. En el Viaje del Beagle incluyó párrafos sobre aves marinas, lo mismo que sobre briozoos o briozoarios, y en El origen, explicó sus pensamientos acerca de la migración de los ojos en los lenguados. Dedicó especial atención a las algas gigantes o sargazos marinos de Tierra del Fuego (donde se los conoce por cachiyuyos). Se incluyen los siguientes trabajos de divulgación científica -Darwin y los briozoos; -Darwin y el desarrollo larval de crustáceos; -Sobre Cirripedios; De Darwin a los acelerómetros; -Los peces de cara torcida; -La incursión en la costa sur de Buenos Aires

    Relationship Between the Plasma Concentration of C-Reactive Protein and Severity of Peripheral Arterial Disease

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    Objective To determine whether the increase in plasma levels of C-Reactive Protein (CRP), a non-specific reactant in the acute-phase of systemic inflammation, is associated with clinical severity of peripheral arterial disease (PAD). Methods and Results This is a cross-sectional study at a referral hospital center of institutional practice in Madrid, Spain. A stratified random sampling was done over a population of 3370 patients with symptomatic PAD from the outpatient vascular laboratory database in 2007 in the order of their clinical severity: the first group of patients with mild chronological clinical severity who did not require surgical revascularization, the second group consisted of patients with moderate clinical severity who had only undergone only one surgical revascularization procedure and the third group consisted of patients who were severely affected and had undergone two or more surgical revascularization procedures of the lower extremities in different areas or needed late re-interventions. The Neyman affixation was used to calculate the sample size with a fixed relative error of 0.1. A homogeneity analysis between groups and a unifactorial analysis of comparison of medians for CRP was done. The groups were homogeneous for age, smoking status, Arterial Hypertension HTA, diabetes mellitus, dyslipemia, homocysteinemia and specific markers of inflammation. In the unifactorial analysis of multiple comparisons of medians according to Scheffe, it was observed that the median values of CRP plasma levels were increased in association with higher clinical severity of PAD (3.81 mg/L [2.14-5.48] vs. 8.33 [4.38-9.19] vs. 12.83 [9.5-14.16]; p < 0.05) as a unique factor of tested ones. Conclusion Plasma levels of CRP are associated with not only the presence of atherosclerosis but also with its chronological clinical severity

    Bibliometric analysis in motorcycle accident research: a global overview

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    770 million motorcycles are estimated on the roads. Motorcyclists represent more than 380,000 annual deaths worldwide. 28% of the global fatalities in the roads in 2016. With the increase of the accident rate, studies have been developed within the scientific literature. Bibliometric analysis is applied in the field of motorcycle safety in order to identify relevant publications on risk factors of road crashes and their implications. The information in this research was extracted from Web of Science and Scopus databases between 1947 and May 31, 2018. The study identified the key bibliometric indicators such as publications, authors, journals, countries, institutions, citation and co-citation analysis, subject categories, and co-occurrence of terms. EndNote, Microsoft Excel, Statgraphics Centurion and VOS-viewer software were used for the analysis. In total, 1813 articles were considered. The publications from 2000 to 2017 exhibits an average growth of 9%. The journal “Accident Analysis and Prevention” was the key issue in the publication and citation. The top institutions were the University of California, Universiti Putra Malaysia, and Monash University. The average citation of the top 10 articles was 134. A network visualization map showed that ‘vehicle’, ‘model’, ‘system’, ‘road’, ‘safety’, and ‘behavior’ were the most commons key terms. Bibliometric analysis demonstrates a high collaboration between authors and institutions. Two growing trends were identified. First, studies on the protection of the motorcyclist and the safe design considering the performance. Second, studies in analysis, characterization, and prevention of accidents. These studies are more related to the generation of strategies for the protection of road safety for motorcyclists