310 research outputs found

    Cartografías de arquitectura y agua en un paisaje de montaña. Cañar | la Alpujarra | Granada.

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    A lo largo de las laderas de Sierra Nevada se extiende un territorio productivo resultado de siglos de transformación antrópica, con el agua como principal material de proyecto. El pueblo de Cáñar y el paisaje vinculado al mismo, resulta un caso de estudio de alto interés, con el fin de investigar gráficamente las relaciones existentes entre el territorio del agua, las infraestructuras productivas y la arquitectura. El trabajo analiza las transferencias producidas entre los elementos previamente descritos a través de la realización de un inventario territorial de los paisajes y elementos asociados a una línea de agua artificial. Realiza un registro gráfico de los entornos natural, agrícola y urbano recorridos por las acequias madre (Grande, del Viernes, del Jueves y del Beber) del sistema hidráulico de Cáñar.Universidad de Granada. Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura. Grado en Arquitectur


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    Año Internacional de la Estadística (Statistics2013

    Impact of a Multichannel Blocker in Attenuating Intramyocardial Artery Remodeling in Hypertensive Rats through Increased Nitric Oxide Bioavailability.

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    Dronedarone is recommended for the treatment of atrial fibrillation. However, we do not know its effect on vascular remodeling. This study was designed to assess whether dronedarone has the potential to improve the intramyocardial artery remodeling induced by chronic hypertension. Ten-month-old male spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) were randomly assigned to receive dronedarone (100mg/kg) or vehicle. Age-matched maleWistar-Kyoto rats served as controls. After 14 days of treatment, we studied the structure (geometry and fibrosis) of the intramyocardial artery using histological analysis. Nitric oxide (NO) in plasma was analyzed. In the untreated SHR, we observed a significant increase in external diameter, lumen diameter, wall width, cross-sectional area, and collagen volume density, as was expected in the experimental model. Dronedarone induced a significant decrease in wall width, cross-sectional area, and collagen volume density in SHR-D in comparison with untreated SHR. The values obtained in SHR-D were similar in the WKY control group. We found significantly higher NO levels in plasma in SHR-D than in untreated SHR. Dronedarone improves the intramyocardial artery remodeling induced by chronic hypertension in SHR through increased nitric oxide bioavailability.post-print459 K

    Sexual Function in Women with Breast Cancer: An Evidence Map of Observational Studies

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    Breast cancer; Psychosexual disorders; Sexual functionCáncer de mama; Trastornos psicosexuales; Función sexualCàncer de mama; Trastorns psicosexuals; Funció sexualBreast cancer (BC) is the leading cause of cancer in women, and has implications for sexual function (SF). In this study, we used an evidence map to identify, describe, and organise the current available evidence regarding SF in women with BC. We searched the MEDLINE, PsycINFO, and CINAHL databases for observational studies assessing SF in women with BC published in English, Spanish, Portuguese, and French between 2000 and 2021 (sample ≥ 50 women). Of the 64 included studies (13,257 women with BC), 58 were published since 2010. Women who were married, partnered, or in relationships represented 74.1% of the entire sample. Only a single study was conducted on women representing a sexual minority. We identified 22 assessment instruments and 40 sexual dysfunction (SdF) domains. The number of publications on SF in women with BC has increased in the last 10 years, but still remains low. Some groups of women are underrepresented, and some SdF domains are underdiagnosed, with the assessment instrument used affecting which domains are studied. Women with BC need to be better screened, as their quality of life (QoL) is affected by SdF

    Unit Commitment and Electricity Prices Forecasting for Market Strategy Preparation in Interconnected Systems

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    In this paper we present a solution for building a better strategy to take part in external electricity markets. For an optimal strategy development, both the internal system costs as well as the future values of the series of electricity prices in external markets need to be known. But in practice, the real problems that must be faced are that both future electricity prices and costs are unknown. Thus, the first ones must be modeled and forecasted and the costs must be calculated. Our methodology for building an optimal strategy consists of three steps: The first step is modeling and forecasting market prices in external systems. The second step is the cost calculation on internal system taking into account the expected prices in the first step. The third step is based on the results of the previous steps, and consists of preparing the bids for external markets. The main goal is to reduce consumers' costs unlike many others that are oriented to increase GenCo's profits

    Comparative Life Cycle Assessment of gypsum plasterboard and a new kind of bio-based epoxy composite containing different natural fibers

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    [DE] A comparative LCA from cradle to grave between traditional plasterboard, for drywall applications, and different composite boards, made by natural fiber and a bio-based epoxy resin (Supersap CLR), was carried out. The goal of the study was to determine whether the composites based on such a resin combined with natural fibers could be an eco-friendly alternative to plasterboard in the building sector. Moreover, the impacts related to each of the fibers used are also assessed separately from cradle to gate in order to get a better understanding of its influence. Both the results obtained through the IPC. GWP 100a method and the recipe endpoint show a remarkable difference between the plasterboard and all the different composites, the composites offering a 50% reduction in the CO2 emissions. The calculations performed regarding the impacts related to the different fibers showed only small differences between them.The authors gratefully thank the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness, for funding the project BIA2013-41537-R (BIAEFIREMAT 'Development of new sustainable eco-materials and building systems for the building industry, based on the use of residues and renewable raw materials'). The project is co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund and it is included in the R+D National Programme for Research Aimed at the Challenges of Society.Quintana, A.; Alba Fernández, J.; Rey Tormos, RMD.; Guillén Guillamón, IE. (2018). Comparative Life Cycle Assessment of gypsum plasterboard and a new kind of bio-based epoxy composite containing different natural fibers. Journal of Cleaner Production. 185:408-420. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2018.03.042S40842018

    Diferencias en Autoeficacia Académica, Bienestar Psicológico y Motivación al Logro en Estudiantes Universitarios con Alto y Bajo Desempeño Académico

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    El estudio se propone determinar las diferencias en percepción de autoeficacia académica, bienestar psicológico y motivación al logro académico en estudiantes universitarios con alto y bajo desempeño académico. De una muestra de 495 estudiantes universitarios se identificaron a 60 con alto desempeño (M= 9.67, DE= .10 promedio académico) y 60 con bajo desempeño (M= 8.17, DE= .18 promedio académico). Los resultados de la prueba de regresión logística sugieren que la autoeficacia académica (OR= 2.52) y la motivación al logro relacionada con la maestría (OR= 4.98) se asocian de forma positiva con la pertenencia de estudiantes al grupo de alto desempeño, mientras el bienestar psicológico en las relaciones sociales lo hace de forma negativa. Se concluye que la autoeficacia y la orientación al logro favorecen el logro académico y que el bienestar no es una variable relacionada con este tipo de desempeño

    Análisis del fracaso empresarial por sectores: factores diferenciadores

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    El objetivo de este trabajo se centra en el análisis del fracaso empresarial por sectores, a fin de identificar los factores explicativos y predictivos de este fenómeno que son diferentes en tres de los principales sectores que se distinguen en toda economía: industria, construcción y servicios. Para cada uno de estos sectores, seguimos el mismo procedimiento. En primer lugar, aplicamos un análisis de componentes principales con el que identificamos los factores explicativos del fracaso empresarial en los tres sectores. A continuación, consideramos dichos factores como variables independientes en un análisis discriminante, que aplicamos para predecir el fracaso de una muestra de empresas, utilizando no sólo información financiera en forma de ratios, sino también otras variables no financieras relativas a las empresas, así como información externa a las mismas que refleja las condiciones macroeconómicas bajo las que desarrollan su actividad
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