639 research outputs found

    A new roadmap to life: media, culture, and modernity in the United Arab Emirates

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    Critical to the vision of a new United Arab Emirates is an educated, skilled workforce that fuels the intelligent growth needed in a knowledge-based economy. As the country begins developing its version of that economy, the mediated, transparent environment fundamental to this process will carry with it new visions of (and possibilities for) living life. If peaceful change is to be achieved, a transitional generation faces the conundrum of adapting the best that modernity can offer while retaining the best of tradition. As have others, this study suggests two things: that (1) media literacy, growing in part from education, is correlated with urbanization and a changing infrastructure, and that (2) media in all its forms is inseparable from the outcome of this drive to modernization.<br /

    Putin and the Czar: Autocracy and Dissent

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    This project will explore the analogies between Russian foreign and domestic policies from contemporary times and from the late Russian Empire of the early 20th century. Both Czar Nicholas II and Vladimir Putin are leaders committed to autocratic rule and repression of internal dissent. Both leaders have a track record of intensifying repression as their time in power progresses. A further link is the impact that foreign policy plays on the internal politics of Russia, with success or failure in foreign conflict providing either solidification of power or the spark for popular unrest. We will explore topics such as the similarities between the crackdowns on socialist and Jewish dissidents in Imperial Russia and Putin’s expansion of the surveillance state and increased attack on political dissidents such as Alexie Navalny’s democratic reformers. The progression of Nicholas II’s rule and the impact of failed foreign policy tied with a disregard for dissatisfaction at home could give us insight into how Putin’s future decisions and outcomes may play out, as well as provide a warning for the instability and suffering that may come with said endgame. We will also take into consideration key differences between the two rulers, such as personal political aptitude or competence, an empire trying to maintain its power versus a country trying to reassert lost prestige, and a Russia that is interconnected with the wider world versus one retreating further into isolation

    Experts react to the Spending Review: what next for the Conservative Party?

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    We asked experts to react to the 2015 Spending Review, with a particular focus on the Conservative Party moving forward. Tom Quinn sees a pitch for swing voters and the centre ground. Simon Griffiths points towards George Osborne’s ability as a political tactician, and Tim Bale also argues that Osborne is on target to be the next Conservative Party leader. However, Rodney Barker wonders how long it will be until the policies and rhetoric of austerity come back to bite the Chancellor. Mark Garnnett agrees and raises a further crucial point: is the Office of Budget Responsibility on its way to becoming a political tool? And finally, our commentators seem to agree – Labour in Opposition is in trouble, and the less said about that little red book, the better

    Anatomically diverse butterfly scales all produce structural colours by coherent scattering

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    The structural colours of butterflies and moths (Lepidoptera) have been attributed to a diversity of physical mechanisms, including multilayer interference, diffraction, Bragg scattering, Tyndall scattering and Rayleigh scattering. We used fibre optic spectrophotometry, transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and 2D Fourier analysis to investigate the physical mechanisms of structural colour production in twelve lepidopteran species from four families, representing all of the previously proposed anatomical and optical classes of butterfly nanostructure. The 2D Fourier analyses of TEMs of colour producing butterfly scales document that all species are appropriately nanostructured to produce visible colours by coherent scattering, i.e. differential interference and reinforcement of scattered, visible wavelengths. Previously hypothesized to produce a blue colour by incoherent, Tyndall scattering, the scales of Papilio zalmoxis are not appropriately nanostructured for incoherent scattering. Rather, available data indicate that the blue of P. zalmoxis is a fluorescent pigmentary colour. Despite their nanoscale anatomical diversity, all structurally coloured butterfly scales share a single fundamental physical color production mechanism coherent scattering. Recognition of this commonality provides a new perspective on how the nanostructure and optical properties of structurally coloured butterfly scales evolved and diversified among and within lepidopteran clades

    A Method to Measure ϕ1\phi_1 Using Bˉ0Dh0\bar{B}^0 \to D h^0 With Multibody DD Decay

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    We describe a new method to measure the angle ϕ1\phi_1 of the CKM Unitarity Triangle using amplitude analysis of the multibody decay of the neutral DD meson produced via BˉDh0\bar{B} \to D h^0 colour-suppressed decays. The method employs the interference between D0D^0 and Dˉ0\bar{D}^0 to directly extract the value of 2ϕ12\phi_1, and thus resolve the ambiguity between 2ϕ12\phi_1 and π2ϕ1\pi-2\phi_1 in the measurement of sin(2ϕ1)\sin(2\phi_1) using \bar{B}^0 \to J/ \psi \ks. We present a feasibility study of this method using Monte Carlo simulation.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, 2 tables. See also talk presented by T.G. at CKM2005 (http://ckm2005.ucsd.edu/) Submitted to Physics Letters

    Mapping the substructure in the Galactic halo with the next generation of astrometric satellites

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    We run numerical simulations of the disruption of satellite galaxies in a Galactic potential to build up the entire stellar halo, in order to investigate what the next generation of astrometric satellites will reveal by observing the halo of the Milky Way. We generate artificial DIVA, FAME and GAIA halo catalogues, in which we look for the signatures left by the accreted satellites. We develop a method based on the standard Friends-of-Friends algorithm applied to the space of integrals of motion. We find this simple method can recover about 50% of the different accretion events, when the observational uncertainties expected for GAIA are taken into account, even when the exact form of the Galactic potential is unknown. The recovery rate for DIVA and FAME is much smaller, but these missions, like GAIA, should be able to test the hierarchical formation paradigm on our Galaxy by measuring the amount of halo substructure in the form of nearby kinematically cold streams with for example, a two-point correlation function in velocity space.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures, submitted to MNRAS. High resolution color figures available from http://www.strw.leidenuniv.nl/~ahelmi/astrom.htm

    Diagnosis of sub-clinical coccidiosis in fast growing broiler chickens by MicroRNA profiling

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    Coccidiosis in broiler chickens, caused by infection with Eimeria spp. remains one of the most economically important production diseases. Development of a genetic biomarker panel of sub-clinical infection would be an important biological tool for the management of broiler flocks. We analysed expression of MicroRNAs (miRNAs) to determine the potential for these in diagnosing coccidiosis in broiler flocks. miRNA expression, in the ilea of Ross 308 broilers, was compared between chickens naturally clinically or sub-clinically infected with Eimeria maxima and Eimeria acervulina using NextSeq 500 sequencing. 50 miRNAs with greatest coefficient of variance were determined and principal component analysis showed that these miRNAs clustered within the clinical and sub-clinical groups much more closely than uninfected controls. Following false detection rate analysis and quantitative PCR we validated 3 miRNAs; Gallus gallus (gga)-miR-122-5p, gga-miR-205b and gga-miR-144-3p, which may be used to diagnose sub-clinical coccidiosis