692 research outputs found

    Els Refinats. A propòsit de l'exposició de 1911 de Laura Albéniz, Mariano Andreu, Néstor i Ismael Smith al Fayans Català

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    Resum:Aquest estudi és una crònica de l’exposició de Laura Albèniz, Mariano Andreu, Néstor i Ismael Smith a les sales del Fayans Català de Barcelona el gener de 1911. Aquests artistes, amb una obra ben diferent entre ells, presenten alhora unes creacions molt influenciades pels simbolistes i decadents de fi de segle, anglesos i francesos sobretot. L’article vol contextualitzar l’obra artística de cada un d’ells fins al 1911, quan la seva trajectòria només començava i tots tenien entre 21 i 26 anys.Resumen:Los Refinats. A propósito de la exposición de 1911 de Laura Albéniz, Mariano Andreu, Néstor i IsmaelSmith en el Fayans CatalàEste estudio es una crónica de la exposición de Laura Albèniz, Mariano Andreu, Néstor e Ismael Smith en las salas del Fayans Català de Barcelona el mes de enero de 1911. Con una obra bien diferente, estos cuatro artistas recibieron unas mismas influencias provenientes del decadentismo y el simbolismo finisecular, sobre todo provenientes de Inglaterra y Francia. El artículo contextualiza la obra artística de cada uno de ellos hasta 1911, cuando su trayectoria sólo comenzaba y tenían entre 21 y 26 años.Abstract:The Refinats. The exhibition at the Fayans Català: Laura Albèniz, Mariano Andreu, Néstor and Ismael Smith, 1911This article is a chronicle about Laura Albèniz, Mariano Andreu, Néstor and Ismael Smith’s exhibition at Fayans Català, Barcelona, January 1911. With very different work, these four artists had the same influences from the end of the century: decadence and symbolism, especially from England and France. The study contextualizes the artwork of each of them until 1911, when their careers was just beginning and they were between 21 and 26 years old

    Antoni Ollé Pinell i Ramon Miquel i Planas. Noves dades sobre els seus inicis com a xilògraf (1922-1927)

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    Josep Triadó i Mayol i la il·lustració i decoració de les revistes il·lustrades catalanes (1895-1921)

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    "Bravely and Loyally They Answered the Call": St. John Ambulance, the Red Cross, and the Patriotic Service of Canadian Women During the Great War

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    During the Great War (1914-1918), thousands of middle-class Canadian women temporarily redirected their activist, feminist energies towards patriotic war relief under the patriarchal constraints of the Canadian Red Cross and St. John Ambulance. Authorized under the authority of the National Relief Committee to oversee all military medical relief efforts, these two male-directed service agencies successfully engaged the emotional commitment and physical energies of a significant segment of Canadian women by employing a gendered patriotic rhetoric encompassing both the maternal ideology of the early women's movement and the militarist spirit of the era. This paper considers the largely unheralded role of civilian women's essential unpaid support for Canada's war effort as an active, emotional, and political undertaking, consciously exploiting traditional nurturant and feminine ideologies to validate their role as maternal patriots. In examining both the print and visual representations of Canadian women as voluntary nurses and Red Cross workers, the paper explores the contradictions between patriotism, feminism, and maternalism. Challenging traditional interpretations of war as a solely masculine endeavour, it recognizes the value of women's unpaid labour to the state, and women's inherent satisfaction in their active, if non-combatant involvement

    Book Review: Canadian and American Women: Moving from Private to Public Experiences in the Atlantic World

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    Review of Canadian and American Women: Moving from Private to Public Experiences in the Atlantic World, edited by Valeria Gennara Lerda and Roberto Maccarin

    Volumetric assessment of fatigue damage in a SiCf/SiC ceramic matrix composite via in situ X-ray computed tomography

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    To enhance the understanding of matrix cracking and damage progression on the macroscopic scale, within a 0/90° fibre reinforced SiCf/SiC ceramic matrix composite (CMC), X-ray computed tomography (XCT) imaging and analysis have been performed in conjunction with a commercially available in-situ mechanical loading device. CMC test coupons were subjected to tensile cyclic loads and inspected using XCT without removal from the tensile loading device. Attempts to measure and quantify the resulting damage using volumetric image analysis techniques are presented, by characterising the crack network from XCT images acquired at both the maximum and minimum load condition during selected fatigue cycles. The XCT detection of significant crack development within the first loading half-cycle shows good agreement with cumulative acoustic emission energy data recorded under similar test conditions. The results are seen as an important step towards correlating the damage behaviour detected via different NDE and health monitoring techniques

    Coupled pair approach for strongly-interacting trapped fermionic atoms

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    We present a coupled pair approach for studying few-body physics in harmonically trapped ultracold gases. The method is applied to a two-component Fermi system of NN particles. A stochastically variational gaussian expansion method is applied, focusing on optimization of the two-body correlations present in the strongly interacting, or unitary, limit. The groundstate energy of the four-, six- and eight-body problem with equal spin populations is calculated with high accuracy and minimal computational effort. We also calculate the structural properties of these systems and discuss their implication for the many-body ultracold gas and other few-body calculations.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure
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