425 research outputs found

    The alignment of the LHC

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    The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) has been aligned using both classical and non-standard techniques. The results of these alignments were seen on September 10th, 2008 when the beam made several turns in the machine with very few correctors activated. This paper will present the different steps of the alignment as well the techniques used to obtain the alignment accuracy required for beam operation. The correlation of these results with the position recorded by the beam position monitors (BPM) will be presented

    New Integrated High-Resolution Dinoflagellate Cyst Stratigraphy and Litho- and Chemostratigraphy from the Paris and Dieppe–Hampshire Basins for the “Sparnacian”

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    The Paris Basin represents an historical cradle of Palaeogene stratigraphy, where during the nineteenth century the Palaeocene Series and the “Sparnacian Stage” were established. As highlighted by Aubry et al. (2005), whereas the chronostratigraphic connotation of the “Sparnacian Stage” has been controversial since its definition, modern studies of the late Palaeocene–early Eocene interval have revealed that the so-called “Sparnacian” deposits encompass a remarkable and short (~170 kyr) episode of the Cenozoic, the Palaeocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM, ~55.8–55.6 Ma). Dinoflagellate assemblages from the “Sparnacian” of the Dieppe–Hampshire and Paris basins do not contain the key species Apectodinium augustum, whereas it is present in the northern Belgian Basin Tienen Formation and is coeval there with the CIE and the Apectodinium acme interval. However, our calibration of the Apectodinium acme to the CIE in the Dieppe–Hampshire and Paris basins suggests its attribution to the A. augustum zone. The absence of species A. augustum in the Anglo–Paris Basin may be explained by its restriction to more offshore conditions

    The effect of hydrostatic pressure up to 1.61 GPa on the Morin transition of hematite-bearing rocks: Implications for planetary crustal magnetization

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    © 2015. American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved. We present new experimental data on the dependence of the Morin transition temperature (TM) on hydrostatic pressure up to 1.61 GPa, obtained on a well-characterized multidomain hematite-bearing sample from a banded iron formation. We used a nonmagnetic high-pressure cell for pressure application and a Superconducting Quantum Interference Device magnetometer to measure the isothermal remanent magnetization (IRM) under pressure on warming from 243 K to room temperature (T0). IRM imparted at T0 under pressure in 270 mT magnetic field (IRM270mT) is not recovered after a cooling-warming cycle. Memory effect under pressure was quantified as IRM recovery decrease of 10%/GPa. TM, determined on warming, reaches T0 under hydrostatic pressure 1.38-1.61 GPa. The pressure dependence of TM up to 1.61 GPa is positive and essentially linear with a slope dTM/dP = (25 ± 2) K/GPa. This estimate is more precise than previous ones and allows quantifying the effect of a pressure wave on the upper crust magnetization, with special emphasis on Mars

    Sleep quality in middle-aged and elderly Chinese: distribution, associated factors and associations with cardio-metabolic risk factors

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    Background Poor sleep quality has been associated with increased risk of heart disease, diabetes and mortality. However, limited information exists on the distribution and determinants of sleep quality and its associations with cardio-metabolic risk factors in Chinese populations. We aimed to evaluate this in the current study. Methods A cross-sectional survey conducted in 2005 of 1,458 men and 1,831 women aged 50–70 years from urban and rural areas of Beijing and Shanghai. Using a questionnaire, sleep quality was measured in levels of well, common and poor. Comprehensive measures of socio-demographical and health factors and biomarkers of cardio-metabolic disease were recorded. These were evaluated in association with sleep quality using logistic regression models. Results Half of the population reported good sleep quality. After adjusting for potential confounders, women and Beijing residents had almost half the probability to report good sleep quality. Good physical and mental health (good levels of self-rated health (OR 2.48; 95%CI 2.08 to 2.96) and no depression (OR 4.05; 95%CI 3.12 to 5.26)) related to an increased chance of reporting good sleep quality, whereas short sleep duration (<7 hrs OR 0.10; 95%CI 0.07 to 0.14)) decreased it substantially. There were significant associations between levels of sleep quality and concentrations of plasma insulin, total and LDL cholesterol, and index of insulin resistance. Conclusion Levels of good sleep quality in middle-age and elderly Chinese were low. Gender, geographical location, self-rated health, depression and sleep quantity were major factors associated with sleep quality. Prospective studies are required to distil the factors that determine sleep quality and the effects that sleep patterns exert on cardio-metabolic health

    The LHC test string: first operational experience

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    CERN operates the first version of the LHC Test String which consists of one quadrupole and three 10-m twin aperture dipole magnets. An experimental programme aiming at the validation of the LHC systems started in February 1995. During this programme the string has been powered 100 times 35 of which at 12.4 kA or above. The experiments have yielded a number of results some of which, like quench recovery for cryogenics, have modified the design of subsystems of LHC. Others, like controlled helium leaks in the cold bore and quench propagation bewteen magnets, have given a better understanding on the evolution of the phenomena inside a string of superconducting magnets cooled at superfluid helium temperatures. Following the experimental programme, the string will be powered up and powered down in one hour cycles as a fatigue test of the structure thus simulating 20 years of operation of LHC

    Mild Pd-Catalyzed Aminocarbonylation of (Hetero)Aryl Bromides with a Palladacycle Precatalyst

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    A palladacyclic precatalyst is employed to cleanly generate a highly active XantPhos-ligated Pd-catalyst. Its use in low temperature aminocarbonylations of (hetero)aryl bromides provides access to a range of challenging products in good to excellent yields with low catalyst loading and only a slight excess of CO. Some products are unattainable by traditional carbonylative coupling.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Award GM46059)Danish National Research Foundation (Grant DNRF59)Villum FoundationDanish Council for Independent Researc