8 research outputs found

    Estudio espectrofotom茅trico de los complejos de 2-Mercaptopropionil glicina con Ni(II) y Co(II)

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    La 2-mercaptopropionil glicina (MPG) produce con Ni(II) y Co(II), en disoluci贸n acuosa, sendos complejos de colores verde y marr贸n, respectivamente. Se han realizado sendos estudios del pH 贸ptimo y tiempo de formaci贸n, estequiometr铆a, estabilidad a la oxidaci贸n por aire y yodo, y se ha comprobado el rango de concentraci贸n en que se cumple la ley de Lambert-Beer y se produce el m铆nimo error fotom茅trico.2-mercaptopropionylglydne gives two complexes with NiCII) and CoCI!), green and maroon respectivly, in aqueous solution. For each of them a study on the optimum pH and time formation, stoichiometry and stability against air and iodine oxidation has been performed. ConcEmtration range in which the Lambert-Beer's law is obeied and minimum photometric error is attain路 ed, are also reported

    Ensayos gal茅nicos de formas s贸lidas orales de acci贸n retardada: Revisi贸n de t茅cnicas y dispositivos

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    Se estudian los ensayos gal茅nicos a que se someten las formas farmac茅uticas de administraci贸n oral y acci贸n retardada y, en especial, los de liberaci贸n de la sustancia activa "in vitro". Aunque la revisi贸n de las distintas t茅cnicas y dispositivos se realiza con cierto detalle, se presta especial atenci贸n a la descripci贸n de un m茅todo original para el estudio de la disgregaci贸n-disoluci贸n de las formas antes aludidas, con un sistema de medida continuo y directo, ya utilizado en el ensayo de formas s贸lidas de dosificaci贸n convencional y aplicado posteriormente en trabajos experimentales a preparados de acci贸n prolongada. Se mencionan asimismo, los ensayos "in vivo" y cl铆nicos con el fin de ofrecer una visi贸n de conjunto sobre el control de las preparaciones s贸lidas de acci贸n retardada, facilitando el acceso a los trabajes experimentales que sobre el tema puedan desarrollarse


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    La 2-mercaptopropionil glicina (MPG) produce con Ni(II) y Co(II), en disoluci贸n acuosa, sendos complejos de colores verde y marr贸n, respectivamente. Se han realizado sendos estudios del pH 贸ptimo y tiempo de formaci贸n, estequiometr铆a, estabilidad a la oxidaci贸n por aire y yodo, y se ha comprobado el rango de concentraci贸n en que se cumple la ley de Lambert-Beer y se produce el m铆nimo error fotom茅trico.2-mercaptopropionylglydne gives two complexes with Ni(II) and Co(II), green and maroon respectivly, in aqueous solution. For each of them a study on the optimum pH and time formation, stoichiometry and stability against air and iodine oxidation has been performed. Concentration range in which the Lambert-Beer's law is obeied and minimum photometric error is attained, are also reported

    Resistencia de la hiperhomocisteinemia del paciente renal al tratamiento con dosis suprafisiol贸gicas de 谩cido f贸lico parenteral Resistance of hyperhomocysteinemia in renal patients to treatment with supra-physiological doses of parenteral folic acid

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    Los pacientes en hemodi谩lisis presentan un aumento de homociste铆na plasm谩tica (Hcy), debido a la alteraci贸n en la metilaci贸n causada por la uremia y d茅ficit de los cofactores necesarios (vitamina B, 谩cido f贸lico). Esto se correlaciona con un mayor desarrollo de la enfermedad vascular prematura. El tratamiento, no est谩 consensuado, siendo escasa la respuesta a la administraci贸n oral de dosis convencionales de 谩cido f贸lico. En este trabajo valoramos la respuesta de la hiperhomocisteinemia de 73 pacientes en programa de hemodi谩lisis peri贸dica tras la administraci贸n de 50 mg de 谩cido fol铆nico parenteral durante 18 meses. La homociste铆na plasm谩tica de los pacientes en el momento de inicio del estudio presentaba unos valores medios de 22,67 (μmol/l). Durante el primer a帽o de suplementaci贸n mantuvieron el valor medio de 20μmol/l. A partir del primer a帽o de tratamiento, y hasta finalizar los 18 meses de observaci贸n, los niveles medios de homociste铆na fueron de 19,58 μmol/l. Aunque con el tiempo de tratamiento encontramos una clara tendencia al descenso de sus valores plasm谩ticos, no existieron diferencias estad铆sticamente significativas. Los valores de homociste铆na no se normalizaron en ninguno de los pacientes tratados.Hemodialysis patients present an increase in plasma homocysteine (Hcy) due to methylation impairment caused by uremia and the deficiency of the co-factors needed (vitamin B, folic acid). This correlates with a more common development of premature vascular disease. There is no consensus on the therapy, with a poor response to oral administration of conventional doses of folic acid. In this work, we assessed the response of hyperhomocysteinemia in 73 regular hemodialysis patients after the administration of 50 mg of parenteral folinic acid for 18 months. Plasma homocysteine of the patients at the time of the study beginning presented mean values of 22.67 (μmol/L). During the first year of supplementation the mean value was kept at 20μmol/L. From the first year to the end of the 18-months observation period the mean homocysteine levels were 19.58μmol/L. Although we found a clear trend towards a decrease in plasma homocysteine levels during the treatment period, there were no significant differences. Homocysteine levels did not come back to normal in none of the patients treated

    Evoluci贸n de par谩metros bioqu铆micos nutricionales en pacientes de hemodi谩lisis durante un a帽o de seguimiento Evolution of nutritional biochemical parameters in hemodialysis patients during a one-year follow-up period

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    La elevada supervivencia actual del paciente en hemodi谩lisis (52% hasta 5 a帽os), ha hecho que se pongan de manifiesto complicaciones cr贸nicas como la elevada prevalencia de malnutrici贸n en los enfermos, as铆 como la importancia de la situaci贸n nutricional en la morbi-mortalidad que presentan. La causa de desnutrici贸n proteico-cal贸rica es multifactorial, aunque procesos de inflamaci贸n cr贸nica asociada a la t茅cnica de di谩lisis cobran cada vez m谩s relevancia. Se han evaluado las variaciones de distintos par谩metros bioqu铆micos nutricionales (prote铆nas totales, alb煤mina plasm谩tica, transferrina y colesterol total) de 73 pacientes en hemodi谩lisis durante un a帽o de seguimiento. La edad media de los pacientes era de 53,3 &plusmn; 18,69 a帽os, con 43 varones y 30 mujeres. El tiempo en programa de hemodi谩lisis ha sido de 43 &plusmn; 33 meses, con una duraci贸n media de la sesi贸n de 246&plusmn; 24 minutos y dosis media de hemodi谩lisis administrada de 1,37 &plusmn; 0,27 (KT/V) (Daurgidas 2陋 generaci贸n). Se ha observado un descenso en todos los par谩metros bioqu铆micos evaluados, con diferencias estad铆sticamente significativas: Prote铆nas totales (p Current high survival in hemodialysis patients (52% at 5 years) have made the chronic manifestations to emerge such as the high hyponutrition prevalence of these patients, as well as the importance of the nutritional status in their morbimortality. The reason for protein-caloric hyponutrition is multifactorial, although chronic inflammatory conditions associated to the dialysis technique are becoming more and more relevant. The variations in several nutritional biochemical parameters (total proteins, plasma albumin, transferrin, and total cholesterol) have been assessed in 73 hemodialysis patients for one year. The mean age of the patients was 53.3 &plusmn; 18.69 years (43 males and 30 females). The average on hemodialysis program was 43 &plusmn; 33 months, with a mean session duration of 246 &plusmn; 24 minutes, and mean hemodialysis dose administered of 1.37 &plusmn; 0.27 (KT/V) (second generation Daurgidas). A decrease in all the biochemical parameters assessed has been observed, with statistically significant differences: total proteins (p < 0.001), albumin (p < 0.00001), total cholesterol (p < 0.05), and transferrin (p < 0.01). The evolution of the nutritional biochemical parameters assessed showed an important nutritional deterioration of the patients remaining stable with the therapy

    Estudio longitudinal del 脥ndice de masa corporal (IMC) en pacientes en di谩lisis Longitudinal study on the body mass index (BMI) of dialysis patients

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    La insuficiencia renal cr贸nica est谩 relacionada frecuentemente con la malnutrici贸n, afectando aproximadamente a un tercio de los pacientes con enfermedad renal avanzada. Realizamos un estudio longitudinal de la evoluci贸n nutricional de 73 pacientes en programa de hemodi谩lisis peri贸dica, valorando las modificaciones del par谩metro antropom茅trico de 铆ndice de masa corporal (IMC) y su correspondencia con par谩metros nutricionales bioqu铆micos como son prote铆nas totales (PT) y alb煤mina s茅rica (Alb). Trimestralmente se recogieron los niveles plasm谩ticos de PT y Alb, y se evalu贸 su IMC calculado por la f贸rmula Standard: peso postdi谩lisis en Kg / altura m虏. Para la clasificaci贸n en grupos seg煤n el IMC, sobrepeso y bajo peso fueron definidos seg煤n los valores del Comit茅 de Expertos de la OMS. Los pacientes estudiados presentan una edad media de 53 a帽os, 43 eran varones y 30 mujeres. El IMC de las mujeres fue inferior al de los varones (pChronic renal failure is commonly related to hyponutrition, affecting approximately on third of patients with advanced renal failure. We carried out a longitudinal study to assess nutritional evolution of 73 patients on a regular hemodialysis program, assessing changes in the anthropometrical parameter body mass index (BMI) and its correspondence to biochemical nutritional parameters such as total protein (TP) levels and serum albumin (Alb). Every three months plasma TP and albumin levels were collected and BMI was calculated by the standard formula: post-dialysis weight in kg/height in m虏. For classifying by BMI categories, overweight and low weight were defined according to the WHO Expert Committee. Studied patients had a mean age of 53 years,43 were male and 30 were female patients. BMI in women was lower than that in men (p < 0.001), as well as TP (p < 0.001) and Alb (p < 0.001) levels. Mean BMI was 29.3 kg/m虏. Three point two percent of the determinations showed low weight, 12.16% overweight, and 83.97% normal BMI. TP were normal in 90.76% and decreased in 9.24%. Alb was normal in 82.2% and low in 17.78%. After the follow-up time (21.6 months, minimum 18 months, maximum 53 months), the Kruskal-Wallis test did not show a statistically significant change for BMI but it did show a change for the biochemical parameters albumin and total proteins (p < 0.05): nutritional impairment in CRF patients is manifested on biochemical parameters (TP and Alb) with no reflection on anthropometrical data

    Integrative epigenomics in Sj枚gren's syndrome reveals novel pathways and a strong interaction between the HLA, autoantibodies and the interferon signature

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    Primary Sj枚gren's syndrome (SS) is a systemic autoimmune disease characterized by lymphocytic infiltration and damage of exocrine salivary and lacrimal glands. The etiology of SS is complex with environmental triggers and genetic factors involved. By conducting an integrated multi-omics study, we confirmed a vast coordinated hypomethylation and overexpression effects in IFN-related genes, what is known as the IFN signature. Stratified and conditional analyses suggest a strong interaction between SS-associated HLA genetic variation and the presence of Anti-Ro/SSA autoantibodies in driving the IFN epigenetic signature and determining SS. We report a novel epigenetic signature characterized by increased DNA methylation levels in a large number of genes enriched in pathways such as collagen metabolism and extracellular matrix organization. We identified potential new genetic variants associated with SS that might mediate their risk by altering DNA methylation or gene expression patterns, as well as disease-interacting genetic variants that exhibit regulatory function only in the SS population. Our study sheds new light on the interaction between genetics, autoantibody profiles, DNA methylation and gene expression in SS, and contributes to elucidate the genetic architecture of gene regulation in an autoimmune populati

    Death in hospital following ICU discharge : insights from the LUNG SAFE study

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    Altres ajuts: Italian Ministry of University and Research (MIUR)-Department of Excellence project PREMIA (PREcision MedIcine Approach: bringing biomarker research to clinic); Science Foundation Ireland Future Research Leaders Award; European Society of Intensive Care Medicine (ESICM), Brussels; St Michael's Hospital, Toronto; University of Milan-Bicocca, Monza, Italy.Background: To determine the frequency of, and factors associated with, death in hospital following ICU discharge to the ward. Methods: The Large observational study to UNderstand the Global impact of Severe Acute respiratory FailurE study was an international, multicenter, prospective cohort study of patients with severe respiratory failure, conducted across 459 ICUs from 50 countries globally. This study aimed to understand the frequency and factors associated with death in hospital in patients who survived their ICU stay. We examined outcomes in the subpopulation discharged with no limitations of life sustaining treatments ('treatment limitations'), and the subpopulations with treatment limitations. Results: 2186 (94%) patients with no treatment limitations discharged from ICU survived, while 142 (6%) died in hospital. 118 (61%) of patients with treatment limitations survived while 77 (39%) patients died in hospital. Patients without treatment limitations that died in hospital after ICU discharge were older, more likely to have COPD, immunocompromise or chronic renal failure, less likely to have trauma as a risk factor for ARDS. Patients that died post ICU discharge were less likely to receive neuromuscular blockade, or to receive any adjunctive measure, and had a higher pre- ICU discharge non-pulmonary SOFA score. A similar pattern was seen in patients with treatment limitations that died in hospital following ICU discharge. Conclusions: A significant proportion of patients die in hospital following discharge from ICU, with higher mortality in patients with limitations of life-sustaining treatments in place. Non-survivors had higher systemic illness severity scores at ICU discharge than survivors. Trial Registration: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT02010073