776 research outputs found

    Efectos orográficos y friccionales en el clima del Levante español

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    Climate Warming in the Spanish Mediterranean: Its Magnitude and Nature

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    This piece of research completes the line of work on the thermal evolution of the Mediterranean region initiated in the National Plan on Climate Change. The study was undertaken to analyse the active regional thermal series over the 1950–1996 period, rigorously treated by the SNHT (Standard Normal Homogeneity Test) method. This research concluded that the evolution of the mean annual temperatures recorded in the major historical network of Spanish Mediterranean observatories exhibits a significant warming trend. However, analysis of the non-climatic processes, such as the urban effect and weather station relocations, allowed us to conclude (in a study published in 2004) that the assumption of temperature stability in the Spanish Mediterranean should therefore not be rejected. Conclusions that were partially verified in 2016, in particular of the true the urban effect, about the period (1950-2013). The results obtained showed that this magnitude could account for between 70 and 80% of the recorded warming trend in Western Mediterranean cities. In this context, twenty years after the end of the Plan Nacional del Clima, it would be wise to revisit, in 2019, the validity of the conclusions that the regional climate offered. This piece of research aims to assess the true magnitude of the climate warming recorded in the Spanish Mediterranean region. The evaluation is based on the records of 23 observatories belonging to the Spanish regional network of the State Meteorological Agency (AEMET), with complete series covering the 1950–2018 period, processed by the SNHT. The verification is further based on three new analyses. The first involves the analysis of the thermal evolution (1906-1925 and 1991-2018) at the observatory on the Columbretes Islands (28 miles off the coast of Castellón). The island climate series entails in-depth revision of the conclusions and trends set out in our previous studies. The second piece of research involves the magnitude of the Urban Heat Island (UHI, 2001–2018) using temperature records from seven weather stations located in the Castellón-Almassora urban area. The third piece of research was based on the analysis of a trend value that has stabilized since 2010, simultaneously to the decline of the population and the descent of total energy consumption. Therefore, this piece of work verifies the importance of the UHI and establishes the magnitude of the real t regional warming. The study suggests that the real value of climate warming in the Spanish Mediterranean region may be estimated at between 1ºC and 1.1ºC in the period from 1950 to 2018

    GIS analysis for the design of a touristic product: locating the highest village and municipality of Spain

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    Existe un turismo geográfico, que busca visitar puntos destacados en el relieve, ríos o fronteras. Sin embargo, algunos de esos puntos muy renombrados no escapan al error. Dos localidades se han disputado el título de ser la más elevada de España. El presente estudio hace uso de los Sistemas de Información Geográfica para resolver esta cuestión. Aplicación que ha permitido demostrar que Valdelinares (Teruel) es el pueblo de mayor altitud de España y Trevélez (Granada), el municipio, justo al contrario de lo que hacen gala las placas situadas a la entrada de sus respectivos núcleos urbanos.There is a form of geographic tourism, intended to visit main points in the relief, rivers or borders. Nevertheless, some of these very famous places are not immune to error. Two settlements have disputed the award of being the highest in Spain. This study makes use of Geographic Information Systems to solve this issue. Furthermore, this research aims to demonstrate that Valdelinares (Teruel) is the highest village in Spain and Trevélez (Granada), the highest municipality, just the opposite of what they show at the entrance to their respective urban centres

    Climatological normals in the observatory of Jaime I University (2003-2012).

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    El Observatorio Meteorológico de la Universitat Jaume I inicia sus registros a finales del año 2002 y desde entonces viene cumpliendo una de las más genuinas tradiciones universitarias: los observatorios meteorológicos. La publicación de la serie de observaciones hasta 2012 viene a cubrir la primera década de observaciones en el actual emplazamiento del campus universitario. Ello permite caracterizar con cierto rigor el comportamiento climático de la primera década del siglo XXI. Un comienzo secular que es analizado con notable circunspección a tenor de las predicciones del IPCC sobre un cambio climático y que hacen de nuestra región mediterránea una de las más vulnerables a sus impactos hídricos.The Automatic Weather Station of the University Jaume I began its records in late 2002 and since then has fulfilled one of the most genuine academic traditions: the meteorological observatories. The publication of the series of observations to 2012 comes to covering the first decade of observations in the present location of the campus. This feature allows rigorously characterize the climatic behavior of the first decade of the century. These records are analyzed with considerable circumspection because of the predictions of the IPCC on climate change which make our Mediterranean region one of the most vulnerable to its impacts on water resources

    Significant Climatic Warming (1950–2013) in the Spanish Mediterranean: Natural Trend or Urban Heat Island (UHI)

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    This investigation completes the line of work on the thermal evolution of the Mediterranean region (Murcia and Valencia regions) in the National Plan on Climate Change. The study was undertaken to analyse the active regional thermal series over the 1950–1999 period, rigorously treated by the SNHT (Standard Normal Homogeneity Test) method. In this context, fifteen years later, it was considered judicious to verify the validity of the trends and conclusions that the regional climate offered at the end of the 20th century. The objectives of this study are twofold: the verification of the Significant Climate Warming in the Spanish Mediterranean concluded in the National Plan on Climate Change (1950-1999) and the evaluation of the importance that the Urban Heat Island (UHI) has on the warming process. Within the context of the thermal evolution of the region over the 1950–2013 period, this verification has been supported by an experimental research plan aimed at analysing the thermal processes inherent to the urbanisation effect. Although the effect is undeniable, its importance is a matter of controversy. The results obtained have shown both the nature of the phenomenon and its significant magnitude. This magnitude could account for between 70 and 80% of the recorded warming trend in Western Mediterranean cities. Therefore, failure to take this process into account might seriously bias any analysis of regional thermal evolution, the main aim of this study and an aim that equally affects the hypothesis of global climate changePartially funded through grants CGL2007-29820-E/CLI, CGL2008-02804-E/, CGL2009-07417-E and CGL2011-14046-E of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation

    Presente y futuro de los recursos hídricos en las cuencas de los ríos Júcar y Segura

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    Uno de los principales retos científicos de la climatología mediterránea se centra en el análisis del proceso de desertificación que podría sobrevenir bajo los efectos de un cambio climático. Su aplicación al Sistema Hidrográfico integrado de las cuencas de los ríos Júcar y Segura, ha comprendido dos objetivos: la determinación del proceso hidrológico actual como punto de partida para responder a la cuestión básica de ¿Cuánta agua hay?, así como proyectar los impactos que un cambio climático podría tener sobre los actuales recursos hídricos de esa gran vertiente. Unos recursos que actualmente están muy ajustados en su valor medio para atender una demanda calculada en 5.126 Hm3/año para el periodo 2025-30 (PHN, 2001), pero que podrían estar gravemente comprometidos ante la notable reducción de un 28 % que supondría un clima con una temperatura elevada en 1 ºC y disminuido en un 5% de su precipitación media actual.One of the key scientific challenges of the Mediterranean climate is centered on the process of desertification it could occur by intensifying of the water cycle linked to global temperature rise. Application to Hydrographic System Jucar-Segura has included two purposes: the determination of the actual hydrological process as the starting point for responding to the basic issue of how much water there is as well as projecting the impacts a climate change could have on existing water resources in the watershed. These resources are actually very limited to satisfy a demand about 5.126 Hm3 a year for the 2025-30 period, but they could be strongly endarged in the future. A potential climatic change, with an thermal increase of 1º C and a rainfall decrease of 5% could cause an important depletion in water resources of around 22%

    Quality of life in menopause: the Cervantes scale

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    Treatment of Female Sexual Dysfunction Due to Dyspareunia with Solid-State Vaginal Laser and Recombinant Platelet-Derived Epidermal Growth Factors A Viable Possibility?

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    Objective: To examine the efficacy and safety of non-pharmacological and non-ablative options (or a combination of these) for postmenopausal dyspareunia. Mechanism: Narrative review on non-pharmacological and non-ablative options (or a combination of these) for postmenopausal dyspareunia. Findings in Brief: Dyspareunia is the most bothersome symptom of the genitourinary syndrome of menopause, often complicated by decreased sexual interest and arousal. Solid-state vaginal laser (SSVL) and recombinant plateletderived epidermal growth factors (RGFs) are new alternatives are new alternatives that improve female sexual dysfunction resulting from dyspareunia. Conclusions: SSVL is a new alternative the treatment of postmenopausal dyspareunia either alone or in combination with other alternatives with efficacy and safety similar to the classical options
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