86 research outputs found
The merger history of massive spheroids since z~1 is size independent
Using a compilation of 379 massive (stellar mass M > 10^{11} M_Sun)
spheroid-like galaxies from the near-infrared Palomar/DEEP-2 survey, we have
probed, up to z~1, whether the presence of companions depends on the size of
the host galaxies. We have explored the presence of companions with mass ratios
down to 1:10 and 1:100, with respect to the central massive galaxy, and within
a projected distance of 30, 50 and 100 kpc of these objects. We find evidence
for these companions being equally distributed around both compact and extended
massive spheroids. This finding suggests that, at least since z~1, the merger
activity in these objects is rather homogeneous across the whole population and
its merger history is not affected for the size of the host galaxy. Our result
could indicate that both compact and extended massive spheroid-like galaxies
are growing in size at the same rate.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA
Eficacia de una técnica cognitivo-conductual en pacientes quirúrgicos
El objetivo del estudio consistió en diseñar y comprobar la eficacia de una técnica psicológica en pacientes quirúrgicos, para reducir los niveles de ansiedad y depresión, y facilitar la recuperación. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 30 mujeres que debían someterse a una histerectomía abdominal. Estas mujeres fueron repartidas al azar en dos grupos: experimental y control. La técnica se compuso de diferentes elementos: 1) información; 2) expresión de emociones; 3) respiración, relajación, visualización; 4) ejercicios para facilitar la recuperación; 5) entrega de hojas informativas. Los resultados fueron: el grupo experimental respecto al grupo control, padeció menos ansiedad y depresión postquirúrgicas, sufrió menos dolor y complicaciones después de la operación, necesitó menos analgésicos, recuperó antes sus funciones orgánicas, y se acortó su estancia hospitalaria. Por tanto podemos concluir que la técnica psicológica diseñada se mostró eficaz como facilitadora de la recuperación en pacientes quirúrgicos.The aim of this study was to design and test the efficiency of a psychological technique to reduce levels of anxiety and depression in surgery patients and to facilitate their recovery. The test group was composed of 30 women who were to have a hysterectomy. These women were divided into two groups: an experimental group and a control group . The technique involved various elements: 1) information, 2) the expression of emotions, 3) breathing, relaxation, visualitation, 4) excercises to facilitate recovery, 5) distribution of summary sheets. The results were as follows: compared to the control group, the experimental group suffered less anxiety, less post-surgical depression, less pain and fewer post-operative complications. The women needed fewer painkillers, regained their normal bodily functions and needed a shorter stay in hospital. We can thus conclude that the psychological technique designed, proved efficient in facilitating the recovery of surgical patients
Resultados obtenidos en el tratamiento de las meningitis tuberculosas y de la tuberculosis pulmonar a los 12 meses de experiencia con la hidracida del ácido iso-nicotínico
Informe del IV Simpòsium Europeu sobre El Laboratori Clínic i la Indústria del diagnòstic in vitro: "Informàtica al Laboratori Clínic"
Non-parametric analysis of the rest-frame UV sizes and morphological disturbance amongst L* galaxies at 4<z<8
We present the results of a study investigating the sizes and morphologies of
redshift 4 < z < 8 galaxies in the CANDELS GOODS-S, HUDF and HUDF parallel
fields. Based on non-parametric measurements and incorporating a careful
treatment of measurement biases, we quantify the typical size of galaxies at
each redshift as the peak of the log-normal size distribution, rather than the
arithmetic mean size. Parameterizing the evolution of galaxy half-light radius
as , we find at bright
UV-luminosities () and at faint
luminosities (). Furthermore, simulations based on
artificially redshifting our z~4 galaxy sample show that we cannot reject the
null hypothesis of no size evolution. We show that this result is caused by a
combination of the size-dependent completeness of high-redshift galaxy samples
and the underestimation of the sizes of the largest galaxies at a given epoch.
To explore the evolution of galaxy morphology we first compare asymmetry
measurements to those from a large sample of simulated single S\'ersic
profiles, in order to robustly categorise galaxies as either `smooth' or
`disturbed'. Comparing the disturbed fraction amongst bright () galaxies at each redshift to that obtained by artificially redshifting
our z~4 galaxy sample, while carefully matching the size and UV-luminosity
distributions, we find no clear evidence for evolution in galaxy morphology
over the redshift interval 4 < z < 8. Therefore, based on our results, a bright
() galaxy at z~6 is no more likely to be measured as
`disturbed' than a comparable galaxy at z~4, given the current observational
constraints.Comment: 29 pages, 25 figures, 4 tables, published in MNRA
Evidence for intermediate-age stellar populations in early-type galaxies from K-band spectroscopy
The study of stellar populations in early-type galaxies in different
environments is a powerful tool for constraining their star formation
histories. This study has been traditionally restricted to the optical range,
where dwarfs around the turn-off and stars at the base of the RGB dominate the
integrated light at all ages. The near-infrared spectral range is especially
interesting since in the presence of an intermediate-age population, AGB stars
are the main contributors. In this letter, we measure the near-infrared indices
NaI and D for a sample of 12 early-type galaxies in low density
environments and compare them with the Fornax galaxy sample presented by Silva
et al. (2008). The analysis of these indices in combination with Lick/IDS
indices in the optical range reveals i) the NaI index is a metallicity
indicator as good as C4668 in the optical range, and ii) D is a
tracer of intermediate-age stellar populations. We find that low-mass galaxies
in low density environments show higher NaI and D than those located
in Fornax cluster, which points towards a late stage of star formation for the
galaxies in less dense environments, in agreement with results from other
studies using independent methods.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ
SHARDS: Constraints on the dust attenuation law of star-forming galaxies at z~2
We make use of SHARDS, an ultra-deep (<26.5AB) galaxy survey that provides
optical photo-spectra at resolution R~50, via medium band filters (FWHM~150A).
This dataset is combined with ancillary optical and NIR fluxes to constrain the
dust attenuation law in the rest-frame NUV region of star-forming galaxies
within the redshift window 1.5<z<3. We focus on the NUV bump strength (B) and
the total-to-selective extinction ratio (Rv), targeting a sample of 1,753
galaxies. By comparing the data with a set of population synthesis models
coupled to a parametric dust attenuation law, we constrain Rv and B, as well as
the colour excess, E(B-V). We find a correlation between Rv and B, that can be
interpreted either as a result of the grain size distribution, or a variation
of the dust geometry among galaxies. According to the former, small dust grains
are associated with a stronger NUV bump. The latter would lead to a range of
clumpiness in the distribution of dust within the interstellar medium of
star-forming galaxies. The observed wide range of NUV bump strengths can lead
to a systematic in the interpretation of the UV slope () typically used
to characterize the dust content. In this study we quantify these variations,
concluding that the effects are ~0.4.Comment: 13 pages, 11+2 figures, 3 tables. MNRAS, in pres
Experimental observation of Aharonov-Bohm caging using orbital angular momentum modes in optical waveguides
The discovery of artificial gauge fields, controlling the dynamics of
uncharged particles that otherwise elude the influence of standard electric or
magnetic fields, has revolutionized the field of quantum simulation. Hence,
developing new techniques to induce those fields is essential to boost quantum
simulation in photonic structures. Here, we experimentally demonstrate in a
photonic lattice the generation of an artificial gauge field by modifying the
input state, overcoming the need to modify the geometry along the evolution or
imposing the presence of external fields. In particular, we show that an
effective magnetic flux naturally appears when light beams carrying orbital
angular momentum are injected into waveguide lattices with certain
configurations. To demonstrate the existence of that flux, we measure the
resulting Aharonov-Bohm caging effect. Therefore, we prove the possibility of
switching on and off artificial gauge fields by changing the topological charge
of the input state, paving the way to access different topological regimes in
one single structure, which represents an important step forward for optical
quantum simulation
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