459 research outputs found

    Old and new results on normality

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    We present a partial survey on normal numbers, including Keane's contributions, and with recent developments in different directions.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/074921706000000248 in the IMS Lecture Notes--Monograph Series (http://www.imstat.org/publications/lecnotes.htm) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Approximation numbers of composition operators on the H2H^2 space of Dirichlet series

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    By a theorem of Gordon and Hedenmalm, φ\varphi generates a bounded composition operator on the Hilbert space H2\mathscr{H}^2 of Dirichlet series nbnns\sum_n b_n n^{-s} with square-summable coefficients bnb_n if and only if φ(s)=c0s+ψ(s)\varphi(s)=c_0 s+\psi(s), where c0c_0 is a nonnegative integer and ψ\psi a Dirichlet series with the following mapping properties: ψ\psi maps the right half-plane into the half-plane Res>1/2\operatorname{Re} s >1/2 if c0=0c_0=0 and is either identically zero or maps the right half-plane into itself if c0c_0 is positive. It is shown that the nnth approximation numbers of bounded composition operators on H2\mathscr{H}^2 are bounded below by a constant times rnr^n for some 0<r<10<r<1 when c0=0c_0=0 and bounded below by a constant times nAn^{-A} for some A>0A>0 when c0c_0 is positive. Both results are best possible. The case when c0=0c_0=0, ψ\psi is bounded and smooth up to the boundary of the right half-plane, and supReψ=1/2\sup \operatorname{Re} \psi=1/2, is discussed in depth; it includes examples of non-compact operators as well as operators belonging to all Schatten classes SpS_p. For φ(s)=c1+j=1dcqjqjs\varphi(s)=c_1+\sum_{j=1}^d c_{q_j} q_j^{-s} with qjq_j independent integers, it is shown that the nnth approximation number behaves as n(d1)/2n^{-(d-1)/2}, possibly up to a factor (logn)(d1)/2(\log n)^{(d-1)/2}. Estimates rely mainly on a general Hilbert space method involving finite linear combinations of reproducing kernels. A key role is played by a recently developed interpolation method for H2\mathscr{H}^2 using estimates of solutions of the ˉ\bar{\partial} equation. Finally, by a transference principle from H2H^2 of the unit disc, explicit examples of compact composition operators with approximation numbers decaying at essentially any sub-exponential rate can be displayed.Comment: Final version, to appear in Journal of Functional Analysi

    Approximation numbers of composition operators on HpH^p spaces of Dirichlet series

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    By a theorem of Bayart, φ\varphi generates a bounded composition operator on the Hardy space \Hpof Dirichlet series (1p<1\le p<\infty) only if φ(s)=c0s+ψ(s)\varphi(s)=c_0 s+\psi(s), where c0c_0 is a nonnegative integer and ψ\psi a Dirichlet series with the following mapping properties: ψ\psi maps the right half-plane into the half-plane \Real s >1/2 if c0=0c_0=0 and is either identically zero or maps the right half-plane into itself if c0c_0 is positive. It is shown that the nnth approximation numbers of bounded composition operators on \Hp are bounded below by a constant times rnr^n for some 0<r<10<r<1 when c0=0c_0=0 and bounded below by a constant times nAn^{-A} for some A>0A>0 when c0c_0 is positive. Both results are best possible. Estimates rely on a combination of soft tools from Banach space theory (ss-numbers, type and cotype of Banach spaces, Weyl inequalities, and Schauder bases) and a certain interpolation method for \Ht, developed in an earlier paper, using estimates of solutions of the \overline{\partial} equation. A transference principle from HpH^p of the unit disc is discussed, leading to explicit examples of compact composition operators on \Ho with approximation numbers decaying at a variety of sub-exponential rates. Finally, a new Littlewood--Paley formula is established, yielding a sufficient condition for a composition operator on \Hp to be compact.Comment: This is the final version of the paper, to appear in Annales de l'Institut Fourie

    On approximation numbers of composition operators

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    We show that the approximation numbers of a compact composition operator on the weighted Bergman spaces Bα\mathfrak{B}_\alpha of the unit disk can tend to 0 arbitrarily slowly, but that they never tend quickly to 0: they grow at least exponentially, and this speed of convergence is only obtained for symbols which do not approach the unit circle. We also give an upper bounds and explicit an example

    Estimates for approximation numbers of some classes of composition operators on the Hardy space

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    We give estimates for the approximation numbers of composition operators on H2H^2, in terms of some modulus of continuity. For symbols whose image is contained in a polygon, we get that these approximation numbers are dominated by \e^{- c \sqrt n}. When the symbol is continuous on the closed unit disk and has a domain touching the boundary non-tangentially at a finite number of points, with a good behavior at the boundary around those points, we can improve this upper estimate. A lower estimate is given when this symbol has a good radial behavior at some point. As an application we get that, for the cusp map, the approximation numbers are equivalent, up to constants, to \e^{- c \, n / \log n}, very near to the minimal value \e^{- c \, n}. We also see the limitations of our methods. To finish, we improve a result of O. El-Fallah, K. Kellay, M. Shabankhah and H. Youssfi, in showing that for every compact set KK of the unit circle \T with Lebesgue measure 0, there exists a compact composition operator Cϕ ⁣:H2H2C_\phi \colon H^2 \to H^2, which is in all Schatten classes, and such that ϕ=1\phi = 1 on KK and ϕ<1|\phi | < 1 outside KK

    A spectral radius type formula for approximation numbers of composition operators

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    For approximation numbers an(Cϕ)a_n (C_\phi) of composition operators CϕC_\phi on weighted analytic Hilbert spaces, including the Hardy, Bergman and Dirichlet cases, with symbol ϕ\phi of uniform norm <1< 1, we prove that \lim_{n \to \infty} [a_n (C_\phi)]^{1/n} = \e^{- 1/ \capa [\phi (\D)]}, where \capa [\phi (\D)] is the Green capacity of \phi (\D) in \D. This formula holds also for HpH^p with 1p<1 \leq p < \infty.Comment: 25 page

    Infinitesimal Carleson property for weighted measures induced by analytic self-maps of the unit disk

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    We prove that, for every α>1\alpha > -1, the pull-back measure ϕ(Aα)\phi ({\cal A}_\alpha) of the measure dAα(z)=(α+1)(1z2)αdA(z)d{\cal A}_\alpha (z) = (\alpha + 1) (1 - |z|^2)^\alpha \, d{\cal A} (z), where A{\cal A} is the normalized area measure on the unit disk \D, by every analytic self-map \phi \colon \D \to \D is not only an (α+2)(\alpha + 2)-Carleson measure, but that the measure of the Carleson windows of size \eps h is controlled by \eps^{\alpha + 2} times the measure of the corresponding window of size hh. This means that the property of being an (α+2)(\alpha + 2)-Carleson measure is true at all infinitesimal scales. We give an application by characterizing the compactness of composition operators on weighted Bergman-Orlicz spaces

    Approximation numbers of composition operators on the Hardy space of the ball and of the polydisk

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    We give general estimates for the approximation numbers of composition operators on the Hardy space on the ball B_dB\_d and the polydisk DdD^d

    Two remarks on composition operators on the Dirichlet space

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    We show that the decay of approximation numbers of compact composition operators on the Dirichlet space D\mathcal{D} can be as slow as we wish, which was left open in the cited work. We also prove the optimality of a result of O.~El-Fallah, K.~Kellay, M.~Shabankhah and A.~Youssfi on boundedness on D\mathcal{D} of self-maps of the disk all of whose powers are norm-bounded in D\mathcal{D}.Comment: 15 page