170 research outputs found

    Índice de calidad laboral para aglomerados de Argentina (2004-2017)

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    En el trabajo que a continuación presentamos procedemos a mostrar la bibliografía existente al tema calidad de vida laboral así como los conceptos necesarios para poder abordarla. Tras llevar a cabo un estudio de la bibliografía presentada elaboramos un índice de calidad laboral para algunos aglomerados de Argentina basándonos en el modelo de SEL consultores (2007) como base para poder analizar la situación de calidad laboral. El índice está compuesto por los índices de salarios y características de la ocupación, cuyo resultado se obtiene ponderando con igual peso relativo las variables que los componen: tasa de empleo, formalidad laboral, tasa de permanencia en el empleo, complemento del coeficiente de Gini, cobertura de necesidades básicas, e ingreso real. Las tres primeras componen al índice de características de la ocupación y las tres restantes al índice de salarios. Los datos utilizados para la elaboración del índice de calidad laboral fueron extraídos de la Encuesta Permanente de Hogares (EPH) y del Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas y Censos (INDEC). Además promediamos dicho índice para poder construir un índice de calidad laboral por región que compone al país utilizando las mismas variables macroeconómicas que calculamos para el primer índice elaborado. El objetivo del trabajo es poder estudiar la evolución de ambos índices durante el período de análisis (2004-2017) y el impacto que tiene en el bienestar de la sociedad.Fil: Guarino Quartara, Camila. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas

    Impacto del aislamiento social, preventivo y obligatorio por COVID-19, del año 2020, en el cotidiano de los y las adolescentes que asisten al Dispositivo de Tratamiento Comunitario (DTC) Sedronar, de San Rafael, Mendoza

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    El aislamiento social, preventivo y obligatorio (ASPO) por Covid-19, que tuvo vigencia del 20 de marzo de 2020 al 30 de noviembre de 2020, provocó un gran impacto en la salud integral de toda la población. El presente trabajo evidencia dicho impacto en el cotidiano de los y las adolescentes que asisten al Dispositivo de Tratamiento Comunitario (DTC) de Sedronar, ubicado en San Rafael, Mendoza. La recopilación de la información se llevó a cabo a través de 7 entrevistas semiestructuradas, dirigidas a adolescentes de distintos géneros y distritos, que asistían antes, durante y posterior al ASPO, de manera periódica, al dispositivo de Sedronar. Las principales áreas afectadas fueron: relación con amigos/as y compañeros/as, descanso y sueño, ejercicio físico, tiempo libre y ocio, uso del celular y las redes sociales, estructuración y organización de la rutina diaria; con un menor impacto en las áreas de relación con familiares y convivientes y alimentación. Posterior al ASPO, la mayoría de las/los usuarias/os volvieron a sus actividades y a su rutina previa, con algunas modificaciones que evidenciaron el impacto del confinamiento en la salud integral. El intento de cada adolescente por recuperar y reinventar su cotidiano se observa como producto del esfuerzo de cada sujeto y no así como estrategia de política pública

    La infracción del deber en los delitos contra la administración pública

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    El presente trabajo se ha desarrollado dentro del marco de la actividad de la función pública, es por ello que hemos querido abordar los delitos contra la Administración Pública, ya que estos son considerados por la dogmática penal como delitos especiales debido a la posición o cualidad del sujeto activo (intraneus) dentro de la construcción típica de estos delitos, en el cual recaen deberes especiales en sentido positivo. Deberes que son de garantía, ayuda, cuidado, protección y fomento institucional. Por lo cual, el criterio para sancionar a estos delitos ya no se encuentra en el Dominio del Hecho del sujeto activo, como era el caso en los delitos comunes, sino en la infracción de ese deber especial al que se encuentra sometido por su especial relación con el aparato institucional. Dentro de esta gama de delitos y su construcción dogmática hemos enfocado nuestra principal atención en el análisis del expediente 1469-2006, Caso: Peculado, el cual a través del método descriptivo explicativo y el diseño no experimental ex post facto se ha concluido en el acuerdo del Pleno Jurisdiccional de las Salas Penales Permanentes y Transitoria de la Corte Suprema de Justicia de la República, el cual, mediante acuerdo plenario 4-2005, señalo que el artículo 387 de código penal, establece en primer lugar la acción dolosa en el delito de peculado, al señalar que el funcionario o servidor público que se apropia o utiliza, en cualquier forma, para sí o para otro, caudales o efectos cuya percepción, administración o custodia le estén confiados por razón de su cargo. Siendo la conclusión: Que, según los hechos que se han comprobado a través del abundante material probatorio, se ha determinado contundentemente la responsabilidad penal de los acusados.Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesiona

    First Evaluation of [11C]R116301 as an In Vivo Tracer of NK1 Receptors in Man

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    PURPOSE: NK1 receptors have been implicated in various neuropsychiatric and other disorders. R116301 is a selective NK1 receptor antagonist. In this pilot study, [(11)C]R116301 was evaluated as a potential positron emission tomography (PET) ligand for the NK1 receptor. PROCEDURES: Two dynamic PET studies were performed in three normal volunteers before and after a blocking dose of aprepitant. Data were analyzed using striatum to cerebellum standardized uptake value (SUV) ratios. RESULTS: Baseline SUV ratios at 60-90 min after injection ranged from 1.22 to 1.70. Following aprepitant administration, this specific signal was completely blocked. Aprepitant administration did not significantly affect uptake in cerebellum, confirming the absence of NK1 receptors in cerebellum. CONCLUSION: These preliminary results indicate that [(11)C]R116301 has potential as a radioligand for in vivo assessment of NK1 receptors in the human brai

    Neurokinin 1 receptor blockade in the medial amygdala attenuates alcohol drinking in rats with innate anxiety but not in Wistar rats

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    Background and Purpose: Substance P and its preferred neurokinin receptor NK1 have been implicated in stress and anxiety and have been proposed as possible therapeutic targets for the treatment of anxiety/depression. Attention is also being focused on the role this neuropeptide system may play in drug addiction, because stress-related mechanisms promote drug abuse. Experimental Approach: The effects of the rat-specific NK1 receptor antagonist, L822429, on alcohol intake and seeking behaviour was investigated in genetically selected Marchigian Sardinian alcohol preferring rats. These rats demonstrate an anxious phenotype and are highly sensitive to stress and stress-induced drinking. Key Results: Systemic administration of L822429 significantly reduced operant alcohol self-administration in Marchigian Sardinian alcohol preferring rats, but did not reduce alcohol self-administration in stock Wistar rats. NK1 receptor antagonism also attenuated yohimbine-induced reinstatement of alcohol seeking at all doses tested but had no effect on cue-induced reinstatement of alcohol seeking. L822429 reduced operant alcohol self-administration when injected into the lateral cerebroventricles or the medial amygdala. L822429 injected into the medial amygdala also significantly reduced anxiety-like behaviour in the elevated plus maze test. No effects on alcohol intake were observed following injection of L822429 into the dorsal or the ventral hippocampus. Conclusions and Implications Our results suggest that NK1 receptor antagonists may be useful for the treatment of alcohol addiction associated with stress or comorbid anxiety disorders. The medial amygdala appears to be an important brain site of action of NK1 receptor antagonism

    Dalla Guerra mondiale alla civiltà internazionale

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    Con una lettera del ministro Scialoj

    Molecular analysis for quality contrai in tornato production.

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    embargoed_20250607La shelf-life è il tempo massimo entro il quale un prodotto alimentare può essere mantenuto in commercio in condizioni ottimali di qualità e sicurezza, seguendo le corrette modalità di conservazione e utilizzo indicate dal produttore in etichetta. Le cultivar di pomodoro oggi più diffuse mostrano lo stato allelico eterozigote per i geni (rin = ripening inibitor, nor = non ripening). Questi geni sono capaci di rallentare il processo di maturazione e di consentire una prolungata conservabilità (long shelf life). I due mutanti, rin e nor, presenti allo stato omozigote inibiscono la maturazione del frutto, che non assume la colorazione rossa, ma gialla. La colorazione è, invece, normale quando essi si trovano nella condizione eterozigote. L'obiettivo del lavoro di tesi è stato quello di mettere a punto un metodo per il monitoraggio del carattere “shelf-life” in varietà di pomodoro. L'obiettivo specifico è stato quello di identificare marcatori molecolari associati a questa caratteristica. A tal fine, il gene nor è stato sequenziato in varietà di pomodoro caratterizzate da “long shelf life” e “short shelf life”. Il sequenziamento ha consentito di selezionare polimorfismi di singolo nucleotide (SNP). La validazione di questi marcatori mediante l’impiego di saggi molecolari “High Resolution Melting” e rhAmp ha successivamente consentito l’identificazione di un marcatore molecolare significativamente associato (p<0.01) con il carattere “long shelf-life”. Questo marcatore potrà essere utilizzato per il monitoraggio della shelf-life delle varietà attualmente disponibili sul mercato.Shelf-life is the maximum time within which a food product can be kept on the market in optimal quality and safety conditions, following the correct methods of conservation and use indicated by the manufacturer on the label. The most widespread tomato cultivars today show the heterozygous allelic state for the genes (rin = ripening inhibitor, nor = non-ripening). These genes can slow down the ripening process and allowing for prolonged shelf life. The two mutants, rin and nor, present in the homozygous state inhibit the ripening of the fruit, which does not take on a red color, but yellow. The coloring is, however, normal when they are in the heterozygous condition. The objective of the thesis work was to develop a method for monitoring the "shelf-life" character in tomato varieties. The specific objective was to identify molecular markers associated with this characteristic. To this end, nor gene was sequenced in tomato varieties characterized by "long shelf life" and "short shelf life". Sequencing allowed the selection of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). The validation of these markers using "High Resolution Melting" and rhAmp molecular assays subsequently allowed the identification of a molecular marker significantly associated (p<0.01) with the "long shelf-life" trait. This marker can be used to monitor the shelf-life of varieties currently available on the market

    The Post-Parametric Attitude in the Digital Materialization of Architecture: Beyond the Automation in Representation towards the Emerging Digital Fabrication

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    The purpose of this essay is to outline a particular evolution path of digital achievements and improvements in architecture. The author depicts the historical emergence of the digital in architecture presenting a sequence of world-renowned and pioneering researches focusing the dissertation on the materiality feature of the digital designs. The author paraphrases several scientific papers and books using the designer\u2019s words to support his story telling. In this way, this chapter proposes not only an illustration of several researches that go beyond the boundaries of computational thought. The author argues his standpoint that is the awareness of materiality as the substantial feature of architecture. The digital tools and any further related improvement of powerful parametric logics for design require the physical objecthood of fabrication to really enrich architecture. The chapter does not illustrate an own research project; it neither aims to establish a digital workflow for the digital fabrication of architecture. Rather it aims to highlight the fallacy of digital productions (in the meaning of simplistic virtual representation), pointing out the material instance as the address of the advancing of the digital as a method. The increasing availability of technical equipment kits should not be confused with the potential of the computation for architecture. According to these premises, it is necessary to start to examine some of the cornerstones of the last century to support the validation of digital fabrication and robotics as a powerful research field

    Computational and Manufacturing Strategies

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    This book highlights computationally enabled and digitally fabricated strategies used in the design of a series of full-size wooden structures. It introduces theoretical foundations and then focuses on the possibilities that have emerged as a result of the material-aware processes. The case studies expound wood as one of the most suitable materials to experience the seamless framework introduced with the digital design-to-construction chain. Two main aspects of the pavilions constructed, developed in various international academic groups, are considered. On one hand the case studies explore tolerances of raw and engineered material intertwined with machine processing; they also address material enhancement through strip applications in timber construction. In addition, the structures are examined in the light of an extensible designing path, which acts as an interoperable procedure, bridging the virtual and the real