18 research outputs found

    To be an educator in a day care setting : conceptions and educational practices

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    The “Day Care Project” is a group of professionals linked to the childhood education field that aims to reflect and investigate early childhood in the day care context. This group develops its activity at the Superior School of Education and Social Sciences of the Leiria Polytechnic Institute, Portugal, as an integrating part of the Center for Research and Development in Education. The data we now present concern the conceptions of two female childhood educators, of this group, on their developed practices in the day care context

    Projectos de educação não formal : actividades de animação de tempos livres

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    Relatório de estágio de mestrado, Ciências da Educação (Formação de Adultos), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação, 2009Os anexos encontra-se no CD apenso ao volume em papel.O presente relatório descreve todo um trabalho realizado durante nove meses de estágio curricular, desenvolvido na empresa Plenamente: Eventos e Serviços Educativos, Lda. Teve como principais objectivos participar nas iniciativas em curso da empresa e elaborar um programa de Educação para a Cidadania e um de Expressão Plástica, ambos a desenvolver no âmbito do Programa de Actividades de Enriquecimento Curricular. A participação nas iniciativas em curso da empresa deu origem a outros projectos, referidos ao longo do documento. No fim, todas as tarefas realizadas tiveram como intuito a dinamização e enriquecimento dos tempos livres. Para o desenvolvimento dos programas realizaram-se algumas pesquisas teóricas de acordo com os temas tratados em cada um. Posteriormente tratou-se da planificação de actividades e descrição dos respectivos procedimentos técnicos que cada uma implicava. As metodologias utilizadas para o desenvolvimento dos projectos foram as “dinâmicas de grupo” e “técnicas de expressão plástica”. Alguns dos projectos implicaram a organização de sessões de formação para os monitores/animadores. A realização prática dessas sessões ocorreu em dois dos projectos. Para a formação de monitores foram utilizadas metodologias activas e participativas, onde os formandos tinham um papel central. A realização prática de alguns dos projectos bem como de sessões de formação, revelaram-se como momentos essenciais ao longo de todo o trabalho.The present report describes the whole work done during the nine months curricular internship developed at the Plena.mente: Eventos e Serviços Educativos, Lda enterprise. Its main goals were to participate in the initiatives taking place at the enterprise and to elaborate a program of Citizenship Education and one of Plastic Expression, both to be developed for the Curricular Enrichment Activities Program. The taking part of the initiatives occurring at the company gave place to other projects, referred to along this document. In sum, all of the tasks performed were aimed at boosting and enriching spare times. For the development of the programs, some theoretical research was done according to the themes handled in each. Following that, the planning of the activities and the description of the respective technical procedures was done for each. The methodologies used for the programs development were “group dynamics” and “plastic expression techniques”. Some of the projects implied the organization of training sessions for the monitors/group leaders. The practical performance of these sessions occurred in two of the projects. At the monitors training, active and participative methodologies were used, where the trainees had a central role. The practical performance of some projects as well as the training sessions, revealed themselves as key-moments along the whole work that was done

    Recursos textuais para a construção de conhecimento classificativo - as taxonomias em manuais escolares de Ciências Naturais

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    This paper focusses on the linguistic construal of scientific knowledge in teaching-learning contexts. It aims to map the organisational structure of classificatory texts included in science textbooks and to identify the lexical resources associated with the verbalisation of classification systems. The study draws upon systemic functional linguistics (Halliday, 2014) and the Sydney School’s genre studies (Martin & Rose, 2008). The main methodological steps comprised the creation of a corpus of 100 classificatory texts, extracted from natural sciences textbooks (2nd and 3rd cycles of elementary education) used in Portugal, and the identification of their stages, based on the schematic structure of the taxonomic report genre. The results show a significant lack of obligatory stages, as well as the extended use of an optional stage: Orientation. The classification system stage was further analysed, focusing on its semantic and lexicogrammatical patterns. An irregular presence of different semantic elements was identified, as well as the use of lexicogrammatical resources that do not construe classification knowledge per se. It is argued that instructing students on the classificatory genre’s contextual and textual properties is essential to enhance their ability to comprehend and produce texts.Este artigo incide sobre a construção linguística do conhecimento científico, no contexto de ensino-aprendizagem. Tem como objetivos traçar a estrutura organizacional dos textos inseridos em manuais escolares e identificar os recursos lexicais envolvidos na verbalização dos sistemas de classificação. O estudo é enquadrado pela Linguística Sistémico-Funcional (Halliday, 2014) e pelos Estudos de Género da Escola de Sydney (Martin & Rose, 2008). Metodologicamente, constituiu-se um corpus de 100 textos apresentados em manuais de Ciências Naturais (2.º e 3.º ciclos do Ensino Básico), usados em Portugal. Procedeu-se à identificação das etapas estruturais dos textos, segundo as etapas definidoras do género Relatório Classificativo, e caracterizou-se a etapa Sistema de Classificação, focando os elementos semânticos e sua realização lexicogramatical. Como resultado, verificam-se uma ausência significativa de etapas definidoras, a par da presença da etapa opcional Orientação, e o uso irregular dos elementos semânticos do Sistema de Classificação, cujas realizações lexicogramaticais nem sempre se inscrevem no domínio classificativo. Defende-se a necessidade da tarefa de explicitação aos estudantes das coordenadas contextuais e textuais dos géneros classificativos, para otimizar a compreensão e a produção de textos científicos


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    Introduction: Autism or Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), is considered a behavioral neurodevelopmental syndrome. It is characterized by changes that affect behavior, communication and social interaction. Dental care for ASD patients is challenging due to repetitive behavioral patterns, communication difficulties, and refusal to follow commands. Objective: To review in the literature the importance of access to dental treatment for patients with ASD in Brazil and the challenges faced by professionals. Methodology: Literature searches were conducted in LILACS and PUBMED during March and April 2023. With the inclusion criteria, classic articles and ordinances that express correlation to the theme, in English and Portuguese. Publications that did not contemplate the methodological proposal were excluded, as well as course conclusion papers, dissertations and theses. Result: 84 studies were selected, eliminating 74 articles that did not fit the theme of the review, totaling 10 articles for the study. Conclusion: Patients with ASD need to be followed up by a multidisciplinary team. Parents and guardians have an essential role in supporting an autistic child, they can help ensure access to health and education. Dental treatment in patients with ASD is considered challenging for the dentist due to the associated difficulties.  Key words: Dentistry, Oral Health, Autism Spectrum Disorder. Introdução: O autismo ou Transtorno do Espectro Autista (TEA), é considerado uma síndrome comportamental de neurodesenvolvimento. Caracteriza-se por alterações que afeta o comportamento, a comunicação e a interação social. O atendimento odontológico para pacientes com TEA é desafiador devido aos padrões comportamentais repetitivos, dificuldades de comunicação e recusa em seguir comandos. Objetivo: Foi revisar na literatura a importância do acesso ao tratamento odontológico para pacientes com TEA no Brasil e os desafios enfrentados pelos profissionais. Metodologia: Foram realizadas pesquisas bibliográficas no LILACS e PUBMED durante março e abril de 2023. Com os critérios de inclusão, artigos clássicos e portarias que expressão correlação ao tema, nos idiomas inglês e português. Sendo excluídas publicações que não contemplaram a proposta metodológica, bem como trabalhos de conclusão de curso, dissertações e teses. Resultado: 84 estudos foram selecionados, eliminando-se 74 artigos que não se enquadravam no tema da revisão, totalizando 10 artigos para o estudo. Conclusão: Pacientes com TEA, precisam ser acompanhados por uma equipe multidisciplinar. Os pais e responsáveis têm um papel essencial no apoio a uma criança autista, eles podem ajudar a garantir o acesso à saúde e educação. O tratamento odontológico em pacientes com TEA é considerado desafiador para o cirurgião-dentista, devido às dificuldades associadas.  &nbsp

    WHO Critical Priority Escherichia coli as One Health Challenge for a Post-Pandemic Scenario: Genomic Surveillance and Analysis of Current Trends in Brazil.

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    The dissemination of carbapenem-resistant and third generation cephalosporin-resistant pathogens is a critical issue that is no longer restricted to hospital settings. The rapid spread of critical priority pathogens in Brazil is notably worrying, considering its continental dimension, the diversity of international trade, livestock production, and human travel. We conducted a nationwide genomic investigation under a One Health perspective that included Escherichia coli strains isolated from humans and nonhuman sources, over 45 years (1974-2019). One hundred sixty-seven genomes were analyzed extracting clinically relevant information (i.e., resistome, virulome, mobilome, sequence types [STs], and phylogenomic). The endemic status of extended-spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL)-positive strains carrying a wide diversity of variants, and the growing number of colistin-resistant isolates carrying -type genes was associated with the successful expansion of international ST10, ST38, ST115, ST131, ST354, ST410, ST648, ST517, and ST711 clones; phylogenetically related and shared between human and nonhuman hosts, and polluted aquatic environments. Otherwise, carbapenem-resistant ST48, ST90, ST155, ST167, ST224, ST349, ST457, ST648, ST707, ST744, ST774, and ST2509 clones from human host harbored and genes. A broad resistome to other clinically relevant antibiotics, hazardous heavy metals, disinfectants, and pesticides was further predicted. Wide virulome associated with invasion/adherence, exotoxin and siderophore production was related to phylogroup B2. The convergence of wide resistome and virulome has contributed to the persistence and rapid spread of international high-risk clones of critical priority E. coli at the human-animal-environmental interface, which must be considered a One Health challenge for a post-pandemic scenario. A One Health approach for antimicrobial resistance must integrate whole-genome sequencing surveillance data of critical priority pathogens from human, animal and environmental sources to track hot spots and routes of transmission and developing effective prevention and control strategies. As part of the Grand Challenges Explorations: New Approaches to Characterize the Global Burden of Antimicrobial Resistance Program, we present genomic data of WHO critical priority carbapenemase-resistant, ESBL-producing, and/or colistin-resistant Escherichia coli strains isolated from humans and nonhuman sources in Brazil, a country with continental proportions and high levels of antimicrobial resistance. The present study provided evidence of epidemiological and clinical interest, highlighting that the convergence of wide virulome and resistome has contributed to the persistence and rapid spread of international high-risk clones of E. coli at the human-animal-environmental interface, which must be considered a One Health threat that requires coordinated actions to reduce its incidence in humans and nonhuman hosts

    Desenvolvimento profissional docente : o (s) contributo (s) do Projecto Creche

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    Entrevista : uma experiência de avaliação do desenvolvimento profissional docente

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