284 research outputs found

    Higuchi Fractal Properties of Onset Epilepsy Electroencephalogram

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    Epilepsy is a medical term which indicates a common neurological disorder characterized by seizures, because of abnormal neuronal activity. This leads to unconsciousness or even a convulsion. The possible etiologies should be evaluated and treated. Therefore, it is necessary to concentrate not only on finding out efficient treatment methods, but also on developing algorithm to support diagnosis. Currently, there are a number of algorithms, especially nonlinear algorithms. However, those algorithms have some difficulties one of which is the impact of noise on the results. In this paper, in addition to the use of fractal dimension as a principal tool to diagnose epilepsy, the combination between ICA algorithm and averaging filter at the preprocessing step leads to some positive results. The combination which improved the fractal algorithm become robust with noise on EEG signals. As a result, we can see clearly fractal properties in preictal and ictal period so as to epileptic diagnosis


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    Distribution of fish eggs and larvae of red anchovy is variable in July 2003, April 2004, July 2004 and March 2005 in the upwelling waters of Vietnam. The upwelling process marked to the responses of adult who released the eggs in the strong upwelling period (June - August). The density of fish eggs of red anchovy are most abundant in the southwestern monsoon (July 2003 2004). Although the difference between the climatic means during all seasons, a clear tendency exists with high density of fish eggs in spawning ground of inshore waters (stations: 41, 42, 51, 52, 62, and 63). The distribution of larvae is different in comparison with eggs that demonstrate the influence of circulation of the mass waters through diffusion, transport and retention of larvae into the coastal zone such as bays and islands where are successfully for recruitment process of red anchovy population.Phân bố trứng cá và cá bột của loài cá cơm sọc xanh cho thấy sự khác nhau giữa các tháng 7/2003, 4/2004, 7/2004 và 3/2005 ở vùng nước trồi phía Nam Việt Nam. Quá trình nước trồi đã tác động đến sinh sản của cá cơm sọc xanh, biểu hiện là mật độ trứng cao trong thời kỳ nước trồi hoạt động (tháng 6 - 8). Trứng cá của cá cơm sọc xanh phong phú trong tất cả các tháng thu mẫu nhưng cao nhất vào tháng 7 năm 2003 và 2004. Mật độ cao của trứng cá nằm ở các trạm ven bờ (trạm 41, 42, 51, 52, 62, và 63). Quá trình nước trồi đã kích thích đến loài cá cơm sọc xanh đẻ, điển hình mật độ trứng vào tháng 7 - 8 cao hơn tháng 3 - 4. Sự phân bố của cá bột không đồng nhất với vùng phân bố trứng cá, chứng tỏ có sự tác động của dòng chảy qua quá trình khuếch tán, vận chuyển và đưa cá bột đến khu vực ven bờ (các đảo và vịnh) nơi ương dưỡng thuận lợi cho cá con trong quá trình bổ sung cho quần thể cá cơm sọc xanh

    Effect of phosphate fertilizer-coated Dicarboxylic Acid Polymer on rice yield and components under greenhouse conditions

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    A significant amount of phosphorus (P) becomes fixed by aluminium (Al) and iron (Fe) in acidic soils, leading to decreased efficiency in P utilization and subsequently lowering crop yield. Enhanced P fertilization offers a potential solution, as the dicarboxylic acid polymer (DCAP) coating on P fertilizer promotes increased plant productivity and more effective P utilization. The improvement achieved through enhanced P fertilization can contribute to higher rice yields in acidic soils, accompanied by an increase in P solubility. The study aimed to determine the impact of DCAP-mixed phosphate fertilizer on P uptake by plants, absorption efficiency, and rice yield. The results demonstrated a significant increase in available P (about 3.5 mg P/kg) when DCAP was used in a greenhouse setting, resulting in elevated yields and total P absorption (ranging from 0.03 to 0.05 grams/pot). However, the addition of 60 kg of phosphate mixed with DCAP has not yet demonstrated a significant increase in available phosphorus in the soil compared to adding just 60 kg of phosphate. The application of phosphate at a dose of 30 kg of P2O5 mixed with DCAP for growth and phosphorus absorption yield results equivalent to using 60 kg of P2O5 without DCAP. Furthermore, the use of DCAP in conjuction with 50% P fertilizer increased P availability by the same amount as that achieved with 100% P fertilizer. Consequently, DCAP reduced chemical P fertilizer in the soil by approximately 50%. However, it is essential to evaluate the effectiveness of mixed phosphate fertilizer (DCAP) under field conditions before recommending its widespread use

    A study of 3D modelling the vibrations induced from grab shock at the Metro Line 3 project in Hanoi

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    The density of high-rise building is increasing over recent years in urban city. Construction activities, particularly piling processes, D-wall excavation, are paid attention due to ground borne vibrations. The impact of vibrations induced from construction activates on existing buildings is discussed in the past and so on. However, there is rarely study their vibrations in Vietname specially in construction activities such as grab shocking. Continuing the analytical and experimental studies of the grab shocking in the Metro Line 3 project in Hanoi, 3D modelling of vibrations induced from the grab shocking on the existing building is carried out by Plaxis software. The hardening soil model is used and the acceleration of the grabin the bentonite slurry is considered in the model. The comparison between the analytical solution and the 3D simulation is highlighted in the paper to show the accuracy and robustness of the 3D modeling. This study is applied to investigate the vibrations on existing building in the Metro Line 3 project and to control the grab drop length as well as the distance of existing building to the vibration source

    Extracting Fetal Electrocardiogram from Being Pregnancy Based on Nonlinear Projection

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    Fetal heart rate extraction from the abdominal ECG is of great importance due to the information that carries in assessing appropriately the fetus well-being during pregnancy. In this paper, we describe a method to suppress the maternal signal and noise contamination to discover the fetal signal in a single-lead fetal ECG recordings. We use a locally linear phase space projection technique which has been used for noise reduction in deterministically chaotic signals. Henceforth, this method is capable of extracting fetal signal even when noise and fetal component are of comparable amplitude. The result is much better if the noise is much smaller (P wave and T wave can be discovered)

    Impact of foaming conditions on quality for foam-mat drying of Butterfly pea flower by multiple regression analysis

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    In recent years, the Butterfly pea flower has been increasingly interested in its color and function. However, the preservation of the extract faced many difficulties; therefore, foam drying technology was applied to solve this problem. The study was conducted to determine the effect of foaming conditions, including albumin ratio, carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) ratio, and whipping time on foam characteristics. At the same time, the multi-dimensional regression method was also used to determine the most suitable foaming conditions for the following process. The research results showed that all 3 factors strongly influenced the foaming process of pea flower extract. It could be concluded that the most suitable condition for foaming is to use 9.3% albumin, 0.79% CMC and stir for 19 min. Under these conditions, the foam expansion and stability were 584.79% and 96.44% respectively. The powder obtained from the foam drying of Butterfly pea flower extract was also analyzed for quality. The temperature of 65 oC for 4 hrs gave relatively high-quality powder with protein content, anthocyanin and antioxidant activity of 9.89 g/100g, 1.15 mg/g and 87.34% respectively. In conclusion, the foam-mat dried powder from butterfly pea flower extract is suitable for other processing processes, especially in the processing of folk cakes, pasta and bread industry

    Experiment-based Comparative Analysis of Nonlinear Speed Control Methods for Induction Motors

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    Field-oriented control (FOC) for induction motors is widely used in industrial applications. By using a fast and accurate torque controller based on a stator current controller it is possible to flexibly implement advanced speed control methods to achieve proper performance both in transient and steady-state states. In this study, a deadbeat controller was used for the current loop. The nonlinear methods used for the outer loop controller were backstepping, flatness-based control, and exact feedback linearization with state derivative. The dynamic responses of these three controls were compared through various experimental results. The advantages and disadvantages of the different control structures were analyzed and evaluated in detail. Based on this evaluation, an appropriate scheme can be specified when deployed in practice

    Analyzing surface EMG signals to determine relationship between jaw imbalance and arm strength loss

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    BACKGROUND: This study investigated the relationship between dental occlusion and arm strength; in particular, the imbalance in the jaw can cause loss in arm strength phenomenon. One of the goals of this study was to record the maximum forces that the subjects can resist against the pull-down force on their hands while biting a spacer of adjustable height on the right or left side of the jaw. Then EMG measurement was used to determine the EMG-Force relationship of the jaw, neck and arms muscles. This gave us useful insights on the arms strength loss due to the biomechanical effects of the imbalance in the jaw mechanism. METHODS: In this study to determine the effects of the imbalance in the jaw to the strength of the arms, we conducted experiments with a pool of 20 healthy subjects of both genders. The subjects were asked to resist a pull down force applied on the contralateral arm while biting on a firm spacer using one side of the jaw. Four different muscles – masseter muscles, deltoid muscles, bicep muscles and trapezoid muscles – were involved. Integrated EMG (iEMG) and Higuchi fractal dimension (HFD) were used to analyze the EMG signals. RESULTS: The results showed that (1) Imbalance in the jaw causes loss of arm strength contra-laterally; (2) The loss is approximately a linear function of the height of the spacers. Moreover, the iEMG showed the intensity of muscle activities decreased when the degrees of jaw imbalance increased (spacer thickness increased). In addition, the tendency of Higuchi fractal dimension decreased for all muscles. CONCLUSIONS: This finding indicates that muscle fatigue and the decrease in muscle contraction level leads to the loss of arm strength