47 research outputs found

    Accurate segmentation algorithm of acoustic neuroma in the cerebellopontine angle based on ACP-TransUNet

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    Acoustic neuroma is one of the most common tumors in the cerebellopontine angle area. Patients with acoustic neuroma have clinical manifestations of the cerebellopontine angle occupying syndrome, such as tinnitus, hearing impairment and even hearing loss. Acoustic neuromas often grow in the internal auditory canal. Neurosurgeons need to observe the lesion contour with the help of MRI images, which not only takes a lot of time, but also is easily affected by subjective factors. Therefore, the automatic and accurate segmentation of acoustic neuroma in cerebellopontine angle on MRI is of great significance for surgical treatment and expected rehabilitation. In this paper, an automatic segmentation method based on Transformer is proposed, using TransUNet as the core model. As some acoustic neuromas are irregular in shape and grow into the internal auditory canal, larger receptive fields are thus needed to synthesize the features. Therefore, we added Atrous Spatial Pyramid Pooling to CNN, which can obtain a larger receptive field without losing too much resolution. Since acoustic neuromas often occur in the cerebellopontine angle area with relatively fixed position, we combined channel attention with pixel attention in the up-sampling stage so as to make our model automatically learn different weights by adding the attention mechanism. In addition, we collected 300 MRI sequence nuclear resonance images of patients with acoustic neuromas in Tianjin Huanhu hospital for training and verification. The ablation experimental results show that the proposed method is reasonable and effective. The comparative experimental results show that the Dice and Hausdorff 95 metrics of the proposed method reach 95.74% and 1.9476 mm respectively, indicating that it is not only superior to the classical models such as UNet, PANet, PSPNet, UNet++, and DeepLabv3, but also show better performance than the newly-proposed SOTA (state-of-the-art) models such as CCNet, MANet, BiseNetv2, Swin-Unet, MedT, TransUNet, and UCTransNet

    Polyvinyl pyrrolidone-assisted synthesis of a Fe3O4/graphene composite with excellent lithium storage properties

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    Key Project of NSFC [U1305246, 21321062]; Xiamen city [3502Z20121002]This paper reports a weak interaction between metal oxide and graphene in the Fe3O4/graphene composite, which results in the superior electrochemical performance

    Polyvinyl pyrrolidone-assisted synthesis of a Fe3O 4/graphene composite with excellent lithium storage properties

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    This paper reports a weak interaction between metal oxide and graphene in the Fe3O4/graphene composite, which results in the superior electrochemical performance. ? 2014 The Royal Society of Chemistry

    Hierarchical structure LiFePO4@C synthesized by oleylamine-mediated method for low temperature applications

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    NSFC [U1305246, 21321062]; Major Project; Xiamen city [3502Z20121002]In this paper, a hierarchical nanostructure LiFePO4@C composite was firstly fabricated by an oleylamine mediated method. The oleylamine played a multifunctional role in restricting the particle size and forming the porous nano-structure of LiFePO4@C composite. Benefiting from its hierarchical structure, LiFePO4@C exhibited superior electrochemical performance, especially at low temperature. It can deliver a capacity of 117 mA h g(-1) at a current density of up to 700 mA g(-1) (about 5 C) at -20 degrees C

    Study on SnO2/graphene composites with superior electrochemical performance for lithium-ion batteries

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    NSFC [U1305246, 21321062]; Xiamen city [3502Z20121002]; Quanzhou "Tong-Jiang Scholar" program; Fujian "Min-Jiang Scholar" program; program for New Century Excellent Talents in University [NCET-13-0879]; Education and Scientific Research Foundation (Class A) for Young Teachers of Education Bureau of Fujian Province, China [JA13263]; National Natural Science Foundation of China [21353001]In this study, the in situ growth of tin dioxide (SnO2) nanoparticles on reduced graphene oxide (rGO) has been realized using a hydrothermal method. The size of the SnO2 nanoparticles in the SnO2/rGO composites prepared by three different procedures is about 5 nm, and they are well dispersed on rGO. When applied as anode materials for lithium-ion batteries, we found that the composites synthesized from the stannous oxalate precursor showed the best rate performance and highest cyclic stability. The surface status of the composites, including interactions between SnO2 and rGO and surface chemical components, was investigated in detail in order to understand why the composites prepared using different procedures displayed vastly different electrochemical performances. The results presented here describe a new approach for the synthesis of uniform and nanosized metal-oxide/rGO composites with excellent electrochemical performance

    Landscape composition and configuration relatively affect invasive pest and its associator across multiple spatial scales

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    Landscape structures affect pests, depending on compositional heterogeneity (the number and proportions of different habitats), configurational heterogeneity (spatial arrangement of habitats), and spatial scales. However, there is limited information on the relative effects of compositional and configurational heterogeneity on invasive pests and their associates (species that can benefit from invasive pests), and how they vary across spatial scales. In this study, we assayed the invasive pest Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel) and its associated fly Drosophila melanogaster in 15 landscapes centered on mango orchards. We calculated landscape composition (forest percentage, mango percentage, and Shannon's diversity) and configuration (edge density) using two methods: spatial distance scales and combined scales. Spatial distance scales included buffer rings with radii of 0.5, 1.0, and 1.5 km, and combined scales referred to cutting or not cutting a smaller ring from larger ones. Our results shown that compositional heterogeneity positively affected B. dorsalis and D. melanogaster due to forest cover percentage, whereas configurational heterogeneity with high edge density negative effect on B. dorsalis. Forest cover had less of an effect on B. dorsalis than configurational heterogeneity, but the opposite effect was observed for D. melanogaster. Importantly, the direction and strength of forest cover and configurational heterogeneity to species did not vary with spatial distance scales or spatial combined scales. Thus, compositional and configurational heterogeneity exhibit differential effects on this invasive pest and its associator, and revealed that the relative effects of landscape structures are consistent across multiple scales. These results provide new insights into landscape effects on interconnected species using a diverse spatial-scale approach

    Solid-state thin film li-ion batteries

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    Thin film lithium batteries based on polymer electrolytes and solid-state inorganic electrolytes are introduced in this article. We mainly review the progress of the all-solid-state thin film lithium batteries based on inorganic electrolytes, including the preparation methods and the properties of the cathode materials, anode materials and solid-state inorganic electrolytes. The studies on constructions of the thin film lithium batteries are also presented

    Controlling Reversible Expansion of Li2O2 Formation and Decomposition by Modifying Electrolyte in Li-O2 Batteries

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    锂空电池分别使用空气中的氧气和金属锂作为正负极活性材料,具有极高的能量密度。但是,这一体系尚不能实现商业化的应用,其中一些关键问题未能解决。由于其正极活性材料是气体,使得电化学反应涉及气-液-固三相界面,电极过程十分复杂。与其它二次电池相比,空气电极需要考虑结构因素和催化因素。不仅要改善氧气电化学反应的动力学迟缓问题,还要考虑放电产物的驻留空间问题。董全峰教授课题组在前期开展了基于空气电极固相表面电催化研究,并结合电极结构方面的问题,构筑了有利于氧气发生反应的仿生开放式结构电极。 该研究工作主要由化学化工学院2015级iChEM直博生林晓东(第一作者)在董全峰教授、郑明森副教授和龚磊副教授的共同指导下完成,理论计算由袁汝明助理教授(共同第一作者)完成,曹勇、丁晓兵、蔡森荣、韩博闻等学生参与了部分工作。周志有教授和洪宇浩博士生在电化学微分质谱方面给予大力的帮助与支持。【Abstract】The aprotic lithium-oxygen (Li-O2) battery has attracted worldwide attention because of its ultrahigh theoretical energy density. However, its practical application is critically hindered by cathode passivation, large polarization, and severe parasitic reactions. Here, we demonstrate an originally designed Ru(Ⅱ) polypyridyl complex (RuPC) though which the reversible expansion of Li2O2 formation and decomposition can be achieved in Li-O2 batteries. Experimental and theoretical results revealed that the RuPC can not only expand the formation of Li2O2 in electrolyte but also suppress the reactivity of LiO2 intermediate during discharge, thus alleviating the cathode passivation and parasitic reactions significantly. In addition, an initial delithiation pathway can be achieved when charging in turn; thus, the Li2O2 products can be decomposed reversibly with a low overpotential. Consequently, the RuPC-catalyzed Li-O2 batteries exhibited a high discharge capacity, a low charge overpotential, and an ultralong cycle life. This work provides an alternative way of designing the soluble organic catalysts for metal-O2 batteries.This work was supported by the National 973 Program (2015CB251102), the Key Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China (21673196, 21621091, 21703186, 21773192),and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (20720150042,20720150043). The authors thank Prof. Eric Meggers at Philipps-Univeristaet Marburg for his discussion about the synthesis of RuPC complex; Prof. Gang Fu at Xiamen University for his instructive discussions in DFT calculations; Lajia Yu and Dandan Tao at Xiamen University for their assistance in EPR experiments and UV-Vis spectroscopy experiments, respectively; and Yu Gu and Tao Wang at Xiamen University for their discussions in XPS results and CV data,respectively. 该工作得到科技部重大基础研究计划(项目批准号:2015CB251102)、国家自然科学基金(项目批准号:21673196、21621091、21703186、21773192)和中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(项目批准号:20720150042、20720150043)的资助。 此外,感谢傅钢教授在理论计算方面的讨论和建议,Eric Meggers教授在配合物合成上的讨论,泉州师范学院吴启辉教授和化学化工学院谷宇博士生在X射线光电子能谱方面的帮助,于腊佳老师在电子顺磁共振实验上的帮助,陶丹丹博士生在紫外可见光谱测试上的帮助以及王韬博士生在循环伏安方面的讨论

    Solution exchange method for synthesis of sulfur graphene composite

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    Conference Name:International Conference on Advanced Materials and its Application (AMA 2012). Conference Address: Changsha, PEOPLES R CHINA. Time:APR 28-29, 2012.The Li-S battery system has been intensely concerned for over two decades for its high gravimetric capacity and energy density. Herein, we report a novel sulfur-graphene composite fabricated by solution exchange method with structure of sulfur uniformly dispersed on the graphene surface or filled in layer space of interwoven graphene sheets. The conductive and high specific surface area of single layer graphene sheets affords essential electrical contact to the insulating sulfur. As a result, a reversible capacity up to about 1200mAh/g can be achieved at the current density of 100mA/g and with the increase of current density to 1A/g, the remained capacity can attain 750mAh/g in 80 cycles

    MnO powder as anode material for lithium ion battery

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    Conference Name:International Conference on Advanced Materials and its Application (AMA 2012). Conference Address: Changsha, PEOPLES R CHINA. Time:APR 28-29, 2012.MnO powder was synthesized by a facile pyrolysis method using Mn(Ac)(2)center dot 4H(2)O powder as the starting material at 800 degrees C for 3h under nitrogen atmosphere. The morphology and structure character of MnO powder was studied by Field-emission scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray Diffraction. The electrochemical performance of the product was evaluated by galvanostatic charge/discharge experiment. The results shows that MnO powder can deliver a capacity of 604mAh/g at current density of 0.1C, and a capacity retention of 88% is acquired after 150 cycles at 1C rate